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This paper provides firm-level empirical evidence of the policy effects of China’s anticorruption campaign on SOE (state-owned enterprise) entrepreneur behaviour and corporate governance. While conflicts between corruption monitoring and performance of SOEs do exist, the 2012 anticorruption movement has profoundly changed Chinese political entrepreneurs’ power choice and accountability for SOE corporate governance. Specifically, this paper shows that the anticorruption measures have effectively reduced the sum of perks but aroused excessive asset extraction. When perk consumption has been seriously curtailed by the anticorruption rules, SOE executives’ reversed expectation precipitates their opportunistic activities in SOE’s tangible asset management and undermines SOE’s long-term corporate value.  相似文献   

政府对国有企业管理层的外部选择既不是现代国有企业制度不完善的表现,也不可能取代国有企业的制度改革,相反,外部选择和现代企业制度特别是企业治理结构都是保证国有企业性质和绩效不可或缺的有机组成部分.只有二者形成事前选择与事后监督的动态制约体系,才能克服国有企业中的制度失灵和管理者行为的不一致性问题.事实表明,国有企业管理者行为的不一致的原因主要在于国有企业制度不完善,因而改正的办法是深化制度改革,而不是简单地代之以强化外部选择.  相似文献   

国企公司制改革的现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐桂元 《学术交流》2004,(11):38-41
国有企业在组织形式方面改革的重要一环是公司制改造,依照公司法建立完整有效的现代企业经营机制,最大限度地提高企业营运的效率。目前,在一些国企改制后的公司中,企业法人治理结构尚不完善。如政企不分,有相当一部分国有控股有限公司对行政依赖等。因此,在国企改革中不但要解决以上问题,还应该妥善处理好"老三会"与"新三会"的关系,落实股东大会的法律地位,完善公司内部的制衡机制和监事会机制,严格保护企业职工的合法权益。  相似文献   

对我国国有企业改革法规政策变迁的回顾与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业改革作为整个经济体制改革的重要环节,与建立健全社会主义市场经济体制和完善中国特色社会主义法律体系相伴而行的。从法规政策角度回顾国有企业改革的实践经验,有利于推进国有企业改革的法治建设进程。  相似文献   

Taking the elusive definition of social enterprise as its starting point, this study seeks to understand the impact of government policies on the development of social enterprises in the national contexts of the UK and South Korea. The social construction of target populations is utilised as a theoretical framework in order to identify which factors influence government policy. A comparison of the two countries over a 14‐year period from 1997 to 2010 reveals that, despite very different contexts, governments in both countries have taken an instrumental approach to social enterprise. This tendency is more pronounced in Korea however, where government has limited the input of stakeholders and used an approval system to control access to the social enterprise name. The study concludes by recommending a more value‐oriented approach to social enterprise.  相似文献   

This study draws upon communicative processes in policy transfer to consider the ways in which policy may be adapted to context or distorted. The theoretical framework is used to investigate exactly what the South Korean government borrowed from UK social enterprise policy. Despite claims that the UK was the source of both the general policy direction and the particular regulatory device, the Korean government did not learn about the specific contexts of the British policy, nor attempt two-way communication with domestic stakeholders. Rather, the UK policy was interpreted in accordance with the Korean government’s own ideas about how to utilize social enterprise. Historical legacies of top-down decision-making played an important role in this process, as did the state’s role as a regulator which mobilizes the private sector to achieve policy goals. The consequences have been negative for those organizations refused social enterprise status under the Ministry of Labor’s strict approval system, as well as for the original target population: the socially disadvantaged and vulnerable. It is suggested that the model advanced may help to illuminate the reasons why some borrowed policies differ considerably from the originals, and the use of policy transfer as a means of legitimization.  相似文献   

The Chinese government issued generous relief policies after the Wenchuan Earthquake. However, according to my survey, 20.32 per cent (n = 1,949) of the earthquake victim‐survivors felt that they were treated unfairly in receiving government assistance after the earthquake. In the present study, a perceived justice framework was established to explain the victim‐survivors’ perception of justice of the disaster relief policy in China and several hypotheses were developed. The hypotheses were tested empirically using household survey data of the Wenchuan Earthquake. The empirical study found that perceived justice, which is composed of three dimensions (distributive justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice), could directly assess the effect of the disaster relief policy. The results of the empirical study also demonstrated that the most important principle of the disaster relief policy was ‘need distribution’, which was also the most important factor of perceived justice. The study concluded that it is imperative to improve victim‐survivors’ feeling of fairness, policy information delivery and their expectations management when implementing a disaster relief policy.  相似文献   

关于建立新型国有资产管理体制的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全国人民代表大会的性质决定了它可以充当国有资产的初始委托人 ,具有执行国有资产所有者的职能 ,因此 ,国有资产管理机构应设置于全国人民代表大会 ,从而在国体层次上解决“政企分开”。根据委托———代理理论 ,新型国有资产管理体制应采用非多层级结构的组织形式 ,以保证国有资产增值最大化。应模拟企业经营管理者职业化机制 ,培育和塑造国有资产“人格化”管理者 ,使其在有效的激励和约束机制下 ,监督国有资产运行效率的提高。  相似文献   

New Labour, Work and the Family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Labour has put support for the family at the core of its notion of the “strong community”. Across a range of policy areas the Labour government can be seen to be developing a direct and explicit family policy. But what kind of community is the government trying to shape by these policies? On the one hand, Labour appears to support the family as the basis of a more moral, dutiful and cohesive community. On the other hand, the government has given weight to policies that support social inclusion in the community through paid work. This paper examines whether there is a tension in Labour’s social policies between its emphasis on the importance of stable family life and the primacy given to paid work. Are critics like Ruth Levitas right when they argue that the government’s emphasis on paid work devalues, and is unsupportive of, unpaid work, especially caring for children and other family members? Alternatively, can this combination of communitarianisms—community as “stable family” and community as “paid work”—be seen to be marking out some “third way” on the family? We shall show that different aspects of the government’s family policies reflect different perspectives and policy agendas within New Labour and third‐way thinking more broadly. And while recognizing the tensions between work and the family, we shall suggest that they are often overstated and fail to give sufficient weight to the complementary aspects of Labour’s welfare reforms.  相似文献   

刘河庆 《社会》2005,40(4):217-240
“文件治国”是中国国家治理的基本表现形态,不同中央政策在各地被采纳与实施的情况也是国家治理问题的核心研究议题。本文尝试突破以往政策扩散研究多只关注特定单项中央政策在各地扩散过程的局限,结合长时段大样本农村政策文本数据,对中央政府2008—2018年发布的多项农村政策在各地的扩散过程进行实证分析,相对系统地考察了中央层面的行政压力和经济激励,以及地方层面的执行能力和内在动力等因素及其交互作用对政策采纳的影响,进而对中国正式政策文件运作的基本过程和内在机制进行探讨。研究显示,自上而下的行政压力越大,经济激励越大,地方层面的执行能力越强,地方政府采纳中央农村政策的概率就越容易显著增加。从交互关系来看,中央政府对农村议题重视程度的提高会减小不同执行能力省份的政策采纳差异,也会减小不同经济激励政策的采纳差异。  相似文献   

The Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) was created in Portugal by a centre-left Socialist Party government in 1996, as the most important constitutive part of a ‘new generation of active social policies,’ which completed the existence in Portugal of a universal system of guaranteed income. Its transformation into a Social Integration Income (SII) in 2003 and its retrenchment in the period of the Great Recession and troika austerity (2011–2015) has reduced the scope of this policy measure as a universal safety net policy. This article examines the context and the major drivers for the creation and for the policy changes that occurred in the GMI/SII. Looking at the political debates and the changes in this policy measure along this period, we argue that the major reforms introduced since its creation reflect ideological cleavages within the political arena. Considering the very low share in total government current expenditure of GMI/SII, this can explain the social policy selective retreat associated to the changes introduced in this policy measure by the centre-right coalition in government, in the latest period of cost containment of social policy in Portugal, leading to a great decrease in the number of beneficiaries and to an increase of its inadequacy.  相似文献   

王珏 《唐都学刊》2000,16(3):81-84
在我国经济有效需求不足状况下,借鉴西方需求管理理论以启动国民经济,扩大内需,是我国政府所采用的宏观经济政策的主要内容。在通货紧缩,需求不足的经济时期,采用扩张性的财政政策和货币政策,在政策工具的运用及政策的力度上,应考虑我国经济的特点及社会环境因素,不能生搬硬套。本文对我国宏观经济中需求管理政策的运用及运用中应注意的问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Objective. The objective of this article is twofold. First, why did states adopt enterprise zones, which allow designated economically distressed areas to provide significant financial incentives to attract firms? Second, why did some states significantly increase the number of zones within the state and transform what began as a spatially targeted program aimed at helping poor places into a state‐wide incentive program aimed at improving the state's competitive position? We also demonstrate the value of examining how changes in a state's policy environment can undermine a policy innovation, namely, the adoption of place‐based economic development policies. Methods. We use event history analysis to model when states adopt enterprise zones and an event‐count model to estimate when states increase the number of enterprise zones, and thereby undermine the original intent of the program. Results. States with larger urban populations and neighboring states with enterprise zone programs are more likely to adopt enterprise zone programs. States are more likely to increase the number of enterprise zones when they have larger urban populations, more neighboring states with enterprise zone programs, professional legislatures, more centrist elected officials, and as the program ages. Conclusions. Although the adoption of enterprise zones signaled states' commitment to improve conditions in the most distressed areas of the states, that commitment gradually wanes in the face of internal political demands and external competition for investment and jobs. By extending our analysis to examine what happens after the adoption of enterprise zones, we develop a more pessimistic assessment of states' capacity to pursue spatially targeted economic development policies to help economically distressed areas.  相似文献   

党的十五届四中全会为国有企业改革与发展制定了大政方针。根据《决定》精神 ,探索国企具体的改革之路具有重大的现实意义。文章论述了国企微观治理结构改革与优化的必要性及其与产权制度改革、管理体制革新、运行机制转变及宏观环境改善之间的内在关系 ,并提出了一些相关政策建议  相似文献   

从战略上调整国有经济布局 ,是深化国有企业改革的一项主要内容 ,它通过国有资本的流动和重组 ,缩小国有经济的范围 ,解决国有经济布局分散、战线过长的状况 ,改善国有资本的配置结构和国有企业的组织结构 ,以达到提高国有经济整体素质的目的  相似文献   

李政  佟鑫 《求是学刊》2012,(1):51-55
文章揭示了中国国有经济规模对区域经济增长条件收敛的影响。在研究过程中,文章扩展了Mankiw、Romer和Weil(1992)等修正的附加人力资本的新古典增长模型,将国有经济规模等制度性变量纳入其中,使用中国省级面板数据,运用动态面板数据一阶差分GMM估计方法。实证结果显示,在控制了其他影响因素之后,如果用"国有经济单位职工人数占各地区职工总人数的比重"和"国有经济单位固定资产投资占全社会固定资产投资的比重"这两个变量来衡量国有经济规模,那么国有经济规模在全国和东部地区都是经济增长条件收敛的一个影响因素,并对经济增长产生负面影响;在中部,国有经济规模不是经济增长条件收敛的影响因素;在西部,国有经济规模可能是经济增长的一个促进因素,并且影响区域经济增长条件收敛。  相似文献   

王曙光  刘彬 《学术交流》2005,(5):107-110
国有企业债务问题是国有企业改革的重大难题。解决东北国有企业债务问题,财政应采取相应政策:对资产的转移、出售给予相应税收优惠政策、强化公共财政职能,调整和改革现行的国有资产财政管理体制、开征消费增值税和社会保障税、加大对东北地区的财政转移支付力度。  相似文献   

针对重大公共政策社会稳定风险评估(以下简称“稳评”)中利益相关方之间风险沟通不足的问题,引入IRGC的风险治理理念,建立重大公共政策稳评中风险沟通机制的分析框架,将风险沟通作为稳评工作的核心环节并贯穿于政策制定与实施的全过程。为了验证该分析框架的适用性,选取北京市水价调整政策为典型案例,对稳评过程中风险沟通机制的现实运作进行深入剖析和经验总结,并从注重评估工作与风险沟通的全程性、加强多元主体间的协商对话、充分发挥媒体作用等方面,就如何进一步推进和完善重大公共政策稳评机制展开探讨。  相似文献   

When are health departments and ministers influential across policies? This article looks for an explanation in the variable ability of the French, German and UK health departments to influence their states' approaches to EU health policy‐making. It proposes that the extent of departmental power within government and the likelihood that the government imposes a single line across all its departments explain the variable success of the three health departments in influencing EU policy – some have voice in their government's overall stance on EU matters, as in the UK, some have the ability to escape central control and pursue their own agendas in Brussels, and some have neither, and sometimes find themselves pursuing overall strategies that conflict with their analyses and preferences, as in France. The framework, using exit and voice, should be generalizable to the overall influence of health or other ministries in general government policy.  相似文献   

通过分析研究国内外公交行业体制改革的进程,认为公交行业不应再在"国退民进"和"国进民退"中反复折腾,而要把多种体制成分共存作为一种政策,通过体制改革引进市场机制来取代原来的政治干预,坚持政府主导,通过特许经营等形式进行经营管理,建立更加便民的公交服务,营造一个更加和谐的社会。  相似文献   

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