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滕一霖 《现代交际》2015,(3):162+161
当前我国经济飞速发展,社会正处于急剧转型的新时期,这种发展和变化也给高校管理教育工作带来一系列的新问题。在这种背景下,也造成了高校辅导员角色的多元化冲突,给辅导员自身定位带来困扰。本文对高校辅导员角色冲突形成的原因进行深入剖析,以期引发高校管理者和辅导员的思考,从而进一步明确辅导员在高校中的定位和价值。  相似文献   

国内许多人都觉得当保姆这活挺没面子,其实,平民百姓挣钱养家才是正道,面子再好看,谁管你呀,特别是在美国。现在一些从国内来的人,写了一本书总喜欢把一张和要人的合影放在封面上,以壮门面。其实在美国进白宫,在总统身边站一站不是什么难事,只需告诉门卫自己是哪家新闻单位的,人家看了证件就放你进去,站在大人物身边又能怎么样,吃饭穿衣还要靠自己  相似文献   

中国职业女性的生存状态和职业发展规划的调查问卷凸显了当今职业女性在众多的压力之下所产生的危机感以及作出的选择。而女大学生在日益激烈的就业环境中面临着艰难的就业歧视,她们要克服就业中遇到的各种困难.最终成为一个成功而且幸福的新时代女性。  相似文献   

孟戈 《老年人》2011,(4):12-12
报载:北京某高校一杨姓副教授,2004年因琐事跟父母吵了一架之后,至今已有6年没有回家看望过父母,也不给付赡养费,不久前被思女心切的杨老先生夫妇告上法庭。  相似文献   

2010年2月1日,武汉市某高校教师孙芳玺和丈夫离婚了,而导火索是2年前她参加的“休闲理财”项目。  相似文献   

个人认知与组织规则之间的错位造成青年公务员工作压力过大、心理失衡.应当科学地分析压力效应,通过政府组织的有效引导、预防和干预,合理配置人力资源,建立良好的沟通机制和压力咨询服务机制,实施有效的青年公务员压力管理策略,提高青年公务员的心理素质和生活、工作质量.  相似文献   

中共十六大以来,党和国家的决策和部署鲜明地凸显出"以人为本、科学发展、构建和谐"的执政理念和追求,完全符合包括青年在内的广大人民群众的心愿和切身利益。青少年工作和青少年工作的研究在当前具有突出的现实意义。本文就中国青年研究的形势任务、青年工作的情况和青年生存与发展的需求等方面提出青年研究要关注民生、以青年为本的问题意识和服务青年的意义,并提出了青年研究工作新突破的若干思路。  相似文献   

当代青年大学生价值观念基本特征及发展走向透析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
一、当代青年与青年大学生的价值观念青年是时代变化的晴雨表 ,是社会价值观念中具有超前性和先导性价值群体 ,青年价值观念既是社会价值观念变迁的一种敏感的折射 ,同时 ,也是社会变迁的缩影。研究青年就是研究未来 ,研究青年价值观就是研究未来社会价值观念的发展及其走向。青年大学生是青年中最富于理性思维的群体 ,如果一般社会青年是以感性的方式、以行为的方式来直观地反映社会价值观念的变化 ,那么 ,青年大学生对社会价值观念的把握是以较为抽象的、理性的方式来把握社会价值观念的 ,因此 ,青年大学生的价值观念更具有稳定和普遍的特…  相似文献   

高健 《伴侣(A版)》2010,(2):10-11
正现代社会中,上网已成了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分:购物、理财、传送文件等等。但这个虚拟的空间中也布满了色情的陷阱,使一些人浸淫其中,不能自拔。有一位女教授发现自己的丈夫患上网络性瘾后,悄悄阻击,用温情和智慧将丈夫拉回到了自己的怀抱。  相似文献   

"民工"是中国工业化的产物,是改革开放后出现的新的群体,农民进城务工也是城市建设发展的需要."青年民工"是一种过渡性的职业身份状态,作为弱势群体,他们的基本权利难以得到合理保障,从而给社会稳定留下了较大的隐患.实现各阶层社会成员共同富裕,是建设和谐社会的必然趋势."青年民工"的生存现状已经引起社会各界的广泛关注,也给青年工作带来了更深层次的思考.  相似文献   

Three boys between the ages of four and seven were expressing the wish to be feminine and were dressing in women's clothes following a difficult divorce with custody and visitation strife. In brief psychotherapy gender seemed related to issues of loss and aggression. On followup, all 3 were symptomatically improved. The author suggests that gender disturbance symptom in boys, in addition to being a developmental failure, may come about as a regressive reaction to parental discord in divorce.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between modernization and female crime rates and tests a model which incorporates female participation in various social roles as an intervening variable. Modernization is predicted to have positive, direct effects on female property crime, as well as positive, indirect effects through female role participation. Data from approximately forty countries were analyzed using correlational and regression techniques. The results offer little support for the general model. GNP/cap exhibits positive, direct effects on female theft and fraud but only minor indirect effects. The net effects of the several female role-participation variables are generally small. Differences by type of female crime are examined and several possible explanations for the results are explored.  相似文献   

女性青年农民工发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性青年农民工进入城市后所遇到的困难和问题或许会较男性更多,在城市发展过程中由此所付出的诸如生活、工作、生理和心理成本也可能会更多,这些均对她们的生存与发展影响极大。本文在对外来人口的重要聚集地之一:上海浦东新区实证调查基础上,从女性青年农民工群体的文化构成、就业状况、收入情况、社会关系、权益保障、居住地域、婚姻生活等维度进行分析探讨,针对在城市社会经济快速发展与转型过程中女性青年农民工群体存在的一些主要发展问题,提出旨在促进其发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Survey data from 78 dual-earner mothers of preschool children were used to examine the association between perceptions of both spouses’ work-to-family conflict and maternal gatekeeping. Two regression models were estimated: One in which mother’s work-to-family conflict was included as a predictor, and one in which mother’s perception of father’s (spouse’s) work-to-family conflict was added. Competing hypotheses using role theory and identity theory were proposed. Results provided support for identity theory through a positive association between mothers’ work-to-family conflict and maternal gatekeeping. In regard to perception of spouse’s work-to-family conflict, both role and identity theories can be interpreted to suggest a positive association with maternal gatekeeping, and we found this was empirically the case.  相似文献   

Managing Conflicting Roles: A Qualitative Study with Female Faculty Members   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interface and transactions between the roles individuals need to play in their family and employment environments are a source of both positive and negative stressors for women, their employers, and family members. Drawing on interviews with female faculty members working in three types of higher education institutions in Michigan, the paper first suggests that female faculty members’ current employment-household management is influenced by past decisions. In addition, the complexity of their family and employment careers positively and negatively influences their lives.  相似文献   

当前,女性在劳动力市场所遭遇的边缘化和差别化对待已成社会事实,女性群体,特别是青年女性俨然成为就业市场中的弱势群体之一.了解青年女职工的实际工作状况及其遭遇和面临的从业困境对于分析我国职场性别歧视问题,乃至社会性别不平等问题意义重大.青年女职工的从业困境主要表现为入职门槛、性别隔离、玻璃天花板、孕妇骚扰和议价力量薄弱等五种类型.而青年女职工"家庭—工作"双重角色的身份互嵌与溢出和我国生育保险制度的国家缺位与责任下沉是造成青年女职工从业困境的内在生成机制.建议从优化国家生育保险政策、加强女职工就业培训和健全家庭发展支持体系等几个层面予以应对.  相似文献   

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest English writers. He thinks women's behavior should follow the Angel in the House. In his work Hard Times, from the character of Rachael, we may find the traits of Angel in the House.  相似文献   

In the context of an upward trend in divorce rates in Malaysia, this article explores the relationship between Malaysian young adults' perceptions of interparental conflict and their own attitudes toward divorce. Two questionnaires were administered to 160 young adults between 18 and 30 years old: the Attitude Towards Divorce Scale and the Perceptions of Interparental Conflict?Intensity/Frequency Scale. A positive relationship was found between perceived intensity and frequency of interparent conflict and attitudes toward divorce in males and females, respectively; however, the associations were weak. Future investigations of divorce need to take into consideration both the cultural factors that are influential within a society and how they shape gender norms within that population to gain a greater understanding of this relationship. Such investigations will increase the understanding of non-Western culture's unique interaction between attitudes and divorce, thus potentially aiding future efforts to strengthen marriages and families.  相似文献   

Scholars have identified an association between one's own work-family conflict and health. Yet the study of work-family intersections implicitly calls into question the roles played by multiple members in the family system. A contagion model is used to examine health behaviors and work-to-family conflict among dual-earner parents of young children—for whom role obligations are high and competing. Controlling for workplace characteristics, perceptions of both spouses' work-to-family conflict are considered. For mothers, their own work-to-family conflict was significantly and negatively associated with health behaviors until the perception of their spouse's work-to-family conflict was considered. For fathers, their own job pressure was negatively associated with health behaviors. Thus, it appears wives may be responding to what they perceive as the interference of husbands' work lives by reducing their own personal health behaviors, such as sleeping and taking time to relax, but fathers are not responding in kind.  相似文献   

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