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我国制造企业“服务增强”的实证研究及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过服务增强制造企业竞争力已成为全球化竞争和知识经济背景下我国制造企业的重要战略选择。本文研究我国制造企业服务增强的背景、概念、特征、机理和对策。在界定制造企业服务增强概念的基础上,本文提出并阐述了国内制造企业服务增强的质量弥补特征;随后基于调查问卷数据,对基于要素替代的质量弥补以及服务差异化竞争对绩效的影响展开实证研究;最后,指出国内制造业服务增强存在的不足和问题,提出对策建议。本文对企业管理实践者和政策制定者都有较强的启发意义。  相似文献   

我国制造企业服务增强差异化机制的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用服务增强制造企业的竞争力已成为近年来国内外学者关注的焦点,但现有研究没有对制造企业服务增强的差异化机制的作用有效性进行令人信服的实证检验。本文基于产品差异化理论和和营销理论,构建了服务差异化实证模型,采用清华大学技术创新研究中心2005年国内制造业的大样本调研数据,运用因子分析(EFA、CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)方法,检验了服务差异化对企业绩效的影响,考察了产品类别和企业规模两个控制变量的作用。研究发现:基于组织资源投入的服务质量差异化对企业绩效具有显著正向影响,服务差异化能有效增强制造企业的竞争力;工业品企业较消费品企业更倾向于进行服务差异化竞争,而大规模企业较中小企业有更强的动机和能力提供顾客服务。本研究结论揭示出国内制造企业服务竞争的现状和基本特点,为制造企业竞争战略的制定提供了有益的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着市场经济不断发展,企业之间的竞争已由价格竞争转向质量竞争,提高质量成本效益成为建立高素质企业的关键,有效的质量成本管理能提高企业的战略竞争地位。但是近年来我国产品质量丑闻不断,本文据此分析我国制造企业质量成本管理存在的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   

中国制造业的内外部环境已发生了很大变化,在生产制造环节中的利润已变得越来越小。越来越多的利润来自于产品服务环节(客户参与设计和生产、预防性维修等),仅仅依靠节约成本已经不足以维系企业生存和发展的需要。中国制造企业要想持续发展只能靠服务拓展和向市场端延伸以寻求新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

本文通过深入分析国际EMS企业排名前两名企业——富士康和伟创力的发展模式,以及实施创新举措、保持市场竞争力的利器,得出结论:我国EMS企业需要重视技术、方法及管理手段等多方面的创新突破,不断提高专业制造能力,打造自身独特的核心竞争力,才能使自身不断壮大,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的发展带来了用户需求特征以及制造企业价值创造逻辑的变化。针对现实问题以及资源基础观的理论发展趋势,本文从制造企业服务创新的驱动因素与绩效结果、基于用户需求链的服务类型以及基于资源编排的服务创新机制等3个方面进行文献梳理。最后提出互联时代制造企业服务创新领域的未来研究方向,以期为该领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化日趋激烈的市场竞争环境下,中小型企业只有越来越重视供应商质量管理,通过量体裁衣,找到企业自身供应商质量管理的突围之路,从而获得竞争优势,本文主要从质量开展的角度就企业如何对供应商质量控制的原则、供应商质量控制的要素、供应商质量控制过程进行探讨。  相似文献   

战略规划与企业绩效之间的关系一直是企业战略管理的核心问题.现有的文献虽然已经对二者之间的关联进行了深入研究,但是存在两大不足一是战略规划对企业绩效是否有正面影响还没有定论;二是现有关于战略规划的理论是否可以适用于转型经济尚是疑问.本文通过问卷调查的方式来获取有关中国制造业企业战略规划的一手资料,并在此基础上对战略规划和企业绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.结果表明转型发展经济中的中国企业尚未广泛应用战略规划;那些应用了战略规划的制造类企业比未采用的企业有更好的绩效;企业未采用战略规划的主要原因是缺乏合格的战略规划人员.最后,文章讨论了结论的应用含义.  相似文献   

会计盈余信息向外界传递企业的经营状况、财务成果和现金流量,是企业向外界传递自身综合能力的主要途径,也是人们做出投资决策的重要依据。随着资本市场的发展加之出现的一系列由于盈余管理出现的财务丑闻,盈余质量受到利益相关者越来越多的关注,盈余质量的高低与企业的盈利能力息息相关,影响着企业价值,本文就盈余质量与企业价值的影响,结合深沪两市制造业的数据,结果证明盈余质量越高,企业价值越高。  相似文献   

制造企业服务业务扩展及其认知因素研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
制造企业的竞争越来越激烈,几乎所有的企业都要面对快速反应多变市场和应对价格压力的要求,面对越来越小的产品利润空间和越来越复杂的客户需求,本文从对工业服务管理文献分析和制造企业的调查研究入手,揭示了制造企业从纯粹的产品生产者向客户支持方案提供者发展的转移趋势.通过对瑞士和德国30多家机器和设备制造企业进行的调查研究,说明了服务业务对制造企业在开发财务、营销和战略机会上的重要作用,并对转移过程中服务业务的扩展过程进行了总结.结合具体企业实践,本文对制约制造企业扩展服务业务中在管理动机上的认知因素进行了分析和研究.结合中国加入WTO后,中国制造企业将全面融入国际竞争的背景,本文期望对中国制造企业的发展和竞争地位的提高提供理论和实践上的指导.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of the quality circle in Japan with reference to such traditions as permanent employment, nenko (seniority-based compensation), enterprise unionism, and management paternalism. Quality circles are examined as tools for motivating employees, reducing labor turnover, effecting employee "career expansion," and allowing employee participation in job redesign.  相似文献   

HRM系统、竞争战略与企业绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
战略人力资源管理理论认为人力资源管理(HRM)系统和企业竞争战略之间的匹配关系会对企业绩效产生影响.通过类型学和分类学两条主线归纳并总结了关于 HRM 系统及其与企业绩效关系的研究,提出了 HRM 系统、竞争战略与企业绩效关系的假说,并以133家样本企业为研究对象,对理论假说进行了检验.研究发现,采取内部型 HRM 形态的企业的绩效高于采取市场型 HRM 形态的企业;环境特征(产业技术变革、劳动力市场竞争)对 HRM 系统形态与企业绩效关系的调节效应仅得到部分支持,而企业规模的调节效用没有得到支持;企业的竞争战略对人力资源战略选择的影响很小;HRM 系统与竞争战略匹配企业的绩效高于没有匹配企业的假说没有得到支持.最后,对研究结论进行了讨论,分析了其局限性和未来研究建议.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of public-owned forest resource allocation observed in Canada. An integrated framework based on mill abilities to create value (expressed as economic, environmental and social benefits) is proposed. It encompasses three phases: (1) election of sustainable allocation criteria, (2) evaluation of mill performance with regard to the allocation criteria and (3) allocation of wood volumes according to mill performance. The framework is applied to a case study proposed by Ministry of Forests, Fauna and Parks (MFFP) in Québec. It is implemented as follows: first, the international standards, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are used to identify relevant allocation criteria covering the three sustainability dimensions (economy, environment and society). Second, the Group-Analytic Hierarchy Process (Group-AHP) is used to weight the allocation criteria and evaluate mill sustainability performance. Finally, optimization models are formulated to allocate the wood following two strategies: (1) maximizing the total created value by all mills and (2) promoting inter-firm fairness. The numerical results show that integrating sustainability concerns in the evaluation process has a significant impact on the allocation decisions. Moreover, adopting a wood allocation strategy seeking to guarantee fairness between forest companies is a win–win strategy as it also leads to maximizing the created value with a minimum deviation from the optimal targeted value. Lessons learned from this collaboration with MFFP are presented in order to help other interested researchers and public organizations develop their own roadmap to sustainable public resource allocation.  相似文献   

 The purpose of this study was to suggest a conceptual framework for the dynamic skill formation process based on relevant environments. First, after categorizing the types of task at the work-flow level, such as regular maintenance tasks, nonregular maintenance tasks, regular improvement tasks, and nonregular improvement tasks, this study identified conceptually how these tasks are related to the ways by which individuals learn (single-loop learning/double-loop learning versus OJT and Off-JT). This study also tried to apply the above conceptual model to the Korea context (e.g., Company W) for external validity. Company W is well known among Korean small firms for its innovative human resources management. The study shows that, generally, Company W gained a competitive advantage using the dynamic conceptual model of the skill formation process suggested in this study. OJT, On the job training; Off-JT, off the job training.  相似文献   

P Aspden  L Mayhew  M Rusnak 《Omega》1981,9(5):509-518
This paper presents an application to data from Czechoslovakia of a health care resource allocation model called DRAM (Disaggregated Resource Allocation Model). DRAM was developed by the health care systems modelling group at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). It attempts to predict the consequences of resource-level changes, in terms of the numbers of patients treated in each clinical category and the quality of care they receive in each mode of treatment. In this application, seven acute clinical categories and two types of resources (hospital doctors and hospital beds) are selected for examination in one mode of treatment—in-patient care. Some parallels are drawn with a comparable application in the UK.  相似文献   

We consider resource allocation problems where inputs are allocated to different entities such as activities, projects or departments. In such problems a common goal is achieving a desired balance in the allocation over different categories of the entities. We propose a bi-criteria framework for trading balance off against efficiency. We define and categorise indicators based on balance distribution and propose formulations and solution algorithms which provide insight into the balance-efficiency tradeoff. We illustrate our models by applying them to the data of a portfolio selection problem faced by a science funding agency and to randomly generated large-sized problem instances to demonstrate computational feasibility.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how firms transform resources into performance, and proposes that dynamic capabilities serve as a link for transforming internal and external resources first into firm competitiveness, and then into financial performance. One hundred and ninety-six Taiwanese technology-based firms are adopted as a research sample. The resource-based view of the firm, social capital theory, and dynamic capabilities are integrated to formulate a comprehensive framework for explaining the performance variation of technological-based firms. Analytical results demonstrate that technological-based firms can transform their resources into profit via dynamic capabilities and competitiveness.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of one of the most common yet least optimized production management practices—expediting. The intention of this study was to generate quantitative insight into issues that underlie expediting decision making, such as the relative frequency of various causes of expediting, commonly used expediting strategies and tactics, and the interaction of expediting and the production scheduling environment in use. The study centered around a survey sent to 1768 manufacturing staff personnel, with 182 usable questionnaires returned. It is hoped that the data and conclusions presented in this paper will be of use to production management researchers who are interested in expediting as a managerial decision.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the business models and the strategic competences of the new Italian biopharmaceutical firms allowing them to successfully overcome the initial stages of starting up. A multiple case studies methodology was used. In particular, a thorough analysis of four Italian biopharmaceutical firms that have recently started up and shown significant innovative output was carried out. The results of this study revealed that the start-up success factors consist of competencies that are distinct and different depending on the type of business models founded: the excellence in quality, the ability to create and manage relationship networks, the technical and managerial capabilities are the strategical competences emerging from the case studies examined.  相似文献   

It is a widely held notion that innovation is of critical importance for developing countries to achieve industrial progress and economic prosperity. Although this issue has often been tapped in macro-economic studies micro-level examinations have been rather limited. This study explores the influence of the various contextual variables on a firm's innovative behavior. The data are based on 61 medium-to-large firms in Turkey.  相似文献   

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