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This paper will assess implications of shifting policy mix in the US for global imbalances and adjustment, with a focus on the euro area, using the European Commission’s QUEST model. Following early market euphoria after the elections on the account of expected “decisive” pro-market policies, uncertainty regarding the composition and timing of the new administration's economic policies has been the norm. Early proposals included a substantial fiscal stimulus which, combined with a tightening monetary stance, was expected to drive up long-run interest rates and the dollar, leading to widening global imbalances and potential instability. Today the expansionary impact of the fiscal plans is the subject of a heated debate while monetary policy continues to tighten steadily and risks related to a protectionist trade agenda remain pronounced. Contrary to initial expectations, real interest rates and the dollar have weakened, while global imbalances persist. Addressing policy and structural needs in the US – and abroad – is a necessary condition to rein in global imbalances. In this context, this paper will discuss the role of the G20/G7 to promote a coordinated policy approach and in particular to what extent the G20/G7 can deal with the transition from crisis management to the balancing of heterogeneous preferences among the policy makers to promote global growth and stability.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(5):1123-1145
This paper presents novel estimates for the cyclically-adjusted primary balance for 18 countries of the Euro area over years 1999–2017. We improve the methodology adopted by the European Commission by using quarterly rather than annual frequency data and providing accurate identification of the budgetary items whose response can be considered automatic to the economic cycle. This disaggregated outcome combined with high frequency data marks a significant improvement with respect to previous studies. The empirical analysis is implemented on two sub-periods to examine the impact of governments’ discretionary fiscal policy before and after the Great Recession. The most striking policy implication is that even though the budgetary policy of most European countries can be qualified in principle as anticyclical, this outcome has been weakened by the impact of discretionary policies of many governments especially after the crisis. The results are robust to the use of different de-trending methods.  相似文献   

Since its creation as a country in 1993, Slovakia's average real growth rate has been not only the highest among Eurozone countries, it has been the highest in the European Union. And unlike most “peripheral” Eurozone countries, most recently (March/April, 2013) Cyprus and Slovenia, it has not suffered from significant capital flight. We provide some clues as to why this is so. In contrast to many of the post-1989 Central and Eastern European (CEE) “transition” economies, as well as the troubled five “GIPSI” countries (Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy), Slovakia has kept unit costs competitive, fostered a sound banking system, and managed its monetary and fiscal policy responsibly. Both public and private debt is relatively low and largely funded from internal savings. In short, Slovakia offers lessons for many CEE countries as well as Eurozone countries struggling to restore internal and external balance.  相似文献   

In this work, the effectiveness of monetary policy and its transmission channels are analyzed before and after the 2007 economic crisis in the United States and the Eurozone by using a VAR model. We find that, in the United States, monetary policy before and after the crisis have been effective, with special emphasis on the “risk channel”. In the Eurozone, monetary policy was also effective before the crisis, being transmitted through the “credit channel”. Once the crisis erupted, unconventional monetary policy remained effective only at the start of the crisis; the risk channel then became the effective transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes monetary policy in a stylized New-Keynesian model. A number of issues are focused upon: (i) optimal monetary policy under commitment or discretion versus ad-hoc monetary policy based on simple rules, (ii) the effects of fiscal policies and foreign variables on monetary policy, (iii) the effects of fiscal deficit and interest rate smoothing objectives and the role of forward-backward linkages in the model. The model is estimated for the Euro Area. Using simulations of the estimated model, it is analyzed how these aspects might affect monetary policy of the ECB and macroeconomic fluctuations in the Euro Area.  相似文献   

As part of their strategy for economic and monetary union, European governments committed themselves to fiscal discipline – particularly by placing limits on annual deficits and on public debt. Subsequently, and as they sought to respond to the “current crisis”, they embraced the view that only if public finances were kept under control would sustainable recovery be possible. Rules of fiscal governance were strengthened. To help them meet these rules, the governments of many member States of the European Union made changes to their pension systems or to funds they had established specifically to pay the costs of population ageing. The intention was not to cut retirement benefits or to improve the efficiency of the relevant pension schemes and institutions. Rather, it was to free up resources immediately. Funded pension schemes and pension funds were treated like “piggy banks” that were raided when times became hard. Moreover, the policies pursued succeeded in meeting their objectives only because the system of national accounts according to which outcomes are judged does not recognize the way in which most of the fiscal gains are matched by future fiscal liabilities.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a short-run model for the interaction between money, output, prices, international reserves, and the exchange rate in a managed floating system in Greece. The framework presented, which is in the spirit of the monetary approach modified to allow for adjustment lags in output and prices incorporates a policy reaction function for domestic credit. The role of inflationary expectations is taken into account. The policy question addressed in the paper by means of the model is whether current economic policies are sustainable and whether stabilization measures leading to lower inflation and smaller fiscal deficits should be pursued.  相似文献   

The absence of historical quarterly fiscal data has limited the analysis of the macroeconomic impact of fiscal policies in the euro area, including the interactions of fiscal and monetary policies. To overcome this gap, we construct a quite disaggregated euro area quarterly fiscal database for the period 1980Q1–2012Q4, based on a rich set of input fiscal data taken from national sources. We discuss how this dataset has allowed and can allow the profession to tackle new policy-relevant research topics. We also provide stylized facts on the cyclical properties of main euro area fiscal aggregates, focusing on the recent economic crisis period.  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms launched in 1986, the Vietnamese economy has registered impressive economic growth. While foreign investment is providing much needed capital, through the conduct of monetary policy, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), which is an integral part of the government of Vietnam, is also playing an important role in nurturing the economic growth. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the success of the SBV policies. Monetary policy actions affect all sectors of real economies with a significant lag. Without a good understanding of the transmission mechanism, monetary policy actions may not achieve the desired outcomes. Using quarterly data from 1995 to 2010, this paper focuses on monetary policy transmission mechanisms in Vietnam. Specifically, we consider the dynamic response of the Vietnamese economy to interest rate, exchange rate and foreign shocks. The estimated results based on structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) methodology suggest that monetary shocks tend to have a strong influence on Vietnam’s output. We find that Vietnam’s monetary policy is relatively more susceptible to foreign shocks.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to re-assess the real uncovered interest parity (RUIP) in the light of including domestic demand shocks as possible determinants of the real exchange rate. We use annual data for two close trading partners, namely Canada and the USA. Using cointegration analysis we find evidence in favour of RUIP. In addition, empirical support is provided to show that discretionary fiscal policy actions have a spillover effect to the real exchange rate via real interest rates.  相似文献   

目前我国宏观经济运行呈现出有效需求不足导致的通货紧缩迹象.采取的扩张性财政与货币政策对这一通货紧缩态势效果不明显,因而应进一步考虑汇率管理方面的改革,尝试利用汇率管理政策的调整来促进中国经济的增长.汇率管理政策与经济增长的各种关系的实施对人民币汇率调整的各种效应及传导机制的影响更有益于目标的实现.加快人民币汇率管理体制改革,对人民币汇率向下进行合理幅度的调整.  相似文献   

我国货币增长不确定性的根源可以划分为货币政策冲击和宏观经济冲击两个层面,通过检验我国货币增长不确定性与经济增长之间的关系,结果显示:货币增长不确定性主要由宏观经济冲击所引致;1998年以前的货币增长不确定性比较剧烈,1998之后的货币增长不确定性明显减弱;由货币政策冲击导致的货币增长不确定性能够有效地促进经济增长,这意味着货币政策调控的有效性;但2003年以来,由宏观经济冲击导致的货币增长不确定性对经济增长起到了抑制作用,这说明以国际金融危机为代表的经济冲击对我国经济稳定增长产生了显著的消极影响,需对此进行积极的国家经济风险预警和防范。  相似文献   

货币政策的非对称性效应这个经过大量实证研究得到检验的结论,却在我国本轮经济衰退中被打破了.本轮自2008年底开始的经济衰退,在“适度宽松的货币政策”及积极财政政策的配合作用下,效果明显.文章主要就我国货币政策传导的主要渠道——信贷渠道进行了阐述,认为在体制转轨时期地方政府强烈的促进经济增长的冲动、商业银行的积极配合,使...  相似文献   

We focus on the first 20 years of the Euro, from 1999 to 2019, and we split this period into two approximate decades to examine the performance of three benchmarks: the real GDP quarterly growth, the annualized real per capita GDP changes and unemployment. These illustrate that the underperformance of Europe is more evident during the second decade. Searching for causes we find that the Global Financial Crisis was an exogenous shock to the EU but its impact was large in both the U.S. and the EU. One major reason is that the U.S. responded quickly and aggressively both fiscally and via an unconventional monetary policy. The Euro area was constrained by a European Central Bank that focused on price stability, and fiscal policy was not much of an option. The second shock of the Sovereign Debt Crisis was endogenous to the Euro area and it, more than the Global Financial Crisis, revealed the original weaknesses and fragility of the European monetary union. This financial fragility quickly translated into declines in aggregate demand and economic underperformance.  相似文献   

The demand for money is an important function in large macroeconomic models because of its central role in monetary policy. The interest rate responsiveness of money demand determines the interest rate changes consistent with the initial change in monetary policy and the subsequent changes on aggregate demand and the price level. This paper uses the DRI macroeconometric model to investigate these issues, finding that the model's predictive power and its estimates of the relative potency of monetary and fiscal policy are dependent upon the specification of the money demand function.  相似文献   

The paper formulates the modeling of unconventional monetary policy and critically evaluates its effectiveness to address the Global Financial Crisis. We begin with certain principles guiding general scientific modeling and focus on Milton Friedman's 1968 Presidential Address that delineates the strengths and limitations of monetary policy to pursue certain goals. The modeling of monetary policy with its novelty of quantitative easing to target unusually high unemployment is evaluated by a Markov switching econometric model using monthly data for the period 2002–2015. We conclude by relating the lessons learned from unconventional monetary policy during the Global Financial Crisis to the recent bold initiatives of the Fed to mitigate the economic and financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on U.S. households and businesses.  相似文献   

Analysing the role of money for Swedish inflation, we apply a single equation “P-Star” model and a structural VECM for the period of the late 1980s to the beginning of 2005. Against the background of theoretical and empirical considerations, we find that money – when measured by the “price gap” or, alternatively, the “money overhang” – had a statistically significant impact on future price movements. The results suggest that money might have to play a more prominent role in monetary policy making in Sweden compared with the status quo.  相似文献   

A recurring theme in electoral politics is that American voters hold the president responsible for the state of the economy. Ironically, many Presidency scholars argue that presidents are ill equipped to manage the economy because other variables compete with and complicate the effects of fiscal policy. These include international variables, private market forces, and monetary policy, among others. Using simultaneous equation methods, we examine the direct and indirect effects of fiscal policy on economic performance while controlling for a variety of other determinants of economic performance. We find that fiscal policy plays a significant role in influencing unemployment and economic growth in the United States, even after controlling for a variety of other determinants of economic performance. We close by discussing the importance of linking the econometric modeling literature with the literature on presidential management of the economy.  相似文献   

This article questions the recent scholarship that attempts to draw parallels between Qing China before 1800 and the so-called fiscal-military states in early modern Europe. Beginning with a survey of “fiscal cycles” in China from the 1640s to the 1850s, the author argues that border wars and territorial expansion had little impact on the Qing state’s tax system and bureaucracy. Contrary to the high level of taxation necessitated by escalation in military spending among the contemporary European states, the Qing pursued the policy of light taxation by freezing land tax rates and practicing universal tax exemption. What prevailed in the Qing fiscal system thus was a “low-level equilibrium,” in which the fixed amount of revenues was sufficient to cover the state’s fixed amount of regular expenditures and generate a sizeable amount of surpluses.  相似文献   

A test and decomposition of the codependent cycles of the consumer price index (CPI), agricultural producer price index (APPI) and M2 reveals that the sharp cyclical fluctuations in agricultural producer prices largely stem from the grain price fluctuations induced by factors such as land enclosure and the impact on APP of the abrupt changes in pork prices and other factors. Therefore, changing the current policy of grain purchasing price subsidies to one of subsidies to grain production and sales will reduce the impact of grain prices and other factors on APP and inflation. The weak cyclic codependence among APP, CPI and M2, along with the strong cyclic codependence between M2 and CPI, has given rise to a “shuttle-shaped” intersection of cyclic elements. This indicates that China’s monetary policy goal has been alternating between curbing inflation and stimulating growth. When the APP cycle is basically stable, China can implement a moderately easing monetary policy to stimulate economic growth, but this must be based on a 1.5 or so margin of increase in the codependent cycle components of M2. When APP rises sharply or is in the rising phase of cycle elements, China should emphasize APP control, and should delay the moderately easing monetary policy till the APP cycle becomes stable or is in the downlink phase.  相似文献   

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