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本文从认知、情感和行为等3个层面对品牌关系进行测量,结合感知价值和网络互动的相关理论,以微博为研究载体,探究品牌关系对消费者行为意向的影响机制。构建44个测量指标,验证各变量对消费者行为意向影响的非均衡性;承诺、工具互动和功能价值是消费者最为看重的指标;目前企业运用社交媒体的营销效果不够理想。基于此提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

社交网络营销是基于现代信息技术和互联网技术而出现的不断创新和发展的一种营销模式,它代表了现代网络用户的需求和特点,是真正符合网络用户需求的一种新型营销模式。社交网络营销不仅可以满足企业不同的营销策略,更能够有效降低企业的营销成本,真正满足网络用户的需求,从而帮助企业形成更加强有力的品牌效应和市场影响力。社交网络营销能够使用户与企业产品之间形成良好的沟通渠道,可使客户和消费者方便看到产品或零售店的最新消息,有效促进品牌推广,使得用户更容易接受和购买企业产品,实现市场营销价值的最大化。  相似文献   

钱茜  徐凯 《中国管理科学》2020,28(11):35-42
关联信用风险是指某些企业违约,导致与其存在关联关系的企业违约或违约可能性增大的这类信用风险。企业家的社交关系会影响企业之间关联信用风险的传染效应。本文利用双层网络刻画企业家和企业所形成的耦合网络,分析企业家的社交关系对关联信用风险传染的影响路径,构建双层网络中关联信用风险的传染模型,并考察企业家社交网络和双层网络的结构等因素对关联信用风险传染效应的影响。研究结果表明:企业家的社交关系是影响关联信用风险传染的重要因素;企业家社交-企业关联双层网络的拓扑结构也会影响关联信用风险的传染效应;提高双层网络的相似度,可以抑制关联信用风险在关联企业网络中的传染。本文的研究进一步拓展了信用风险的研究视角,为银行等金融机构对信用风险的提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

免费试用是电子商务与社交网络发展形成的独特的营销模式,本文研究消费者网络对免费试用模式中"商家-平台"合作机制的影响。通过模型构建和试验分析发现:成本共担可以实现供应链协调,分担比例为正式销售阶段扣除手续费后的商家收入与手续费之比;成本共担式与分散式相比商家的利润稍高,但随着质量的下降,两种情况下的商家利润差距越来越小;随着努力水平的增加,成本共担式商家利润呈现缓慢上升后下降的趋势,且成本共担式优于分散式;随着网络规模逐渐变大,产品质量与努力水平对商家越来越重要。对后续消费者网络驱动的"商家-平台"合作机制及营销实践提供了理论和建议。  相似文献   

笔者通过导入John Doerr提出的So Lo Mo营销概念,结合日本著名广告公司电通公司的AISAS互联网消费行为模型,为我国企业如何利用社交媒体,提升品牌知名度和消费者满意度提供策略性建议。在移动智能终端普及和社交网络日趋成熟的大背景下,重点分析消费者信息搜集、信息分享两个重要环节,研究企业应如何制定应对策略以实现业绩增长。  相似文献   

杨学成 《经理人》2014,(1):24-25
正在社交网络里,原本孤立的消费个体,已经变身为数量庞大、类型多样的社交网络的节点,随时随地保持相互链接的状态。这一趋势让原本孤立的"牛"随时以"牛群"的形式出现在商家面前。链接赋予了消费者前所未有的智能,致使传统客户关系管理理念失范,有必要以全新的思维重新理解消费者、商业模式和消费市场。营销学界经常引用西班牙的一句谚语"欲做斗牛士,必须先做牛",说的是要想做好营销工作,必须深入了解消费者的行为、习惯、偏好和需求。在  相似文献   

基于信息共享增值机制的供应链需求均衡优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章将供应商、经销商追求利益最大化目标与用户需求的相互作用表述为一个双层规划问题。其中,上层规划为供应商与经销商的零售价格优化模型,下层为用户购买与需求均衡模型,分别表现为寡头、垄断、社会最优等不同信息共享机制。文章设计灵敏度分析算法和迭代方法求解和优化供应链需求均衡问题。  相似文献   

绿色消费行为是绿色产业发展的主要推动力。以市场需求侧与供给侧协调为思路,基于复杂网络演化博弈理论,构建新能源汽车扩散模型,研究绿色消费者对制造商微观决策与宏观新能源汽车扩散的影响。在小世界网络情境下进行仿真分析,结果表明:宏观上,绿色消费者溢价和绿色消费者比例的增加都能够促进新能源汽车扩散,但是二者的微观影响机制不同。绿色消费者溢价的增加总是使得演化稳定状态下所有制造商的平均收益都增加,而绿色消费者比例的增加可能导致所有制造商的平均收益都减少。在产业层面,绿色消费行为对新能源汽车扩散具有积极的促进作用,而在企业层面,绿色消费行为的作用并非总是积极的。因此,一方面,促进新能源汽车扩散需要加强对需求侧的重视。从扩大绿色消费者规模和提高绿色消费者溢价两方面考虑,政府应该通过制定激励机制或加大环保宣传等财税或非财税方式促使消费者环保意识的觉醒。另一方面,新能源汽车制造商应该制定恰当的营销策略促使绿色消费者对新能源汽车产生更多溢价;燃油汽车制造商能够从新能源汽车制造商的营销策略中搭便车,应避免与新能源汽车制造商进行恶性竞争。论文从影响因素和扩散机制两方面拓展了新能源汽车扩散理论研究体系,研究结论...  相似文献   

随着经济水平的提高和物质生活的丰富,消费者的需求变化也越来越快。能否迎合市场需求的变化是企业产品成功的关键。随着社交媒体的发展,消费者为了分享购物体验发表了许多在线评论信息,其中蕴含着消费者的需求变化。本文在产品特征提取和属性情感分析的基础上,构建了垃圾评论识别模型。然后,利用时间序列分析模型预测下阶段的产品属性关注度和情感计算。最后结合历史数据的变化趋势,分析产品属性的重要性和市场满意情况。利用汽车论坛上的汽车评论数据对本文提出的研究模型进行了验证。研究结果可以为企业制定营销策略以及产品改进与创新提供决策支持。  相似文献   

曹策俊  李从东  屈挺  杨琴 《管理科学》2019,22(9):113-128
为减少幸存者的痛苦、提高灾害响应效率和降低各种损失,聚焦于跨区域救援物资反应性调度主从优化问题.综合考虑救援物资调度与分配网络中不确定供应-需求-行程时间、公平性分配原则、幸存者多层次异质性与风险可接受度限制、利益相关者的层级或纵向"府际"关系、需求可拆分、多灾点、多供应点和多运输模式等特征;构建了上层最小化加权行程时间总和,下层最大化加权感知满意度的双层整数规划模型.通过分析模型的特征,设计了以互补松弛条件为基础的原始-对偶算法对其进行求解.最后,以汶川地震为算例,验证了所提出模型与求解策略的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

Engineering changes in the design of a product, while attractive from a marketing viewpoint (in terms of increased sales opportunities, matching competitors innovations, etc.) cause disruptions in the manufacturing function of a firm. These disruptions include delays or backorders in the delivery of both committed-orders and forecast-demands of existing products, increased capacity requirements that could result in greater use of subcontracts, higher component inventories, and obsolescence of certain components. In this paper, we establish how the marketing opportunities and manufacturing costs associated with engineering changes can be managed so as to enhance the firm's profits over a planning horizon. Using an optimization model, we show that an enhanced product with increased marketing opportunities may not immediately replace the existing product; it may be phased in over a period of time. We further illustrate how the firm's overall profit, and the mechanics of phasing out the old product and phasing in the new product, are affected by factors such as the manufacturing lead time of the new product, its market attractiveness as compared to the old product, capacity availability, subcontracting premiums, and backorder costs. We develop several insights that allow managers to quickly establish whether an engineering change would be desirable and discuss a multitude of options that may be used to further enhance their desirability. Finally, we show that if the phase out period of the old product is set arbitrarily, rather than optimally, the result may be a substantial reduction in overall profits.  相似文献   

Within the financial services sector there has been diversification on a vast scale, with varying degrees of success. Financial services are increasingly viewed as products, the various branch networks as channels of distribution. The competition between banks and building societies has become a major battleground in the war for consumers' financial services expenditure. Both types of organization have a strong presence in the high street and have become major users of media advertising and other marketing weaponry. Historically, they have both enjoyed strong but different forms of relationship with their customers; these differences are rapidly diminishing as each invades the other's trading territory. This paper presents results from a study of bank-building society competition, illustrating the attributes and dimensions upon which consumers tend to base their choices. Financial services retailers are urged to base their marketing strategies upon a clear understanding of consumer needs and motives, not upon ‘me-too’ responses to competitors' moves. As many product retailers have discovered to their cost, heavy marketing expenditure cannot be a substitute for a well founded retail marketing strategy.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the extent of consumer adoption of ‘green’ products is much less than would be indicated by the enthusiastic opinion poll evidence concerning public attitudes towards environmentally-friendly consumption. This paper reports on an empirical analysis of firms' marketing strategies and their influence on consumer demand for green products. In twenty 2–3 hour interviews with senior managers, four representative groups of markets were analysed household detergents, paper (recycled), petrol (unleaded) and automobile technology (focusing on catalytic converters). According to managers, firms' marketing strategies influenced consumer demand by making green technologies available in the fwst instance. However, barriers to supplying green products that show panty with, or better performance than, conventional technologies constrain pricing and communication efforts Managers stressed that, in the absence of clarity of green products' environmental benefits, product performance and other attributes, not green benefits, remain the main determinants of product preference and choice. Promotions focused much more on consumers than distribution channels, yet channel acceptance and support of green innovations are paramount in facilitating sales. Firms see the costs of generating and promoting desirable green technologies as barriers to diffusion in the immediate future. Legislation and/or economic incentives may help, but manufacturers are not optimistic that future green consumption rates will accelerate. The results also highlight several propositions concerning the discrepancy between consumer environmental concerns and purchasing actions which warrant further testing: there is mis-specification of green products in relation to consumers'needs; there are barriers to perceptions of green products' environmental impact and consumers' free ride due to individual self-interest.  相似文献   

鲁芳  吴健  罗定提 《中国管理科学》2020,28(10):144-155
有关产品分销渠道合作的研究主要集中在渠道成本、风险规避、消费者公平偏好等方面,较少关注产品本身属性。对于体验性低的产品,消费者在网络渠道就能较为准确判断产品价值。而对于体验性高的产品,网络渠道由于其虚拟性导致消费者不能准确判断产品价值,实体渠道则可以凭借现实产品的体验吸引更多的消费者。但由于线下零售商营销努力的溢出效应,部分消费者在线下体验产品后转移到线上消费,因此有必要从产品体验性和营销努力角度研究多渠道的合作策略。本文从消费者效用角度分析了产品体验性和营销努力对不同渠道需求的影响,基于此研究了制造商和线下零售商的三种分销渠道合作策略,探讨产品体验性和营销努力对不同分销渠道选择的影响:第一种为制造商支持线下零售商实施营销努力的单一合作策略;第二种是在单一合作策略下,制造商与零售商采取价格协调契约的双重合作策略;第三种是制造商与零售商之间进一步引入收益共享契约的多重合作策略。通过对三种合作策略的数值仿真,结果表明:三种合作策略均能有效提高制造商与线下零售商的收益水平,并且产品体验性越低,合作策略作用越显著。制造商在进入市场初期,往往需要快速增加企业价值,此时双重合作策略是最优选择。当市场发展成熟,双重合作策略虽然能够有效提高线下零售商收益,但却减少制造商收益,为了激励制造商支持线下零售商实施营销努力,需要将合作收益再分配,此时多重合作策略是最优选择。  相似文献   

We study the problems of pricing an indivisible product to consumers who are embedded in a given social network. The goal is to maximize the revenue of the seller by the so-called iterative pricing that offers consumers a sequence of prices over time. The consumers are assumed to be impatient in that they buy the product as soon as the seller posts a price not greater than their valuations of the product. The product’s value for a consumer is determined by two factors: a fixed consumer-specified intrinsic value and a variable externality that is exerted from the consumer’s neighbors in a linear way. We focus on the scenario of negative externalities, which captures many interesting situations, but is much less understood in comparison with its positive externality counterpart. Assuming complete information about the network, consumers’ intrinsic values, and the negative externalities, we prove that it is NP-hard to find an optimal iterative pricing, even for unweighted tree networks with uniform intrinsic values. Complementary to the hardness result, we design a 2-approximation algorithm for general weighted networks with (possibly) nonuniform intrinsic values. We show that, as an approximation to optimal iterative pricing, single pricing works fairly well for many interesting cases, such as forests, Erd?s–Rényi networks and Barabási–Albert networks, although its worst-case performance can be arbitrarily bad in general networks.  相似文献   

随着社交网络的发展,大量用户生成的在线评论影响着消费者的行为,同时被应用于企业的经营管理活动,引起市场营销、信息系统、产品开发等领域学者们的广泛关注,取得很大的研究进展。但是在线评论的研究范围广泛,目前并没有系统性的概念框架,缺乏对在线评论的全局认识。因此,本文尝试从行为影响和价值应用两个层面对在线评论研究文献进行全面总结,并结合当前的技术发展和市场环境,探讨在线评论研究的未来趋势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimal product portfolio positioning for a monopolist firm in a market where consumers exhibit vertical differentiation for product performance and horizontal differentiation for product feature. Our key results are as follows: (i) Variable costs drive vertical differentiation. In the presence of significant volume‐dependent manufacturing costs, the optimal portfolio contains a mix of vertically and horizontally differentiated products and an increase in the variable cost makes adding vertically differentiated products relatively more profitable; if fixed volume‐independent design costs dominate, the portfolio exhibits solely horizontal differentiation. (ii) Horizontal differentiation is the main profit lever, and vertical differentiation brings only a marginal benefit; this is true even when most of the consumers exhibit low willingness to pay for performance, which is often used as an excuse to offer low‐end products. (iii) There are more low‐quality products than high‐quality ones, and market coverage increases when the willingness to pay for performance increases. In summary, the model shows how portfolio composition decisions depend on the product cost structure and the consumer preferences.  相似文献   

基于消费者对互补品消费习性存在的异质性,对互补品消费市场进行细分,并在上游两个制造商分别提供具有互补特性的产品,下游一个销售商同时销售这两种产品的供应链环境下研究定价均衡。根据不同目标市场选择,识别出全市场覆盖以及聚焦细分市场两种销售策略,分别对两种营销策略下的供应链产品定价进行讨论,并通过模型求解分别得到两种策略下的均衡,讨论了两个均衡解存在的条件,讨论了均衡定价随产品互补程度以及互补品相对效用比的变化情况,以及销售商在不同情形下选择的定价策略。结果表明,当互补品相对效用差异不大,且互补程度不大的时候,渠道内形成第一个定价均衡;当产品间相对效用差异大,且互补程度足够大的时候,渠道内形成第二个定价均衡。  相似文献   

  如今的中国市场,诸多行业本土品牌崛起甚至逆袭,消费者对全球品牌与本土品牌的偏好相应逆转。已有研究较为全面地揭示了全球品牌和本土品牌偏好的驱动因素,但本土品牌逆袭过程中全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素是否相同、本土品牌逆袭与消费者偏好逆转的互动影响路径是怎样的,对这些问题缺乏探讨。         在梳理相关研究的基础上,以手机行业为研究对象,采用扎根理论的研究方法,通过对网络讨论数据的初始编码、聚焦编码和理论编码,首先研究全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素的异同,然后结合对讨论数据的纵向统计结果,研究本土品牌逆袭过程中品牌逆袭与消费者偏好逆转的互动影响路径。         研究结果表明,本土品牌逆袭中,全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素模型具有相似的结构,功能价值和社会价值的测量受个人因素调节而影响消费者偏好,但测量功能价值或社会价值的具体因素在全球品牌与本土品牌中存在差异。品牌逆袭有助于提升综合国力、促进消费者成熟,进而驱动消费者偏好逆转;消费者偏好逆转则通过反馈路径帮助品牌进一步逆袭。具体的,消费者对产品特质更加重视,全球品牌的原产国效应和符号价值表现力减弱,本土品牌的口碑效应和符号价值表现力增强,同时消费者的民族主义增强而爱国绑架感减弱,这些因素通过感知价值带来消费者偏好逆转。综合而言,本土品牌逆袭和消费者偏好逆转是互动提升的关系。         研究结果丰富了全球品牌和本土品牌的相关研究,为全球品牌和本土品牌的建设提供了实践启示。产品特质是影响消费者偏好的主要因素,并对其他驱动因素有支撑作用。所以全球品牌和本土品牌都要重视产品的创新和研发,还要根据各驱动因素的变化调整其营销策略。  相似文献   

合理的产品定价是生鲜类农业众筹项目成功的关键。本文运用交易成本理论、供应链管理理论及互联网思维构建了生产者组织化联合和消费者社群化聚合、O2O场景产销对接模型和产品阶梯定价策略。研究表明,与传统开放式多级分销模式相比,生鲜农产品通过农场直达家庭的众筹预售在促进产销衔接、降低物流成本、保障质量安全方面优势明显,可让消费者获得更多顾客让渡价值并在阶梯价格吸引下“滚雪球”式地为生产者聚集批量订单进行定制化按需生产,进而实现生产者与消费者的帕累托改进。  相似文献   

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