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ON April 3, 1992, the Law of the PRC on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women (Protection Law), the first basic law for protecting rights and interests of women and promoting equality between men and women in China, was adopted at the fifth session of the Seventh National People's Congress (NPC), and entered into force on October 1 of the same year.  相似文献   

ON June 26, 1996, Women of China held festivities in the International Hotel of Beijing to celebrate the 40th birthday of this English monthly. Chen Muhua, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC, Ma Yuzhen, Deputy Minister of the Information Office of the State Council and more than 200 female celebrities from all walks of life, as well as some foreign experts in Beijing were present at the celebration. With beautiful pictures and comprehensive reporting, Women of China started publication in 1956, aiming to introduce China and the situation of Chinese women to the outside world. China's only English-language women's magazine, Women of China consistantly gives comprehensive coverage of issues of concern to the international community. Its writers focus on the empowerment of women, Chinese women's advancement in the market economy, women lifting them  相似文献   

ETHNIC women have always been a concern of Women of China. The column, "Ethnic Women," has been developed to look at the lives, employment, education of ethnic women, and to introduce their local customs and practices to our readers. Since the establishment of New China in 1949, China's 55 ethnic groups have witnessed significant progress in political rights, social status, employment, education, marriage and family, maternity and child health care. However, ethnic regions situated in remote areas still lag behind developed regions in eastern China in terms of economic development, with 257 of China's 592 poverty-stricken counties inhabited by ethnic groups. Concerned with problems ethnic women face, the Editorial Department of Women of China recently organized a meeting of experts and scholars to discuss the present situation and future development for ethnic women.  相似文献   

ACWF Holds the'Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality' 全国妇联举办"生殖健康与性别平等倡导研讨班" "Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality," sponsored by the Project Team of Social Gender Equality of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),in cooperation with Shenzhen Women's Federation,was held in Shenzhen Women and Children's Center on January 24-25,2005 Tan Lin,Director of the Women's Studies Institute of the ACWE, presented at the seminar and delivered a speech.Liu Chaohui.  相似文献   

ON March 3rd, 1998, an exhibition titled "Century · Women" drew up its curtain at the China Arts Gallery in Beijing, and attracted a vast number of visitors with its large scale, historical overview, and representation of a great number of painters with various styles. While people strolled in the gallery, a lively forum on the topic of "Visual Angle of Gender: Women's Arts and Women Artists in Cultural Change" was also taking place in Beijing. The purpose of the forum was to corroborate the academic value of the exhibition, as well as to analyze the cultural significance of women's art through the exploration of the history and present situation of Chinese women's art, Over 30 scholars and artists presented speeches on the topic; the audience numbered in the hundreds.  相似文献   

ON March 2, four of the "Ten Outstanding Chinese Women" of 1995, joined the delegation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on its visit to Hong Kong, and delivered speeches to more than 500 Hong Kong women. They visited Hong Kong with the ACWF delegation at the invitation of women's organizations in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

IN the beautiful autumn of 1995, women from all over the world gathered at the NGO Forum of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to discuss the ugly topic of "women and violence." An American woman said angrily that domestic violence was "as common as giving birth to babies." She denounced the prevalence of the violent behavior that was hidden in families and called upon the participants to strive for women's dignity and safety. The participants all recognized that domestic violence had become a global  相似文献   

The Platform for Action adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women acknowledges the media's role in eliminating sexual discrimination and promoting women's development.It lists women and media as one of the ten fields that require strategic targeting and action.  相似文献   

THE level of women's development is an important mark of overall social development, and a measure of the degree of social progress. In order to promote women's progress and development, the State Council promulgated "The Program for the Development of Chinese Women 1995- 2000" on July 27 of this year. On August 10 the State Council Work Committee on Women and Children held a seminar on  相似文献   

TWO and a half years after the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing once again embraced women from all over the world. This time, the mission was to exchange experiences on implementation of the "Beijing Declaration" and the "Platform for Action" formulated at the Conference; to see how the governments had put into action the commitments that they made then.  相似文献   

"ONE of the biggest challenges that the international society and this conference has confronted is the fight against poverty," said Dr. Leena M. Kirjavainen. a division director with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW). "Today more than 550 million women live below the poverty line in rural areas worldwide. The feminization of poverty has become the major obstacle to the empowerment of women."  相似文献   

IT was autumn in Beijing. Genial sunshine fell on the red walls around Zhongnanhai through the fluttering tree branches. Entering the gate that leads to Zhongnanhai, we came to an office on the third floor. The simple furnishings of the room and the amiable and approachable hostess made us feel extremely welcome. We had come to interview the hostess, Comrade Chen Muhua, who will lead the Chinese delegation at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, which will be held  相似文献   

China's First Data Base of Women's Documents Emerges IN order to greet the UN Fourth World Conference on Women and promote the academic exchange of women's studies at home and abroad, China's first data base of women's documents, which was developed by the Research Department of Women's Studies of the All-China Women's Federation opened to the public this March. China's women's studies programs started in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Mrs. F. Kefi, Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the Coordination Committee for the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians, speaks at the opening ceremony. The meeting was attended by IPU General Secretory Mr. Cornillon, President of the Inter Parliamentary Council of IPU, Dr. Sorour, and President of the 96th WPM Mrs. Chen Muhua (sitting, from L to R).  相似文献   

IN the 1930's, the power of the Communist Party of China was first born in southern China. Women cut their hair short and unbound their feet. Women gained freedom of choice in marriage and fought side by side with men. Fighting for Respect The first red political power of China's Soviet Republic was born in the boundary region of Jiangxi and Fujian provinces in November of 1931. Covering 35 counties with a population of 3  相似文献   

Lisu Women     
In March of 1998, Lisu women posed for a picture at the National Commendation Meeting for Ethnic Women Leaders.  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

Women of the Tu ethnicity, who live on the highlands in northwest China, wear bright and colorful dresses. The married women favor shirts with sleeves decorated in a rainbow of colored flowers: yellow, green, blue, red, purple, black  相似文献   

THE intense excitement of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW) waned, with Chinese women realizing the heavy commitments outlined in the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action. The documents, which represent the grand goals women have set for realizing their emancipation, will surely be fulfilled through the arduous efforts of women throughout the world. A look back at the past year following the release of the Platform for Action reveals the earnest and effective efforts Chinese women have made for realizing  相似文献   

ON the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Chinese women established their own nationwide organizationin Beijing-the All-China Democratic Federation of Women.Thefounding of the womens federation greatly promoted thedevelopment of the women’s movement in China and women hadtheir own home at last,In the late 40s and 50s,Chinese womenexperienced an unprecedented change in their lives;they wereassigned their own land for the first time during the Land Reformand the women’s federation helped the government to eradicate the  相似文献   

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