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It is now admitted that part-time work is a signal of inequality between the sexes, in both work and family. By focusing on cleavages among women, an analysis is made of how worktime and the company’s position as a subcontractor combine so as to produce inequality among wage-earners by assigning them heterogeneous statuses and thus forcing some of them to cope with precarious working, employment and living conditions. This study of the working and employment conditions of chamber maids in France focuses on those who work part or full-time in cleaning companies under contract with other firms. Inside this rather unskilled group of women, part-time work stresses the differences produced by subcontracting and worsens the inequality between stable, full-time employees and the women subcontracted at part-time who do the same job. These cleavages set off a strike among these part-time workers. Analyzing this labor dispute has shed light on the social relations running through the firm and on invisible issues in work and employment for these women with jobs in the shadows.  相似文献   

Drawing on interviews with more than 80 scientists on two university campuses, we create a typology that offers insights into how transformations in the nature and locus of life science innovation influence academic careers and work practices. Our analyses suggest that a strong outcome of increased academic concern with research commercialization is the appearance of new fault lines among faculty, between faculty and students, and even between scientists' interests and those of their institutions. We argue that life science commercialization is driven by a mix of new funding opportunities, changing institutional mandates for universities, and novel research technologies that bring basic research and product development into much closer contact. The rise of patenting and commercially motivated technology transfer on U.S. campuses is altering faculty work practices and relationships, while transforming the criteria by which success is determined and rewards are allocated. Through close analysis of interviews with four researchers who typify a range of academic responses to commercialism, we demonstrate emerging patterns of conflict and agreement in faculty responses to commercial opportunities in the life sciences.  相似文献   

Starting in the 1980s in France, the scientific problems related to the well-being of animals reduced a complicated social critique of industrial systems for raising livestock to a matter of adapting animals to the living conditions imposed by these systems. This swept out of view questions about the working conditions for farmers and wage-earners. However people and animals tend to share living conditions in these systems, conditions that cause suffering. Given the intensified pace of work, as people tend an ever larger number of animals, and the mounting pressure on both people and livestock, affects are repressed, and communication breaks down. Relations to one's self and to others are altered, and the relation to death is “pathologized” at the workplace - thus providing further evidence of a failed relation to life and to others in animal husbandry. - Special issue on Agriculture and food.  相似文献   

Les atteintes aux droits des travailleurs au sein des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales de la confection sont bien documentées aujourd'hui. En revanche, on ignore souvent que le problème tend à s'aggraver sous l'effet des politiques d'achat agressives de clients toujours plus puissants. L'exemple de filières indiennes montre que ces pressions se répercutent sur les salaires, qu'elles encouragent les formes de travail atypiques et qu'elles banalisent la violence verbale et physique à l'encontre des travailleurs. Pour l'auteur, la solution passe par l'adoption de mécanismes de fixation des prix qui tiennent compte des coûts du travail décent, un cadre législatif adapté et une plus large implication des travailleurs.  相似文献   

When women and men occupy apparently identical positions, do they develop exactly the same working practices? Based on a survey of youth court judges, the article directly tackles this tricky question, one rarely raised in relation to the highest professions. After showing that gender contributes to differences in judicial practices, but not in the sense of gender stereotypes, it identifies the mechanisms through which it operates. Far from acting in isolation, uniformly and independently of the contexts of practice, it works through complex and sometimes contradictory processes, always closely linked with the other dimensions of professional and social pathways. In this case, gender produces its effects through two primary mediations: one, the attitudes of each judge to psycho-educational norms, and two, their attitudes to gender stereotypes.  相似文献   

Le secteur de l’électronique repose sur une chaîne de production mondiale particulièrement complexe. Les auteurs s'appuient sur des données de la base WIOD pour la période 2000–2014 afin d'apprécier la contribution des pays à cette chaîne de valeur. Ils examinent notamment l'incidence de la crise financière mondiale de 2007–2008 sur son évolution et établissent une cartographie des interactions internationales. L’étude révèle une augmentation des délocalisations depuis la crise financière, la Chine et d'autres pays d'Asie de l'Est étant devenus les principaux pôles de création de valeur. Elle montre aussi que les technologies de production ont connu une transformation radicale, accompagnée d'une montée en qualification.  相似文献   

The activity of a design office consists in producing plans for things that do not yet exist. If, through poor management, the designers fail to anticipate accurately what the product will be, work will be inappropriately allocated and divided. Given the uncertain nature of the activity and the outcome, designers are simultaneously involved in the process of producing technical solutions, a process of organisation — through constant reallocation of tasks — and a political process of ironing out disagreements — through the exploration of multiple heterogeneous possibilities.  相似文献   

Entre 2002 et 2011, le marché du travail colombien a connu une nette amélioration des possibilités d'emploi, assortie d'une montée de l'emploi atypique. Les auteurs étudient l'incidence de ces phénomènes sur la qualité de l'emploi au moyen d'un indice synthétique dérivé d'une analyse des correspondances multiples. Ils observent une amélioration, légère mais générale, de cette qualité, associée à l'augmentation des revenus, à l'extension de la protection sociale et au recul du sous‐emploi. Les principales bénéficiaires sont les travailleuses indépendantes. Toutefois, un important déficit qualitatif perdure, qui appelle à consolider les institutions du marché du travail et à stimuler la productivité et l'investissement.  相似文献   

Do head hunters firms improve the matching process, and therefore contribute to the efficiency of the labour market of top executives? Far from being a passive vector, on one hand they contribute to shape companies' specific demand; on the other hand, they initiate the supply of candidates resorting to their networks. Head hunters implement idiosyncratic categories of evaluation in order to fit as well as possible both parties' preferences. If such a type of transaction reduces information costs, it nevertheless produces distortions with regard to the market efficiency. It introduces a bias in favour of mobility between identical jobs (in terms of occupation and industry) and therefore participates to the labour market segmentation, which impedes substitution mechanisms. As a consequence, they contribute to the inflationary pressures that characterise the top executives' labour market. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions.  相似文献   

Even though some areas in Latin America were already industrialized in the 1930s, labor sociology did not appear there till after WW II. Although this discipline followed in the tracks of its North American or European predecessors, the region’s history has affected its development. Three historical phases over the past half century draw attention: industrialization by replacing imported merchandise with goods produced by national firms; the authoritarian governments or military dictatorships that put a halt to the developing homeland economy; and the competitive restructuring that is programming the abandonment of public firms and advocating an export-driven economic model. During each phase, new questions have arisen but without making ideas from the preceding phase obsolete. — Special issue: Latin America.  相似文献   

This article analyses the process of the drafting of the Bachelot Bill on technological risks, passed on 30 July 2003 but initiated by Lionel Jospin's government immediately following the AZF factory disaster in September 2001. It focuses on the practical work of the civil servants at the Ministry of Ecology responsible for setting the orientations of the reform, transcribing them into legal provisions and ensuring that they would be supported and passed in Parliament. The analysis approaches the task by tracking both the successive versions of the bill and the multiple documents used in the preparation of these versions. This immersion in the administrative production of law provides a better understanding of the relations between the civil service and the political authorities, and shows how the boundary between these two worlds of practice is difficult to draw in the legal drafting process.  相似文献   

Drawing on the literature on changes in professional work settings, this article explores the transformations of academic research in the field of electronic engineering and micro/nanotechnology. It examines how changes in funding regimes (i.e. the development of project funding) have reconfigured the “conditions of possibility” for professional autonomy, the contents of academic work and the organization of research groups.  相似文献   

La fragmentation de la production au sein de réseaux mondiaux n'obéit pas seulement à l'avantage comparatif, mais aussi aux décisions de localisation des entreprises dominantes en fonction de la capacité de négociation des producteurs locaux et du rôle qu'elles leur assignent dans la chaîne de production. Les auteurs examinent les conséquences de cette spécialisation dans le textile et l'habillement, pour vingt‐six pays où l'offre de main‐d'?uvre est abondante, sur la période 1990–2007. L'étude économétrique montre que le secteur ne tire pas toujours bénéfice de l'intégration commerciale: on observe plutôt une association négative entre spécialisation verticale et salaires réels.  相似文献   

The greatest hindrances to women's persistence in non-traditional jobs in industry are psychosocial and organizational; physical difficulties seem negligible in comparison. This study identifies the physical characteristics of three categories of manual jobs and shows how they affect the way women perform their work and their physical (and mental) health. On the basis of data collected on men and women's bodily pains, physical difficulties, and psychosocial problems, the study suggests that to a certain extent, women have succeeded qualitatively and quantitatively in entering these jobs, although problems—health risks, adaptation of tools and machinery, and the “cultural coexistence” of the sexes—remain to be resolved in the short term. The study finally suggests that women could take advantage of both organization in the workplace and their own technical qualifications to guarantee their legitimacy in such jobs. Les principaux obstacles au maintien des femmes en emploi non tra-ditionnel en industrie sont de nature psycho-sociale ou organisation-nelle. Les difficultés d'ordre physique paraissent négligeables en comparaison. Cette étude dresse la liste des caractéristiques physiques de trois catégories d'emplois manuels et montre comment celles-ci affectent la facilité avec laquelle les femmes les occupent et leur intégrité physique (et mentale). Sur la base d'un relevé des douleurs, difficultés physiques et problèmes psycho-sociaux des femmes et des homines, l'étude suggère un succès relatif, quantitatif et qualitatif, de rintégration des femmes dans ce milieu de travail, mais encore des problemes (de santé, d'aménagement matériel, de «co-existence culturelle» des sexes) qui à moyen terme devront être résolus, et que les femmes peuvent tirer parti de l'organisation du travail et de leur qualification technique pour assurer leur légitimité dans ces emplois.  相似文献   

S'il est notoire que le non‐respect du droit du travail est monnaie courante dans les pays en développement, on n'a guère d'éléments précis sur son ampleur. Les auteurs ont quantifé les violations de la loi indienne sur les établissements industriels: les entreprises contrevenantes sont le double de celles qui respectent la législation, mais aussi bien plus nombreuses que celles qui l'évitent. Ainsi ce non‐respect est‐il une caractéristique du «segment intermédiaire manquant» en Inde. Les auteurs explorent les grandes tendances et les modalités de ces violations et montrent les pistes à suivre par la recherche et pour l'action.  相似文献   

A tension between strong individualization and a holistic conception of activities characterizes most of the French state's major administrative corps. By concentrating on the civil engineering corps (Ponts et Chaussées) during the early 19th century, we can see how this tension was resolved. When the Ourcq Canal was to be built, a conflict during the Ponts et Chaussées Assembly, which was responsible for examining plans for public works and making decisions about them, brought to light two contradictory rationales: incarnation and delegation, two ways of relating the individual and collective aspects of civil engineering during the drawing up of plans and their examination. These two rationales, which come into conflict in controversial situations, are normally combined in a “moral economy” — the civilities that enable this corps to relate the individualistic aspirations of the engineer in charge of a project with the collective dimensions of supervision and integration in a whole. In conclusion, the relations between design and execution, between activity and passivity, are examined in order to show how similar the administrative corps’ tense relation with the state is to the individual engineer's relation with his corps.  相似文献   

Les auteurs présentent les résultats d'une étude sur les caractéristiques personnelles et les qualifications d'hommes et de femmes assumant des fonctions de direction dans des entreprises espagnoles, leur situation professionnelle et leur point de vue sur l'égalité des sexes. Par rapport à leurs homologues masculins, les Espagnoles occupant des postes à responsabilités sont plus jeunes mais aussi qualifiées, voire plus, et elles ont moins d'enfants. Cependant, elles sont toujours confrontées à des obstacles qui empěchent la pleine exploitation d'un capital humain précieux. Malgré les mesures adoptées, plus de neuf postes de décision sur dix sont toujours occupés par des hommes.  相似文献   

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