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Jan F Bjrnstad 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(6):673-686
Comparison of two-way contingency tables using measures of association is considered. Multiple comparison procedures for dependent tables are proposed, enabling us to compare tables that are faces from larger multl-dimensional tables. An example is given to Illustrate the analysis of two 2 × 2-tables formed from a 24-table. 相似文献
When analysing a contingency table, it is often worth relating the probabilities that a given individual falls into different cells from a set of predictors. These conditional probabilities are usually estimated using appropriate regression techniques. In particular, in this paper, a semiparametric model is developed. Essentially, it is only assumed that the effect of the vector of covariates on the probabilities can entirely be captured by a single index, which is a linear combination of the initial covariates. The estimation is then twofold: the coefficients of the linear combination and the functions linking this index to the related conditional probabilities have to be estimated. Inspired by the estimation procedures already proposed in the literature for single-index regression models, four estimators of the index coefficients are proposed and compared, from a theoretical point-of-view, but also practically, with the aid of simulations. Estimation of the link functions is also addressed. 相似文献
Measures of association are often used to describe the relationship between row and column variables in two—dimensional contingency tables. It is not uncommon in biomedical research to categorize continuous variables to obtain a two—dimensional table. In these situations it is desirable that the measure of association not be too sensitive to changes in the number of categories or to the choice of cut points. To accomplish this objective we attempt to find a measure of association that closely approximates the corresponding measure of association for the underlying distribution.Measures that are close to the underlying measure for various table sizes andcutpoints are called stable measures. 相似文献
Testing for the difference in the strength of bivariate association in two independent contingency tables is an important issue that finds applications in various disciplines. Currently, many of the commonly used tests are based on single-index measures of association. More specifically, one obtains single-index measurements of association from two tables and compares them based on asymptotic theory. Although they are usually easy to understand and use, often much of the information contained in the data is lost with single-index measures. Accordingly, they fail to fully capture the association in the data. To remedy this shortcoming, we introduce a new summary statistic measuring various types of association in a contingency table. Based on this new summary statistic, we propose a likelihood ratio test comparing the strength of association in two independent contingency tables. The proposed test examines the stochastic order between summary statistics. We derive its asymptotic null distribution and demonstrate that the least favorable distributions are chi-bar distributions. We numerically compare the power of the proposed test to that of the tests based on single-index measures. Finally, we provide two examples illustrating the new summary statistics and the related tests. 相似文献
Maria Kateri 《Statistics》2013,47(5):443-455
In this paper, we examine the relationships between log odds rate and various reliability measures such as hazard rate and reversed hazard rate in the context of repairable systems. We also prove characterization theorems for some families of distributions viz. Burr, Pearson and log exponential models. We discuss the properties and applications of log odds rate in weighted models. Further we extend the concept to the bivariate set up and study its properties. 相似文献
Christy Chuang 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(9):1121-1126
When samples are taken independently from I populations and the subjects classified into J categories, can the Pearson's chisquare statistic X2 testing the homogeneity model on the resulting I×J two-way table be decomposed into components familiar in the analysis of variance? Will the X2 testing the homogeneity model on tables derived by collapsing columns in the spirit of orthogonal comparisons in factorial experiments be asymptotically independent? The answers to both questions are generally negative. This paper gives a theoretical justification. 相似文献
We propose a simple and robust algorithm for exact inference in 2 × 2 contingency tables. It is based on recursive relations allowing efficient computation of odds-ratio estimates, confidence limits and p-values for Fisher's test. A factor of 3–10 is gained in terms of computer time compared with the classical algorithm of Thomas. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(4):781-797
Nonparametric estimation of copula-based measures of multivariate association in a continuous random vector X=(X1, …, Xd) is usually based on complete continuous data. In many practical applications, however, these types of data are not readily available; instead aggregated ordinal observations are given, for example, ordinal ratings based on a latent continuous scale. This article introduces a purely nonparametric and data-driven estimator of the unknown copula density and the corresponding copula based on multivariate contingency tables. Estimators for multivariate Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau are based thereon. The properties of these estimators in samples of medium and large size are evaluated in a simulation study. An increasing bias can be observed along with an increasing degree of association between the components. As it is to be expected, the bias is severely influenced by the amount of information available. Additionally, the influence of sample size is only marginal. We further give an empirical illustration based on daily returns of five German stocks. 相似文献
《Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》2014,43(1):31-45
Monte Carlo methods for the exact inference have received much attention recently in complete or incomplete contingency table analysis. However, conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo, such as the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, and importance sampling methods sometimes generate the poor performance by failing to produce valid tables. In this paper, we apply an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm, the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm (SAMC; Liang, Liu, & Carroll, 2007), to the exact test of the goodness-of-fit of the model in complete or incomplete contingency tables containing some structural zero cells. The numerical results are in favor of our method in terms of quality of estimates. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(6):447-458
Pearson’s chi-square (Pe), likelihood ratio (LR), and Fisher (Fi)–Freeman–Halton test statistics are commonly used to test the association of an unordered r×c contingency table. Asymptotically, these test statistics follow a chi-square distribution. For small sample cases, the asymptotic chi-square approximations are unreliable. Therefore, the exact p-value is frequently computed conditional on the row- and column-sums. One drawback of the exact p-value is that it is conservative. Different adjustments have been suggested, such as Lancaster’s mid-p version and randomized tests. In this paper, we have considered 3×2, 2×3, and 3×3 tables and compared the exact power and significance level of these test’s standard, mid-p, and randomized versions. The mid-p and randomized test versions have approximately the same power and higher power than that of the standard test versions. The mid-p type-I error probability seldom exceeds the nominal level. For a given set of parameters, the power of Pe, LR, and Fi differs approximately the same way for standard, mid-p, and randomized test versions. Although there is no general ranking of these tests, in some situations, especially when averaged over the parameter space, Pe and Fi have the same power and slightly higher power than LR. When the sample sizes (i.e., the row sums) are equal, the differences are small, otherwise the observed differences can be 10% or more. In some cases, perhaps characterized by poorly balanced designs, LR has the highest power. 相似文献
For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Tomizawa et al. (S. Tomizawa, N. Miyamoto, and N. Ashihara, Measure of departure from marginal homogeneity for square contingency tables having ordered categories, Behaviormetrika 30 (2003), pp. 173–193.) and Tahata et al. (K. Tahata, T. Iwashita, and S. Tomizawa, Measure of departure from symmetry of cumulative marginal probabilities for square contingency tables with ordered categories, SUT J. Math., 42 (2006), pp. 7–29.) considered the measures which represent the degree of departure from the marginal homogeneity (MH) model. The present paper proposes a measure that represents the degree of departure from the conditional MH, given that an observation will fall in one of the off-diagonal cells of the table. The measure proposed is expressed by using the Cressie–Read power-divergence or the Patil–Taillie diversity index, which is applied for the conditional cumulative marginal probabilities given that an observation will fall in one of the off-diagonal cells of the table. When the MH model does not hold, the measure is useful for seeing how far the conditional cumulative marginal probabilities are from those with an MH structure and for comparing the degree of departure from MH in several tables. Examples are given. 相似文献
The problem of testing uniform association in cross-classifications having ordered categories is considered. Two families of test statistics, both based on divergences between certain functions of the observed data, are studied and compared. Our theoretical study is based on asymptotic properties. For each family, two consistent approximations to the null distribution of the test statistic are studied: the asymptotic null distribution and a bootstrap estimator; all the tests considered are consistent against fixed alternatives; finally, we do a local power study. Surprisingly, both families detect the same local alternatives. The finite sample performance of the tests in these two classes is numerically investigated through some simulation experiments. In the light of the obtained results, some practical recommendations are given. 相似文献
Haydar Demirhan 《Journal of applied statistics》2013,40(10):2303-2316
In this article, a Bayesian approach is proposed for the estimation of log odds ratios and intraclass correlations over a two-way contingency table, including intraclass correlated cells. Required likelihood functions of log odds ratios are obtained, and determination of prior structures is discussed. Hypothesis testing for log odds ratios and intraclass correlations by using the posterior simulations is outlined. Because the proposed approach includes no asymptotic theory, it is useful for the estimation and hypothesis testing of log odds ratios in the presence of certain intraclass correlation patterns. A family health status and limitations data set is analyzed by using the proposed approach in order to figure out the impact of intraclass correlations on the estimates and hypothesis tests of log odds ratios. Although intraclass correlations are small in the data set, we obtain that even small intraclass correlations can significantly affect the estimates and test results, and our approach is useful for the estimation and testing of log odds ratios in the presence of intraclass correlations. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(1-2):109-119
The bivariate plane is symmetrically partitioned into fine rectangular regions, and a symmetric uniform association model is used to represent the resulting discretized bivariate normal probabilities. A new algorithm is developed by utilizing a quadrature and the above association model to approximate the diagonal probabilities. The off-diagonal probabilities are then approximated using the model. This method is an alternative to Wang's (1987) approach, computationally advantageous and relatively easy to extend to higher dimensions. Bivariate and trivariate normal probabilities approximated by our method are observed to agree very closely with the corresponding known results. 相似文献
B.S. Hosmane 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(6):1875-1888
When an I×J contingency table has many cells having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit statistic, G2 and Pearson chi-square statistic, X2, for testing independence, are not satisfactory. In this paper we consider the problem of adjusting G2 and X2. Suitable adjustments are suggested on the basis of analytical investigation of asymptotic bias terms for G2 and X2. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several tables to assess the adjustments of G2 and X2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nominal level of significance. 相似文献
Elena Kulinskaya 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(5):1121-1150
This paper deals with the asymptotics of a class of tests for association in 2-way contingency tables based on square forms in cell frequencies, given the total number of observations (multinomial sampling) or one set of marginal totals (stratified sampling). The case when both row and column marginal totals are fixed (hypergeometric sampling) was studied in Kulinskaya (1994), The class of tests under consideration includes a number of classical measures for association, Its two subclasses are the tests based on statistics using centralized cell frequencies (asymptotically distributed as weighted sums of central chi-squares) and those using the non-centralized cell frequencies (asymptotically normal). The parameters of asymptotic distributions depend on the sampling model and on true marginal probabilities. Maximum efficiency for asymptotically normal statistics is achieved under hypergeometric sampling, If the cell frequencies or the statistic as a whole are centralized using marginal proportions as estimates for marginal probabilities, the asymptotic distribution does not differ much between models and it is equivalent to that under hypergeometric sampling. These findings give an extra justification for the use of permutation tests for association (which are based on hypergeometric sampling). As an application, several well known measures of association are analysed. 相似文献
Balgobin Nandram Dilli Bhatta Joe Sedransk Dhiman Bhadra 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2013
We consider a Bayesian approach to the study of independence in a two-way contingency table which has been obtained from a two-stage cluster sampling design. If a procedure based on single-stage simple random sampling (rather than the appropriate cluster sampling) is used to test for independence, the p-value may be too small, resulting in a conclusion that the null hypothesis is false when it is, in fact, true. For many large complex surveys the Rao–Scott corrections to the standard chi-squared (or likelihood ratio) statistic provide appropriate inference. For smaller surveys, though, the Rao–Scott corrections may not be accurate, partly because the chi-squared test is inaccurate. In this paper, we use a hierarchical Bayesian model to convert the observed cluster samples to simple random samples. This provides surrogate samples which can be used to derive the distribution of the Bayes factor. We demonstrate the utility of our procedure using an example and also provide a simulation study which establishes our methodology as a viable alternative to the Rao–Scott approximations for relatively small two-stage cluster samples. We also show the additional insight gained by displaying the distribution of the Bayes factor rather than simply relying on a summary of the distribution. 相似文献
S. Tomizawa 《Statistical Papers》1991,32(1):243-252
For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Agresti (1988) introduced a model having the structure
of uniform association plus a main-diagonal parameter. This paper extends that model. The extended model has the structure
of uniform association plus two-diagonals-parameter, and it is a special case of the quasi-uniform association model introduced
by Goodman (1979). The Danish occupational mobility table data are analyzed using the models introduced here. 相似文献