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The rule of law is the basic form of national governance and the rule of law model is the necessary direction for the governance of online society. Online society is in essence a new pattern of social relationships and structural forms comprising relationships among citizens, legal persons, organizational bodies, etc., formed and brought together on the basis of Internet technology; and also a reflection, expansion and expression, singly or in synthesis, of various relationships in the fields of the real economy, politics, culture, society and the environment. The rule of law model of Internet governance refers to governance theories, systems and practices that employ rule of law thinking and the rule of law model to bring the elements, structures, procedures and functions of Internet governance into the scope of the rule of law and its operational track. Reviewing the tortuous course of the development of rule of law Internet governance in China, summarizing useful experience in the construction of rule of law Internet governance, and reflecting on existing legislative, law enforcement and judicial dilemmas will enable us to build up a rule of law system of online governance with comprehensive norms, effective implementation, strict supervision and strong guarantees. This will be marked by Chinese characteristics and will ensure the application of rule of law thinking and the rule of law model in governing, operating, using and safeguarding the Internet, thus achieving sound and orderly Internet operation and development along the path of the rule of law and advancing the modernization of the Internet governance system and governance capability.  相似文献   

柳琴  史军 《阅江学刊》2013,(4):51-55
德治和法治都是以人为实现经济发展、科技进步或社会和谐之手段的社会治理模式,因而可能成为约束或限制人类自身发展的桎梏。善治不是以"治"人为最终目的,而是以人的全面自由发展为最终目的,保证人类自身不在物质繁荣的过程中被异化为工具。善治在个体自由的离心力与社会秩序的向心力之间寻求一种动态的平衡,以公平、正义的社会制度为基本保障,以人的道德自觉与向善追求为主要特征。  相似文献   

Social governance innovation is a basic requirement of China's socialist construction, and an important guarantee that people can live and work in peace and enjoy long-term stability and order. Strengthening and innovating social governance has great significance for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and this is where judicial justice plays a unique role at the level of government, society, and the individual. That is, judicial justice is the key to transforming governmental functions; the guarantee of a new-type social construction; and the guide to upgrading autonomy at the grass-roots level. To achieve judicial justice, we must popularize the idea of the rule of law, improve judicial work style and innovate judicial institutions.  相似文献   

Chinese government governance involves the two dimensions of autonomy and co-governance. The process of moving from government management to government governance is a synchronous process of moving from government by a legal system to a “rule of law” government. Such governance coincides with the rule of law in terms of fundamental guarantees, governance frameworks, intrinsic values, external forms, goal pursuits and construction paths and lays the foundation for the realization of government governance. The multi-subject structure, multiplicity of rules and regulations, interaction of processes, diversity of modes and complexity of disputes in this form of governance place new demands on the construction of the rule of law. In response to these needs, we should improve the government’s functional orientation and the disposition of its powers by means of statute law; expand the types of administrative bodies and improve the laws on administrative organizations; enrich the sources of law; use consensus rules to improve controlling rules; be guided by interactivity in improving the administrative procedure system; normalize diversified administrative behavior; and establish multiple dispute resolution mechanisms and strengthen right relief. This will highlight the rule of law path taken by government governance. In the course of the integration and interaction of such governance with the rule of law, we will need to coordinate our responses to its latent risks, such as governance pitfalls and the limitations of the rule of law.  相似文献   

At the present stage, social fairness or equity is an important area of governance in China, and increasing the level of fairness is an important theme of work. In 2016, the Chinese government laid down specific arrangements and operations relating to equity in education, social security, market competition, etc. The participatory governance model entails testing policy outcomes in relation to the sense of fairness of the mass of the people. Our survey found that perceptions of fairness are higher among middle- and high-income groups and are lower in the eastern region than in the central and western regions. In social security, however, perceptions of fairness and of improvements in the level of fairness are lower than they are for education and market competition. Overall, specific policies relating to fairness in education have been quite effective in enhancing people's perceptions of fairness. Accordingly, if we are to make effective improvements in the fairness of social governance, we need a more rational distribution system that takes into account public opinion and expands the scope of fairness in social security.  相似文献   

陈德玺 《阅江学刊》2014,(5):92-100
现代国家治理是当前亟需破解的重大现实课题,国家治理不能疏离于文化,必须彰显文化精神,体现民族价值情趣。“文化”介入国家治理能有效规避人治和法治的诸多弊端,需要在继承中激活传统文化基因,在创新中展布现代文化精神,在对接中开辟后现代文化路径,在引领中弘扬社会主义先进文化,促进行政文化由传统型向现代型转变。  相似文献   

Contemporary China needs to change from a Western to a Chinese-style governance discourse so as to form and explore a consultative governance discourse with Chinese characteristics. This is profoundly evident in the following: the Marxist philosophy of the state is the theoretical premise of contemporary China’s consultative governance; traditional Chinese thought on governance and practice are the soil in which contemporary Chinese consultative governance grows; socialism with Chinese characteristics is the realm in which contemporary Chinese consultative governance exists; the masses under the leadership of the CPC are the necessary subjects of contemporary Chinese consultative governance; and the target of contemporary Chinese consultative governance is a multi-layered and diverse existence. Realization of national governance through consultative democracy is the basic form of contemporary Chinese consultative governance; the balanced development of public, collective and individual interests is the basic objective of contemporary Chinese consultative governance; the basic principles of contemporary Chinese consultative governance are equality, inclusiveness and peace; and the criteria for assessing contemporary Chinese consultative governance are authority, consensus, institutions and the rule of law. Guided by the Marxist view of the state, rooted in the tradition of China’s fine political culture, and founded on the theoretical and practical claims of socialism with Chinese characteristics, socialist consultative governance with Chinese characteristics constitutes the Chinese form of contemporary governance theory.  相似文献   

我国目前正处于重大的社会转型期即风险社会之中。中国进入风险社会有四个主要标志:政府作为社会治理或公共治理的中心,其公信力在不断下降;中国出现了公共机构有组织的不负责任现象;"理论的不在状态"和"现实的不在场";主体意识或个体意识的崛起。中国进入风险社会表现为四个基本的、深层次的社会结构性紧张:利益结构的紧张、制度结构的紧张、文化结构的紧张、价值结构的紧张。风险社会只是一个表象,根本原因是四大深层次的社会结构性矛盾没有解决。中国学术创新的关键就是要研究社会的结构性矛盾或结构性紧张,找出其形成的规律,从根本上消除阻碍社会主义发展和国家治理现代化的深层次根源。  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

通过高等教育体制机制的创新为高等教育的发展创造相对宽松的外部环境,以此调动地方政府和高校的积极性是建设高教强省的重要途径,可采取区域性突破和渐进式改革同步推进的方式,着重调整好中央政府与地方政府、政府与高校的关系。要改革高校获取办学资源的机制,促进高校特色发展;改革大一统教育评价体制,促进高校差异化发展;通过建立服务型的高等教育运行机制,改变行政权力僭越学术权力的弊端,实现高校向学术性组织的回归。  相似文献   

The question of how to make higher education more inclusive has been a central concern in South Africa and elsewhere over the past two decades. However, in South Africa there remains a disjuncture between policy aimed at promoting inclusivity and the experiences of students and staff in the higher education sector. In this article, the relationship between equity of access and equity of outcomes and the expectations that follow from these policy imperatives are examined from the perspective of Nancy Fraser's normative framework of social justice. In particular, her notion of misframing is used to analyze the current situation in the higher education sector in South Africa. The article concludes that a focus on individual higher education institutions is not sufficient to gain a perspective on the social arrangements required for participatory parity in higher education; and, in fact, such a focus is an instance of misframing and thus a form of injustice.  相似文献   

The national audit is produced and developed to meet the objective requirements of national governance, and is a basic institutional arrangement within the governance system. In terms of its institutional attributes, legal status and functions, the national audit is the cornerstone of national governance and an important guarantee driving the modernization of governance. In this new historical era, the national audit needs to be appropriate to the new situation and new requirements of comprehensively deepening reform and enhancing the rule of law. We must accelerate the improvement of the audit system, enhance the breadth of coverage of audit supervision, comprehensively increase audit capacity, give greater effect to the functional role of audit and boost the modernization of the national governance system and governance capability.  相似文献   

程保志 《创新》2012,6(1):96-100,128
全球治理理论的勃兴给现代国际法理论与实践既带来了新的挑战,也创造了前所未有的机遇。国际法作为调节国际社会行为主体之间关系的法律规范和制度,对全球治理的实现起着重要的规范作用;同时,国际法也应积极适应全球化的潮流,使其和全球治理理论在交流与互动过程中得到共同发展。尽管全球治理的理论范式还存在不尽合理与完善的地方,但它已经并将继续深刻影响未来国际社会的发展方向。  相似文献   

十八大报告在将建设社会主义法治国家作为治国理政总体方略的同时,把中国特色社会主义事业总体布局由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设“四位一体”拓展为包括生态文明建设的‘五位一体’,勾画了中国生态法治建设的路线图。其目标是确立与生态文明相适应的生态环境法治系统,任务是将生态理性纳入法治运行轨道,路径是健全和完善生态法治的制度与体制机制。  相似文献   

顺应政党政治法治化的历史发展潮流,中国共产党从根本上转变了领导方式和执政方式,将"依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家"确立为基本的治国方略和目标.推进依法治国进程,是一个庞大的系统工程,必须要以党的领导为核心,依靠党的坚强、正确的领导,这是由中国人民革命的历史,中国共产党自身的政治优势以及我国实现法治的基本的前提、方式和任务所决定的.  相似文献   

我国高等教育在不同发展阶段,对高等教育质量要求都有不同的侧重。优质与卓越应成为高等教育强国的质量要求。这是高等教育质量随着高等教育发展阶段的推进而不断深化的必然结果,也是我国高等教育发展到一定阶段的现实要求。我国高等教育实现优质与卓越需要着力打造文化实力,包括改变精英文化式微的社会大环境,引导大学形成学术自律的规范与传统以及营造崇尚学术的氛围等。  相似文献   

多学科视角下的社会抗争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,中国社会抗争的性质、动因和治理问题形成了各具特色又相互关联的研究理路:社会抗争的社会学研究更多地从社会(结构)出发,研究社会结构、社会分层等因素对社会抗争的结构性影响;社会抗争的法学研究更多地从公民(主体)出发,研究公民权利维护和救济以及国家对社会抗争的法治;社会抗争的政治学研究侧重从国家和政府(制度)出发,以抗争政治学为理论范式,关注社会抗争的性质和治理。本文分析了社会抗争研究的三种理论路径,希望社会抗争治理研究上能形成合力。  相似文献   

现代大学的内部治理结构体现为高校内部各个不同利益群体的权力配置,以及它们相互间的作用关系。随着高等教育改革的不断深化和办学自主权的扩大,高校内部治理结构正在悄然发生变化,而这种变化正是高校适应社会发展需要的自我完善。高校内部治理结构中各种权力之间的相互交织与作用、冲突与协调,都将对学校事业发展产生极大的影响。  相似文献   

江苏率先建成高教强省的思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚放 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):65-69
建设高等教育强国有两个主要方面:一是建设若干所世界一流大学和一批高水平大学;二是建设若干高等教育强省。江苏省作为在全国经济与社会发展领先的省份,应该率先在全国建设成为高等教育强省。为此,新世纪的江苏省高等教育改革和发展的重点应该是调结构、强内涵、保质量、上水平。  相似文献   

张玉喜 《学术交流》2004,(2):162-165
鉴于网络高等教育相对于传统高等教育具有更加适合产业化运作的属性和特点,我国网络高等教育的产业化机制应主要体现为"高校 企业"的合作办学模式和集团化的经营运作机制,以有利于获得企业的资金和技术支持,充分发挥规模经济优势。  相似文献   

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