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The purpose of this article is to propose a model-based estimator of the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. Empirical investigations reveal that the estimator is seldom greatly biased and is quite satisfactory from the stability point of view.  相似文献   

In multi-stage sampling with the first stage units (fsu) chosen without replacement (WOR) with varying probability schemes (VPS) unbiased estimators (UE) of variances of homogeneous linear (HL) functions of unbiased estimators (UE) Ti's of fsu totals Yi's based on selection of subsequent stage units (SSU) from chosen fsu's are derived as homogeneous quadratic (HQ) functions of alternative less efficient UE's, say of Ti';'s of Yi's. Specific strategies are illustrated.  相似文献   

A model-based method for estimating the sampling variances of estimators of (sub-)population means, proportions, quantiles, and regression parameters in surveys with stratified clustered design is described and applied to a survey of US secondary education. The method is compared with the jackknife by a simulation study. The model-based estimators of the sampling variances have much smaller mean squared errors than their jackknife counterparts. In addition, they can be improved by incorporating information about the unknown parameters (variances) from external sources. A regression-based smoothing method for estimating the sampling variances of the estimators for a large number of subpopulation means is proposed. Such smoothing may be invaluable when subpopulations are represented in the sample by only few subjects.  相似文献   


We consider the variance estimation in a general nonparametric regression model with multiple covariates. We extend difference methods to the multivariate setting by introducing an algorithm that orders the design points in higher dimensions. We also consider an adaptive difference estimator which requires much less strict assumptions on the covariate design and can significantly reduce mean squared error for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

For a stratified population under inverse sampling, we propose and study an unbiased estimator for the mean of units belonging to a domain with specific features. An alternative, simpler, ratio-type estimator is also considered. Empirical studies show that strategies based on inverse sampling can be superior to a more traditional strategy based on stratified simple random sampling with a fixed number of draws in each stratum.  相似文献   

The paper investigates non-negative quadratic unbiased (NnQU) estimators of positive semi-definite quadratic forms, for use during the survey sampling of finite population values. It examines several different NnQU estimators of the variance of estimators of population total, under various sampling designs. It identifies an optimal quadratic unbiased estimator of the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of population total.  相似文献   

It is common practice to design a survey with a large number of strata. However, in this case the usual techniques for variance estimation can be inaccurate. This paper proposes a variance estimator for estimators of totals. The method proposed can be implemented with standard statistical packages without any specific programming, as it involves simple techniques of estimation, such as regression fitting.  相似文献   

A two-phase sampling estimator of the ratio-type for estimating the mean of a finite population, has been considered where the value of ρCy/Cx can be guessed or estimated in advance. Here Cy and Cx denote respectively the coefficients of variation of the characteristic under study, y, and the auxiliary characteristic x and ρ denotes the coefficient of correlation between y and x. When the value of ρCy/Cx is guessed or estimated exactly, the estimator has a smaller large-sample variance compared with either an ordinary ratio estimator or an ordinary linear regression estimator in two-phase sampling in the case where the first-phase sample is drawn independently from the second-phase sample. If the sample at the second phase is a subsample of the first-phase sample, the estimator has variance equal to that of the linear regression estimator. The largest value of the difference between the assumed value and the actual value of ρCy/Cx has been obtained so as not to result in the variance of the estimator being larger than the variances of either an ordinary ratio estimator or an ordinary linear regression estimator.  相似文献   

Cut-off sampling consists of deliberately excluding a set of units from possible selection in a sample, for example if the contribution of the excluded units to the total is small or if the inclusion of these units in the sample involves high costs. If the characteristics of interest of the excluded units differ from those of the rest of the population, the use of naïve estimators may result in highly biased estimates. In this paper, we discuss the use of auxiliary information to reduce the bias by means of calibration and balanced sampling. We show that the use of the available auxiliary information related to both the variable of interest and the probability of being excluded enables us to reduce the potential bias. A short numerical study supports our findings.  相似文献   

This paper presents various estimators for estimating the population mean of the study variable y using information on the auxiliary variable x in the presence of non‐response. Properties of the suggested estimators are studied and compared with those of existing estimators. It is shown that the estimators suggested in this paper are among the best of all the estimators considered. An empirical study is carried out to demonstrate the performance of the suggested estimators and of others, and it is found that the empirical results support the theoretical study.  相似文献   


In a regression model with a random individual and a random time effect explicit representations of the nonnegative quadratic minimum biased estimators of the corresponding variances are deduced. These estimators always exist and are unique. Moreover, under normality assumption of the dependent variable unbiased estimators of the mean squared errors of the variance estimates are derived. Finally, confidence intervals on the variance components are considered.  相似文献   

A new two-phase sampling procedure is suggested in this paper. The information on the ancillary variate in the preliminary sample is used for selecting the units for sub-sample with unequal probabilities. Unbiased estimators for the population mean and their variance expressions are obtained for sub-sampling procedures, both with and without replacement.  相似文献   

The generalized regression (GREG) predictor is used for estimating a finite population total when the study variable is well‐related to the auxiliary variable. In 1997, Chaudhuri & Roy provided an optimal estimator for the variance of the GREG predictor within a class of non‐homogeneous quadratic estimators (H) under a certain superpopulation model M. They also found an inequality concerning the expected variances of the estimators of the variance of the GREG predictor belonging to the class H under the model M. This paper shows that the derivation of the optimal estimator and relevant inequality, presented by Chaudhuri & Roy, are incorrect.  相似文献   

This paper suggests unbiased estimators (UE's) for the size, mean and total of a domain, with specific features, in a given finite population on the basis of simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) continued till a preassigned number of domain members is observed.  相似文献   

In this sequel to a previous discussion of minimum variance estimation (Bartlett, 1982), the gain with conditional estimation procedures is illustrated for the location parameter for (i) the rectangular distribution; (ii) a triangular distribution (typifying an asymmetric case). This note concludes with further remarks on the multi-sample and multi-parameter cases.  相似文献   


The problem of estimation of the regression coefficients in a multiple regression model is considered under a multicollinearity situation when it is suspected that the regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace. The objective of this paper is to compare the usual preliminary test estimator and the preliminary test ridge regression estimator in the sense of the dispersion matrix of one dominating that of the other. In particular we proved two results giving necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the preliminary test ridge regression estimator over the preliminary test estimator associated with the δ = 0 (or Δ = 0) and δ ≠ 0 (or Δ ≠ 0).  相似文献   

We re-examine the criteria of “hyper-admissibility” and “necessary bestness”, for the choice of estimator, from the point of view of their relevance to the design of actual surveys. Both these criteria give rise to a unique choice of estimator (viz. the Horvitz-Thompson estimator ?HT) whatever be the character under investigation or sample design. However, we show here that the “principal hyper-surfaces” (or “domains”) of dimension one (which are practically uninteresting)play the key role in arriving at the unique choice. A variance estimator v1(?HT) (due to Horvitz-Thompson), which takes negative values “often”, is shown to be uniquely “hyperadmissible” in a wide class of unbiased estimators of the variance of ?HT. Extensive empirical evidence on the superiority of the Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator v2(?HT) over v1(?HT) is presented.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of maximum likelihood estimators of unknown parameters in linear models with equi‐correlated random errors are presented. The basic technique we use is that these models are, first, orthogonally transformed into linear models with two variances, and then the maximum likelihood estimation problem is solved in the environment of transformed models. Our results generalize a result of Arnold, S. F. (1981) [The theory of linear models and multivariate analysis. Wiley, New York]. In addition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of restricted maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters. The results of Birkes, D. & Wulff, S. (2003) [Existence of maximum likelihood estimates in normal variance‐components models. J Statist Plann. Inference. 113 , 35–47] are compared with our results and differences are pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper considers an iterative method for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates for a contingency table derived from a clustered sampling model. Comparisons are made with other methods proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

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