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谢文郁 《求是学刊》2003,30(4):5-12
路德在西方思想史上的影响是深远的。本文通过对路德思想进行生存分析 ,揭示他的宗教体验和思想活动的内在张力 ,并展示这一张力在思想史中的力量。我们注意到 ,路德一方面是一个虔诚的基督徒 ,另一方面在思想上却激烈地批评当时占主导地位的基督教言说体系 (即罗马教会神学体系 )。考虑到路德是在没有外来思想的影响下发动对主流思想体系的攻击的 ,追溯其内在动力对我们理解西方思想史的发展线索就是关键的一步。本文讨论了路德对权威解释的破坏和对平等解释权的倡导 ,发现其中的理论基础乃是他的许诺恩典论和良心说。然而 ,当我们分析他的良心说时 ,却遇到了隐含在他思想体系中的双重权威问题。这便是我们指出的路德的宗教体验和思想活动的内在张力。  相似文献   

Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ahn Chang Ho exemplify the leaders who brought social change by applying their belief in non-violence and love of humanity to the accomplishment of their respective goals. Gandhi’s goal was securing India’s independence from British colonialism, and King’s was to rid America from racial segregation. Irony about England and the US was that they had a long history of commitment to human rights and democracy. Hence, Gandhi and King’s struggle for justice focused on reminding their adversaries of their hypocrisy, a gulf between their commitment and actions. Ahn had to deal with Japanese colonialists, who had little respect for and commitment to human rights and civil liberties. Ahn’s job was, therefore, more complicated than Gandhi’s or King’s. Ahn insisted that for the Koreans to achieve their political independence from Japan, they must build their inner strength first, and do this by self-cultivation of moral and ethical values. Building moral and ethical strength ought to also accompany receiving modern education, acquiring marketable skills, and building financial resources. At the same time he condoned the militant approach to the Korean independence movement, as necessary. Ahn was a complex figure, a blend of a moralist, a strategist, and a pragmatist.  相似文献   

There is little agreement in the recent academic literature about how the concept of homelessness should be defined. This is more than just a theoretical problem, because it becomes difficult to urge governments to meet the needs of homeless people, if the parameters of the homeless population are unclear. This paper reviews ‘conservative’, ‘radical’ and ‘conventional’ perspectives on homelessness in modern society, and it argues that it is possible to adjudicate between them. The paper proposes a socially constructed definition of homelessness based on the notion of minimum community standards. It argues that this culturally relative position provides a theoretically meaningful framework for understanding homelessness in the 1990s.  相似文献   

论唐诗人与道士交游的范型及其诗学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李乃龙 《唐都学刊》2000,16(3):56-62
送人入道、送道士归山和山中访道是唐代诗人与道士交游的三种主要方式。从入道者的身份看,可分为宫人、官人、处士、佛徒和平民五种。他们入道的原因各不相同,诗人对此的反应则以肯定为主。诗人与道士交游有学道问医、名士雅集和虚拟游仙等现实需要和心理代偿等原因。仙为“人在山上貌”的观念和道士在山中修炼这一事实使访道求仙成为诗人创作山水诗的因缘。  相似文献   

人类命运共同体是中国共产党和中国政府过去十年来逐步弘扬的一个核心概念,它是中国历经改革开放以来的四十多年、新中国成立以来的七十多年、中国进入近代史以来的一百八十年,更是华夏文明四千多年来历史实践的一种结果。文章通过分析“中国的世界”和“中国与世界”两种中国的世界观,指出人类命运共同体实际上是历经千年之变后出现的第三种中国世界观“中国在世界”的必然产物,含指中国对世界的反哺、反思、责任与使命。  相似文献   

The parties contributing to the Freedom of Religion and Belief in Australia Inquiry had a strong interest in the role of religion in society. Those making submissions were parochial about the status and importance of their own faith, less positive about religious diversity, more likely to be culturally supremacist, and more likely to independently express anti‐Islamic sentiment than the general population. A large proportion of submissions (40 per cent) included the religio‐centric assertion that Australia is a Christian nation. Alternative voices – that Australia is a multi‐faith country or those that saw Australia as secular – were much less ‘present’ in the submissions. Most submissions argued for the retention of religious exemptions from anti‐discrimination laws and against anti‐religious‐vilification legislation that would protect religious minorities. Christian‐centric voices purposefully undermined movement towards more inclusive social policy and protection of rights. The Christian majority insisted that their position of dominance be affirmed in Australia. The failure of the inquiry to advocate for policy and legislative change to expand religious freedoms (especially to minorities) was a performance of professed ‘state neutrality’ that reproduced substantive inequality. The public submission process was an effective mechanism for reinforcing a privileged relation between the state and Christian organisations, and fails the tests of both fairness and more substantively equality.  相似文献   

Across the public sector there is concern that service uptake is inequitably distributed by socio‐economic circumstances and that public provision exacerbates the existence of inequalities either because services are not allocated by need or because of differential patterns of uptake between the most and least affluent groups. A concept that offers potential to understand access and utilization is ‘candidacy’ which has been used to explain access to, and utilization of, healthcare. The concept suggests that an individual's identification of his or her ‘candidacy’ for health services is structurally, culturally, organizationally and professionally constructed, and helps to explain why those in deprived circumstances make less use of services than the more affluent. In this article we assess the fit of candidacy to other public services using a Critical Interpretive Synthesis of three case studies literatures relating to: domestic abuse, higher education and environmental services. We find high levels of congruence between ‘candidacy’ and the sampled literatures on access/utilization of services. We find, however, that the concept needs to be refined. In particular, we distinguish between micro, meso and macro factors that play into the identification, sustaining and resolution of candidacy, and demonstrate the plural nature of candidacies. We argue that this refined model of candidacy should be tested empirically beyond and within health. More specifically, in the current economic context, we suggest that it becomes imperative to better understand how access to public services is influenced by multiple factors including changing discourses of deservedness and fairness, and by stringent reductions in the public purse.  相似文献   

王宝坤 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):38-41
"身教"是中国古代僧才培养中重要的教育形式,是中国佛教教育的精髓。"身教"教育理念历史悠久、内涵丰富、意义深远,儒、道、释三家思想中都有关于"身教"的论述。在当前佛教僧才培养方面,继承"身教"的传统教育理念,并不断创新,是僧才教育中的重要环节。但既然是"身教",意义的表达就相对深隐,所以,"身教"内涵及其意义值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

School sexuality education has been a component of Australia's successful and internationally recognized HIV/AIDS strategy since the 1980s and has been well accepted in the community. However South Australia is experiencing a re‐emergence of opposition to school sexuality education orchestrated by groups associated with the United States‐based Christian Right. In this paper I will outline sex education policy developments in Australia and the United States as a framework for discussing the controversy generated around the Sexual Health and Relationships Education (SHARE) program in South Australia in 2003. In doing so I give attention to the similarities between the strategies deployed by the opponents of SHARE and those used to install abstinence‐only‐until‐marriage sex education as national policy in the United States. I will argue that, rather than a phenomenon indigenous to South Australia, these debates are part of an international movement to progress the political goals of the Christian Right.  相似文献   

Research on the dynamics of Russians’ religiosity shows that there has been a relatively stable or slightly increasing level of participation in religious activities, but also that identifying oneself as Christian Orthodox is more a cultural than a religious phenomenon.  相似文献   

北京作为历史文化名城,是中国现当代作家竞相书写的对象。在现代文学作品中,北京更多的是作家追忆安详古朴生活的寄托。新中国成立后,北京被赋予了强烈的政治寓意,成为能够为民做主的精神依靠。20世纪80年代末期以来,市场经济带来的生存压力使北京成为很多人一厢情愿的梦幻对象。  相似文献   

Honor is a difficult field of inquiry that deserves systematic attention from social scientists. Honor is an internalized concern for recognition and approval that links reputation with conduct and helps sustain existing patterns of social selection and evaluation. The paper argues that scholars are remiss that consider the field of honor obsolete or a residual category left over from the transition to modern forms of social organization. A modern conception of honor is identified in the relationship of a reflexive self and a larger moral and institutional order. A further effort is made to elaborate a reflexive approach to honor informed by the intersection of Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social reproduction and Erving Goffman's theory of self presentation. Honor is theorized as a multi‐dimensional field that legitimates prevailing standards of evaluation and social selection contested in staged and consecrated interactions that are central to social reproduction.  相似文献   

谢征 《创新》2008,2(5)
求真务实是当代马克思主义中国化创新的本质内涵。求真务实理论强调人的主观能动性,并以主体的能动活动建构主—客体统一关系,进行"合目的性"的自觉活动,从而使其实践活动具有实际意义和价值,是真理性和价值性的统一。科学发展观是当代马克思主义中国化的创新成果,求真务实是科学发展观的精神实质,揭示其价值内蕴,有利于我们完整准确理解科学发展观、在实践中科学地运用科学发展观、在新的实践中不断总结提升科学发展观。  相似文献   

Objectives. The Christian Right is predominantly made up of white evangelicals but in recent years, the movement has attempted to include African Americans in social policy initiatives. This article examines support for the Christian Right from African Americans. Methods. The article is based on an analysis of data from the 1996 and 2000 National Election Studies and data from the Religion and Politics Survey, 2000. Results. The study finds that social conservatism does not predict support for the Christian Right from blacks like it does for whites but that evangelical affiliation predicts support from both groups. Black women are more likely to support the organization than are black men. Conclusions. The insignificant effect of social conservatism on blacks' attitudes toward the Christian Right raises questions as to how the movement can best appeal to this minority group. At the very least, the Christian Right does not appear to have solidified support from African Americans on the basis of shared convictions related to abortion and gay rights. Support for the Christian Right from African Americans remains difficult to measure and largely unpredictable.  相似文献   

杜丽燕 《求是学刊》2004,31(1):45-51
如果没有希腊文化,基督教的产生是不可想像的。基督教思想的产生得益于希腊哲学,基督教思想的系统化,同样是希腊哲学征服基督教世界的结果。因此,我们可以说,基督教思想是穿着宗教外衣的希腊哲学。不过,希腊哲学究竟在哪些方面为基督教做出了贡献,似乎西方哲学并没有明确的定论,本文从四个方面阐述希腊文明与基督教的关系。第一,智者关于好公民的讨论和毕达哥拉斯、苏格拉底、柏拉图对于好人的讨论成为基督教定位人的信仰的重要参数。第二,善的理念为基督教的上帝论提供了道德的形而上学蓝本。第三,毕达哥拉斯和新毕达哥拉斯派以及柏拉图的灵魂不灭与轮回思想,为基督教爱的理论和末世学奠定了理论基础。第四,斯多亚学派的世界主义为上帝面前人人平等拓清了道路。通过对这四个方面的阐述,作者力求表明,希腊哲学是基督教思想的奠基者。  相似文献   

吕玉华 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):110-115
文与道的关系几乎是中国古代文学理论中最重要的问题,“文以载道”成为普遍应用的思维模式。小说理论以散文理论为母体,既借鉴其概念术语,又移植其观念模式。散文理论的文以载道模式也影响到小说理论,并成为小说理论的核心理念。散文理论文以载道模式的着重点是道,而小说理论文以载道的关注重点却是文,将儒家道德伦理观念之“道”泛化为有益于世道人心的思想观念。借助这种模式,“文”假“道”威,提升通俗小说的社会地位。持此论调的小说理论家们对小说独有的审美特点和艺术规律关注不够。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情在全球的大暴发加快了全球产业链、供应链重构的进程。对严重依赖海外资源和市场的日本而言,供应链安全的重要性不言而喻。受贸易环境不确定性以及新冠肺炎疫情蔓延的影响,日本政府加大了对供应链安全保障的重视程度,并强化了相关政策和资金投入。鉴于日本在亚洲生产网络中的地位以及此次供应链安全保障政策调整中的价值观取向,日本在供应链安全保障领域的新动向和新调整将给亚洲区域生产网络以及中日两国间的产业链、供应链合作带来深远影响,值得关注和研究。  相似文献   

In their struggle to realize their goals, social movements must develop a rhetorical frame that resonates with the world-view of potential adherents. This cultural dimension of social movement activity is addressed by exploring how movements construct meanings and, in the process, make sense of events both for their supporters and for wider audiences. This essay outlines a typology of “master frames” that provide a discursive grounding for classifying events and creating a coherent social order. The typology is then used to chart the evolution of rhetorical frames adopted by the Christian Coalition of New York in the debate over public school curriculum. Content analyses and interviews conducted for this study suggest that, despite a group’s underlying world-view, the effectiveness of master frames is governed largely by the discursive grounding of the arena in which the conflict is taking place.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to explore a hypothesis that people’s trait judgments about Jewish males can be dissociated from prejudice against them. Two general findings supported this hypothesis. First, although participants made more positive, and fewer negative, trait judgments about Jewish males than about Christian males, they were relatively unwilling to have a daughter (if they had a daughter) marry a Jew. Second, participants’ positive trait judgments about Christians were correlated with their willingness to have a daughter marry one, but no correlation was obtained regarding Jews. The support for the dissociation hypothesis implies that changing beliefs about the traits of stereotypic groups may be ineffective in changing prejudice against those groups.  相似文献   

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