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国家治理概念在近几年的学术研究中时时出现。将国家治理与现代化结合起来,将国家治理现代化作为一个国家改革攻坚阶段的重大战略是执政的中国共产党启动新一轮思想解放运动的标志。国家治理现代化是在扬弃旧式现代化之后探寻的中国特色社会主义建设之路。国家治理现代化不仅让改革具有了新的意义,而且赋予社会治理创新全新的性质,规定了未来中国式社会治理的新体系。 相似文献
熊秋红 《Social Sciences in China》2011,(4):176-191
腐败案件的高发案率是中国当前所处的社会转型期的突出特点。为了适应治理腐败犯罪的需要,中国刑事司法形成了一整套独具特色的侦查体制、办案原则,并且注重依靠群众查办腐败案件,注重打击重点的随时调整。中国刑事司法注重提高腐败案件的侦查能力和加强反腐败刑事司法的规范化建设等,这是中国反腐败策略在刑事司法领域的具体体现。同时,中国在反腐败刑事程序如何与国际公约对接等方面面临着一些挑战,这也指引着中国刑事司法改进的方向。 相似文献
At the present stage, social fairness or equity is an important area of governance in China, and increasing the level of fairness is an important theme of work. In 2016, the Chinese government laid down specific arrangements and operations relating to equity in education, social security, market competition, etc. The participatory governance model entails testing policy outcomes in relation to the sense of fairness of the mass of the people. Our survey found that perceptions of fairness are higher among middle- and high-income groups and are lower in the eastern region than in the central and western regions. In social security, however, perceptions of fairness and of improvements in the level of fairness are lower than they are for education and market competition. Overall, specific policies relating to fairness in education have been quite effective in enhancing people's perceptions of fairness. Accordingly, if we are to make effective improvements in the fairness of social governance, we need a more rational distribution system that takes into account public opinion and expands the scope of fairness in social security. 相似文献
社会管理创新重点在于体制创新与机制创新,体制创新是社会管理创新的逻辑起点。社会管理创新要解决的首要问题是政府对公共权力及其价值的基本认知。社会管理创新的关键在于政府与社会之间建立平等的合作关系,形成协同治理的合作状态。社会管理创新的基本目的是实现社会资源的有效整合,提高社会整体运行效率,降低社会管理成本。社会资本以人际关系、组织间关系为基本研究论域。在社会管理创新过程中,信任社会资本、网络社会资本、规范社会资本能够有效地提高集体行动的效率,降低行为风险和社会管理的不确定性。 相似文献
从社会法的视角看,社会管理创新应当吸收社会法的基本理念,以社会利益本位为逻辑起点,以发展、规范各种社会组织为重点,将保障公民社会权的实现作为主要目标,以培育社会资本为着力点。 相似文献
论和谐社会构建中的司法哲学 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
和谐社会的建构应以法治为根基。法治在司法上表现为认真对待规则,重视文义解释,尊重法律文本的权威。司法克制抑或司法能动体现了法官释法的两种不同的司法哲学,其主要分歧在于法官行使自由裁量权的范围或限度。当下的法官拥有广泛的法律解释权,司法能动处于无序状态,应予以合理规制;法官应当奉行司法克制主义,认真对待和尊重规则,依据法律文本的含义解释法律,从而建构裁判规范,以确保法律意义的安全与稳定。 相似文献
The rule of law is the basic form of national governance and the rule of law model is the necessary direction for the governance of online society. Online society is in essence a new pattern of social relationships and structural forms comprising relationships among citizens, legal persons, organizational bodies, etc., formed and brought together on the basis of Internet technology; and also a reflection, expansion and expression, singly or in synthesis, of various relationships in the fields of the real economy, politics, culture, society and the environment. The rule of law model of Internet governance refers to governance theories, systems and practices that employ rule of law thinking and the rule of law model to bring the elements, structures, procedures and functions of Internet governance into the scope of the rule of law and its operational track. Reviewing the tortuous course of the development of rule of law Internet governance in China, summarizing useful experience in the construction of rule of law Internet governance, and reflecting on existing legislative, law enforcement and judicial dilemmas will enable us to build up a rule of law system of online governance with comprehensive norms, effective implementation, strict supervision and strong guarantees. This will be marked by Chinese characteristics and will ensure the application of rule of law thinking and the rule of law model in governing, operating, using and safeguarding the Internet, thus achieving sound and orderly Internet operation and development along the path of the rule of law and advancing the modernization of the Internet governance system and governance capability. 相似文献
中国改革进入深水区后个体极端暴力事件呈高发态势,暴露出的是政府与社会关系长期疏离致使社会进入转型期后一些社会个体境遇问题愈益突出和复杂,而基于传统管制思维的公共危机管理应对乏力。治本之策是立足“以人为本”,从国家治理体系和政府治理能力现代化层面推动创新社会管理向创新社会治理转变,构建善治意义上的治理服务型政府,通过改进社会治理方式解决公共安全问题,为民造福。 相似文献
论社会治理原理与原则 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
社会治理时代正向我们走来,引起人们的极大关注。有什么样的社会就会有什么样的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理。在后工业化与全球治理的背景下,我国多质态的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理还将历时态与共时态地长期并存,同时呈现以政党治理、国家治理、政府治理三位一体的“独家管理”为主、社会自理或自治、合作或共同管理、相互管理或相互治理的多种模式。社会管理或治理主客体的二重性,往往使得原生性主体缺位,派生性或衍生性主体越位,形成社会管理或社会治理主客体之间的不对称、不对等的互动互补趋势。这种趋势必然要求在社会管理和社会治理过程中遵循共同但有区别的原则,以实现对社会的有效管理和治理。 相似文献
构建社会公平保障体系,既是建立和谐社会的要求,也是完善中国特色社会主义市场经济制度的题中应有之义。近年来,我国社会保障制度进行了相应的改革,并取得了一定成效。但从根本上说还不完善,影响了社会保障的公平性。我们党提出社会公平保障体系建设,为我国社会保障事业的发展指明了方向。结合国外经验,笔者认为我国社会公平保障体系建设包括:积极推进农村社会保障制度建设;加大社会保障对收入调节力度;加强社会保障的法制建设等。 相似文献
改革开放以来世界城市治理法治化的进程 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
"世界城市"诸多指标中,法治是核心要素之一。30年来,中国已走上法治道路,其中大城市的法治建设作了重要贡献。依据世界和中国经验,世界城市的法治化应走"强政府"大社会"的路子;应创建"法治型"政府,关键是做好人权保障和权力制约;应创建"服务型"政府,将"职责"置于"职权"的优先地位。北京作为"世界城市",未来仍应十分重视法治建设。 相似文献
文章分析了中国司法改革的社会背景 ,对中国的司法改革的成绩与不足进行了多方面的探讨 ,并对中国司法改革的前景进行了展望 ,对进一步深化司法改革提出了建议。文章指出 ,中国的司法改革应坚持的原则 ,即要坚持四项基本原则 ,尤其是要加强和改善中国共产党的领导 ;坚持在民主宪政的政治体制中深化司法改革 ,司法独立不是主张脱离人民代表大会制度的监督制约 ,而是只有自觉接受人民代表大会的合法正当监督 ,方能有效保证司法独立 ;坚持整体推进与逐步改革相结合。在保持政治体制改革和司法改革进度大体同步的前提下 ,鼓励司法改革适当超前 ,为国家的政治体制改革提供经验。文章认为 ,中国司法改革应当树立大司法观 ,司法改革的目标要明确 ,司法改革应遵循依法行事的基本思路 ;建议在全国人大常委会下设立司法改革委员会 ,改革我国司法管理体制 ;同时 ,尽快采取措施 ,积极应对全球化背景下司法改革面临的任务与挑战 相似文献
Liu Jiayi 《Social Sciences in China》2016,37(4):5-21
The national audit is produced and developed to meet the objective requirements of national governance, and is a basic institutional arrangement within the governance system. In terms of its institutional attributes, legal status and functions, the national audit is the cornerstone of national governance and an important guarantee driving the modernization of governance. In this new historical era, the national audit needs to be appropriate to the new situation and new requirements of comprehensively deepening reform and enhancing the rule of law. We must accelerate the improvement of the audit system, enhance the breadth of coverage of audit supervision, comprehensively increase audit capacity, give greater effect to the functional role of audit and boost the modernization of the national governance system and governance capability. 相似文献
The Chinese national governance system includes the Party’s governing system, the People’s Congress system, the administrative system, the court system and the procuratorate. Judicial power is neutral, passive, independent and final, features that reflect the irreplaceable nature of its role in national governance. The growth of judicial power is diachronic, complex and evolutionary, which means that its construction will be a tortuous and difficult process. Given the limitations of the functions of judicial power in China and their immediate results, we should fix our gaze on the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law and the optimization of the structure and functions of our national governance system by taking checks and balance as the principle in the allocation of judicial power, taking rights protection as the heart of the operation of judicial power, taking harmonious operation as the standard for guaranteeing judicial power, and cultivating legal culture as the foundation supporting judicial power. In optimizing national governance itself, we should strengthen its functions of adaptation, integration, goal attainment and latency. 相似文献
Xiang Yuqiao 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(4):5-19
人类社会需要借助社会制度的合理设计和安排实现分配正义的价值目标。以实现分配正义为价值目标的社会制度建设应该遵循机会平等原则、利益与责任同等分配原则、分配标准与程序合理原则、纠正不公原则等四个分配正义原则。在这些原则基础上建构的社会制度具有内在公正性,能够保证社会资源的分配达到公正。以社会制度建设保障分配正义具有重要的现实意义,有助于一个社会将个人追求分配正义的个体意向性整合为集体意向性,形成审视分配正义问题的社会视角,树立平等主义分配正义观,更有效地保护伸张分配正义的行为和惩罚破坏分配正义的行为,并维护和增进强势群体和弱势群体的分配利益。 相似文献
Ding Li 《Social Sciences in China》2017,38(4):85-102
This article seeks to make a constructive advance in jurisprudential theory by employing the unified analytical framework of modern social science. We first outline the main ideas of individual rational decision-making and game theory and of social choice and mechanism design, before offering a preliminary discussion of their application to legal issues. The core thesis is that the law in combination with other social norms provides institutional incentives to all actors in society. Legislators’ social justice objectives can be reasonably enforced only as a result of behavioral equilibrium in the social game. 相似文献
《资本论》包含着大量的经济伦理方面的思想,尤其是关于经济正义问题的思考。从物的人格化到人的人格化,体现着马克思经济正义观的人文关怀;重建个人所有制的重要命题,为马克思倡导的经济正义观提供了现实路径。《资本论》所体现的经济正义观是现实的、革命的,有着历史唯物主义的理论品格,对我国经济正义的建设有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 相似文献
在权利保障与救济、法院职能分层设置及程序安定等众多理论基础的支持下,刑事三审制不仅具有建立的必要性也同时具有现实的可行性。在重构三审制时,应重新界定与配置各审级法院尤其是最高法院的司法功能和司法管辖权的行使范围。 相似文献