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国家利益视角下的中国北极身份   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球气候变化和北极暖化的影响下,北极问题日益成为国际政治与经济关注的焦点。在逻辑上,中国北极身份决定其北极利益,而经济利益是北极利益的阶段性特征。"非北极国家"和"近北极国家"身份并不能满足北极经济利益特征要求,相比之下,"利益攸关方"则具有一定的实用性和可塑性。但是,中国"强双边外交+弱多边外交"北极外交实践模式与北极问题之间存在应对缺口。鉴于此,从不同层面优化北极身份是实现北极经济利益与"和谐北极"目标的有益途径。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the results of a study carried out in the West Bank, in 1999, to explore the role of education as a coping strategy among the children of Palestinian refugees, and to examine how the state of being refugees affects perceptions of the value and importance of education. The paper first reviews the background to the development of a formal education system in Palestine and considers the different approaches to education in different political contexts, with ensuing particular reference to the West Bank. The findings of the regional study are then reported, with special reference to the various functions of education as a coping strategy—remedial, incentive‐mobilizing and identity‐building. Education, for those who have lost their property and whose identity is under threat, emerges as a key channel for maintaining consciousness of collective rights.  相似文献   

龚卫东 《社科纵横》2007,22(6):75-77
中国现正处在一个社会转型思想多元的特殊历史时期,新旧观念冲突异常激烈。在建设中国法治文明的过程中,我们绝不能脱离中国的社会土壤而空谈法治建设。法律的社会规范功能决定它必须回归到社会现实生活中,规范人们的行为、引导人们的价值取向。对于民族习惯法我们之所以关注,并不在于民族习惯法本身,而在于对当代中国社会转型期的中国法治之路的关心。  相似文献   

Objective. The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between Internet connection and frequency of adolescents' daily use and family time and the perceived quality of relations between adolescents and their parents. Methods. Data from the 2000 National Youth Survey conducted in Israel by the Minerva Center for Youth Studies were used. Results. The findings show that frequency of Internet use is negatively related to adolescents' perception of the quality of family relationships. This negative relationship is not explained by a reduction of the time that parents and adolescents' share. Conclusions. It is possible that high frequency of Internet use by adolescents, particularly when it is not being used for learning purposes, creates intergenerational conflicts. This possibility should be explored in future studies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether perception of receiving emotional support mediates the relationship between one partner's giving of emotional support and the other partner's depressive symptomatology using a population-based sample of 423 couples from the Changing Lives of Older Couples study. A path model was used guided by the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Results indicated that spouses' giving emotional support was related to the degree to which their spouse reported receiving emotional support. Perception of receiving emotional support, in turn, was related to lower depressive symptomatology of the support recipient. Both husbands and wives can benefit from emotional support through their perception of receiving emotional support, and spouses' perceptions, as well as their actions, should be considered in support transactions.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Margaret Bell, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, York, UK. Summary This article critically examines the work of twenty-two localauthority social workers undertaking child protection investigations.The findings suggest that, while the social workers were committedto being (and believed their practice to be) participative,the dual tasks of making risk assessments for the conferenceand working in partnership with the families concerned producedconflicts of interests and rights. The impact of these on socialworkers' engagement with family members, on their assessments,and on the decision making process is explored. It is concludedthat the difficulties identified limit opportunities for participativepractice, and that these difficulties are endemic to the presentsystem. It is argued that these findings point up the need fora more broadly based child-care service which more appropriatelymeets the families' welfare needs, and that the contradictorynature of the conference task should be addressed by clarifyingthe legal base of the intervention and developing other modelsof decision making. Some ways forward are suggested.  相似文献   

王玉主 《创新》2008,2(1):42-45
20世纪90年代以来,中国—东盟关系取得了巨大进步,双方合作随着中国—东盟自由贸易区的建设而跃升到战略合作的层次。尽管如此,双方合作中仍会遇到一些问题。处理好这些问题需要我们对中国—东盟合作关系有一个明确的定位。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Prof. E. D. Jaffe, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel 91905. Summary Israel's society contains three large ethnic subgroups, oneof Western (Ashkenazi) origin, another from Middle-Eastern (Sephardi)background, and an Arab population group. Social stratificationalong ethnic lines is still common, particularly in the socialservices and human services professions. This article describes an empirical research study of how ethnicstereotypes among Ashkenazi and Sephardi Israeli welfare clientsaffect their preference for Ashkenazi or Sephardi social workhelpers, and compares their responses with other Israeli populationgroups. Using a projective test based on passport photos, itwas found that very clear ethnic preferences exist among bothAshkenazi and Sephardi respondents, and that Sephardi respondents,including Sephardi welfare clients, most often prefer to betreated by Ashkenazi social workers. The cross-cultural, cross-nationalimplications of these findings for ethnic relations, the socialservices and the social work profession are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the role of perceived competition for resources in determining negative attitudes toward immigrants and immigration in North America. We first provide background information on immigration policies and levels of immigration to Canada and the United States. Following an overview of our theoretical perspective, we then describe the research we have conducted in Canada and the United States indicating that perceived zero-sum competition between groups, whether situationally induced or a function of chronic belief in zero-sum relations among groups, is strongly implicated in negative immigration attitudes. In addition, we describe our recent attempts to improve attitudes toward immigrants and immigration through the targeting of zero-sum beliefs and through manipulations of the inclusiveness of national identity.  相似文献   

城里的“飘飘”:成都本地同性恋身份的形成和变迁   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
魏伟 《社会》2007,27(1):67-67
中国当代社会和经济的变迁,促进了同性恋身份及其身份社区的出现。本文根据在成都市所进行的田野调查,从建构主义的视角,考察了本地语境下三种男同性恋身份——“飘飘”、“同志”和gay的形成和变迁。尽管今天成都的男同性恋者在日常生活中交替使用上述三个身份称谓,但是三个称谓隐含了不同的文化参照和政治内涵。笔者认为“飘飘”身份在本地的同性恋历史传统和现代同性恋身份之间起到了一个承上启下的作用,而“同志”身份则极大地推动了中国当代同性恋者的表现形式从行为向身份的转变,促进了同性恋社区的形成和壮大。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economy-wide effects of cross-border movements of Palestinian labor for employment in Israel. The integration of Palestinian and Israeli labor markets is unique, as it differs from international labor migration and associated remittances described in the literature. Especially, it departs from the cultural and social dimensions associated with international migration because there is no shift in residence. We find based on an economy-wide model calibrated to a newly developed database of the West Bank economy that increasing Palestinian labor demand in Israel negatively affects the West Bank economy by bidding up domestic wages, reallocating labor away from tradable activities and reducing competitiveness of the Palestinian export sector. However, increasing labor income from Israel has positive welfare effects for Palestinian households. Considering these results, the paper identifies policy options for the Palestinian National Authority.  相似文献   

生存论转向与当代生存哲学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邹诗鹏 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):32-37
当代哲学正在发生一场存在论转变 ,这就是从传统哲学的超验的、抽象的实体存在论到感性的、实践的生存论存在论的转变。生存论转向肇端于生存 (主义 )哲学 ,但其深远的意义却远未彰显出来。当代生存哲学研究的切入点在于结合马克思实践人学思想以及发展观念的时代变革从而推进生存论转向  相似文献   

廖杨  蒙丽 《创新》2009,3(3):55-59
我国民族社会发展思想理论经历了从改革开放初期的“两个离不开”到20世纪90年代“三个离不开”的发展与演变。基于经济全球化和世界民族交往国际视野关照的“五个离不开”思想,丰富和完善了全球化场景下的我国民族社会发展“谁也离不开谁”思想理论,是对我国民族关系思想理论的新诠释。  相似文献   

Mixed-race individuals often encounter situations in which their identities are a source of tension, particularly when expressions of multiracial and biracial identity are not supported or allowed. Two studies examined the consequences of this identity denial. In Study 1, mixed-race participants reported that their biracial or multiracial identity caused tension in a variety of contexts. Study 2 focused on one often-mentioned situation: completing a demographic questionnaire in which only one racial background can be specified. Relative to mixed-race participants who were permitted to choose multiple races, those compelled to choose only one showed lower subsequent motivation and self-esteem. These studies demonstrate the negative consequences of constraining mixed-race individuals' expression of their chosen racial identity. Policy implications for the collection of racial and ethnic demographic data are discussed.  相似文献   

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