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志愿精神是社会主义核心价值体系时代精神的重要内容,是实现中国梦的强大精神力量,它体现了志愿者共同的价值目标和行为准则。大学生是当前志愿者队伍的主要力量,也是今后社会主义建设的核心力量,对其进行志愿精神的培育是鼓励其践行社会主义核心价值观和实现社会价值的内在要求。针对当代大学生志愿精神所存在的难以内化、难以保持等问题,需要全社会共同努力寻求对策,不断强化大学生志愿精神的培育,着力推进大学生志愿服务活动的健康发展。  相似文献   

用非物质文化遗产培育大学生民族精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非物质文化遗产作为一种生活文化、大众的文化.是我们先进文化建设上的丰富的精神资源和深厚的文化根基.文章通过对非物质文化遗产和民族精神的分析,指出了非物质文化遗产在弘扬和培育大学生中华民族精神,增强中华民族文化认同感,形成中华民族的凝聚力,提高大学生民族精神培育的趣味性和有效性等方面所具有的独特地位和作用.  相似文献   

吉林师范大学经济学院组织志愿精英社团,打造志愿精品项目;丰富志愿服务内容,引领志愿时尚;丰富志愿精神培育方法,完善培育措施,积极培育大学生志愿服务精神。  相似文献   

在当今社会全球化、市场化、网络化的时代背景下,大学生精神文化表现出不稳定性、复杂性和过渡性等特征.而科学的理想信念、符合现代化的道德观念、兼合并蓄的文化理念,做先进文化的代表,必然成为当代大学生精神文化的选择.  相似文献   

志愿精神的匮乏,使得我国大学志愿服务的内在动力不足,大学志愿服务存在一些问题。本文在探讨志愿精神内涵的基础上,从我国大学没有真正理解志愿精神、缺乏自觉性、志愿者组织行政化、缺乏激励机制等方面,对我国大学生志愿精神教育中存在的问题进行了深入的分析,并提出了相应的对策,希望能给当代大学生志愿精神教育提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

传统节日文化蕴含着民族凝聚力、爱国主义精神、孝道文化。当代大学生存在对传统节日文化认知程度不高,对民族文化认同弱化的现象,亟需从高校、社会、政府三个层面同向发力,弘扬传统节日文化,增强大学生民族文化认同。  相似文献   

培育大学生的民族精神具有深刻的现实意义。由于中华民族精神和武术文化同时受中国传统文化的影响,两者有着密切的联系。中华武术是中华民族传统文化的缩影,其植根于传统文化之中.承载着中华传统文化的巨大形态,更浸透了中华民族独特的思维与行为方式。以武术套路表演为载体传播武术武技与武理技术文化,以基础武术功法教学为载体传播武术行为文化,以武术艺术欣赏为载体传播武术心态文化,将武术文化中的精华运用于校园文化建设中,可以为培育大学生的民族精神提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

钟贝  何临春 《现代交际》2010,(10):220-222
大学生历史教育是以历史知识为载体培养大学生正确的历史意识。大学生历史教育与民族精神教育具有相同的中华文明的根基;大学生历史教育与民族精神教育具有相似的导向、凝聚和激励的功能;大学生历史教育与民族精神教育都以培养相趋同的思维方式方法为落脚点。在实施历史知识和历史意识的教育实践过程中也同时进行着民族精神历史、民族精神功能和民族精神意识的教育实践,简而言之,大学生历史教育具有民族精神教育的功能。  相似文献   

目的:分析大学生传统价值观与中华民族认同的关系;方法:运用传统价值观问卷、中华民族认同问卷对348名大学生进行调查;结果:大学生对中华民族认同的整体属较高水平,不同民族与不同生源地存在交互作用并达到了显著水平(F=7.966;p=0.000),少数民族大学生的中华民族认同水平明显高于汉族大学生(F=4.261,p=0.040),大学生中华民族认同与传统价值观均显著正相关;结论:大学生传统价值观是中华民族认同的正面因子。  相似文献   

培育大学生民族精神是全面建设小康社会的需要、是当代大学生健康成长和全面成才的必然要求、是人类文明发展历史与现实经验的科学总结.培育大学生民族精神要以优秀的传统文化为依托、以"两课"教学为主渠道、以校园文化为载体、以社会实践为桥梁.  相似文献   

青年短信文化探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来,网络掀起了一场生活方式的革命,确立了"第四媒体"的地位.据专家预测,依托于移动通信网络和互联网的短信将成为新的媒体--"第五媒体",短信将成为新的生活方式.在善于追逐时尚的青年"手机一族"中,短信作为一种新的文化方式已被普遍接受.短信文化在青年中流行离不开社会背景,更有深刻的心理学基础.短信文化是青年人际沟通的新形式,是解读青年的语言符号,也是研究青年文化的一面镜子.  相似文献   

A modified action research project was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of a pre-placement procedure in facilitating eight disabled physiotherapy students’ transitions from university to practice. Feedback was gathered from the students, practice educators, visiting and academic tutors via questionnaire. Thematic analysis identified four main themes: ‘Procedure’; ‘Student in Control’; ‘Communication’; and ‘Disclosure’. The procedure was generally effective in supporting these students. Recommendations were made for: the need for ownership of the procedure from all stakeholders; the development of more effective communication systems; and the need for appropriate disability awareness training for all academic and practice-based staff.  相似文献   

This article argues that, unlike other Central Asian states, the official response in Kazakhstan to its Islamic revival is distinctively ambivalent and even contradictory. The Nazarbayev government has rhetorically embraced the Kazakh qoja-centred Sufi heritage and the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam as the ‘traditional’ forms of Islam among Kazakh nomads and perceived them as constituent elements of the nation-building process. However, the representatives of the political elite have in reality unknowingly absorbed much of ‘untraditional’ Salafi Islam and ignored, marginalised or even suppressed the revival of Kazakh Sufism. This is in part because of their limited knowledge of the indigenous Kazakh Islamic tradition and in part due to the younger generation’s greater exposure to a range of Salafi-dominated influences emanating from abroad. The article begins with a brief historical perspective on the relationship between qoja-centred Sufism and ‘Kazakh-ness’ which is essential for establishing an analysis of the fissures in the current religious and political ideology pertaining to Kazakh nation-building.  相似文献   

The transition to college or university can be an exciting new experience for many young adults. For some, intense homesickness can make this move difficult, even unsustainable. Homesickness--defined as the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home--carries the unique hallmark of preoccupying thoughts of home and attachment objects. Sufferers typically report depression and anxiety, withdrawn behavior, and difficulty focusing on topics unrelated to home. For domestic and international university students, intense homesickness is particularly problematic. It can exacerbate preexisting mood and anxiety disorders, precipitate new mental and physical health problems, and sometimes lead to withdrawal from school. New research, consolidated here for the first time, points to promising prevention and treatment strategies for homesick students, the result of which can be a healthy, gratifying, and productive educational experience.  相似文献   

Although researchers have examined exhaustion extensively in occupational studies, this work-specific variable--despite its widespread acceptance and negative outcomes--has received little attention in regard to university students and their coursework. OBJECTIVE: The author examined the severity of exhaustion in students and the relationship between the personal/environmental variable of coursework involvement and exhaustion in university students. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred undergraduate business students from a large state university participated in the study. METHOD SUMMARY: The author used results from other exhaustion studies for comparative purpose and correlation and regression analyses to explore the variables of interest. RESULTS: The author found student exhaustion levels to be extreme when compared with those of traditional high-exhaustion occupations. Coursework involvement was a significant predictor of student exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: The author discusses implications and recommendations for researchers, educators, and health-care providers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' purpose in this research was to establish estimates of the prevalence and correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury among university students. PARTICIPANTS: The authors recruited participants (N = 2,843) from a random sample of 5,021 undergraduate and graduate students attending a large midwestern public university. METHODS: Using an Internet-based survey, the authors measured the prevalence of self-injury and potential risk factors, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and negative health behaviors. RESULTS: Seven percent of students reported any self-injury over the previous 4 weeks. Factors associated with a significantly higher likelihood (p <.05) of self-injury included cigarette smoking, concurrent depressive and anxiety disorders, and for men, growing up in a family of low socioeconomic status and having symptoms of eating disorders. Only 26% of those who reported self-injury received mental health therapy or medication in the previous year. CONCLUSIONS: Students who harm themselves experience high anxiety and distress, yet are unlikely to seek help.  相似文献   

论中华民族精神对青年学生的教化功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华民族精神是中华民族文化的灵魂,学校必须加强对青年学生的中华民族精神教育,发挥中华民族精神的教化功能,塑造青年学生的民族性格,培养青年学生的民族责任感,规范青年学生的文化价值观念.  相似文献   

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