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巴西库里蒂巴的快速公共汽车运营系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邹哲 《城市》2002,(4):43-46
库里蒂巴,一个古老的巴西城市,经过了二十多年的不懈努力,为世界创造出一种高效的大运量公共汽车运营系统。这是一种革命性的公交运营模式,这个系统在很多方面可以同发达国家城市的地铁系统相媲美。他山之石,可以攻玉。笔者希望,当今发展中国家的城市特别是中国的城市,在选择和发展城市大容量快速公共交通系统时,应当而且必定会从库里蒂巴的成功经验中有所领悟。一、系统设计理念的产生作为一个城市规划师或者交通规划师,当你为一个城市设计一套公共交通系统时,一般情况下可能会有3种战略选择:1.地铁系统,每公里的造价为1亿…  相似文献   


In arguing for the need to move beyond the export model and the global/local dialectic to internationalize American studies, this article explores the resiliency of the nation and nationalism to shape the transcontinental dynamics of the production, circulation, and consumption of 'America' as a commodity in a global market. In discussing the institutionalization of American studies in India, I argue that outside the boundaries of US American studies, we need to engage with the heretical practices of the globalization of American studies, which embody the translational yet conflictual itineraries of diverse interpretive communities across the world. Theorizing the relations among modernity, colonialism, and 'America', and re-imagining the emergence and significance of the many meanings and traditions of 'America' and American studies in transit along a global circuit are the central concerns of this article.  相似文献   

Technology change, rising international trade and investment, and increased competition are changing the organization, distribution and nature of work in industrialized countries. To enhance productivity, employers are striving to increase innovation while minimizing costs. This is leading to an intensification of work demands on core employees and the outsourcing or casualization of more marginal tasks, often to contingent workers. The two prevailing models of work and health - demand-control and effort-reward imbalance - may not capture the full range of experiences of workers in today's increasingly flexible and competitive economies. To explore this proposition, we conducted a secondary qualitative analysis of interviews with 120 American workers [6]. Our analysis identifies aspects of work affecting the quality of workers' experiences that are largely overlooked by popular work-health models: the nature of social interactions with customers and clients; workers' belief in, and perception of, the importance of the product of their work. We suggest that the quality of work experiences is partly determined by the objective characteristics of the work environment, but also by the fit of the work environment with the worker's needs, interests, desires and personality, something not adequately captured in current models.  相似文献   

天津:城市定位与城市功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩士元 《城市》2006,(5):28-32
进入新世纪之后,天津重新明确了自身的定位--建设现代化国际港口大都市.这一目标何时才能实现?这是许多人关心的问题.本文拟从城市功能的研究入手,对这一问题进行一次尝试性的预测.  相似文献   

As Commissioner of Public Works for the City of Toronto, 1 am concerned that our citizens are afforded the protection of an effective, practical and enforceable programme for the control of noise. The City of Toronto now has such a programme underway as a result of the “City of Toronto Noise Control Study”, done as a joint effort by the firms of James F. MacLaren Ltd., Valcoustics Ltd. and City Works Department staff and comprising two years of investigation and analysis of Toronto's sound environment and public opinion regarding noise. To my knowledge, no more intensive study has been done in any city in North America.  相似文献   


Beginning with a discussion of Fritz Lang's ‘Metropolis’, this paper considers the rise of the city from a theological perspective. The ideal of the modern city was, it is argued, a secularised version of the City of God: the city was to be a place where all human desires might be met, a city without a church because the moral perfection of each human being has been fulfilled. The advent of the postmodern city of consumerist desire undermines this secular dream, and opens a space for theologians to frame alternative visions of cities of erotic participatory desire.  相似文献   

王晓玲 《城市》2006,(4):59-62
城市形象是人们从不同层面对城市的印象和体验,是城市文化内涵的一种外在化表现.城市形象既包括物化的硬件系统,也包括非物化的软件系统,是硬件和软件、有形和无形的完美结合.由于文化是分层次的,因此城市形象作为一种文化形象也是分层次的.城市形象的外层为城市形体形象,主要指城市的建筑形象、景观艺术形象和环境形象;城市形象的中层为城市行为形象,主要指城市的管理形象、服务形象和企业形象;城市形象的内层为城市精神形象,主要指市民精神、城市精神和城市理想,它是城市形象的内核和灵魂.解读城市形象的文化内涵,对于塑造良好的城市形象至关重要.  相似文献   

The problems related to the means of transport in urban Brazilians have been getting worse over the years. The increase of the fleet, to the detriment of the adequacy and extent of the road network of cities contributes to this fact. This paper presents a profile of users of cycling in the city of Juiz de Fora, and thus contributes to the study of sustainable urban mobility, providing researchers with information that can guide the search for the encouragement of the use of means of transport to meet environmental needs urban centers that contributes to social equity.  相似文献   

李科  邹哲 《城市》2002,(3):25-27
一、前言 近年来,随着经济的发展,交通需求日益增加,城市交通拥堵、交通事故频发、交通环境恶化以及能源短缺等成为当前世界各国面临的共同问题,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都承受着不断恶化的交通的困扰。据美国有关部门预测,到2020年,美国因交通事故造成的经济损失每年将会超过1500亿美元,而日本东京目前因交通拥堵每年造成的经济损失约为1230亿美元。解决交通问题的传统办法  相似文献   

This article reflects on a series of workshops run by the art/media/hacktivist collective Deptford.TV in collaboration with the Centre for Urban and Community Research (CUCR), Goldsmiths, University of London in 2009–2010 and in 2012. The aim of the workshops was to create short films using hacked CCTV material. Participants, equipped with digital video signal receivers, were led through the city by incoming surveillance camera signals. Receivers cached surveillance camera signals making a range of city spaces visible. The material was then stored on a shared video platform and reshuffled in personal narratives and montages of the city. Hackers and media artists call it ‘sousveillance’ and frame it as a critique of the ‘panopticon society’. I argue that this practice reveals an unusually realistic portrait of inner city London and its working-class population at their everyday work. My contention is that the absence of such activities in narratives of gentrification and the presumed end of manual work make this portrait particularly valuable. The article evaluates this emerging and ethically controversial practice of video recording, asking to what extent it can become a useful tool for urban scholars, visual sociologists and media artists. In conclusion, I argue that the exercise provides moments of self-discovery for the urban stroller, who – while practicing a sort of heroic immersion in inner city London – paradoxically becomes a watcher of scenes from life fabricated at a ‘safe’ distance; a middle way between urban ethnographer and flâneur.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈区域性场外交易市场(OTC)建设论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过文俊 《科学发展》2010,(1):103-112
本文总结了武汉城市圈以往探索场外交易市场的经验,分析当前制约产权交易市场向场外交易市场转型的主要因素,提出构建武汉城市圈区域性场外交易市场的中长期战略和近期改革对策。  相似文献   

打造个性化城市关键在于唤醒城市文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛兆辉 《城市》2007,(2):72-75
城市是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物,是人类文化的结晶.城市文化和城市相伴而生,城市与生俱来就是一个文化中心.依靠城市文化的支撑,城市获得生存与发展的灵性和动力,形成自己独有的个性与特色.  相似文献   

This paper examines the wider social impacts of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and its 'legacy' ambitions in East London, emphasizing securitization as an inbuilt feature of the urban regeneration project. Drawing on extensive original empirical research, the paper analyses the modalities of Olympic safety and security practices within the Olympic Park itself and their wider impact, while also connecting this research to theorization and debates in urban sociology and criminology. In this complex setting, a raft of formal and informal, often subtle, regulatory mechanisms have emerged, especially as visions of social ordering focused on 'cleansing' and 'purifying' have 'leaked out' from the hyper-securitized 'sterilized' environment of the Olympic Park and become embedded within the Olympic neighbourhood. In such complex circumstances, applying Douglas' (1966) work on purity and danger to the spatial realm provides a key conceptual framework to understand the form and impact of such processes. The imposition of order can be seen to not only perform 'cleansing' functions, but also articulate multiple symbolic, expressive and instrumental roles.  相似文献   

In international public health and other disciplines there is a debate about the use of process versus impact (sometimes referred to as outcome) indicators in project evaluations. With growing international and national support for Healthy City Projects in developing countries it is timely to address the issue of how to evaluate such projects. This paper briefly describes process and impact indicators, considers the importance of process indicators given the role of institutional strengthening and capacity building in Healthy City Projects and discusses the balance between locally and internationally generated indicators. A case study of the first Healthy City Project in a developing country in Asia (Chittagong, Bangladesh) illustrates how the project is linked with urban management and can enhance co-operation, co-ordination, motivation, internal organisation, decentralisation and community participation. Finally, some institutional indicators for evaluation are suggested.  相似文献   

In contrast to most research on the non-monetary quality of life, which relies on subjective indicators, we construct objective measures of the non-monetary quality of life using regression methods, for South Africa's cities. We also analyse the extent to which the various cities have been able to turn improvements in per capita incomes (monetary quality of life) into non-monetary quality of life – as reflected for instance in a better environment, higher literacy and longer lives. When monetary quality of life measures are used for South Africa's cities, the ranking in 2004 was led by Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni, Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth. However when residuals from a regression of per capita income on (HDI) are used as a measure of non-monetary quality of life (i.e. the proportion of HDI not explained by variation in incomes), coastal cities tend to obtain generally higher rankings, with Cape Town ranked first, followed by Ekurhuleni, Durban, Port Elizabeth and then Johannesburg and Tshwane.  相似文献   

为什么是城市独栋? 如果说,我们印象中的城市顶级豪宅就是豪华公寓,那么,城市独栋就是财富精英们无法想像的了.公寓豪宅不论是将面积从300平米扩大到800平米,甚至更大,还是豪奢的造价从500万增加到1000万,甚至更高,也不过只是量变,始终无法改变其"集合住宅"的形态.  相似文献   


In ‘Defending the City’ George Pattison seeks to defend the modern city against the charge — made, for example, by Graham Ward — that it is a merely secular phenomenon. Instead, he argues that, in its essence, it is multi‐dimensional and pluralistic, representing a range of diverse possibilities, creative as well as destructive. Also, the modern city is shown to anticipate the essential features of the postmodern city. The argument is illustrated by references to Pugin's critique of architectural eclecticism, to Dostoevsky's invocation of the fantastical reality of St. Petersburg, to Kierkegaard and to Murnau's film Sunrise. It is claimed that the best Christian response to the city is to defend, not to subvert, its pluralism.  相似文献   

王长坤 《城市》2005,(6):33-35
一、现代有轨电车建设现状 轨道交通作为"绿色交通"是21世纪城市交通可持续发展的必然趋势.轨道交通包括地铁、轻轨、有轨电车等多种形式,而轨道交通中最有效疏散客流的方式是地铁和轻轨,但是,由于地铁、轻轨投资巨大,建设周期过长,需要强大的经济实力作支撑,也成为地铁、轻轨发展的"瓶颈".  相似文献   

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