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Abstract. Two simple and frequently used capture–recapture estimates of the population size are compared: Chao's lower‐bound estimate and Zelterman's estimate allowing for contaminated distributions. In the Poisson case it is shown that if there are only counts of ones and twos, the estimator of Zelterman is always bounded above by Chao's estimator. If counts larger than two exist, the estimator of Zelterman is becoming larger than that of Chao's, if only the ratio of the frequencies of counts of twos and ones is small enough. A similar analysis is provided for the binomial case. For a two‐component mixture of Poisson distributions the asymptotic bias of both estimators is derived and it is shown that the Zelterman estimator can experience large overestimation bias. A modified Zelterman estimator is suggested and also the bias‐corrected version of Chao's estimator is considered. All four estimators are compared in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Population size estimation with discrete or nonparametric mixture models is considered, and reliable ways of construction of the nonparametric mixture model estimator are reviewed and set into perspective. Construction of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mixing distribution is done for any number of components up to the global nonparametric maximum likelihood bound using the EM algorithm. In addition, the estimators of Chao and Zelterman are considered with some generalisations of Zelterman’s estimator. All computations are done with CAMCR, a special software developed for population size estimation with mixture models. Several examples and data sets are discussed and the estimators illustrated. Problems using the mixture model-based estimators are highlighted.  相似文献   

This note considers the variance estimation for population size estimators based on capture–recapture experiments. Whereas a diversity of estimators of the population size has been suggested, the question of estimating the associated variances is less frequently addressed. This note points out that the technique of conditioning can be applied here successfully which also allows us to identify sources of variation: the variance due to estimation of the model parameters and the binomial variance due to sampling n units from a population of size N. It is applied to estimators typically used in capture–recapture experiments in continuous time including the estimators of Zelterman and Chao and improves upon previously used variance estimators. In addition, knowledge of the variances associated with the estimators by Zelterman and Chao allows the suggestion of a new estimator as the weighted sum of the two. The decomposition of the variance into the two sources allows also a new understanding of how resampling techniques like the Bootstrap could be used appropriately. Finally, the sample size question for capture–recapture experiments is addressed. Since the variance of population size estimators increases with the sample size, it is suggested to use relative measures such as the observed-to-hidden ratio or the completeness of identification proportion for approaching the question of sample size choice.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to estimate the population size under a truncated count model that accounts for heterogeneity. The proposed estimator is based on the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution. The benefit of using the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution is that it includes the Bernoulli, the Geometric and the Poisson distributions as special cases and, furthermore, allows for heterogeneity. Parameter estimates can be obtained by exploiting the ratios of successive frequency counts in a weighted linear regression framework. The results of the comparisons with Turing’s, the maximum likelihood Poisson, Zelterman’s and Chao’s estimators reveal that our proposal can be beneficially used. Furthermore, our proposal outperforms its competitors under all heterogeneous settings. The empirical examples consider the homogeneous case and several heterogeneous cases, each with its own features, and provide interesting insights on the behavior of the estimators.  相似文献   

The capture-recapture method is applied to estimate the population size of a target population based on ascertainment data in epidemiological applications. We generalize the three-list case of Chao & Tsay (1998) to situations where more than three lists are available. An estimation procedure is presented using the concept of sample coverage, which can be interpreted as a measure of overlap information among multiple list records. When there is enough overlap, an estimator of the total population size is proposed. The bootstrap method is used to construct a variance estimator and confidence interval. If the overlap rate is relatively low, then the population size cannot be precisely estimated and thus only a lower (upper) bound is proposed for positively (negatively) dependent lists. The proposed method is applied to two data sets, one with a high and one with a low overlap rate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the applications of capture–recapture methods to human populations. Capture–recapture methods are commonly used in estimating the size of wildlife populations but can also be used in epidemiology and social sciences, for estimating prevalence of a particular disease or the size of the homeless population in a certain area. Here we focus on estimating the prevalence of infectious diseases. Several estimators of population size are considered: the Lincoln–Petersen estimator and its modified version, the Chapman estimator, Chao’s lower bound estimator, the Zelterman’s estimator, McKendrick’s moment estimator and the maximum likelihood estimator. In order to evaluate these estimators, they are applied to real, three-source, capture-recapture data. By conditioning on each of the sources of three source data, we have been able to compare the estimators with the true value that they are estimating. The Chapman and Chao estimators were compared in terms of their relative bias. A variance formula derived through conditioning is suggested for Chao’s estimator, and normal 95% confidence intervals are calculated for this and the Chapman estimator. We then compare the coverage of the respective confidence intervals. Furthermore, a simulation study is included to compare Chao’s and Chapman’s estimator. Results indicate that Chao’s estimator is less biased than Chapman’s estimator unless both sources are independent. Chao’s estimator has also the smaller mean squared error. Finally, the implications and limitations of the above methods are discussed, with suggestions for further development. We are grateful to the Medical Research Council for supporting this work.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating population sizes has a wide range of applications. Although the size is non-identifiable when a population is heterogeneous, it is often useful to estimate the lower bounds and to construct lower confidence limits. A sequence of lower bounds, including the well-known Chao lower bound, is proposed. The bounds have closed-form expressions and are estimated by the method of moments or by maximum likelihood. Real examples from epidemiology, wildlife management and ecology are investigated. Simulation studies are used to assess the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Studies of diagnostic tests are often designed with the goal of estimating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) because the AUC is a natural summary of a test's overall diagnostic ability. However, sample size projections dealing with AUCs are very sensitive to assumptions about the variance of the empirical AUC estimator, which depends on two correlation parameters. While these correlation parameters can be estimated from the available data, in practice it is hard to find reliable estimates before the study is conducted. Here we derive achievable bounds on the projected sample size that are free of these two correlation parameters. The lower bound is the smallest sample size that would yield the desired level of precision for some model, while the upper bound is the smallest sample size that would yield the desired level of precision for all models. These bounds are important reference points when designing a single or multi-arm study; they are the absolute minimum and maximum sample size that would ever be required. When the study design includes multiple readers or interpreters of the test, we derive bounds pertaining to the average reader AUC and the ‘pooled’ or overall AUC for the population of readers. These upper bounds for multireader studies are not too conservative when several readers are involved.  相似文献   

The author considers the use of auxiliary information available at population level to improve the estimation of finite population totals. She introduces a new type of model‐assisted estimator based on nonparametric regression splines. The estimator is a weighted linear combination of the study variable with weights calibrated to the B‐splines known population totals. The author shows that the estimator is asymptotically design‐unbiased and consistent under conditions which do not require the superpopulation model to be correct. She proposes a design‐based variance approximation and shows that the anticipated variance is asymptotically equivalent to the Godambe‐Joshi lower bound. She also shows through simulations that the estimator has good properties.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the Bayes and empirical Bayes problem of the current population mean of a finite population when the sample data is available from other similar (m-1) finite populations. We investigate a general class of linear estimators and obtain the optimal linear Bayes estimator of the finite population mean under a squared error loss function that considered the cost of sampling. The optimal linear Bayes estimator and the sample size are obtained as a function of the parameters of the prior distribution. The corresponding empirical Bayes estimates are obtained by replacing the unknown hyperparameters with their respective consistent estimates. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed empirical Bayes procedure.  相似文献   

We show that the Hájek (Ann. Math Statist. (1964) 1491) variance estimator can be used to estimate the variance of the Horvitz–Thompson estimator when the Chao sampling scheme (Chao, Biometrika 69 (1982) 653) is implemented. This estimator is simple and can be implemented with any statistical packages. We consider a numerical and an analytic method to show that this estimator can be used. A series of simulations supports our findings.  相似文献   

Suppose that R is the ratio estimator based on a simple random sample of size n drawn without replacement from a bivariate population of N elements. A Berry-Esseen bound for von Mises statistics based on samples from a finite population is used to derive a Berry-Esseen bound for R.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adaptive estimator that is more precise than the ordinary least squares estimator if the distribution of random errors is skewed or has long tails. The adaptive estimates are computed using a weighted least squares approach with weights based on the lengths of the tails of the distribution of residuals. Smaller weights are assigned to those observations that have residuals in the tails of long-tailed distributions and larger weights are assigned to observations having residuals in the tails of short-tailed distributions. Monte Carlo methods are used to compare the performance of the proposed estimator and the performance of the ordinary least squares estimator. The estimates that were studied in this simulation include the difference between the means of two populations, the mean of a symmetric distribution, and the slope of a regression line. The adaptive estimators are shown to have lower mean squared errors than those for the ordinary least squares estimators for short-tailed, long-tailed, and skewed distributions, provided the sample size is at least 20. The ordinary least squares estimator has slightly lower mean squared error for normally distributed errors. The adaptive estimator is recommended for general use for studies having sample sizes of at least 20 observations unless the random errors are known to be normally distributed.  相似文献   

This paper compares the properties of various estimators for a beta‐binomial model for estimating the size of a heterogeneous population. It is found that maximum likelihood and conditional maximum likelihood estimators perform well for a large population with a large capture proportion. The jackknife and the sample coverage estimators are biased for low capture probabilities. The performance of the martingale estimator is satisfactory, but it requires full capture histories. The Gibbs sampler and Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm provide reasonable posterior estimates for informative priors.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a criterion for selecting a capture–recapture model for closed populations, which follows the basic idea of the focused information criterion (FIC) of Claeskens and Hjort. The proposed criterion aims at selecting the model which, among the available models, leads to the smallest mean‐squared error (MSE) of the resulting estimator of the population size and is based on an index which, up to a constant term, is equal to the asymptotic MSE of the estimator. Two alternative approaches to estimate this FIC index are proposed. We also deal with multimodel inference; in this case, the population size is estimated by using a weighted average of the estimates coming from different models, with weights chosen so as to minimize the MSE of the resulting estimator. The proposed model selection approach is compared with more common approaches through a series of simulations. It is also illustrated by an application based on a dataset coming from a live‐trapping experiment.  相似文献   

We obtain semiparametric efficiency bounds for estimation of a location parameter in a time series model where the innovations are stationary and ergodic conditionally symmetric martingale differences but otherwise possess general dependence and distributions of unknown form. We then describe an iterative estimator that achieves this bound when the conditional density functions of the sample are known. Finally, we develop a “semi-adaptive” estimator that achieves the bound when these densities are unknown by the investigator. This estimator employs nonparametric kernel estimates of the densities. Monte Carlo results are reported.  相似文献   

The paper provides a method for generating epoch estimates for time series survey data, allowing for different periods of time (or even point estimates) according to user demand. The method uses a modified kriging estimator, which suppresses the contribution of sampling error variability in order to guarantee that custom epoch estimates have an interpolation property. For the veteran population variable of the American Community Survey, we utilize a simple Brownian Motion model of the population process and derive the modified kriging estimator for this case. The tuning parameters of this population model can be calibrated to the data via simple formulas. We illustrate the application of this method to the generation of point estimates of veteran population, an important objective for Veterans Affairs.  相似文献   

Summary.  In capture–recapture experiments the capture probabilities may depend on individual covariates such as an individual's weight or age. Typically this dependence is modelled through simple parametric functions of the covariates. Here we first demonstrate that misspecification of the model can produce biased estimates and subsequently develop a non-parametric procedure to estimate the functional relationship between the probability of capture and a single covariate. This estimator is then incorporated in a Horvitz–Thompson estimator to estimate the size of the population. The resulting estimators are evaluated in a simulation study and applied to a data set on captures of the Mountain Pygmy Possum.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(3):229-257

We obtain semiparametric efficiency bounds for estimation of a location parameter in a time series model where the innovations are stationary and ergodic conditionally symmetric martingale differences but otherwise possess general dependence and distributions of unknown form. We then describe an iterative estimator that achieves this bound when the conditional density functions of the sample are known. Finally, we develop a “semi-adaptive” estimator that achieves the bound when these densities are unknown by the investigator. This estimator employs nonparametric kernel estimates of the densities. Monte Carlo results are reported.  相似文献   

We propose penalized minimum φ-divergence estimator for parameter estimation and variable selection in logistic regression. Using an appropriate penalty function, we show that penalized φ-divergence estimator has oracle property. With probability tending to 1, penalized φ-divergence estimator identifies the true model and estimates nonzero coefficients as efficiently as if the sparsity of the true model was known in advance. The advantage of penalized φ-divergence estimator is that it produces estimates of nonzero parameters efficiently than penalized maximum likelihood estimator when sample size is small and is equivalent to it for large one. Numerical simulations confirm our findings.  相似文献   

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