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Les auteurs examinent le rôle de l'inspection du travail dans un contexte de renouveau réglementaire. Ils distinguent le modèle latin – qui laisse aux inspecteurs la latitude d'ajuster leurs décisions à la situation de l'entreprise – de l'approche bien moins souple quiprévaut aux Etats‐Unis. Le premier concilie réglementation et flexibilité, mais comporte un risque d'arbitraire ou d'incohérences. Les inspecteurs pour‐raient être les troupes d'élite dans la bataille pour le travail décent si l'on prévient ces risques par la gestion de la culture d'entreprise, l'explicitation systématique des connaissances tacites quifondent leurs décisions et un approfondissement des recher‐ches sur les relations entre normes du travail et pratiques des entreprises.  相似文献   

Telework is often considered to be a means for making life at work and at home more compatible. Why do some wage-earners, in particular white-collar employees, choose it? Do they actually make a choice or simply adopt a solution “for want of anything better” in an organizational context with its limitations? In this case, what factors do they weigh against each other? Once they have opted for telework, how do these white collars manage to adjust their occupational and family lives? Is their aspiration to improve the balance between the two satisfied? Or do they run up against unexpected difficulties? Answers to these questions come out of two studies conducted among white-collar employees in different sorts of telework. Given the absence of institutional regulations governing the relation between life at home and at work, telework, far from leading to a more balanced life, jeopardizes the organization’s collective efficiency.  相似文献   

Data from a survey of French musicians conducted for the Ministry of Culture are used to analyze the processes producing inequality between men and women in music. Two models of a sexual division of labor coexist along with a differentiation depending on the style (learned vs. popular music). These two models closely link together working conditions, careers and the organization of home life for male and female musicians; and they underlie the construction of musicians', identities. In the world of popular music, bodily stereotypes of femininity (youth, seduction) and masculinity (the aestheticization of deviance, the bohemian life) dominate. In the world of learned music, a hierarchical model of masculine authority prevails with the figure of the conductor at the summit.  相似文献   

A tension between strong individualization and a holistic conception of activities characterizes most of the French state's major administrative corps. By concentrating on the civil engineering corps (Ponts et Chaussées) during the early 19th century, we can see how this tension was resolved. When the Ourcq Canal was to be built, a conflict during the Ponts et Chaussées Assembly, which was responsible for examining plans for public works and making decisions about them, brought to light two contradictory rationales: incarnation and delegation, two ways of relating the individual and collective aspects of civil engineering during the drawing up of plans and their examination. These two rationales, which come into conflict in controversial situations, are normally combined in a “moral economy” — the civilities that enable this corps to relate the individualistic aspirations of the engineer in charge of a project with the collective dimensions of supervision and integration in a whole. In conclusion, the relations between design and execution, between activity and passivity, are examined in order to show how similar the administrative corps’ tense relation with the state is to the individual engineer's relation with his corps.  相似文献   

One sector of finance, relatively unfamiliar to the public, has nevertheless been growing fast for the last 30 years. This sector, known as M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), specialises in the sale or purchase of companies. The middlemen who carry out the transactions are not the owners of the companies they buy or sell. They perform a set of socially divided and organised tasks and possess specific expertise. This article seeks to analyse these financial middlemen as workers, and in particular to understand their professional representation of the companies that they help to buy or sell. We show that the people working in this sector share a commodified, quantitative and abstract representation of the companies bought and sold. Through an analysis of activity, professional rhetoric, socialisation processes and career dynamics, the article shows how the homogeneity of this representation is constructed and maintained.  相似文献   

The literature in the social sciences about theft by employees at the workplace is reviewed. As field studies and surveys based on personal accounts show, this deviant behavior is widespread in the world of work. Sociologists and anthropologists mostly interpret employee theft as a political way of resisting the injustice of on-the-job exploitation. In contrast, economists and the literature on management insist on the delinquency of theft and try to find the means whereby employers can preventively cope with dishonest salary-earners. Beyond this distinction, employee theft is worth studying in order to shed light on the complex salary-earning relationship.  相似文献   

It is now admitted that part-time work is a signal of inequality between the sexes, in both work and family. By focusing on cleavages among women, an analysis is made of how worktime and the company’s position as a subcontractor combine so as to produce inequality among wage-earners by assigning them heterogeneous statuses and thus forcing some of them to cope with precarious working, employment and living conditions. This study of the working and employment conditions of chamber maids in France focuses on those who work part or full-time in cleaning companies under contract with other firms. Inside this rather unskilled group of women, part-time work stresses the differences produced by subcontracting and worsens the inequality between stable, full-time employees and the women subcontracted at part-time who do the same job. These cleavages set off a strike among these part-time workers. Analyzing this labor dispute has shed light on the social relations running through the firm and on invisible issues in work and employment for these women with jobs in the shadows.  相似文献   

Les atteintes aux droits des travailleurs au sein des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales de la confection sont bien documentées aujourd'hui. En revanche, on ignore souvent que le problème tend à s'aggraver sous l'effet des politiques d'achat agressives de clients toujours plus puissants. L'exemple de filières indiennes montre que ces pressions se répercutent sur les salaires, qu'elles encouragent les formes de travail atypiques et qu'elles banalisent la violence verbale et physique à l'encontre des travailleurs. Pour l'auteur, la solution passe par l'adoption de mécanismes de fixation des prix qui tiennent compte des coûts du travail décent, un cadre législatif adapté et une plus large implication des travailleurs.  相似文献   

Conscious of exercising a dangerous trade, lumberjacks in France pay special attention to training new recruits. The ability to notice dangerous work situations is a way to shelter themselves from accusations of occupational misconduct. But exercising control does not suffice to protect from the risks inherent in this job. Lumberjacks are sometimes exposed to dangers that, regardless of their skills, are unforeseeable. Strongly marked by a sense of responsibility, their discourse about the risks related to their line of work forms a system of protection — a defensive trade ideology — that enables them to work while accepting conditions rife with uncertainty. This system and the environment where it takes shape are examined herein.  相似文献   

Alors même que l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) et le Cycle de développement de Doha laissent à l'OIT le soin de traiter les questions relatives au travail, cet article montre que les pays les plus actifs dans la conclusion d'accords de préférence commerciale incluent des dispositions sociales plus ou moins contraignantes. Les sanctions sont peu utilisées et le caractère protectionniste des «clauses sociales» n'est pas avéré. Ces clauses répondent à des objectifs divers et parfois contradictoires qui appellent différentes mesures qui s'orientent vers la promotion du renforcement des pratiques et la promotion du travail décent. L'auteur émet un certain nombre de suggestions à cet égard.  相似文献   

This new look at approaches to the labor market emphasizes that changes observed during the past twenty years are related to trends as much in supply as in demand. Analyzing both these sides is shown to be valuable for understanding the impact on labor market trends and shedding light on the tensions and contradictions between supply and demand. The mechanisms that have come into play during this period are analyzed in a local productive system, namely agribusiness in the lower Rhone valley in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region of France.  相似文献   

Les auteurs examinent la relation entre les gains, le capital humain et les tâches. Ils reprennent le modèle théorique d'Autor et Handel (2013), tout en élargissant l'analyse empirique à 21 pays, grâce aux données de l'enquête de l'OCDE sur les compétences des adultes (PIAAC). Celles‐ci permettent en outre de caractériser plus précisément le capital humain des travailleurs, en fournissant une mesure directe des compétences cognitives. L'analyse empirique confirme l'influence du contenu en tâches de l'emploi sur les écarts de salaire, à la fois entre les catégories professionnelles et en leur sein. Les prédictions du modèle se vérifient dans la grande majorité des pays.  相似文献   

Because of the many sources of uncertainty and opportunities for separation between sailors and the ship, work on board a merchant ship requires a panoply of tools that contribute to the continuity of activity and the identification of active agents. Writing is one of these instruments. Observation of the ship's different written media reveals the difficulty and, at the same time, the need for this organization to be maintained. They reveal the existence of a particular connection between land and sea, while raising issues of responsibility.  相似文献   

Do head hunters firms improve the matching process, and therefore contribute to the efficiency of the labour market of top executives? Far from being a passive vector, on one hand they contribute to shape companies' specific demand; on the other hand, they initiate the supply of candidates resorting to their networks. Head hunters implement idiosyncratic categories of evaluation in order to fit as well as possible both parties' preferences. If such a type of transaction reduces information costs, it nevertheless produces distortions with regard to the market efficiency. It introduces a bias in favour of mobility between identical jobs (in terms of occupation and industry) and therefore participates to the labour market segmentation, which impedes substitution mechanisms. As a consequence, they contribute to the inflationary pressures that characterise the top executives' labour market. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions.  相似文献   

This article deals with the professionalization of heterosexual pornography in France since 1975. Although pornography is discredited by public authorities and lacks any institutionalized training programs, pornographers have developed an occupational rhetoric whereby they present themselves as the entrepreneurs of fantasy, claim sexual expertise and control a masculine, heterosexual business. They present the boundaries of sexual and gender identities as natural, and the professionalization of pornography relies on a differential distribution of the know-how underlying a sex-based division of labor. This professionalization of sexuality involves not only a work of legitimation for turning sex into a subject matter for pornography but also an appropriation by men of sexual know-how and knowledge. What defines the job of pornographers is not only the turning of consumers’ fantasies into images but also male control over female sexuality.  相似文献   

To complete traditional explanations of why the performing arts tend to run a deficit, the case of Early Music orchestras is examined. The usual mechanisms do not suffice to explain why these institutions suffer from the “illness of costs”. Two hypotheses are combined to complete Baumol’s model. For one thing the deepening deficit of Early Music orchestras is related to their professionalization; and for another, it is explained by their being simultaneously in two markets: the concert market and the musicians’ labor market, where they have to compete with subsidized orchestras.  相似文献   

Entre 2002 et 2011, le marché du travail colombien a connu une nette amélioration des possibilités d'emploi, assortie d'une montée de l'emploi atypique. Les auteurs étudient l'incidence de ces phénomènes sur la qualité de l'emploi au moyen d'un indice synthétique dérivé d'une analyse des correspondances multiples. Ils observent une amélioration, légère mais générale, de cette qualité, associée à l'augmentation des revenus, à l'extension de la protection sociale et au recul du sous‐emploi. Les principales bénéficiaires sont les travailleuses indépendantes. Toutefois, un important déficit qualitatif perdure, qui appelle à consolider les institutions du marché du travail et à stimuler la productivité et l'investissement.  相似文献   

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