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7月3日,北京市西城区仁助社会工作事务所“新起点”实践中心举行了授牌仪式。该中心由西城区检察院、西城团区委和西城区仁助社会工作事务所合作建立,并由北京明苑投资集团资助。中心为未成年犯罪嫌疑人社会考察帮教提供实践基地,通过社会工作方法的全程介入,开展社会调查,了解考察对象的社会情况,提出附条件不起诉的参考意见,并为考察对象提供心理矫治等方面的服务。  相似文献   

本研究采用应对方式量表和社会支持评定量表,考察了大学生应对方式和社会支持之间的关系,研究了应对方式和社会支持的基本特点,并探讨了两者之间的相关性。  相似文献   

1月21日,由北京社会管理职业学院社会工作系举办的“专业社会工作介入社会救助”研讨会在京召开,来自民政相关部门的领导、社会工作学术界的专家学者、社工事务所的一线社工共聚一堂,研讨和交流专业社会工作介入低保家庭救助的成效与难点。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,一方面对原有的社会工作模式和体制进行了根本性的改造,另一方面又继承了延安时期的某些经验做法并将其发扬光大,使原本已经初步发展的专业社会工作迅速退出历史舞台,而代之以行政性的社会工作。对于行政性社会工作的形成过程,我们先从几个单独的领域着手进行考察,再进入一般性的探讨。本文即以最具代表性的妓女改造为考察对象。  相似文献   

张玉枝 《社会学》2005,(4):52-56
在当前构建社会主义和谐社会的关键阶段,大力推进民间组织发展具有重要的现实意义。笔者曾到美国对美国民间组织进行了短期考察。在美国,民间组织作为一种特殊的社会组织形式,在凝聚和发挥民智民力、应对社会问题、维护社会公平、和谐社会关系等方面发挥着不可替代的载体作用。考察其组织运作的具体过程,一个最为深刻的感受就是,这些社会组织之所以得以生存发展,一个根本的原因就是这些组织在活动领域、支撑保障、决策治理、价值理念当中无不折射出强烈的公共性特点,而公共性恰恰是现代民主政治和社会生活的一个基本理念和特征。研究和借鉴美国民间组织运作经验,对于我们加快推进社会主义民主政治和和谐社会发展具有一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

11月11日,江西省民政厅继社会工作师培训班之后,又举行了助理社会工作师培训班。此次培训班为期6天,全省共有121人参加培训。培训班邀请了我国社会工作领域的专家和学者授课,围绕社会工作机构项目策划、社会工作服务方案设讹农村社会工作、青少年社会工作等项目开展教学,并实地参观考察万载县、南昌市青云谱区社会工作等示范单位,交流经验和做法。  相似文献   

杨同杰 《中外书摘》2006,(12):56-58
杨同杰是山东沂水县的一位教师,妻子是一个辞掉工作的普通女性。但他们却三次自费黄河考察,历尽艰险,九死一生。本书用日记体的形式记录了他们艰辛的考察历程。同时又为我们展示了黄河沿途的自然、人文景观和社会风情。这里刊出的是其中的一篇日记。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院派团赴琼考察政治与社会体制改革情况应海南省委、省政府的邀请,中国社会科学院派出13名科研人员(社会学所6人,法学所4人,政治学所1人,院部2人),于1997年12月15—28日赴海南省考察政治体制、行政体制和社会体制改革情况。海南作为全...  相似文献   

高中物理习题中的求极值问题,由于种类繁多、求解方法多变,一直是学习中的难点.求极值问题不仅考察学生对物理知识的理解和掌握,也考察学生对数学知识的理解应用能力.因此,极值的相关问题是教学中的重点,也是考试中的焦点和热点.笔者在长期教学实践中积累了一些教学经验,在此抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

杨璐 《老年世界》2010,(12):16-17
随着社会老龄化进程的加快,涉及老年人维权的众多话题也不断升温。为此,笔者剖析了几起典型案例,全面解析涉及老年人权益的热点、难点问题,以此提醒老年朋友们,保护好自己的合法权益,防患于未然。  相似文献   

This paper is based on an empirical survey conducted in 1995 in Hungary. Data came from a stratified random sample of about 1300 adults with learning difficulties from all over the country. The author combines qualitative and quantitative methods in analysing the quality of life of people with learning difficulties and takes into consideration that their quality of life is as much determined by sociological factors as by the biologically and educationally understood level of difficulties. The paper shows that success in education and in the labour market does not equate to successful social integration. The quality of life of adults with learning difficulties is sometimes better in social circumstances which are less favourable for high achievement in education and in the labour market. Though the people from more privileged backgrounds may seem to lead a more active and social everyday life than those with working class origins they are still considerably less integrated in their social environments.  相似文献   

The authors examined relational self‐construal as a moderator of the influence of social support on career decision‐making difficulties among 352 college students (65% women, 63% Caucasian). Results of hierarchical regression analyses supported the hypothesis that individuals with higher relational self‐construal reported fewer difficulties in terms of lack of information and inconsistent information in career decision making as social support increased. Social support, however, did not reduce career decision‐making difficulties for those with lower relational self‐construal. Relational self‐construal did not moderate the relationship between social support and lack of readiness in career decision‐making difficulties as expected, possibly because of conceptual and measurement issues. Results suggest counselors work from relational and contextual perspectives to foster clients' self‐views and to use social support to facilitate their career decision making.  相似文献   

People with learning difficulties, like all disabled people, face social oppression. Much recent policy and practice are underpinned by at least some understanding of this oppression, and the social model of disability has been influential in discussions of services and supports for people with learning difficulties. However, in the area of mental health, the picture is somewhat different. This paper argues that the medical model has predominated in discussions of mental health support for people with learning difficulties, and that a social model approach could have much to offer. The paper draws on an ongoing action research study in which service providers, families and young people with learning difficulties are working together to articulate what is needed, in order to find routes to improve the support offered to young people with learning difficulties and mental health support needs.  相似文献   

There are a growing number of students in higher education who experience mental health difficulties and have support needs. The behaviour of small numbers of students on social work programmes indicates also a need to examine the mental health difficulties and needs of social work students. There is only limited factual information on this topic. It is rarely discussed or written about. There is a danger of discriminating against those experiencing such difficulties, especially black or female students. Yet, at the same time, undertaking a social work programme is a demanding experience, as is doing social work itself. Furthermore, on courses leading to a professional qualification, such as social work, there is an obligation to protect the rights of, and assess possible risks to users, as well as to support students. Programmes should give particular attention both to the mental health difficulties and support needs of social work students at selection, during the programme itself and upon conclusion of the programme at a wide range of levels, both within the higher education system and outside that system.  相似文献   

The relationship between concepts of disability, group membership and self-concept was examined. It was argued that people with learning difficulties have been categorised, by non-disabled people, as 'belonging' to a devalued social group with a rigid boundary based on IQ level. Findings from studies of self-concept have shown little evidence of a sense of belonging. It was suggested that people with learning difficulties may prefer not to identify with this social group because of the negative effect it may have on their self-esteem. The analysis based on intergroup and social identity theories proposed that people with learning difficulties may be encouraged in creating a positive self-concept by abandoning the IQ criterion for social categorisation; softening the boundaries between disabled and non-disabled people; and adopting collective rather than individual strategies for social change.  相似文献   

This article discusses the discrepancy between formal rights to full social inclusion and the lived experiences of young adults with learning difficulties. It draws on inclusive life history research in Iceland and employs intersectional theory to study the social participation of young adults with learning difficulties. In an attempt to understand the complex political, economic and ideological forces that hinder the actualisation of their formal rights the intersection of disability, class, gender and religion in the production and reproduction of existing social hierarchies is examined. The article demonstrates how the research collaborators resisted their devalued social construction and attempted to create and affirm themselves as competent social actors.  相似文献   

Many parents attempt to limit adolescents' screen time without changing their own habits. We examined whether “whole-family” versus “youth-focused” restrictions differentially predict social media-related difficulties (procrastination and problematic use), and whether adolescents' impulsive social media behaviors moderated these relationships. Among 183 Chinese early adolescents (58.5% female), whole-family rules negatively predicted procrastination. Impulsivity moderated associations between rulemaking approaches and social media difficulties; youth-focused rules negatively predicted procrastination and problematic use for highly impulsive adolescents, while whole-family rules held no associations or predicted increased difficulties. For less impulsive adolescents, however, whole-family rules negatively predicted social media difficulties and youth-focused rules positively predicted problematic use. Results suggest that setting the implementation of screen rules should involve parental participation and consideration of individual differences.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the new phenomenon of the survival into old age of the increasing numbers of people with learning difficulties. This raises both theoretical and practical policy issues. In the UK health and social services for older people and for people with learning difficulties have followed quite different paths. One has been based on a limited, age discriminatory view of 'normal' ageing; the other has focused on a potentially liberating concept of normalisation. This distinction is being challenged by the advent of older people with learning difficulties, which is raising questions such as, what is the meaning of normalisation in older age? We focus on this key question, illustrating the different principles behind service provision for these two groups and argue that the concept of normalisation is flawed when applied to older people. The alternative of social integration is proposed as the basis for organising health and social services for both older people and those with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Employment for people with learning difficulties is considered key to their social inclusion. This contradicts the perceived un-employability of people with learning difficulties that has been part of their social identities throughout their history hitherto. The national rate of employment for people with learning difficulties remains extremely low and has barely changed in the 20?years between 1990 and 2010. This paper investigates links between learning disabilities and employment, drawing on interview-based research. It analyses the quality of experience of the minority in employment to consider whether employment can serve the inclusive purpose expected of it.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of life history research with people who have learning difficulties. [1] A number of strengths and weaknesses associated with the life history as a method of imparting life experiences are examined. Particular emphasis is given to the dilemmas that researchers may face in explicating the life histories of informants labelled as having learning difficulties. With reference to literature on narrative-based research and by drawing upon my own research experiences, I will argue that life histories reaffirm the personal in social theorising, whilst providing a methodology in which individual and social worlds may be drawn together. In addition, eliciting life histories may promote a vivid sense of the research process, thus demystifying the often over technical and jargonised nature of social scientific study. On the down-side, I will suggest that images of the 'imaginative researcher' and 'articulate informant' portrayed in much life history literature, threaten to stifle researchers' concerns with the inclusion of people with learning difficulties. Furthermore, I will draw attention to dilemmas that arise in making links between an individual's life history and social theory. Finally, problems relating to issues of bias and power are explored. In research involving people with learning difficulties, it is concluded that life histories cogently expose the experiences of people so-labelled and therefore deserve further usage albeit with critical assessment.  相似文献   

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