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Digital transformation and the reorganization of the firm have given rise to new forms of work that diverge significantly from the standard employment relationship. Advocates of digital disruption suggest that the existing legal framework cannot accommodate “innovative” working templates and business models. This article, however, argues that labour regulation can continue to facilitate innovation, presenting the employment relationship as a flexible instrument, and standard forms of employment as the means of achieving efficiencies and cost advantages. First, they allow for the full exercise of managerial prerogative and attendant internal flexibility in workforce deployment, and, second, they constitute an effective device to deliver training and develop skills.  相似文献   

The choice of an occupation is a lengthy process that takes place during adolescence. The young person passes through a number of stages until he or she reaches a realistic choice based on an awareness of his/her own potential and of the existing occupational opportunities. Empirical studies have generally attempted to reconstruct the attitudinal stages respondents went through prior to reaching their final choice. Hardly any attempts have been made to demonstrate the existence of these stages by means of behavioural indicators.

The present paper tries to demonstrate that the process of occupational choice, which leads to the social work profession, is accompanied on the behavioural level by participation in a number of frameworks for people-oriented work.

The empirical data reported are drawn from a study that compared between social work students and social science (sociology, political science, economics) students in Israel. The respondents were 279 students in a university based school of social work and 263 social science students from the same university.

It was found that a larger proportion of the former than of the latter group had indeed participated in people-oriented work, during the years prior to university entrance. Their activities in these frameworks were interpreted as reflecting, on the behavioural level, stages in the gradual crystallisation of their occupational choice. The possible implications for recruitment to social work training are discussed.  相似文献   

Alterations made in the architectural design can be considered as a continuous process, from its conception to the moment a built environment is already in use. This article focuses on the "moving phase", which is the initial moment of the environment occupation and the start-up of services. It aims to show that the continuity of ergonomics interventions during the "moving phase" or start up may reveal the built environment inadequacies; clearly showing needs not met by the design and allowing making instant decisions to solve non-foreseen problems. The results have revealed some lessons experienced by users during a critical stage not usually included in the design process.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to present 1D and 3D anthropometric data applied to two distinct design situations: one related to the interior layout of a public transport vehicle and another one related to oil and gas laboratories work environment design. On this study, the 1D anthropometric data were extracted from the Brazilian anthropometric database developed by INT and the 3D anthropometric data were obtained using a Cyberware 3D whole body scanner. A second purpose of this paper is to present the 3D human scanning data as a tool that can help designers on decision making.  相似文献   


Reflecting on a research project on workplace learning amongst low-grade staff in the public sector, this paper identifies a number of key issues arising from the research process. The theme which runs throughout the paper is a concern with the nature of power, both in the workplace and in the research process. The research itself focused on a relatively powerless section of the workforce. The process of securing access contributed to the research team's understanding of power relations in the work place and to consideration of the nature of the relationship between the researcher and the researched. The paper identifies a range of sources of power and concludes that researchers must use an understanding of the research process as a part of the findings, not merely a route to findings.  相似文献   

Social work research is inherently normative and as such the assumptions about social problems in social work research should be open to scrutiny and contestation. But although researchers often face tussles and huge contradictions, they rarely articulate them. In this article, we report on a small research project in which a collective of social work researchers in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium) tried to think critically through some of the questions and complexities they were confronted with in social work research, more specifically in research on poverty. Our research aim implied that we tried to discuss the choices that were made during a diversity of research projects, including making explicit the grounds on which this happened. We learned that the choices made, although they seem to be very obvious ones, often remained implicit during the different research processes. We conclude that social work research requires that researchers attempt to realize a practice of transparency. The pursuit of such a practice of transparency refers to the importance of the creation of reflexive space in research communities to collectively embrace and discuss the complexities of social work research.  相似文献   

The adequacy of facilities and the individual securities in their different age groups is importance to ensure greater functionality to them, allowing full development of daily activities. For this to occur more efficiently it is necessary the use of ergonomics which can ensure more comfort and safety for end users of products and spaces. The present study aimed to measure body dimensions of a representative sample of children aged 6 to 11 years old, children of graduate and pos graduate students, faculty and staff of the Federal University of Vicosa and also residents of the city of Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, coming from different municipalities of State of Minas Gerais, to organize a database that will provide the furniture industry, anthropometric variables more appropriate to design products for both the leisure activities, and for the school sector. To realize this research we used the methodology proposed by the authors Panero and Zelnik, based on samples distributed in six age groups, and providing a measurement of 10 variables. By applying the methodology to the field was possible to compare the observed data, with the tables of the aforementioned authors. The main results revealed a significant variation of the 10 variables analyzed, and it is believed that this variation could lead to possible flaws in the designs of products that use the data from these authors. The completion of the study provided data on Vicosa considered more appropriate for the design of products and environments for the population of the study, considering age and region, of Brazil (State of Minas Gerais) and it is believed that the future may expand to the Brazilian population, with the progress of study of this nature.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2007,21(2):165-174
There is a huge body of research focused on family caregivers. Underpinning this body of knowledge is the assumption that there exists some distinct entity known as a ‘caregiver’. Drawing on data generated through in-depth qualitative interviews with forty seven family caregivers, this paper will examine the usefulness of this self-identification to family members. Questions asked of the data included: how does one come to self-identify as a caregiver, what does it mean to be a caregiver, and how does affiliation with this self-identity influence the experience of caring for an older or frail family member. The analysis suggests that a recognition of oneself as a caregiver is produced primarily through interactions with others; without external influence, family members will often see the work they are doing as simply an extension of their relational role. Affiliating oneself as a family caregiver appears to have positive benefits which include promoting effective use of community support services and creating a sense of belonging and connection to a broader community. This can be empowering. However, an unintended consequence of assuming the position of caregiver may be the inadvertent discounting and marginalization of the person requiring care. Positioning theory is introduced as a useful conceptual frame for understanding the process and implications associated with self-identifying as a caregiver.  相似文献   

Social work is a gendered activity in terms both of its workforce and of the students who enter this profession. In this paper we analyse the underlying dynamics of this phenomenon in the Italian context, according to the characteristics and points of view of different generations of social workers. Data from a 2008 survey of 1000 interviews and 50 in-depth informant interviews are considered. Two multinomial linear models have been included in order to analyse the perceptions of younger and older social workers with regard to social work as ‘female work’ or ‘male work’. The results show that the perception of social work as a matter of gender is stronger among younger social workers, and that the younger generations appear to be less oriented towards equal gender roles. Longer work experience contributes to explaining different gender models. The chronological age of social workers, however, seems to be a less important variable in explaining the differences between generations.  相似文献   

Conclusion The trucking industry has experienced a drastic change in competitive forces in the past 20 years. These changes have led to longer hours and lower wages and arguably to greater risk to drivers' health and safety. They have also led carriers to implement new technologies, especially information technology, to compete successfully. While basic freight handling has undergone marginal changes (manual fork lifts giving way to powered fork lifts; drag lines and hand carts giving way to conveyors), and various truck technology improvements have led to greater safety (anti-lock brakes and collision avoidance technology), the basic work process has not changed greatly. The greatest changes have come from the introduction of information technology. Carriers use sophisticated routing and scheduling algorithms to increase the efficiency of their dispatch systems and hence the efficiency with which they use labor. Modern computing systems, with processor speed and storage capabilities hundreds of times greater than those of the biggest and fastest computers a human generation ago, allow carriers to process information efficiently and maximize their use of resources. Satellites and other modern telecommunications devices have made it possible to communicate with the truck and driver, monitoring both the truck's mechanical activity and location as well as driver practices. With the advent of the Internet, carriers can attempt to track shipments and vehicles to provide nearly real time information management, overcoming one of the greatest transportation problems. The University of Michigan Trucking Industry Program, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, provided funding for this research. Additional researchers who participated actively in data collection include Stephen V. Burks (University of Minnesota-Morris), Peter F. Swan (Pennsylvania State University), and Margaret Shackell-Dowell (Notre Dame University).  相似文献   

A key response to environmental degradation, climate change and declining biodiversity has been the growing adoption of market principles in an effort to better value the social good of nature. Through concepts such as ‘natural capitalism’ and ‘corporate environmentalism’, nature is increasingly viewed as a domain of capitalist endeavour. In this article, we use convention theory and a pluralist understanding of social goods to investigate how the social good of the environment is usurped by the alternate social good of the market. Through analysis of interviews with sustainability managers and corporate documentation, we highlight how organizational actors employ compromise to temporally settle disputes between competing claims about environmental activities. Our findings contribute to an understanding of the processes of empirically grounded critique and the under‐theorized concept of compromise between social goods. Rather than protecting the environment, the corporate promotion of sustainability facilitates the corruption of the social good of the environment and its conversion into a market commodity.  相似文献   

Despite evidence that inter-personal relationships are important in human resource management, little is understood about the nature of workplace social support in a disability context, or what features of support are important to the success of return-to-work programs. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore workplace disability support from worker and supervisory perspectives and to identify salient features for work re-entry. A total of 8 supervisors and 18 previously injured workers from a range of work units in a Canadian municipality were interviewed, and their views concerning supportive and unsupportive behaviours in work-re-entry situations were recorded and analyzed. A full range of social support dimensions were reported to be relevant, and were seen as arising from a variety of sources (e.g. supervisor, co-workers, disability manager, work unit, and outside of work). Respondents identified trust, communication and knowledge of disability as key precursors to a successful return-to-work process. Future research should explore the specific contributions of support to work rehabilitation outcomes as well as interventions to enhance available supports.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the Ergonomic Analysis of Work (EAW) in the process of rehabilitating workers, insured by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) in Brazil, and to conduct a brief analysis of the instrument used by this body. Information obtained from EAW enabled the demand, the requirements of the activity and the skills needed to perform the tasks in the workplace to be determined, thus aiding the decision of the INSS as to rehabilitating the workers and their return to their jobs.  相似文献   

Feminist scholars define ‘postfeminism’ as a set of ideas that both endorse and disavow feminism. Recent work documents postfeminism in interviews of women talking about experiences with gender inequality at work. The present study extends existing theorizations by showing how postfeminism obfuscates ongoing inequality at work. To do this I specify postfeminism in the terms of two mechanisms by which work becomes gender typed: gender essentialization and feminine devaluation. By relating the literature on postfeminism to sociological research on the persistence of gender typing of work, I show how ‘postfeminist ideology’ amounts to a double entanglement with gender typed work. In other words, postfeminist ideology drives distinct stances towards gender essentialization and feminine devaluation. I draw on 40 interviews with product designers in the United States to show this presents empirically. Designers essentialize differences between men and women designers, even mobilizing difference to claim greater inclusion of women designers, who are thought to empathize best with women consumers. Yet when essentialization is accompanied by feminine devaluation, designers deny it and it goes unrecognized. Because of this, the postfeminist ideology celebrates essentialized gendered differences, but insists on overlooking devaluation, which is a key element of ongoing gender inequality.  相似文献   

This empirical study is a psychodynamic view of the supervision setting and key emotional parameters during the client assessment process. The supervisor, through reflectivity, studied his own supervision practice with undergraduate social work students during their first field practice placement. By using supervision critical incidents, he formulated the basic characteristics of the supervision setting, and followed it up with discussion on the key emotional parameters of the supervision process. Particular emphasis was laid on psychodynamic understanding of the supervision process and the consequences of supervisor's interventions for both supervisees and clients. The emotional context of the supervision process during the client assessment phase was predominantly shaped by four emotional parameters: (i) the supervisor identifying with both client and supervisee needs; (ii) the supervisor concentrating on exclusively the educational character of supervision by avoiding dealing with student's personality issues; (iii) the supervisor dealing with client and supervisee ‘transferences to the setting’; and (iv) the supervisor setting and safeguarding the supervision limits and boundaries.  相似文献   

The article seeks to demonstrate the contribution that corpus linguistic software can make in news frame analysis and how it can help address some of the methodological challenges in the extraction of news frames. With the employment of corpus linguistic software WordSmith, the study conducts an inductive frame analysis of the UK press coverage of the Greek financial crisis, in which it combines principles of qualitative and quantitative analytical approaches. The findings demonstrate that, by integrating a statistical measuring mechanism in a qualitative analytical approach, corpus linguistic techniques can offer a systematic connection of stylistic and ideological features of news content and a more reliable identification of the loci for frames. Such techniques can also allow a better approximation of the unconscious level of frame construction. This can lead to a more efficient identification of frames that exhibit deeper cultural values and are more likely to shape the receivers’ interpretations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Ergonomic Work Analysis as a relevant instrument to identify the risks in occupational environments through the investigation of factors that influence the relationship between the worker and the productive process. It draws a parallel between the several aspects of risk identification in traditional tools of Health and Safety Management and the factors embraced by the Ergonomic Work Analysis, showing that the ergonomic methodology is able to go deeper in the scenarios of possible incident causes. This deepening enables the establishment of a relationship between the work context and the upcoming damage to the physical integrity of the worker. It acts as a complementary instrument in the traditional approach to the risk management. In order to explain the application of this methodology in a preventive way, it is presented a case study of a coal mill inspector in a siderurgic company.  相似文献   

It is believed that health and safety of workers should be worked with children and early teenagers, the perspective that adults are more aware of these issues by providing them with health and quality of life in their daily lives, this is want the ERGOSHOW. The choice of media means for transmitting content of Ergonomics, Health and Safety (OSH) is justified because of the great popularity of computer games are among the public of the study, thereby providing a greater assimilation of the content worked. Therefore, the aim of this study was to work with OSH issues related to children between 08 and 12 years old, city of, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. To achieve this we used the software ERGOSHOW, quizzes, and lecture. One can see that the use of multimedia tools in the learning, especially when considering the reports of mothers according to the different behavior of children after the development of activities, such as parents in correcting posture in relation to computer use.  相似文献   

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