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Queer theory often falls impotent in its palatability across disciplinary lines. I offer a conceptual article that interrogates the dis-ease and divide when considering queer theory in and for the health sciences. In so doing, I look to foster a process of making queer theory more tenable to applied practice—and to make practice in social work, at least, more queer. The exemplar of HIV is deconstructed as a preeminent discourse and health disparity. In the end, it is argued that queer theory may be an essential intervention in the arsenal of the helping professions.  相似文献   

Foucault-inspired organization theory hasinterpreted the Enlightenment effort to make reason thefoundation for human freedom as a failure. Reason isseen as developing into disciplinary knowledge, which dominates modern organizations and theindividuals who live and work in them. In fact, theindividual s very identity is the means by which theindividual is enslaved. Knowledge is thus seen asnowhere separate from power. In this essay, I will usea concept of traditional authority to examineFoucault-inspired organization theory and itspower/knowledge conceptual framework in terms of theirethical and cultural implications. This will includeFoucault s influence on both the literature in criticalorganization theory and postmodern organization theory.My approach will highlight the Foucault-inspired misinterpretation of the effect of theEnlightenment on modern organizations, its rejection ofthe authority of the past as a basis for moral order,and its impossible attempt to find freedom through the destruction of cultural authority.  相似文献   

In sum, I am as pessimistic as Kaufman about the ability of existing IR and HR disciplinary institutions to develop a consensus around a different set of intellectual boundaries and a new label. Unfortunately, it will be a very difficult task to corral the energies currently misspent on the creation and defense of ideological and disciplinary territories and to devote them to creating disciplinary institutions that will facilitate the creation and transmission of knowledge about how best to balance the interests of workers with the organizations and societies in which they work. But if we fail as a discipline to take advantage of a favorable external environment that has put human problems on center stage, it will not be because his extremely important work has not clarified the problems and prospects involved in entering a new golden age.  相似文献   

The Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education and National Center for Research in Geography Education propose a new framework for geography called Powerful Geography, which revolutionizes the traditional notion of standards in geography education. Combining Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum's principles of human capabilities, Michael Young's theory of powerful disciplinary knowledge, and Wesley Null's concept of a liberating curriculum, Powerful Geography offers a new conceptual approach to professional development for teachers. The approach aims to help teachers model geographic knowledge and skills that offer a diverse group of students the best preparation needed to attain personal and career goals and aspirations. This article argues the logic and value of Powerful Geography, sets up the rationale for Powerful Geography, describes how it builds on prior research, and presents a multiyear research and development plan involving social studies teachers.  相似文献   


Our conceptual systems (including theories, models, policies, and schema) all help us to understand our world. For highly complex situations such as those found in natural systems and service systems, it is important to understand them from an interdisciplinary perspective because these real-world systems do not respect the boundaries of any single discipline. While many conceptual systems exist, they have not proven to be highly effective for understanding issues that are the focus of their disciplines. Still fewer conceptual systems have been developed that cut across disciplinary boundaries — and they have not been shown to be any more effective than their mono-disciplinary companions. This article investigates emerging and existing methods for creating and integrating theories within and between disciplines. This includes ‘soft’ methods (ad-hoc, cherry-picking, and intuitive) as well as ‘rigorous’ (formal grounded theory (FGT), reflexive dimensional analysis (RDA), and integrative propositional analysis (IPA)). The article demonstrates that soft methods are relatively easy to use, but they do not produce conceptual systems of great or lasting value. In contrast, it is proposed that rigorous methods are more likely to yield conceptual systems which are measurably more systemic, more useful, and more effective for understanding and engaging the highly complex systems of our world.  相似文献   

This paper is a commentary on Christian Smith’s “The Conceptual Incoherence of ‘Culture’ in American Cultural Sociology.” This paper accepts Smith’s finding of conceptual incoherence at the disciplinary level and argues that it is a symptom of empiricism in American sociology. The paper suggests we employ conceptual analysis as practiced by analytical philosophy and proceeds to show how the use of that methodology can resolve the problem regarding the meaning of culture. In the end, the paper defends a conception of culture along the lines of Archer’s (1996) intelligibilia, interpreted as action and its products bearing social reasoning.  相似文献   

Events related to bullying are so complex that they require a much broader examination than is usually available from a single disciplinary point of view. The purpose of the present paper is to offer new ways of examining this complex phenomenon. We will argue that transdisciplinarity (henceforth TD) could bring a more comprehensive analysis and a deeper understanding to the current state of bullying research. As a way of emphasizing the benefits of a more pluralistic and integrative approach, we will use TD based examples to describe the general context and process we used to develop a new definition of bullying, one that provides a sharper distinction between bullying and general aggression, thus offering the possibility of more targeted intervention strategies. The present paper is divided into three sections, namely, a selected review of the TD literature, an application of TD inspired ideas and tools that examine bullying from a number of interrelated perspectives, and an outline of a conceptual ‘Disciplinary Continuum’, as an example of how TD can be used to examine complex phenomena. Moreover, we will highlight TD’s expanding role in the funding process, as it is increasingly required by granting agencies and governmental ministries as a criterion for universities’ funding. We conclude by outlining ideas for further inquiries.  相似文献   

During the past 30 years in both the United Kingdom and the United States there has been an increasing emphasis on the need for the agencies, disciplines and professions who are involved in investigating child abuse allegations and in protecting children from abuse to work together, to cooperate with each other and to coordinate their responses. (See Besharov, 1990; British Paediatric Association, 1966; Kempe and Helfer, 1972; London Borough of Brent, 1985; London Borough of Greenwich, 1987). One way of achieving this has been through the use of multi‐disciplinary groups. This paper will describe the initial findings from a study which aimed to examine and compare the working of two such groups, namely, case conferences in the UK and multi‐disciplinary teams in one state in the United States, New Jersey. The findings from the study show that while there are some similarities between the two types of multi‐disciplinary groups, there are also significant differences in functions, membership, structure of meetings and chairing. However, the major difference that emerges is the more prominent role of representatives from the legal system in New Jersey's multi‐disciplinary teams compared with UK case conferences. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research identifies a “great paradox” in attitudes toward environmental regulation: some people close to environmental risk nevertheless oppose environmental regulation for partisan reasons. Does this pattern hold in large survey samples? Unexpectedly, we do not find evidence for it. Instead, we find that Republicans who report higher levels of personal environmental harm also report stronger support for environmental regulation. This pattern holds across varied measurement specifications, and it is weaker for Democrats, suggesting that exposure to environmental harm might directly challenge and change partisan opposition to environmental reform. We present a theory and research agenda that accounts for these “green elephants in the room.” Our work, as we will demonstrate, crosses at least three disciplinary boundaries: social psychology, cultural sociology, and political science. A conceptual replication of results is provided in the Appendices S1 and S2.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s American schools have adopted a number of practices – zero tolerance, school police, metal detectors, drug sweeps, and surveillance cameras – that signal a shift from a discretionary student disciplinary framework to a crime control paradigm. The sociological sub‐field that centers on the examination and interpretation of the criminalization of school discipline is still in its formative stages and, consequently, even basic conceptual issues remain unsettled. However, sustained by a growing body of ethnographic research, the field’s theoretical discussions and debates regarding the causes, consequences, and social distribution of school criminalization are complex, vibrant, and synergistic. In the broadest terms, this field explores how school criminalization expresses, accommodates, and reinforces broader fears and political‐economic changes. The field also includes a disappointingly but understandably small number of quantitative studies that bear directly on these theories. The field’s critical, sociological insights will find and resonate with a broader audience (including policy‐makers) only after an equally innovative and vigorous quantitative empirical tradition emerges to refine and validate its theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

The preservation of interactionism is now guaranteed to the extent that general sociology shows clear signs of becoming interactionist in its conceptual makeup. Accordingly interactionist promoters might want to enter into a more concerted dialogue with the unaware interactionists to make the disciplinary shift toward interactionism more overt and systematic. My treatment of these matters begins in a respectable but somewhat tiring manner, after which I express some long‐standing irritations and areas of confusion regarding interactionism and sociology as a way of suggesting a few areas of needed interactionist work.  相似文献   

Social Learning Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The aim of this conceptual paper is to explore the business ecosystem concept in innovation policy context, and question whether it has something new to bring to the innovation policy field compared to previous theoretical discussions. A comparative study was conducted where three widely utilized policy approaches were examined together with the business ecosystem concept. The ecosystem concept differs from the three approaches, for example, in its evolving around innovation, and its self-organizing and self-renewing nature. This paper sets a conceptual basis for further empirical research concerning the innovation policy implications of the business ecosystem concept.  相似文献   

The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales (FACES) are one of the most used instruments in the study of family relations, assessing relevant dimensions of family functioning. This study aims to examine the relationship between cohesion, communication and family satisfaction, measured by FACES IV, and the dimensions of discipline inventory (DDI). The sample consisted of 380 subjects (190 adolescents and 190 parents). Fathers are the main users of physical discipline and boys are the main targets of most discipline practices. Regarding the association of the DDI and FACES, families with a balanced cohesion use less punitive discipline, families with enmeshed cohesion and families with disengaged cohesion have higher and less use of the analyzed disciplinary practices respectively. Considering the results, it may be useful to work together with families to promote the use of positive disciplinary methods and work their communication skills in order to improve cohesion and consequently family satisfaction.  相似文献   

Since its coining in 1971, the concept of the “informal sector” has been used to draw scholarly, political, and philanthropic attention to hundreds of millions of workers who lack basic labor protections. But as the term proliferated, so too did its detractors. Critics claim that the label of “informal” homogenizes the world's poor and distorts understandings of the sources of and solutions to their economic woes. What are the origins of the concept's contradictory nature? What strategies have scholars used to increase the likelihood that it will be used to illuminate and uplift, rather than to distort and denigrate? This article analyzes how scholars have resignified and retheorized the informal economy in response to five conceptual challenges: stigmatization, definitional fuzziness, homogenization, an either/or fallacy, and the presumption of “formalization” as the solution. Such efforts have preserved the concept's analytic potency and political relevance. In the longer term, however, a true testament to the concept's value would be if it outlives its own utility; that is, if it mobilizes enough recognition and resources to the invisibilized majority of the world's workers that scholars and state bureaucrats no longer feel the need to lump them together under a misleading catchall label.  相似文献   

To be successful, an interdisciplinary approach to the study of immigration and transnationalism should begin by making different disciplinary languages about this phenomenon informed by mutual understanding of the conceptual frameworks, epistemological assumptions, and explanatory strategies used in research in particular academic fields. Drawing on studies in anthropology, sociology, history, and political science, I review here these taken‐for‐granted assumptions about “what is knowable and how” that underlie research on immigration and transnationalism in these disciplines. In conclusion, I suggest some avenues for mutual education in different disciplinary approaches and the epistemic gains derived therefrom.  相似文献   

This article presents a discussion of the effects of a developmental delay, cerebral palsy, upon the structuralization and consequent object relationships of a 6-year-old child. A review of the concept of normative development, together with a theoretical exploration of object constancy is made in conjuction with the underlying contention that symptomatology requires selective interpretation depending upon the developmental context within which it appears. A case is presented highlighting these constructs as they affect actual functioning. Finally, it is suggested that the use of a developmental conceptual framework will yield a more growth-inducing approach to treatment.  相似文献   

While Lesbian Studies is established as a commodity in the academic marketplace, its disciplinary contours are rather more obscure-and even more problematically, its disciplinary genealogy remains somewhat crude. The dominant genealogy of Lesbian Studies might best be characterized as a 'collision model,' a battle between politics and theory, even though much existing scholarship draws on both Lesbian-Feminist Theory and Queer Theory.1 This article proposes that the tools and methods of a sub-field called 'Lesbian Cultural History' might be useful in generating other historical accounts of the origins and evolution of Lesbian Studies. Such a project is vital because the writing of our disciplinary History clarifies how we envision a disciplinary future.  相似文献   

Abstract Rural areas continue to face a series of challenges; many are likely to have profound impacts on the vitality of these places over the long term. Of central concern is whether the rural sociological enterprise, a potentially vital source of information and guidance on such diverse issues, will be able to effectively respond to such challenges. The author argues that in order to strengthen its relevance and viability in coming years, the rural sociological profession must embrace three important shifts. First, it must modify the manner in which it engages in the production of new knowledge by pursuing a more balanced portfolio of investments in disciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Second, it must take a bold step to build bridges to new entities whose missions, goals, and values closely align with those of the Rural Sociological Society. And third, it must take a more proactive role in generating quality, scientifically sound information that is aligned with the needs of federal and state policy communities, particularly information that can better articulate how policies are likely to impact rural people and places.  相似文献   

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