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The Chinese State Council publicized rules and regulations for the 3rd national population census on February 19, 1982. In 28 chapters, this document outlined the leadership organization, target of the census, time and space of the census, performance evaluation, and the transaction and publication of the data collected. 1 special feature of this census is the connection between the need for current modernized construction and possible conditions available. Altogether there are 19 items in this census, while the last census had only 9 items. Among the newly added items are: 1) those concerning economic characteristics, 2) those on population growth, and 3) those on the household condition of the constant population. Another special feature of the 3rd national population census is the combination of China's own working experience in population and that of foreign countries. In the skills of modernized calculation, new experience from foreign countries has been fully utilized. The scientific method has been used to design the census form, a sample examination, the coding of collected data, and data registration through the use of computers. The 3rd national population census has been successful for 3 main reasons: 1) extensive support from the general public, 2) strict organization and hard work, and 3) modernized computers used in calculation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the 3rd national population census, taken 18 years after "New China's" 2nd census, was to ascertain accurate population figures for China and the spatial population distribution in order to carry out socialist modernization, improve the people's material and cultural lives, and draw up a population policy and program in light of China's actual conditions. The census questionnaire contained 19 items, including 13 for individuals; and 6 items about the household. Preparations for the census began at the end of 1979 even though the census would not begin until July 1, 1982. The preparatory stage included: drafting the Census Statute; conducting pilot censuses in certain areas; rectifying household registration; installing computers; training computer technicians; convening national census work conference and similar conferences at various levels; selecting and training field census workers; printing census forms; and conducting widespread publicity. Pilot censuses were conducted at central, provincial, and county levels in order to draw useful experience for the nationwide census. A large number of census workers were selected and trained. Among them were about a million staff members working in census offices at various levels, 1000 computer technical personnel, 4000 data entry personnel, 100,000 coders, and 1 million census supervisors. 8 million cadres and volunteers at the grassroots actively helped conduct the census. Enumeration and verification was completed between July 1 and July 15, 1982. The postenumeration check on a sample basis showed only a net overcount of 0.15/1000 with an overcount of 0.71/1000 and an undercount of 0.56/1000. All levels of the government, the Communist Party, Trade Unions, and Women's Federations were mobilized to take part in the census, and all mass media were utilized. All census information will be finally tabulated by computers before the end of 1984, and census reports will be compiled and submitted to the State Council for examination before they are published.  相似文献   

W Yu 《人口研究》1983,(4):18-19
In September of 1982, a national sample survey of fertility was conducted. A total of 70,000 professional personnel in family planning and manpower in related fields were engaged in this survey. They conducted a comprehensive survey at 815 sample points in 28 different provinces, cities, and autonomous regions all over the country. Their findings can be summarized as follows: (1) A more advanced understanding of the rules of China's population reproduction, (2) supplemental information on births and marital status which was not collected fully in the national census, (3) scientific analysis of the results in family planning during the past 10 or more years, and indication of a correct way for scientific management in family planning work from now on, and (4) a large number of professsional cadres were trained and developed in this sample survey to function effectively in the field of family planning in the future.  相似文献   

根据2010年第六次人口普查汇总数据和2005年人口抽样调查数据,本文对广东省女性非户籍人口的基本状况和流动特征进行了分析,并且对比分析了农业户口和非农业户口的女性非户籍人口的基本状况。由于户口性质的不同,女性非户籍人口内部也出现了分化,存在一些较为明显的差异。这些分析结果,为进一步了解和服务女性非户籍人口提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

C Li 《人口研究》1984,(3):16-23
The national census which was conducted in 1982 has provided reliable population data for formulating policies and plans in China's modernization process. A great deal of experience has been acquired from this census. (1) The census was based upon China's practical situation and a unique system of methods suitable to China's situation was used. (2) Census workers have found appropriate methods through practical experience and also learned the skill of using computers in handling census data. (3) The general public was very cooperative and worked closely with the leadership and professional cadres. (4) Measures were taken to ensure the quantity and quality of the census work so that the goal of promoting the data's quantity and quality could be reached. (5) The spirit of patriotism was developed, and the people realized that the national census is a necessary measure to be taken for China's construction and modernization. The work of the 1982 national census was successful. The unfinished work which lies ahead is still very heavy. The census should keep on learning from the successful experience of foreign countries and try to overcome difficulties so that the work on China's population statistics may be pushed forward.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2012,27(4):25-31
广州市是中国社会经济发展水平较高的大城市,也是“珠三角”外来人口的主要流入地。2010年全国第六次人口普查结果显示,广州市的非户籍常住人口规模高达476.0万人,占广州市人口总量的37.47%。而且,通过与2000年全国第五次人口普查结果的对比发现,广州市非户籍人口的年龄结构、地区分布、家庭户比重、行业及职业构成等都发生了一定的变化。非户籍常住人口构成的这些变化,对广州市的外来人口管理、公共服务的均等化以及户籍制度改革等提出了新要求。  相似文献   

论文尝试从科学、合理、具有可操作性的角度对“离土不离乡农民工”的概念进行界定,并利用第六次全国人口普查1%。原始数据对离土不离乡农民工的基本状况进行了详细分析。研究结果显示:2010年中国有10539万离土不离乡农民工,占农民工总量的52.69%;平均年龄为38.01岁;男性多于女性,性别比为163;82.58%已婚;96.38%是汉族人口;人均受教育年限为8.96年;职业和行业分布极不均衡;每周平均工作48.05小时;在各省(区、市)的空间分布差异较大。  相似文献   

S Gu 《人口研究》1985,(2):47-48
The importance and practicality of a nationally standardized census code for China's population are outlined in this paper. Due to the diversity and size of China's population, the tremendous cost of conducting a national census depends to a large extent on the development of an efficient, simple, comprehensive, and easily completed census form. Codifying information is regarded as a means for greatly simplifying computerized data processing of census forms, although past problems with misinterpretation of instructions by census takers in various parts of the country have caused massive backlogs, errors, and duplication of effort. A key problem discussed is the matter of converting Chinese characters (from census forms) into a computerized format for data processing. It is proposed that a nationally standardized code for reducing economic and technical information be established in order to streamline both national and local surveys.  相似文献   

A Ma  R Zha 《人口研究》1984,(3):24-36
The national census conducted in 1982 provides the most up-to-date statistics on China's population. The following are some characteristics of China's population at the present time, based upon preliminary analysis: (1) The total population figure has passed the one billion mark, but the growth rate has been declining since the 1970s; (2) The population density is higher than other countries of the world, but the distribution is uneven. The percentage of the city population is low, and changes in urban and rural distribution are slow; (3) The population growth of ethnic minorities is higher than average, and the ratio of the minority population is increasing; (4) There are slightly more men than women-an impact of traditional society; (5) The age structure of the population is still young, but sharp change is in the process of developing; (6) Fertility has declined on a large scale, but is still far from reaching the goal of population control; (7) The death rate has remained at a low level for a long period of time, and average lifespan is gradually becoming prolonged; (8) The marital status has remained stable, and people normally marry between the ages of 20 and 30; (9) The cultural and educational level of the general public has been promoted, but still not enough for modernized construction; (10) The employment rate is high, and most of the working population is employed with the departments of material production. The percentage of employment of a service nature is small. A high percentage of the working population is related to agriculture, fishing, and animal husbandry. The precentage of workers in manual labor is much higher than that for mental labor.  相似文献   

We have accumulated some valuable experience through 2 successful population censuses in 1953 and 1964. A series of special census committees were established at each administrative level--from central government to local areas. Periodic 2-way telephone communication between higher and lower offices was planned. The census was conducted on the basis of permanent population in 1953 and 1964. A standard time of June 30, midnight was used in both cases. Census items must be clear, easy to use, and standardized. Name, relationship to head of household, sex, age, race, and present address were listed in 1954. Birth date, class, educational level, and occupation were added in 1964. For accurate data census districts and their boundaries must be clearly marked. Registering the whole family by head of household at the nearby temporary census station was found to be convenient, efficient, and accurate. Door-to-door visits by census clerks were also used. To complete such a cumbersome task in a short period of time high-quality census personnel were trained to fully understand the significance, the regulations, and the technical details of the task. Nationwide education and propaganda about the census were important for success. 3 levels of reporting (county, province, and central) in 1953 and 4 levels in 1964 were used to check results and correct mistakes. The announcement of the results to the public after the entire census was completed provided an opportunity for the public to confirm the data and correct mistakes. This process of confirmation is an essential quality control step.  相似文献   

张燕 《西北人口》2016,(5):48-56
本文主要利用第六次人口普查资料,对彝族的人口规模和年龄结构、受教育程度、婚姻和生育状况以及职业行业情况,进行分性别、分民族的比较研究。研究发现彝族人口规模呈现阶段性增长,总抚养比比较高,人口负担重;受教育程度低,且呈现性别和民族上的差异;从婚姻家庭状况来看,彝族女性更倾向于与汉族通婚,在生育上重男轻女现象依然很严重;从职业上看,彝族主要从事第一产业,而第二和第三产业发展不足,远远落后汉族地区;在未工作人口中,女性料理家务的比例依然较高,传统的性别角色分工观念依然根深蒂固。  相似文献   

J Liang  Z Peng 《人口研究》1984,(3):11-15
Recently, the Party's Central Committee held numerous meetings to study the problem of family planning. The main goal of these meetings was to find a correct family planning policy, which should be based on common sense, support from the people, and reasonable work from the cadres. Family planning policies and regulations should be realistic and creative. In the implementation of policies, different methods should be adopted for varied situations, and there should also be appropriate guiding principles for different categories. To cope with a new situation, creative methods and approaches should be chosen in order to implement the family planning policy. The correct method will ensure complete implementation of the policy. In family planning work, the first step is the improvement of ideological education, so that the people may have a correct understanding of the need for family planning. In the technical management work of family planning, a constant improvement in the quality of service should be the goal. Through practical working experience in family planning, some rules and regulations will be found, and they should be used to promote the management level and the level of family planning work in general.  相似文献   

各地区老年人口死亡率的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据我国第三、第四次人口普查资料 ,首先对全国老年人口年龄别死亡率进行了数学模拟 ,其次对我国 30个地区老年人口年龄别死亡率与模型 (全国老年人口 )值进行了数学分析与模拟。研究表明 ,全国及各地区老年人口死亡率均可表达为年龄X的简单数学函数。本文还研究了全国和各省市自治区老年死亡人口登记的相性误差  相似文献   

Two hundred years and counting: the 1990 census   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On April 1, 1990, the US will take a national census, marking 200 years of census taking in America. A national census has been taken every 10 years in the US since 1790. Mandated by the US Constitution, the decennial census is the basis for reapportionment of the House of Representatives. California, Texas, and Florida are expected to gain the most Congressional seats following the 1990 Census, reflecting above-average population growth in these states. The census also provides important information about the characteristics of the American people, and a growing number of federal, state and local government programs, private corporations, and community agencies use census data. Each census provides a portrait of America, and over the decades these portraits have revealed much about how our country has changed as we have grown from a young agrarian nation of about 4 million people clustered along the Eastern seaboard to a complex post-industrial society of nearly 250 million spread across the continent and beyond. Techniques for taking the census have steadily improved over the past 2 centuries. The 1990 Census will rely heavily on computerization in all its aspects, including field operations, processing, geography, data tabulations, and products. It is likely to be the most accurate census in our history. The 1990 Census is already the subject of a lawsuit, however, charging that minority groups will be counted less completely than the white population. A series of similar lawsuits followed the 1980 Census, but all were unsuccessful. This Bulletin discusses the Census Bureau's plans for taking the 1990 Census, looks back on 200 years of census taking in America, and details such key aspects of the 1990 Census as the questionnaire, census geography and data dissemination plans, census undercount and the homeless.  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau designed the American Community Survey (ACS) to provide annual estimates of social and economic characteristics for states, counties, municipalities, census tracts, and block groups. Because of its April 1 reference date, in northern nonmetropolitan counties with substantial seasonal population fluctuations the decennial census provides a statistical representation of the demographic and social characteristics of the population at a time when the population is close to its annual minimum. The year-round monthly ACS sample survey has the potential to provide local communities with an unprecedented understanding of the average population characteristics over the course of a year. In the future, the ACS even has the potential for providing social and economic characteristics of the population by season. This paper examines four ACS pilot data collection counties, Oneida and Vilas Counties in northern Wisconsin, and Lake and Flathead Counties in northwest Montana. We hypothesize that the ACS will reflect a resident population over the course of the year that is different from the traditional April 1 decennial census population. While the ACS holds much promise, our research uncovered some sampling problems that are not yet fully resolved. In addition, our analysis was not able to examine ACS estimates for minor civil divisions (MCDs), which are functioning governmental units in many states. The fact that these MCDs often have very small populations, together with the fact that estimated standard errors at the much larger census tract level in these counties are disconcertingly large, raises (currently unanswerable) questions concerning the eventual statistical quality of ACS estimates for small MCDs. Consequently, the adequacy of the ACS as a replacement for the census long form may depend on the ability of the Census Bureau to effectively address the concerns presented in this analysis.  相似文献   

J Feng 《人口研究》1985,(3):16-19
The poor population quality (quality of life of the population as a whole) of Zhejiang Province in southeast China and the imperative need for its improvement are the subject of this report. Its 40 million inhabitants have a life expectancy of 69 years. For every 1000 people there is only 1 doctor and 1.7 hospital beds. These figures are lower for all the other southeastern provinces. According to the 1982 census, there are 47 college graduates, 517 high school graduates, and 1779 middle school graduates for every 10,000 people. The quality of life of the population can be improved through increased productivity because there is a direct relationship between the 2. Although China already enjoys a high level of productivity, it is up to the government to concentrate its efforts on the quality of productivity through reform. China's political structure, its rules, regulations and conventions have contributed to making the economy backward. A substantial change within the social system is imperative to put China's economy on a more progressive footing. Moreover, efforts in family planning must continue. The current population growth rate is not commensurate with the economic growth rate. As population control and population quality are interrelated, a smaller population would mean a higher standard of living. The report concludes that in order to fulfill the strategic goal of economic construction quality is a task that cannot be postponed, since it concerns Zhejiang Province's economic projections, as well as the quality of the new labor force that will be in place by then.  相似文献   

Y Liu 《人口研究》1982,(4):52-4, 58
At the present time, under the guidance of national planning, population control is the most important theme of China's population policy. In order to realize the national goal of controlling population growth, family planning should be worked out at local levels. How to achieve a reasonable population planning norm at a local level is a very crucial problem in family planning work. Up to the present time, various methods have been used to measure the probability of the annual fertility. In his report, the author provides a new formula to calculate the probability of the annual fertility. Based upon this formula, we may calculate the number of planned birth for a certain year and its fertility. From the figure we may set a reasonable goal according to population policy and actual population components. This formula is suitable for use in annual planning, as well as short-term or long-term population planning.  相似文献   

J Bai 《人口研究》1984,(2):13-17
The registration of the population is the most crucial part in the entire work of the population census, and it is also the most difficult task. Generally speaking, the population census includes three steps for the complete process: preparations before the census, the practical registration, and the final review. These three steps are closely related to one another, and they form a complete cycle. The preparations before the census include determination of the scope of the census, explanation to the general public of the meaning and significance and demand for the census, preliminary survey of the population situation for the area, and the establishment of registration stations. In the practical registration work, attention should be given to the method, procedure, and principles for the registration. Special arrangements should be made for the popultion who live on boats, move around and live from animal husbandry, and those who belong to ethnic minorities. As for the results of the registration, working staff is required to check and double-check their accuracy. Census regions and different communes should also check on one another's registration in order to correct any possible mistakes. In general, the registration of the populationin the 1982 census was successful, and both the quantity and quality of the registration were improved. This was made possible because of a close cooperation between the people and the government and the hard work by the staff.  相似文献   

流动人口计划生育管理是困扰计划生育部门工作的一大难题 ,是影响计划生育工作质量和水平的重要因素。本文把乌盟的流动人口计划生育问题置于全国、全区的大背景中 ,利用人口普查、国民经济统计公报、计划生育统计报表、小样本抽查、专题调研等数据进行分析、对比、讨论 ,结合实践进行理论思考与科学总结 ,找出带有规律性的思路与方法 ,并对现阶段流动人口管理存在的问题与差距进行深入地剖析 ,据此提出思路与对策  相似文献   

This report is based upon information on population statistics and death statistics by different age groups in Yuyao, Jiangshan, and Huangyan counties of Zhejiang Province since 1978. The population condition in this area is analyzed. Collected information is then used as a foundation for predicting the trends in population growth in the next 20-60 years. In addition, the changes in the population's age structure and their impact are also studied in order to provide useful reference materials for the formulation of reasonable population planning measures. According to the general trends of population growth as predicted in this report, the authors believe that efforts should be made to encourage all married couples to have only one child. The first goal should be that at least half of the married couples have only one childs, and that all parents agree not to have a third child. This basic approach is reasonable and realistic and should not be used as a guiding principle to formulate policies and regulations on population planning. More actions and practices are needed to determine how effective this guiding principle is in reality.  相似文献   

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