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The present study was developed based on the analysis of workplaces in the engineering industry, particularly in automotive companies. The main objectives of the study were to evaluate the activities present in the workplace concerning manual handling, using assessment methodologies NIOSH Ergonomic Equation [1] and Manual Material Handling [2], present in ISO 11228 [3-4], and to consider the possibility of developing musculoskeletal injuries associated with these activities, an issue of great concern in all industrial sectors. Similarly, it was also shown the suitability of each method to the task concerned. The study was conducted in three steps. The first step was to collect images and information about the target tasks. As a second step proceeded to the analysis, determining the method to use and to evaluate activities. Finally, we found the results obtained and acted on accordingly. With the study observed situations considered urgent action, according to the methodologies used, and proceeded to develop solutions in order to solve the problems identified, eliminating and / or minimizing embarrassing situations and harmful to employees.  相似文献   

The lifting and carrying of loads in agriculture on small landholdings are unavoidable. Rural communities often lack access to appropriate technologies which may result in various health hazards. The objective was to study gender participation in agricultural activities involving manual material handling tasks, to assess MSDs experienced in various MMH tasks and to evaluate traditional method and designed technology. The study was conducted on 100 agricultural workers. Data on gender participation in MMH tasks in household, animal husbandry and agriculture and resulting MSDs was gathered. Pre and post assessment of technology intervention was done for NIOSH Lifting Index, QEC, and RPE. The results revealed greater susceptibility of females to musculoskeletal problems in most of the household and animal husbandry tasks. The hand trucks designed were pushing type with power grasp handle. The respondents were advised to carry 5 kg of weight per lift instead of lifting more weight in one lift/minute while filling the hand truck. By decreasing the weight and increasing the number of lifts per minute the respondents were seen falling in green zone indicating significant reduction in NIOSH lifting index. QEC scores concluded that for filling the hand truck 5 kg of weight should be carried to keep the exposure level low.  相似文献   

International standards highlight the steps required by risk assessment and involving first hazard identification, then risk evaluation and finally, if necessary, risk assessment. To check approach appropriateness to "risk evaluation" from manual patient handling through MAPO, a cross study was carried out in view of checking relationship between this new risk assessment model and occurrence of acute low back pain. After proper training the MAPO screening method was assessed in 31 wards, 411 exposed subjects of geriatric hospitals. At the same time health data were collected on occurrence of low back pain episodes during the last year both in the exposed subjects' group and the external reference group (n?237). Risk and clinical assessment data were tutored and checked by EPM research unit. The logistic analysis was used as a method to evaluate the relationship between risk index and acute low back pain. Investigating relationship between acute low back pain episodes and levels of MAPO screening index, carried out only with the people exposed who claimed to work for at least 30 hours per week (n = 178), showed definitely positive trends. The study results indicate that MAPO screening may represent a useful tool to estimate the risk from manual handling patients.  相似文献   

Training and provision of assistive devices are considered major interventions to prevent and treat low back pain (LBP) among workers exposed to manual material handling (MMH). To establish the effectiveness of training and provision of assistive devices in preventing and treating LBP an update of a Cochrane literature review was performed to November 2010. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies with a concurrent control group (CCTs) were included. Nine RCTs (20.101 employees) and nine CCTs (1280 employees) were included for prevention: six more than in the previous version. No study on treatment was found. None of the included RCTs and CCTs provided evidence that training and provision of assistive devices prevented LBP when compared to no intervention or another intervention.  相似文献   

Upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders are common in the working population. The economic and social impact of such disorders is considerable. Long-time, dynamic repetitive exposure of the hand-arm system during manual handling operations (MHO) alone or in combination with static and postural effort are recognised as causes of musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders. The assessment of these manual work tasks is crucial to estimate health risks of exposed employees. For these work tasks, a new method for the assessment of the working conditions was developed and a validation study was performed. The results suggest satisfying criterion validity and moderate objectivity of the KIM-MHO draft 2007. The method was modified and evaluated again. It is planned to release a new version of KIM-MHO in spring 2012.  相似文献   

How home care workers (HCWs) adapt their classroom training to their workplaces is central to their own safety and that of their care recipients. A case study approach was adopted for this inquiry into HCW training in Australia, where new workers were directly observed and interviewed in their workplaces following classroom training. Findings from the study advance four contributions: (a) learning is person-dependent, (b) artefacts in the form of written materials afford a valuable form of learning support; (c) opportunities for these workers to meet, share and refresh their knowledge are important for further development of occupational capacities; and (d) more organisational support for such socially isolated workers’ learning is needed.  相似文献   

In the 1990ies the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FIOSH) published "Key Indicator Methods" (KIM) for the evaluation of manual material handling tasks. These methods served as a national German implementation of the EU Manual Handling Directive (90/269/EEC). These methods allow the evaluation of individual handling tasks like lifting or pushing. KIM tools do not allow evaluating complex handling tasks like a combined lifting and pushing task. With respect to the needs at shop floor level (e.g. logistics), MultipLa tries to bridge that gap by means of an EXCEL based worksheet using the KIM philosophy. In the past several algorithms for a risk assessment had been developed. At the moment MultipLa is in a test phase at several automotive OEMs.  相似文献   

The Manual Handling of Loads is an activity present in virtually all production system, when developed without ergonomic principles of design and sizing can generate several instances of discomfort and musculoskeletal disorders. This work was carried out to measure, set limits and risks and guide specifications for the cargo handling carts in a specific company, tracing the anthropometric profile of the productive population and performing a quantitative evaluation of forces and design models of cars used in the company.  相似文献   

This is a case study comparing the use of two different assessment tools (Rapid Entire Body Assessment versus New Zealand Manual Handling Hazard Control Record) to assess, plan and implement changes in manual handling practices in the supermarket industry. Existing manual handling practices being used within these supermarkets were assessed using each of these tools. The most hazardous tasks were revised to improve work methods and reviewed again using both tools, to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of these tools. The process generated considerable discussion regarding the benefits and drawbacks of each tool. The usefulness of each tool appears dependant on the reason for assessment and the anticipated outcome. REBA may be more useful if specific ergonomic or biomechanical changes are being implemented to decrease risk of work-related injury (particularly if an objective numeric score is required for re-assessment following modifications, to determine their effectiveness). The New Zealand Code of Practice for Manual Handling 'Hazard Control Record' Risk Score analysis process lacks specificity and objectivity, however it is less reductionistic and takes into account many factors other than biomechanics and ergonomics. It directs the user toward implementing controls, which are thorough, multi-factorial and useful to control hazards relating to several other areas, including task, load, environment, people and management factors.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests three long-standing propositions about the relationship between grievance-handling behavior and political outcomes in a local union: (1) more favorable grievance handling enhances the steward’s likelihood of re-election; (2) the more the political support obtained in an election, the greater the steward’s ability to affect grievance outcomes favorably; and (3) as the relationship between management and the union evolves, grievance handling becomes more efficient and effective. Data on grievances and election results of Ford-UAW Local 400 from the 1950s were used to test hypotheses derived from these propositions; most received substantial, significant support.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose design changes to a food scoop commonly used in the food service industry. A review of literature concerning the design of hand tools is used to justify modifications to the existing design. Changes to the handle and shape of the tool are discussed. Implications of the newly designed food scoop, both for future research and the workplace are reviewed. The conclusion of this article is that the proposed food scoop should have a 40-millimeter diameter, foam rubber handle and should have a lift angle of 35 degrees.  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between technology and institutions and asks whether technology itself is an institution. The argument is that social theorists need to attend better to materiality: the world of things and objects of which technical things form an important class. It criticizes the new institutionalism in sociology for its failure to sufficiently open up the black box of technology. Recent work in science and technology studies (S&TS) and in particular the sociology of technology is reviewed as another route into dealing with technology and materiality. The recent ideas in sociology of technology are exemplified with the author’s study of the development of the electronic music synthesizer.
Trevor PinchEmail:

Trevor Pinch   is professor of Sociology and professor of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University. He holds degrees in physics and sociology. He has published fourteen books and numerous articles on aspects of the sociology of science and technology. His studies have included quantum physics, solar neutrinos, parapsychology, health economics, the bicycle, the car, and the electronic music synthesizer. His most recent books are How Users Matter (edited with Nelly Oudshoorn, MIT Press, 2003), Analog Days: The Invention and Impact of the Moog Synthesizer (with Frank Trocco, Harvard University Press, 2002) and Dr Golem: How To Think About Medicine (with Harry Collins, Chicago University Press, 2005). His latest book is Living in a Material World: Economic Sociology Meets Science and Tehcnology Studies, (edited with Richard Swedberg, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (in press)) Analog Days was the winner of the 2003 silver award for popular culture “Book of the Year” of Foreword Magazine. The Golem: What You Should Know About Science (with Harry Collins, Cambridge: Canto 1998 2nd edition) was winner of the Robert Merton prize of the American Sociological Association. He is currently researching the online music community ACIDplanet.com.  相似文献   

The growing criticism of intensive agricultural practices that lead to a deterioration of natural resources and a decrease of biodiversity has progressively led to more environmental constraints being put on agricultural activities through an “ecologization” of agricultural policies. The aims of these policies have been to protect environmentally sensitive areas, to improve groundwater quality and, more recently, to develop organic farming and/or reduce pesticide use. However, these efforts are still a far cry from a robust ecologization of agricultural practices. In order to identify the conditions for the implementation of such an ecologization, the changes in practices from conventional agriculture towards organic farming and integrated pest management (IPM) are investigated using a sociological study of farmers’ trajectories, coupled with the ESR (Efficiency-Substitution-Redesign) framework developed by biological and agricultural scientists. This combined approach reveals that a robust ecologization of agricultural practices requires us to take into account the specific and variable tempo of farmers’ trajectories and to redesign not only technical agricultural systems but also interactions within larger agrifood systems.  相似文献   

The Brazilian commercial aviation industry has grown strongly in the last decades, increasing passenger capacity and operational safety. While several studies focus on flight safety and passenger comfort, few are dedicated to the manual transport of loads. Although apparently this sector has low relevance, every year nearly 9% of their workers are injured. It is estimated that these injuries cost more than 10 million dollars a year to the companies involved. This study assesses quantitatively the risk of injury on employees. NIOSH method was used to evaluated the possibility of injury in different tasks. Factors such as the pace of activity, horizontal and vertical displacement, and asymmetries were evaluated during loading and unloading of luggage. This study showed that the frequency of repetitions of loading was excessive in all cases analyzed. However, the use of conveyors reduced the risk of employee injury, reducing this possibility to acceptable levels. The study shows that simple measures can help reduce the number of injuries and hence the cost that this entails.  相似文献   

We consider an economy with two agents, “firm” and “worker.” The firm owns a technology which transforms a single input into a single output and the worker owns a limited amount of input good, for example, leisure. The firm is interested in profit measured in terms of output and the worker's preferences are defined over the input-output space. Manipulability comes not only from a lack of information about the (worker's) preferences but also about the technology. With a possibility for manipulation, can we still obtain efficient allocations? We show that there is no allocation mechanism which is Pareto efficient, strategy-proof, and non-dictatorial. Received: 30 March 1998/Accepted: 06 July 1999  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The defining criteria for autism form a complex network, of impairments by virtue of their impingement on each other. To be effective, treatment and education must address this complexity. Some major problem areas that exercise anyone involved with autistic children are discussed from this standpoint, and the need to humanise a behavioural approach with lessons learned from research on intersubjectivity is stressed, A version of this paper was first given for the Netherlands Organisation for Post-Academic Education in the Social Sciences, Amsterdam, 1986, and will be published in the relevant conference papers  相似文献   

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