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古希腊文明是世界古代文明中璀璨的一颗明珠,它为现世留下了许多珍贵的遗产,诸如物理学、天文学、数学、体育、政治等领域。其中,古代希腊的城邦制度是极其独特的政治形式。关于古代希腊城邦问题的研究,也是众多学者对古希腊文明的重点研究对象。本文基于众多学者的研究基础之上,对城邦的定义、其形成以及特点进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

古希腊罗马神话丰富多彩,是西方文明不可分割的一部分,并且一直影响着西方语言文学的发展。其中英语语言文化在词汇构造及文学创作上都深受其影响。本文将从词源学的角度,分析古希腊罗马神话对英语语言文化的影响,以揭示两者之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

在古希腊的城邦国家时期,各个城邦之间经常发生残酷的战争。其中有一次战争,雅典城邦被敌对的城邦围困了半年之久。这个时候,雅典最高长官命令负责军粮的官员认真计算一下他们还有多少  相似文献   

柏拉图是古希腊著名的哲学家和社会思想家,他的著作《理想国》为人们构建了一个理想的和谐城邦。柏拉图所设计的理想国是一个在哲学的统治下,以正义为原则,实现个人灵魂和谐和城邦和谐的一致协调,达到真正意义的正义与和谐的国家。和谐思想贯穿着构建理想国的始终,这对于我国建设和谐社会有着积极的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

20世纪是神话学大发展的世纪,其中最重要的成就之一就是女性主义神话学的全面崛起,并引起整个知识界的震动和争论。以女性主义观点和考古学新材料为双重契机的女神再发现运动,构成了西方文化寻根思潮的一个重要表现领域。神话文本的繁荣女性主义作为一场文化思想运动,它的重大启蒙意义就在于揭示出一个过去被忽略的真相:世界上已知的几乎所有文明都是父权制的。毫无例外的是,所有的父权制文明都会在某种程度上表现  相似文献   

柏拉图在《理想国》中借由著名的"三喻说"构筑了他的理念世界,"理念论"是其哲学体系之要义。其中,"洞喻说"以严谨的逻辑、生动的手法阐明了一个灵魂自暗黑转投光明、自无知攀向有知阶梯的上升路径。在昔时的古希腊城邦,为巩固奴隶主贵族的统治地位,柏拉图极力主张奴隶主贵族主导政权,提出"哲学王统治城邦才是正义的"这一著名论断。经此隐喻,不仅鼓励世人通过理性主义教育促使灵魂转向,而且诠释了其理念世界和哲学王统治城邦的必然性考察,为后世哲学关于教育在个人与国家正义的有机统一及方法论研究提供了一份经世致用的理论范式。  相似文献   

古代希腊科学文化是欧洲文明的起源,也是世界文明的起源之一,它在世界文明史中有非常重要的地位和作用.但是,古希腊文明来自何方?它的渊源又在哪里?多少年来一直是史学界一个激励人们去探索的课题.本文从时空、形式、途径三个方面对其进行了探讨,认为古希腊科学文化源自东方--西亚和北非.  相似文献   

神话思维和神话意识则共时性地隐匿于人们的心理结构之中,对文明和文化依然施加了重要影响。当代神话承袭了传统神话的符号和结构形式而又有所发展和变异,尤其是借助于科技手段,获得了更广泛、更丰富的社会内容和迅捷密集的传播方式,对于社会的方方面面都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

在人类文明的发展历史中,古希腊以独特风采以及卓越的成就载于史册,它是人类文明的发源地以及思想文化艺术的摇篮。本文在社会学视野下对古希腊和古罗马音乐进行详细分析,从古希腊和古罗马的文明、音乐遗产以及音乐的本质分别进行阐述。由于环境背景的不同,导致两者地域文明有很大的差异。因此,在对两者进行比较分析时,要分别从文化和背景两方面进行分析。  相似文献   

古希腊悲剧起源于祭祀酒神狄奥尼索斯的庆典活动,大都取材于神话、英雄传说和史诗,所以题材通常都很严肃,悲剧中描写的冲突往往是难以调和的,具有宿命论色彩。本文从古希腊著名的"三大悲剧家"埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、欧里庇德斯的代表作品入手,与中国古典悲剧相比较,分析东西方悲剧创作的差异,揭示了表现个人英雄主义与命运的不可抗拒是希腊悲剧共同的实质所在。  相似文献   

The political culture of classical Greek civilization, with its distinctive twin ideals of citizenship and mass participatory democracy, represents a revolutionary development in the history of human society. The social origins of that momentous cultural breakthrough are examined in this essay, with specific attention being given to those forces – destructive as well as reorganizing – which undermined the bases of traditional aristocratic domination and which prepared the ground for the emergence of new institutional patterns. Pressures for structural and normative ‘democratization are shown to have been exerted primarily by changes in the military domain, the central axis of political and economic power within the ancient city.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper addresses the widespread belief in Europe in the late eighteenth century that without a Greek revival in art, architecture, and philosophy, the rejuvenation of European civilization would never be complete. This intellectual tradition, which is commonly referred to as Philhellenism, sought to rescue the Greek civilization from the Turkish rule. However, the Greeks turned out to be too poor, too religious, and too well integrated into the Ottoman society to respond to the call of the European intellectuals. This essay examines the source and implications of this clash between the enlightenment's idealized Greeks and the real Greeks of eastern Mediterranean through a close reading of Anastasius: Memoirs of a Greek that was written by Thomas Hope at the close of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   

Numerous commentators have recently noted that the ancient art form of Greek tragedy has been undergoing something of a worldwide resurgence in popularity. This, they argue, can be attributed to the fact that contemporary societies are no less fertile a stage for tragedy than their ancient Greek antecedent. The objective of this article is to examine whether the resurgence of Greek tragedy possesses the potential to speak, metaphorically or otherwise, to political concerns today as the tragedies of Greece once did. In order to address this question, the article does two things. Firstly, it briefly outlines the political nature of tragic drama in ancient Athens, especially the connection between the political ascendency of tragedy and the rise of democracy. As illustrations of this claim, the article alludes to the political implications surrounding two notable Greek tragedies: Aeschylus' Suppliants and Sophocles' Antigone. Following this, it then makes the case for the political implications of tragic drama in the twentieth and twenty‐first centuries. To do so, it returns to the examples of Suppliants and Antigone to show how Greek tragedy can still be read as a powerful form of political discourse.  相似文献   

The ancient Egyptians often regarded anal intercourse as a sign of submissive behavior and Egyptian mythology includes several stories demonstrating this belief. Whether this belief derived from a magical belief or from observation of animals or from an attempt to make a man “womanlike” is uncertain. Evidently quite early in recorded history, however, there is evidence that man recognized that certain forms of sexual behavior implied a dominant‐submissive relationship.  相似文献   

This article discusses the critique of Greek philosophy by a Muslim scholar of the middle age Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406 CE). It begins with a brief introductory background of Ibn Khaldun, followed by a trace of the elements of Greek philosophy in his writings. The main purpose is to track the line of argument Ibn Khaldun used in his criticism and the basic premises he used in his attempt to position himself in his critiques. This article ends with concluding remarks on Ibn Khaldun's real attitude and how he drew a balance between rejection of certain philosophic notions and the acceptance of reasons and logics as crafts practiced in human civilization.  相似文献   

Aristotle is a Greek philosopher and polymath,a master of the ancient Greek literary criticism and literary studies.Unity idea is one of his important literature criticism thoughts which were put forward in Poetics.The Magic Barrel is Bernard Malamud's famous short story.By the conception of unity,this paper analyzed the different components in The Magic Barrel and talked about the unity from the writing approach aspect. It's helpful for us to have a better understanding about how the author reveals the theme and how the author achieves the unity in the story.  相似文献   

Ancient Greek physicians as well as philosophers were fully cognizant of a human being's psychological function and used their particular art to influence individual or social behavior in accordance with their pursuit. This art or technique favorably compares with several of the methods currently called supportive psychotherapy. This psychotherapy was the first form of care for people with mental health problems. Nurses who base their practice on ancient Greek psychotherapy see the patient as a whole, a person who creates meaning in life. Applying the philosophical principles of ancient Greeks helps nurses understand the behavior of people with mental health problems and recognize and facilitate adaptive satisfaction of these psychological needs. In addition, psychiatric nurses are able to help distressed individuals understand their fears and anxieties, so they are freed from the causes of their symptoms that led them to seek therapy in the first place. Consequently, this understanding can make psychiatric nurses' work a living experience and add meaning to their work.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment can be traced in Greek mythology, history and literature. Greek society has always used passive or active violence towards its dependent members, including children. In the last 17 years there have been a number of studies describing child maltreatment in contemporary Greece. Most have used small clinical samples; nevertheless, their findings are comparable to those of other countries and their results support the psychopathological causality of child maltreatment. A number of studies on child-rearing practices and on children's socialization have revealed an extensive use of physical punishment related to the child's opposition to parental authority and high parental expectations often linked with the child's school performance. Another small set of studies assessed the effectiveness of social policy and the appropriateness of the child protection system. On the basis of the studies on child maltreatment in Greece, the author proposes firstly the adoption of an operational definition which takes into consideration community attitudes and culture. A second proposal relates to the application of an ecological theoretical model stressing the mutual interaction of different systems and their cumulative effects. Lastly, it is suggested that social policy measures should be introduced in the field of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Classical literature, specifically ancient Greek philosophy and especially the study of Greek tragedy, is helpful in tracing out and understanding the transitions Alvin Gouldner made during his career as a sociologist. This article argues that a latent tragic orientation or vision existed during Gouldner's early career as a standout in the field of industrial sociology and that this tragic vision became manifest around 1962 as Gouldner was developing more and more strident denunciations of establishment sociology. This case study of Gouldner's career teaches a valuable lesson about the importance of the tragic vision in helping sociologists to understand the limitations of the scientific quest for knowledge.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the claim that post-independence Macedonia is a cornerstone of European civilization (a traditional Greek claim) and analyze efforts to assert the country's position in the international arena as a “modern” and authentically Western state deserving of membership in the European Union. Such efforts involve the establishment of ties between Macedonians and the Hunzukuts, who live on the remote Hindu Kush Mountains in Pakistan and claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great. I also analyze comparable initiatives, sponsored in recent years by the Greek state, to prove ties between Greeks and the Kalasha, who also live in remote areas of Pakistan and believe that they are descended from Alexander the Great. Greece and post-independence Macedonia offer us insights into the populist underpinnings of the nationalist promotion of a European identity presented as rooted in the East.  相似文献   

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