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一文学艺术是怎样产生的,又是怎样发展的? 在马克思主义以前,人们关于文艺的起源、范畴和发展的种种见解、论述,还没有科学地回答这个问题。诸如“艺术摹仿自然”说,文艺起源于“人的内部需要”说,艺术起源于“人的外部需要”说等等。他们或把艺术起源归结为“智者”、“贤者”所创造,或归结为人的本能、欲望,或者归结为宗教、祭祀仪式的需要等等。而共同点都是离开了社会生产劳动,看不到艺术与生产劳动的关系,从  相似文献   

李荣新 《学术交流》2007,(5):169-172
在明代,弋阳腔作为传奇戏曲的主要声腔,与昆山腔并称于世,“帮腔”与“滚调”是弋阳腔所独具的艺术特色。“滚调”的出现,突破了曲牌联套固有格式的局限,加强和提高了弋阳腔音乐的戏剧化程度。“滚调”的形成有着深远的历史渊源,其根源,是来自民歌。“帮腔”这种“一人启口、众人接腔”的艺术形式,也同样来源于民歌,早在隋、唐时代的民间歌舞小戏《踏谣娘》中,已见这种唱法。在其他民歌中,如劳动号子、秧歌,也普遍存在这种艺术表现形式。“滚调”、“帮腔”作为弋阳腔主要的艺术特色,其起源均来自民歌,有力地证明了戏曲与民歌之间具有看远实近、密不可分的渊源关系。  相似文献   

马克思说劳动能够成为人的第一需要,但在迄今人类历史发展中,劳动不仅没有成为人的第一需要,反而出现异化劳动和物象化劳动.异化劳动和物象化劳动是一种非正义性劳动,其根源在于资本与劳动的分离.非正义性劳动的消除需要一种条件,这种条件表现为生产力的发展及生产关系的变更.代替非正义性劳动的将是人的自由劳动.从非正义性劳动到自由劳动也是人的存在状态的改变,即劳动从一种强制性活动变为人的第一需要,出于第一需要的劳动是一种辩证的享受,在去除社会强制性方面,劳动是自愿的、 享受的;而从劳动的实践属性上看,劳动仍是一种紧张活动.也只有在去除了强制性的紧张活动中,人之为人的本质才能得到确证和提升.  相似文献   

骆群 《学术交流》2007,(9):129-131
产生于中国特定历史条件下的"待业"、"下岗"已经为"失业"所取代,"失业"现在正式登上我国社会生活舞台。失业人员是指处于劳动年龄内(男16—60岁,女16—55岁)和调查期内(1个月),欲获得而没有获得或不能获得从事有偿或回报的劳动,在当地劳动就业部门进行失业登记的人员。在众多的失业分类表达中,"隐性失业"实质上并非失业,而用"失业"表述,具有非逻辑性,不利于理论界与实践部门的交流。  相似文献   

[案例]小红,女,9岁,在振兴民工学校就读,家住某市郊区.父亲龚某偏瘫,基本没有劳动能力,家庭收入全来自于母亲起早贪黑地拉黑摩的.家庭月收入七八百元,生活极其贫困.2006年,母亲王某由于不堪生活压力曾想离家出走,遭到父亲强烈反对后放弃.父亲为此曾多次在小红面前表现出悲伤和痛苦情绪,后来父亲为此还曾自杀过一次,所幸自杀未遂.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国经济学界对社会主义生产劳动与非生产劳动划分的问题进行了颇为广泛深入的讨论。但是,由于人们对马克思关于生产劳动与非生产劳动学说的理解不同,因此在这个问题上至今没有形成一种大体一致的意见。之所以会出现这种局面,是因为没有看到社会主义社会根本就不存在生产劳动与非生产劳动之分。 一、关于生产劳动的一般定义 在生产劳动的一般定义问题上,理论界现存的一种倾向性意见,是认为马克思已经为我们提供了人类社会生产劳动的一般定义。其根据不外乎是马克思的两段话。马克思说:“劳动过程最初是抽象地,撇开它的各种历史形式…  相似文献   

贺征 《社科纵横》2005,20(1):132-133
“摹仿说”是亚里士多德文艺思想的核心 ,本文主要从艺术与现实的关系、艺术摹仿的对象以及艺术对现实的反作用等方面对“摹仿说”进行了扼要的阐述。  相似文献   

我国现行民事法律和司法实践中对责任的误用主要表现为责任泛化和责任与义务不分。误用的根源在于受到传统民法债责不分、现代法学理论中二次义务说、中外语言文化习惯上义务责任不分以及债与责任在给付形式上的某些共同特征的影响。责任的误用不仅影响对法律语言的规范、严谨和准确使用,而且对中国民事基本法的结构体系有着重大影响。  相似文献   

"无直接利益冲突"是我国近年来频发的一种特殊的社会冲突样式."无直接利益冲突"的结构性根源是在市场规则形成过程中的种种不公正和利益矛盾的积累以及目前在资源分配领域起主要作用的市场规则和扶持法则没能有效容纳社会转型中分化出的各种阶层和社会生活的所有领域,这两者相互作用共同从根源上导致了各种矛盾和冲突得不到有序的化解.要从根本上消解"无直接利益冲突"隐患,就需要在改善社会支持体系的基础上实现市场规则和扶持法则的有效衔接.  相似文献   

爱德华·巴罗的"心理距离说"在现代美学和文艺学中有着重要的影响。它涵义丰富,同时包含了相区别又相联系的"经验距离"和"审美心理距离"。由于巴罗在阐述"心理距离"时将两者相混淆,也就为后人的误解、误用埋下了根源。本文试图对巴罗"心理距离说"的涵义做出梳理和辨析。  相似文献   

技术现代性问题是我们这个时代需要关注并解决的一个焦点问题。技术现代性不是一个静态的概念,而是一种动态过程,对技术现代性的考察应从发展的角度来衡量。技术现代化的过程和社会技术创新紧密相关,正确认识及评价技术现代性和社会技术创新的辩证关系,对我们如何选择现代化道路有着重要的认识论意义。认真反思技术现代性问题,有利于我们制定科学、合理的发展规划。  相似文献   

For architect Oskar G. Stonorov (1905–70) and labour leader Walter P. Reuther (1907–70) unions were not simply instruments for collective bargaining. They were also agents for transforming established social practices that denied the working class access to decent housing, parks and art; discriminated against African Americans; and destroyed the natural environment. Architecture and site planning were key to this transformation as they addressed concerns of social justice and environmental quality. Stonorov and Reuther shared an aesthetic agenda as well – to expose workers to the emancipating beauty of modern design – as they believed well-designed housing contributed to both their personal lives and productivity at work. From 1941 until their deaths in 1970 they devised plans for workers' housing and town planning, sculpture, urban renewal and environmentally sensitive site planning. They sought to involve workers in the design process, mark union territory on former elite-owned properties, give control of housing production to organized labour and advance workers' educational opportunities. This article examines their architectural endeavours as part of a labour narrative and as an index of the turbulent social and political changes taking place from the inter-war years to 1970.  相似文献   

Critical commentary on 'Social work as art revisited'   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
While agreeing with the importance of art as a stimulus for the imagination in social work practice, Healy takes issue with the broader aspirations of the article. Healy questions whether art can or should be used to foster "a collective moment of political truth" for social work, as such an inspiration is likely to gloss over the important differences in context and purpose that profoundly shape the nature of social work in the wide variety of contexts where it is practised. Healy argues for the recognition of art as a possible contributor to knowledge and practice but contends that an ongoing and productive engagement with other forms of knowing is equally if not more critical to the development of social work knowledge and identities.  相似文献   

装饰艺术是生活学升华 ,它有着更高的艺术境界 ,由于装饰艺术的实用性和审美性 ,装饰艺术造型就形成了它独特的艺术形式 :简练、概括、夸强、变形、追求完美的意境 ,它给人以更广阔的艺术想像空间 ,是现实生活和自然的升华 ,是理想化的艺术。  相似文献   

In an age of ‘permanent austerity’, growing economic insecurity may increase the demand for protection against labour market risks. At the same time, economic pressures may push governments to scale down on the provision of social protection. In this article, this contradiction is examined by focusing on reforms of two labour market institutions: unemployment benefits and employment protection legislation. It is argued that the incidence of reforms of both institutions follows a different set of logics, depending on the type of economic pressures as well as the political and institutional settings. The article makes use of a new data set on labour market reforms in 14 European countries over the period of 1980–2007. Results from discrete‐time logit‐regression analysis support the main hypotheses that (1) reforming unemployment benefits (UBs) does not follow the same logic as reforming employment protection legislation (EPL), and (2) factors that contribute to expansion/regulation are not the reverse of those that lead to retrenchment/deregulation.  相似文献   

Examination of the French situation from a comparative European perspective exposes the country's poor performance with regard to the employment of seniors and the prolongation of working life. Despite a recent rise in the employment rate of 55–59 year‐olds, worrisome signs have appeared, such as the steep rise in unemployment for this age category; this is indicative of the increasing vulnerability of ageing workers in the labour market. This critical analysis of twenty years of French public policies related to older workers seeks to identify the reasons for France's lag in making working life longer. The principal reason seems to be that public policies have nearly exclusively focused on increasing the supply of senior labour without adequately taking into account incentives for stimulating corporate demand for it. The many pension reforms undertaken from 2003 to 2014 have sought to lift the institutional obstacles to working longer. Accordingly, they have raised both the legal retirement age and the requisite number of quarters of contributions for entitlement to a full pension under Social Security. But effective, active labour market policies for stimulating the demand for senior labour have been lacking.  相似文献   

In many countries the regulations governing survivors' pensions were established in periods when female labour market participation was lower than at present. However, the current trend in many Latin American countries is for growing levels of female labour participation. In Brazil, where there are no restrictions on the concurrent receipt of retirement and survivors' pensions, and where until recently lifelong pensions could be obtained without any conditionality, not only has the accumulation of such benefits grown, but there are indications that these rules have had a negative impact on women's labour market participation. Analysis of the case of Brazil shows the need for social security regulations to adapt to labour market changes, and underlines the need to acknowledge that social security regulations can actually have an impact on the labour market.  相似文献   

劳动价值论与我国当前的几个现实问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思的劳动价值理论及人们对它的传统理解与我国社会主义市场经济中的一些重要现实问题产生了矛盾 ,从而引起理论界对劳动价值的再次讨论。在总结当前讨论的主要焦点的基础上 ,得出劳动的形态应从体力劳动为主转向脑力劳动为主 ;劳动具体分类还应区分重复性劳动和创造性劳动的观点。对于价值源泉问题 ,作者在分析比较的基础上 ,概括出四种观点 ,针对劳动价值论与我国现实存在的问题 ,在认真分析了劳动价值论与按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存 ,与科学技术是第一生产力 ,与第三产业的发展 ,与私营经济的发展等问题的矛盾 ,升华出新的观点  相似文献   

Social security contributions make up around a fourth of total tax revenue in OECD countries. However, there are concerns on the economic effects of high levies on labour. Recent studies suggest that at least a third of taxes on labour are shifted onto employers, leading to higher wage costs. We find substantial evidence in the literature that the nature of social security contributions matters. With a clear connection between contributions and rights, the employee will perceive this contribution as a price and not as a tax. As a consequence, these contributions will be less distortive in terms of labour supply, wage costs and private savings.  相似文献   

李鲁宁 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):75-79
加达默尔的艺术理论改变了读者在整个艺术活动中的地位 ,为文艺研究范式的转换带来了新的可能性 ,但其艺术理论却并非以读者为核心。本文在澄清这一事实的基础上指出 ,加达默尔的艺术理论是作品存在论 ,具有显著的辩证特性 ,据此 ,才与作者中心论、读者中心论、作品形式论具有了本质区别 ,从而成为 2 0世纪西方独树一帜的理论流派  相似文献   

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