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We explore relations between social network centrality and behavioral characteristics. Elementary school students nominated classmates for aggressivity, disruptiveness, popularity, studiousness, leadership, cooperativeness, athleticism, and shyness. Students had 1 of 4 levels of network centrality (i.e., nuclear, secondary, peripheral, isolated) and were in 1 of 4 educational classifications (i.e., academically gifted, emotionally and behaviorally disordered, general education, learning disabled). Across educational classifications for both boys and girls, nuclear students were athletic, cooperative, leaders, popular, and studious relative to lower centrality students. However, antisocial characteristics were associated with lower centrality for girls only. Aggressive behavior was positively associated with nuclear centrality for general education boys. Findings are considered in relation to sociometric status research and implications of the role of social network centrality in the establishment and maintenance of antisocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

本文对当前民办社会工作组织研究状况进行了梳理和回顾,指出现有研究取得的成果,并揭示了以往研究存在的不足,文章最后提出了我国未来民办社会工作组织评估研究的基本策略。  相似文献   

从社会工作与农村社会工作发展的现状入手,论述了社会工作尤其是农村社会工作的基础、特征、使命,强调农村社会工作的实践性与反思性,在此基础上提出丰富本土社会工作知识,加强与国际社会工作的对话能力。  相似文献   

Two questions were examined with a sample of preschool children: (a) What is the relation between emotion production behavior and classroom social behavior?; and (b) Does familiarity with a child affect the perception of emotion expressions and the relations between emotion expressions and social behavior? Two theoretical perspectives on the ‘eye of the beholder’ (familiarity) were evaluated: reputation bias and generalized effects. Sixty‐eight (55% female) children were photographed posing emotion expressions (e.g., happy, sad, and angry). Expressions were rated by classmates, peer strangers, and adults. Classmates and teachers evaluated social behavior. Analyses indicated that children who were more negative and dependent had angry production biases and were likely to display happy expressions instead of sad. Results support the reputation bias and generalized familiarity theories.  相似文献   


A model of social empathy is described where social empathy is defined as the ability to more deeply understand people by perceiving or experiencing their life situations and as a result gain insight into structural inequalities and disparities. The three components of the model—individual empathy, contextual understanding, and social responsibility—are explored and explained. Social empathy provides a framework for more effective social policies that address disparities and support social and economic justice for all people. Social workers are well positioned to enhance social empathy, and application and suggestions for further enhancement and research are provided.  相似文献   

"5.12"汶川地震后,大批四川籍灾民外出打工谋生。笔者通过问卷调查、实地考察、深度访谈等方式,深入了解他们在打工地的社会适应状况。统计分析表明,外出务工灾民普遍存在经济、生活、心理等层面适应不足的状况。社会工作可以分别从微观、中观和宏观等层面,通过个案辅导、小组活动、社区动员、政策倡导等方式,帮助提升外出务工灾民的社会适应能力,促进灾后重建工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震后,大批四川籍灾民外出打工谋生。笔者通过问卷调查、实地考察、深度访谈等方式,深入了解他们在打工地的社会适应状况。统计分析表明,外出务工灾民普遍存在经济、生活、心理等层面适应不足的状况。社会工作可以分别从微观、中观和宏观等层面,通过个案辅导、小组活动、社区动员、政策倡导等方式,帮助提升外出务工灾民的社会适应能力,促进灾后重建工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

The impact of children's clique membership on their peer nominations for social behaviors and status was examined in a sample of 455 third‐ through fifth‐grade children. Social identity theory (SIT) and children's peer group affiliation and context served as primary conceptual frameworks for this investigation. As suggested by SIT, results indicated that children displayed favorable views toward their own cliquemates, nominating cliquemates more often for positive characteristics (e.g., prosocial, cool) and high status indicators (like‐most, most‐popular) than for negative characteristics (e.g., aggression) and low status indicators (like‐least, least‐popular). At the same time, children's views toward their cliquemates were commensurate with the clique's normative reputations as determined by the broader peer group (i.e., grade). This suggests that children's perceptions toward their cliquemates, albeit favorable, are also regulated by the overall clique context. Meaningful gender and grade effects on children's cliquemate nomination patterns were found. Findings also were discussed regarding the impact of clique size on a peer‐based assessment of social reputations and status.  相似文献   

臧其胜 《社会工作》2011,(18):66-68
高校班主任工作是以学校为平台,班级为载体,以科学的价值观和工作方法重构、维系与发展大学生的成长环境,促使大学生实现预期的高等教育目标的过程。新生班主任的角色定位与工作策略直接影响该目标的实现。本文基于社会角色理论与"人在环境中"的社会工作理念,以高校新生的角色转型为背景,提出了高校新生班主任在工作中应承担的角色与相应可采取的行动策略。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of externalizing behavior as a mediator of the relation between social self‐control and peer liking among children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder‐combined type (ADHD‐CT). A model was proposed whereby externalizing behavior would fully statistically account for the direct relation of social self‐control to peer liking. One hundred seventy‐two children ages 7.0–9.9 years with ADHD‐CT were rated by their teachers regarding their social self‐control and by their parents and teachers regarding their rates of externalizing behavior. Same‐sex classmates provided ratings of overall liking. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the proposed model. Results supported the proposed model of externalizing behavior as fully statistically accounting for the relation of social self‐control to peer liking. This study demonstrated the crucial role that externalizing behaviors play in the social impairment commonly seen among children with ADHD‐CT.  相似文献   

社会工作研究在研究方法、研究手段等方面都受到社会研究多种方法论范式的影响,社会工作研究者无论选择何种社会研究范式进行研究,都会在选题、分析、总结等过程中有不同程度的价值介入,而源于价值观的社会研究伦理又将直接影响研究者的研究选题、方法和结论。本文从社会研究中的价值介入问题入手,探讨社会工作研究中的价值与伦理问题带来的思考。  相似文献   

Acculturation and Korean-American Children's Social and Play Behavior   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined how acculturation styles are related to Korean immigrant mothers' parenting and play attitudes and their young children's social and play behavior. 108 Korean-American and 52 European-American mothers completed the Parents as Teacher Inventory and a play questionnaire. Observers recorded children's social and play behavior during free play activities in their preschool, and teachers rated their social behavior. Korean-American mothers completed an acculturation measure. Results showed Korean-American mothers who had an 'assimilated' acculturation style, were more accepting and encouraging of children's creativity and play, and reported more parent-child play in the home than mothers with an integrated, marginal, or separated acculturation styles. Children of assimilated and integrated mothers engaged in more frequent pretend play and were rated by their teachers as being more difficult. The results suggest there are distinct cultures of family life and childhood that manifest themselves as Korean immigrant families individually adapt to life in the U.S. The findings support the importance of examining cultural differences that exist between people whose ancestry can be traced to the same nationality.  相似文献   

在韩国,提供社会福利服务的主体是公共部门和民间部门。公共部门的主体是中央和地方政府,民间部门包括个人、社会福利法人、宗教团体、志愿者团体等。在民间部门中起主导作用,处于核心地位的是社会福利法人组织。在社会福利法人中,国家资源和民间资本结合在一起,共同承担着增进国民福利的责任。本文主要分析韩国社会福利法人的特征,考察韩国社会福利法人发展现状和运营模式,探讨社会福利法人发展过程中存在的问题及改善方案。  相似文献   

启程2008年11月4日,我带着一个红白蓝胶袋、一个皮夹,背着一部手提电脑,一个人来到了江门,一个全新的城市,开始了我的社工生涯.来到这个城市,主要是因为被健玲师姐那份浓浓的家乡情怀深深吸引,当时从报道中看到她那种投入和不断将社工理念和方法融入到医院工作中的热情,我的心里有一股热潮:这就是我要去的地方!从我开始接触社工...  相似文献   

王红  祝西冰 《社会工作》2009,(18):12-14
作为社工研究的重要方法之一,质化研究的选择需考虑具体社工情景,其执行需解决研究中目标定位、研究者角色界定、伦理困境、进程介入及结束标准等方面的困惑及疑虑,而其评估需把握“科学性”,强调哲学范式与样本选择等议题,保持批判反思态度并高度关注社工目的。  相似文献   

目前,社会需要大量的社工专业人才,但社工人才流失却很严重。社工教育对学生社工实务能力的培养有限,学生对专业的认同也不够,是导致社工人才流失的部分原因。在社工教学中融入社工元素有助于改变这一现状。文章分享了将社工元素融入社工教学的一些经验,并尝试提出相应的社工教学改革建议,以促进教学质量。  相似文献   

Children with behavioral inhibition, a temperamental style characterized by infant distress to novelty and childhood social reticence, exhibit both continuity and discontinuity of this behavioral trait over the course of development. However, few researchers have identified factors that might be responsible for these different patterns. In the current study, childcare history, maternal personality, and maternal behavior were examined as moderators of the relations between infant temperament, preschool social reticence, and childhood social wariness. Seventy-seven children participated in this longitudinal study that began in infancy and continued into middle childhood. Maternal negative personality moderated the relation between infant temperament and childhood social wariness. In addition, maternal behavior moderated the relation between preschool social reticence and childhood social wariness. The findings suggest that a complex interplay of within-child and maternal factors affect the development of internalizing behavior in the early school years.  相似文献   

在我国,社会工作和社会工作者作为名词已经为大家所熟悉,但了解它们的具体内容的人并不多,其中的主要原因是缺乏法律的明确规定。本文介绍了社会工作法律和社会工作者法律,特别是对社会工作法律和社会工作者法律的具体规定作了较为详细的介绍。本文紧密联系我国实际,充分依据法律条文,具有较强的实证主义风格。  相似文献   

蔡萍 《社会工作》2008,(2):19-21
社会政策与社会工作的研究共同点在于其目的是解决社会问题,从而改善和提高社会福利,一般的研究基于中国背景,更注重实务性;而本文则基于国外发展状况,旨在从理论层面探析影响二者发展的因素。  相似文献   

社会管理视野中社会工作人才队伍建设的十大瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国社会正处于一个空前变革时期,各种社会矛盾集中凸显,社会问题大量涌现,迫切需要建设一支高素质的社会工作人才队伍。但在我国社会工作人才队伍建设的过程中,存在着制度、价值、认同、岗位、教育、本土化、供需、管理、考评、激励等十个方面的瓶颈。如何突破瓶颈,是培养和造就一支职业化、专业化社会工作人才队伍必须解决的课题。  相似文献   

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