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A field study in an automotive supply industry company was conducted to explore age-differentiated strain of assembly line workers. Subjective and objective data from 23 female workers aged between 27 and 57 years were collected at the workplace belt buckle assembly during morning shifts. Subjects with medication or chronic diseases affecting heart rate and breath rate were excluded. For subjective data generation different questionnaires were used. Before the Work Ability Index and the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire were completed by the subjects. Short questionnaires (strain-ratings, NASA-TLX) directly at begin and end of the work were used for obtaining shift-related data. During the whole shift (6 a.m. - 2.45 p.m.) bodily functions were logged with a wireless chest strap. In addition, the motion of the hand-arm-system was recorded for 30 times, 3 minutes each after a fixed time-schedule. First results show that younger subjects need significant less time for assembly (mean = 14.940 s) compared to older subjects (mean = 17.040 s; t(472.026) = -9.278 , p < 0.01).  相似文献   

Recent recognition of workplace learning from within the University sector has resulted in more emphasis being placed on including field experiences in course curriculum across a range of disciplines. This article begins with a short review of the literature relating to the current context in which work-based learning occurs. Next, selected findings from a survey of 39 Victorian social work students on their experiences of placement learning are reported. The survey focused on problems encountered by students on placement. A number of the problems students faced suggested the need for additional opportunities both before and during the placements to engage with material on safety in the field, and ways to deal with workplace stress and conflict. In response to these issues the article summarises some pedagogical strategies that may be used to enhance student learning in these areas both leading up to and during their field placements. In addition to matters relating to safety and stress, financial pressures were evident for students endeavouring to complete field placements. The recent moves from universities to embrace industry based learning, clearly has implications for funding support made available to students undertaking this type of education.  相似文献   

Many evaluations would be more useful to decision makers if their results were both explanatory and generalizable. In view of the limitations of traditional methods in meeting both these goals at the same time, the authors describe a research design explicitly intended for generalizing about the range of applicability of “explanatory patterns” (within a designated “target” population of cases). The paper presents an overview of the main features of a “multiple case study design,” shorthand for a multiple site, structured case study design. It then discusses the nature of explanatory patterns, how case study investigators pursue and recognize valid patterns, and how an analyst can apply the same logic to cross-site analysis in order to make valid inferences about the limiting conditions under which particular explanatory patterns apply to particular populations.  相似文献   

Berk R 《Evaluation review》2011,35(3):191-203
Along with the late Howard Freeman, Richard Berk was a founding editor of Evaluation Review (then Evaluation Quarterly) in 1977. He resigned as editor of this journal at the end of 2010. In this article, he reflects on his experiences.  相似文献   

Making Direct Payments a Choice: a report on the research findings   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We describe research done in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets under the supervision of the local Coalition of Disabled People. It involved three different client groups-people with learning difficulties, mental health service users and those with physical disabilities. Few of these service users, their carers and staff had any experience or knowledge of people with disabilities receiving cash to purchase their own support. The study focused on several issues: how to provide effective information; what sorts of support could direct payments purchase; how could it be accessed; how could users handle the money; how could it all be evaluated? Most carers, staff and users considered this radical idea favourably, but were suspicious of their own local authority and would want independent systems of supervision and monitoring, accountable to other users, rather than professionals.  相似文献   

The article explores a neglected topic – the effects of research on participants. At the end of a three year longitudinal research project concerning mothers return to the labour market after maternity leave, participants (mothers) were asked to assess their experiences of taking part in the research process. The paper examines three particular aspects of the research process which have important consequences for participants: the theoretical framework and research design, the research methods, and the study findings. A situation where there is a close match between the concerns and characteristics of the researchers and the researched is likely to benefit the project and participants alike.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the interaction between aging and 10 years of racing in endurance runners. Race-time data from 194 runners who had completed 10 consecutive 56-km ultramarathons were obtained. The runners were either 20.5 +/- 0.7, 30.0 +/- 1.0, 39.9 +/- 0.9, or 49.4 +/- 1.0 years old at their first race. Each runner's race speed was determined for each race over the 10 years. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, and independent t tests and showed that performance improved and declined at greater rates for younger runners; younger runners had a greater capacity for improvement than older runners; approximately 4 years were required to reach peak racing speed, regardless of age; it was not possible to compete at peak speed for more than a few years; and the combined effects of 10 years of aging and racing neither improve nor worsen net performance. In conclusion, these data suggest that although these runners showed similar patterns of change in race speed over a 10-year period, the extent of change in performance was greater in younger than in older runners.  相似文献   

This text presents a discussion on the process of developing interactive products focused on infant behavior, which result was an interactive game for encouraging infant feeding. For that, it describes the use of cognitive psychology concepts added to interaction design methodology. Through this project, this article sustains how the cooperative use of these concepts provides adherent solutions to users' needs, whichever they are. Besides that, it verifies the closeness of those methodologies to boundary areas of knowledge, such as design focused on user and ergonomics.  相似文献   

This article introduces the special section "New Research Findings on Emotionally Focused Therapy." Emotionally focused couple therapy researchers have a strong tradition of outcome and process research and this special section presents new findings from three recent studies. The first study furthers the goal of determining the kinds of clients for which EFT is effective (Denton, Wittenborn, & Golden, this issue) and the next two studies (Furrow, Edwards, Choi, & Bradley, this issue; Wittenborn, this issue) focus on the person of the therapist and provide some implications for EFT intervention and training. Together, these three studies provide valuable lessons on how to deepen our knowledge of the application of EFT for different populations and therapists.  相似文献   

This paper offers a structured overview of 50 years of small-world research. Initially formulated by Pool and Kochen in the mid-1950s, the small-world concept can be divided into six research foci, based on three dimensions (structural, process-related, psychological), and two process-related themes (diffusion, search). Building on this analytical distinction, the article provides a historical summary of the different phases of research on the small-world problem, and summarizes the empirical and theoretical progress on different facets of the small-world phenomenon. The paper concludes with a brief assessment of accomplishments and open questions, suggesting some possible future research areas.  相似文献   

Findings are based on a sample of four types of Turkish women affected by migration: 1) pioneer women who emigrated on their own (33 persons); 2) followers with wage work experience, who joined or left with husbands (44 persons); 3) followers without wage work experience (39 persons); and 4) women left behind when husbands migrated (45 persons). These women are compared to a non-migrant control group (54 persons). Sample surveys were conducted in three sites, which varied in levels of industrial development, economic diversification, and urbanization (Ankara, Kisehir, and eight rural villages in the province of Kisehir). The sample includes returnees registered with the Social Insurance Institute and persons located by the chain inquiry method. Prior research supports the importance of including typologies based on family types, marriage types, levels of education, and experience with wage work. This study confirms that pioneer women were more likely to have romantic marriages, to have nuclear families, to have higher educational levels, and to have prior wage work. Analysis of the 116 women with migration experience shows that 75% migrated during 1968-74. 22% migrated after 1980. 51% were returnees during 1983-85, and many received retirement benefits. Almost 65% spent 10 or more years abroad. 56% were aged under 24 years. 85% were married at the time of emigration. 61% viewed their migration experiences as improving their maturity and ability to handle affairs compared to nonmigrant women. 88% became housewives after returning. 27% of return migrants and 82% of nonmigrants had never had their own bank accounts. 69% of return migrants and only 22% of nonmigrants reported movement outside the home without permission. 63% of migrants and 39% of nonmigrants would cast political votes independently of their husbands. Migrating women exercised more independent behavior but retained traditional responsibility for housework. The greatest differences were between women with wage work and women without or with migrating husbands. Followers without wage work were the most disadvantaged. Migration is viewed as a significant factor in determining gender roles among Turkish women.  相似文献   

This article considers the application of phenomenography, as arguably the only research design (so far) to have been developed substantially within higher education research by higher education researchers. It considers its origins, meaning and application, and the issues and critiques that it has raised. It concludes that, while phenomenography has both acknowledged limitations and undoubted achievements, it still appears to have much to offer to higher education research, and its usage might be extended to other fields.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the car industry have put Human Machine Interfaces under the spotlight. Developing gratifying human-car interactions has become one of the more prominent areas that car manufacturers want to invest in. However, concepts like emotional design remain foreign to the industry. In this study 12 experts on the field of automobile HMI design were interviewed in order to investigate their needs and opinions of emotional design. Results show that emotional design has yet to be introduced for this context of use. Designers need a tool customized for the intricacies of the car HMI field that can provide them with support and guidance so that they can create emotionally attractive experiences for drivers and passengers alike.  相似文献   

Overwhelming issues and barriers often prevent rural and remote physicians (RRPs) from pursuing the many socially accountable research questions they encounter on a daily basis. Although research training programs can empower RRPs to rise to these challenges, there is a lack of evidence on how they should be developed and refined. At Memorial University, a faculty development program (FDP) called 6for6 has been helping RRPs surmount their research quagmires and engage in scholarship since 2014. After an initial three-year (2014-17) pilot, we prepared a detailed plan to evaluate the 6for6 research FDP for RRPs and inform future years of delivery. Using a modified Delphi method and participatory action model a group of program team members, stakeholders and evaluation experts developed an evaluation plan including a logic model and an evaluation matrix addressing five key themes. To our knowledge, this is the first evaluation plan for a research-focused FDP targeting RRPs. While this plan was developed specifically for the 6for6 FDP, our approach to its development may be useful to any institution interested in evaluating an FDP with limited resources.  相似文献   

The arts have been integral to the human experience fostering innovation in social arrangements, strengthening group cohesion, and merging esthetics with the utilitarian properties of technology. For intervention design research in the human services the arts can harness innovation and creativity in meeting human needs and addressing social issues. Given their capacities to stimulate expression of first person experience through interpretative strategies, the arts can equip people and groups, including researchers, with opportunities to express primary experiential knowledge through creative means, portray useful ways of meeting human needs, educate others about the social issues people experience, and formulate intervention strategies or even models to address the causes and consequences of those issues.In this paper, the authors discuss how the arts can inform and deepen human service intervention design and development and, as a result, advance innovation in the human services. They offer a rationale supporting the inclusion of the arts in the design of human service interventions, examine the contributions of the arts to the formulation of intervention concept and developmental research to further improve interventions, and consider how the arts can advance the reflexivity of intervention designers. The authors draw implications for how researchers can position the arts in the nine steps of intervention design and development the authors offer in this paper.  相似文献   

Results of a survey which sought to provide a profile of international Dominican migrants indicate that international migration from the Dominican Republic is primarily a middle class urban phenomenon, with rural unemployment representing only a small segment of the migration flow. The strongest reasons for emigrating were economic, and most migrants tended to leave the Dominican Republic at the peak of their productivity. The profile of the migrant which emerged from the survey does not fit the stereotype of an illiterate, unskilled, and unemployable individual who decides to emigrate to receive welfare. Results also show that about 40% of migrants had returned at the time of the survey, and suggest that the poorer the migrant, the less likely it is he/she will return. Most persons migrating in order to study tend to return after their studies are over, and a large number of migrants have trouble adjusting to a foreign society. Finally, international net migration does not seem to be increasing; in fact the findings suggest that net migration declined considerably in the 1970s, after reaching a peak in the 1960s.  相似文献   

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