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社会工作以其专业价值观和专业技能、方法能够在推进社会治理体制创新中发挥其独特的功能。社会工作可以通过社区工作提高社会自我管理能力;也可以通过社会服务化解社会矛盾;还可以通过社会服务增强社会治理的合法性。因此,加强社会工作是推进社会治理体制创新的重要一环。 相似文献
北京市自然垄断性公用事业管制改革及其绩效 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文以北京市自然垄断性公用事业政府管制改革的背景与欲达到目标为起点 ,论述了改革的动因、过程 ,政府管制的结构现状和自然垄断公用事业的产业结构现状 ,以及政府管制改革取得的社会经济绩效。政府管制制度进一步完善 ,管制效率获得较大提高 ;管制结构更具有激励性 ,市场配置效率得到改善 ,经营主体呈现多元化经营格局 ;财政压力得到有效缓解 ,公用事业迅速发展 ;公用事业促进国民经济持续发展的效应开始增强 相似文献
传统的政府管制是建立在"命令与控制"理念基础之上的一套"官僚制"管制制度,被管制者处于被动从属地位,其模式和方法手段呈现单一性.在和谐社会构架下,政府管制模式应实现"四个转变":即从政府主导的模式逐渐转变为市场主导的创新模式;从单纯政府限制模式逐渐转变为提高管制对象自觉精神的激励模式;从单纯的政府政策模式转变为政府主导的协商型政策管制模式;从政府单一主体的管制模式转变为社会参与的多管制主体模式.和谐政府管制的核心是重塑"和谐"精神,认识并坚信政府与社会成员利益的一致性. 相似文献
中美政府管制体制比较研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
政府管制体制对于政府管制效率具有决定性影响.本文就中美两国政府管制体制进行了深入比较,分析了两国各具特点的政府管制体制模式形成的原因和不同管制体制的优劣,最后就改革以综合性管制机构为主体的我国政府管制体制提出了建议. 相似文献
我国互联网信息政府管制制度探析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
互联网被认为是继报刊、广播、电视之后的“第四媒体”。互联网对社会影响是深刻和全面的,但互联网普及带来的社会问题如网络安全、网络犯罪、不良信息等“外部性”,严重损害了他人和社会的整体利益,造成他人效用的减少和社会成本的增长。本文从法律、行业自律、技术激励管制等方面,提出我国互联网信息政府管制制度的构想,以期促进互联网信息的健康发展。 相似文献
浙江省基础设施产业现行政府管制体制存在一系列的弊端。改革这种体制的基本思路是在基础设施产业逐步实行政企分离;改革的主要内容是尽可能发挥市场竞争机制的积极作用;改革的目标导向是在基础设施产业实现有效竞争;以经济原理为基础制定基础设施产业的管制价格;在基础设施产业积极推行股份制。 相似文献
制度安排、制度变迁与政府管制限度——对排污许可证制度演变过程的分析 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文以水污染物排放许可证制度为例 ,从制度安排、制度变迁与政府管制的角度 ,分析环境保护制度在经济发展的背景下表现出的特征及存在的问题。尽管政府环境管制能够对严重的环境污染现象起到一定的抑止作用 ,但只有通过市场机制、政府管制与公民社会三者的有机治理 ,才能使防治环境污染取得预期的最佳效果 相似文献
近几年来,我国垄断产业改革取得了一定成效。但目前一些垄断产业仍存在着效率低下、政企不分、监管机制缺乏等问题。下一步改革应该以放宽市场准入为核心,以恢复市场机制和调整政府角色为主线,在产权改革、产业重组、价格机制、建立现代监管体制等方面进行全方位的改革,在一些重点领域和关键环节取得新突破。 相似文献
边疆旅游区域开发存在着认识不到位,决策水平不高;体制没理顺,管理不统一;投入能力低,基础欠账多;规模宣传不够,整合营销薄弱;政策扶持不够,环境有待优化;人才匮乏,制度不完善等问题。针对这些问题,需要在注意更新观念,突出旅游特色;加强政府主导,尽快改革旅游管理体制;加快发展旅游商品,全面实施旅游精品战略;改善交通条件,加大基础设施投入;加强旅游宣传,建设重点地区旅游项目;改善旅游环境,提高服务质量等方面下功夫。 相似文献
努力寻求政府规制和企业发展之间的最佳契合点,为我国企业的发展注入活力和动力,是新时期研究政府规制改革的重要课题。文章在分析我国政府规制内涵和目标的基础上,从新的视角分析了企业对政府规制能动反应的理论基础,提出企业对政府规制能动反应的4种基本形式。为充分激发企业对政府规制的各种良性反应,从政府(规制者)和企业(被规制者)两个角度出发,针对我国新时期政府规制体系的改革和再造提出了相关政策建议。 相似文献
基于环境容量的北京市经济社会活动规模评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文针对北京市实际环境问题,以反推方式定量评价了北京市SO2、PM10、COD和氨氮环境容量,建立了环境容量评价指标体系,并讨论了在此环境容量约束下,北京市的最优经济社会活动规模,以及按照目前北京市的发展趋势,为避免进一步的环境损害所需要的污染物去除能力。 相似文献
Emotional Reactivity and Emotional Regulation Strategies as Predictors of Social Behavior with Peers During Toddlerhood 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Susan D. Calkins Kathryn L. Gill Mary C. Johnson & Cynthia L. Smith 《Social Development》1999,8(3):310-334
Fifty-six mothers and their 24-month-old toddlers were observed on two occasions in a series of laboratory procedures designed to assess relations between emotional functioning (emotional reactivity and emotion regulation) in an individual assessment and social behavior with a same-sex peer. Emotional reactivity was assessed using two frustration tasks designed to elicit distress. Emotional regulation was assessed by examining the child's behaviors (venting, distraction, focal-object focus, self-orientation, and mother-orientation) when confronted by the two distress-eliciting tasks. Peer play behaviors were coded for social participation and peer-directed conflict (aggressive) behavior. The results indicated that both emotional reactivity and emotion regulation were important predictors of at least two types of social behavior: conflict and cooperation. Distress to frustration, when accompanied by high venting or high focal-object focus, was significantly related to conflict with peers but not when accompanied by distraction, mother-orientation or self-focused behaviors. These findings are discussed in terms of the adaptive value of emotion regulation skills in early development, and the importance of identifying the causal relations between child regulation and early social competence. 相似文献
Bridget C. Murphy Stephanie A. Shepard Nancy Eisenberg Richard A. Fabes 《Social Development》2004,13(1):56-86
The social functioning of 64 young adolescents (10‐ to 12‐year olds) was examined in relation to negative emotionality and regulation during early adolescence, as well as two, four, and six years earlier. Young adolescents who were viewed as relatively high in social functioning (i.e., high teacher‐rated school social competence; low mother‐ or father‐rated problem behavior) were generally viewed as relatively low on negative emotionality and high on regulatory abilities during early adolescence as well as two, four, and six years earlier. Furthermore, negative emotionality and regulation during early adolescence, and in some cases at previous time periods, contributed unique variance to the prediction of social functioning during early adolescence. Young adolescents who were consistently low in social functioning across time were higher on negative emotionality and lower on regulation than were young adolescents who were consistently high on social functioning over time. 相似文献
在我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立与发展过程中 ,由于存在市场效率限制 ,使个人收入分配不公的问题越来越突出。这一问题若不能得到妥善的解决 ,将会导致社会的不稳定。因此政府必须加以干预 ,实施宏观调控。本文围绕这一问题 ,系统阐述了政府对个人收入分配实施宏观调控的理论根据和政策主张 ,结论是应积极推进我国社会保障制度的建立 ,以求得社会的发展与国民的富裕 相似文献
This study examined emotional reactivity to rejection and executive function (EF) skills as potential mediators of the social behavior problems of inattentive and hyperactive kindergarteners. Participants included 171 children, including 107 with clinical levels of ADHD symptoms, 23 with sub‐clinical levels of ADHD symptoms, and 41 typically developing children (63 percent male; 73 percent Caucasian, 11 percent African‐American, 4 percent Latino/Hispanic, 1 percent Asian, and 11 percent multiracial; Mage = 5.2 years). Inattention (but not hyperactivity) was uniquely associated with poor EF, social withdrawal, and aggression. In structural equation models, EF skills mediated the associations between inattention and both aggression and social withdrawal. Hyperactivity (but not inattention) was uniquely associated with rejection reactivity and each contributed uniquely to aggression. Findings suggest that difficulties with emotion regulation may warrant more attention in early interventions planned for children with high levels of ADHD symptoms. 相似文献
Bangladesh has been a severe victim of its various sporadic natural disasters—flood, cyclone and storm surge, flash flood, drought, tornado, riverbank erosion, and landslide. Familial and societal lives and security of people are being seriously disturbed by these natural calamities every year. They also bring deadly damage to the economy and general environment of the country. Natural disasters cannot be pre‐empted at all, but their damage can be mitigated with effective responses. Social work has been a profession notably known for its intervention of people's vulnerability to natural and man‐made disasters. This concept paper discusses relevant intervention strategies and approaches to transform the local capacity of communities on natural disaster risk reduction in light of the social work profession. 相似文献
社会建构论:社会问题理论研究的一种新视角 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
西方建构主义理论对社会问题的研究,提出了一套全新的概念范畴和分析框架,并产生了许多经验研究成果。这种研究在很大程度上异于对社会问题的常识性理解和传统的研究视角。该理论认为社会问题的社会学研究主题不是“有问题的”客观事实或状态,而是这些事实或状态被宣称成为社会问题的活动和过程。经由这些活动和过程,社会问题建构性地存在着。本文通过与传统社会问题理论的比较,着重探讨建构论所进行的社会问题新的理论研究转向及其启发意义。 相似文献
Regulation and Risk in Social Work: The General Social Care Council and the Social Care Register in Context 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The 2000 Care Standards Act led to the setting up the GeneralSocial Care Council (GSCC) as the new governing professionalbody for social workers and other social care employees in England.1The GSCC published national Codes of Practice for social carestaff and their employers in 2002, whilst 1 April 2003 saw theintroduction of the Social Care Register. The stated aim ofthese developments is to protect the public, improve the qualityof care offered by social workers and increase public confidencein the profession. However, such intentions disguise the increasein regulatory control that the GSCC and social care employershave gained over the workforce—intrusions that have metrelatively little criticism. By locating these developmentswithin a broader social context, one in which risk and its managementare at the forefront of contemporary social policy and practice,this paper argues that underlying the debate is a climate offear and distrust in which there is a tendency to view peopleas either vulnerable, dangerous or both. Such a degraded viewof the subjects of social work also pertains to social workersthemselves, who are simultaneously seen as assessors of risk,at risk and as a risk. 相似文献
道德调控作为维持社会秩序、实现社会稳定的社会管理行为,它具有恒常性和广泛性、层次性和递进性、正面性和自觉性的特点,并同人类社会共始终。因此,道德调控对个体道德行为、道德心理的形成和发展、道德人格的塑造具有重要的规范作用。鉴于我国目前正处于社会转型期,应客观评价道德调控的功能和作用,消除泛道德主义的影响;努力构建良性的社会道德保障机制;准确把握“应当”、“正当”和“不应当”的维度,给道德以正确的社会定位;道德调控应以“官德”为先,才能真正实现道德平等。 相似文献