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Competing Processes of Sibling Influence: Observational Learning and Sibling Deidentification 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Although commonly cited as explanations for patterns of sibling similarity and difference, observational learning and sibling deidentification processes have rarely been examined directly. Using a person‐oriented approach, we identified patterns in adolescents' perceptions of sibling influences and connected these patterns to sibling similarities and differences and sibling relationship qualities. Participants included two adolescent‐age siblings (firstborn age M = 16.39, second‐born age M = 13.78) from 171 maritally intact families. Two‐stage cluster analyses revealed three sibling influence profiles: modeling, deidentification, and non‐reference. Analyses revealed differences in the correlations between firstborn and second‐born siblings' personal qualities across the three groups and differences in the sibling relationship qualities of younger siblings who reported modeling vs. those who reported deidentifying from their older siblings. Discussion focuses on refining the study of sibling influence processes. 相似文献
Two experiments examined the role of expertise, consensus, and informational valence on children's acceptance of informant testimony about the quality of work produced by a target child. In Experiment 1, 96 4‐ to 5.9‐year‐olds and 6‐ to 8‐year‐olds were told about an expert who gave a positive or negative assessment of art or music that was contradicted by one layperson or a consensus of three laypersons. Generally, participants endorsed positive assessments as correct irrespective of expertise and consensus, but older children were more likely than younger children to want to learn from the expert in the future. To examine whether reluctance to accept expertise was due to the negative quality of the information, the expert in Experiment 2 simply stated that additional work was needed. Both age groups selected the expert as correct and reported wanting to learn from the expert in the future. Contributions to social learning models are discussed. 相似文献
搜索引擎营销是基于搜索者行为的全程营销,它能实现品牌认知、网站转化和客户服务等目标。搜索引擎营销的第一步是关键词的选择,不管是通过搜索引擎优化和付费搜索引擎广告,都需要选择能够实现目标的期望关键词。为此,必须对搜索引擎营销关键词选择作理论和实证分析,探讨搜索引擎营销关键词的选择方法。 相似文献
英语学习策略是英语学习过程中所采取的方法和手段。怎样提高学生学习策略,是目前英语教学上广泛探讨的问题。通过对学生英语学习策略的问卷调查,分析学习策略与学习成绩之间的关系,认为教师应指导学生选择正确的学习策略,学生应选择多种策略互补。 相似文献
“中产阶级”研究:疑问与探源 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中产阶级研究源远流长,马克思主义对中产阶级的研究开创了社会学意义上的中产阶级研究。虽在马克思恩格斯以前,已经有哲学家、经济学家、历史学家和空想社会主义者使用过中产阶级概念或对中产阶级进行过讨论,但第一个从社会学意义上对中产阶级进行研究的是恩格斯而不是马克思。马克思恩格斯研究的中产阶级不能完全等同于今天学者们研究的中产阶级,而且财产状况和财产关系并非马克思恩格斯划分中产阶级的唯一标准,阶级意识、政治与社会地位及文化心理都被马克思恩格斯纳入中产阶级研究的范围。 相似文献
Dynamic Choice, Independence and Emotions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
From the viewpoint of the independence axiom of expected utility theory, an interesting empirical dynamic choice problem involves
the presence of a “global risk,” that is, a chance of losing everything whichever safe or risky option is chosen. In this
experimental study, participants have to allocate real money between a safe and a risky project. Treatment variable is the
particular decision stage at which a global risk is resolved: (i) before the investment decision; (ii) after the investment
decision, but before the resolution of the decision risk; (iii) after the resolution of the decision risk. The baseline treatment
is without global risk. Our goal is to investigate the isolation effect and the principle of timing independence under the
different timing options of the global risk. In addition, we examine the role played by anticipated and experienced emotions
in the choice problem. Main findings are a violation of the isolation effect, and support for the principle of timing independence.
Although behavior across the different global risk cases shows similarities, we observe clear differences in people’s affective
responses. This may be responsible for the conflicting results observed in earlier experiments. Dependent on the timing of
the global risk different combinations of anticipated and experienced emotions influence decision making.
对评价科技查新报告质量中存在的主要问题,我们结合查新报告质量评价指标体系,运用模糊数学方法,解决科技查新质量评价的主观因素的影响,建立了一套数学模型.模糊综合评价是将模糊集合的概念及运算应用于综合评价问题,是一个如何从定性走向定量评价的方式,这使得科技查新报告的质量评定更加科学、客观、可靠.科技查新的最终结果体现为查新报告,查新报告反映了查新的过程,查新报告的结论使科技的创新评价更趋公正和科学,关系到该项目的好坏.科技查新的质量也主要通过查新报告体现出来,科技查新质量评定的科学性、可靠性直接关系到查新项目的好坏. 相似文献
Evidence presented in Salmon (2001; Econometrica 69(6) 1597) indicates that typical tests to identify learning behavior in experiments involving normal form games possess little power to reject incorrect models. This paper begins by presenting results from an experiment designed to gather alternative data to overcome this problem. The results from these experiments indicate support for a learning-to-learn or rule learning hypothesis in which subjects change their decision rule over time. These results are then used to construct an adaptive learning model which is intended to mimic more accurately the behavior observed. The final section of the paper presents results from a simple simulation based analysis comparing the performance of this adaptive learning model with that of several standard decision rules in reproducing the choice patterns observed in the experiment.JEL Classification: C92, C72 相似文献
The conjunction fallacy occurs whenever probability compounds are thought of as more likely than its component probabilities alone. In the experiment we present, subjects chose between simple and compound lotteries after some practice. Depending on the condition, they were given more or less information about the nature of probability compounds. The conjunction fallacy was surprisingly robust. There was, however, a puzzling dissociation between verbal and behavioral learning: verbal responses were sensitive, but actual choices entirely insensitive, to the amount of verbal instructions being provided. This might reflect a dichotomy between implicit and explicit learning. Caution must be exercised in generalizing results from what people say to what people do. 相似文献
Monika Mühlbck Fabian Kalleitner Nadia Steiber Bernhard Kittel 《Social Policy & Administration》2022,56(1):48-72
Jobseekers, especially young people with little experience on the job market, face several challenges. They need to know which jobs are suited for them, where to find them, how to apply, and they need resilience in the face of repeated rejections. Previous research has shown that receiving information and reflecting on how to search for a job enhance self-efficacy and search motivation, thereby reducing the duration of unemployment spells. Following up on these results, we conducted an experiment in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs which combines an “information nudge” in the form of a short video-clip with what we call “reflection nudge” in the form of an online survey. We find that a treatment combining reflection and information reduces job search duration of young unemployed people with a low level of formal education. Considering the low costs of the intervention, efficiency is very high. 相似文献
伴随我国司法体制改革的逐步深入和社会主义法律体系的全面建构,《刑事诉讼法》的再修改势在必行,特别是随着刑事侦查理论的不断完善,被搜查人的人权保障日益受到学界的普遍关注,而作为《刑事诉讼法》重要内容之一的刑事搜查证明标准部分的规定却极不完善,相关司法解释对于被搜查人权利实现之救济机制亦存在诸多缺陷。且这些缺陷在《刑事诉讼法》再修改草案中并未得到实质性的改变。当前应借鉴西方国家刑事搜查证明标准的合理内核,从不断完善我国搜查行为的证明标准、被搜查人权利救济途径以及相关配套制度等方面着手,重构我国刑事搜查证明标准。 相似文献
人类学习是一个广袤的课题。近来,不同文化背景下人们的学习信念问题引起国内外研究者越来越多的关注。学习模式是一个包含学习风格等多个层面的复杂的意义系统,东西方传统文化影响下形成了两种不同的学习模式,学习模式以内隐的方式影响个体的学习过程和行为。通过对以努力的学习观为主的孔子学习模式和以批判创新为主的苏格拉底学习模式的比较分析,可以看出西方研究者对东方学习方式存在一些误解,教育者在现代教育中应该充分考虑学习行为中的文化因素的重要性。 相似文献
Elizabeth A. Nowicki 《Social Development》2012,21(1):130-149
Children's evaluations of classmates with learning difficulties tend to be less positive than their evaluations of classmates without learning difficulties; but it is not clear if these evaluations are associated with age, group norms, and group identification. These associations were examined within the context of inclusive elementary school classrooms. Participants (N = 192) were asked about their attitudes and their peers' attitudes towards children with or without learning difficulties. They were also asked to evaluate fictional target children who gave biased or unbiased opinions about children with or without learning difficulties. Results showed that group identification was predicted by age and group judgment. Participants with high group identification and judgment scores in favour of children without learning difficulties were inclined to believe other children would be similarly biased. However, most participants preferred the target child who gave unbiased opinions. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed. 相似文献
Luís Santos-Pinto 《Theory and Decision》2009,66(4):317-343
Research in psychology suggests that some individuals are more sensitive to positive than to negative information while others are more sensitive to negative rather than positive information. I take these cognitive positive–negative asymmetries in information processing to a Bayesian decision-theory model and explore its consequences in terms of decisions and payoffs. I show that in monotone decision problems economic agents with more positive-responsive information structures are always better off, ex ante, when they face problems where payoffs are relatively more sensitive to the action chosen when the state of nature is favorable. 相似文献
大学英语合作学习与自主学习的建构主义视阈 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
贯彻落实教育部大学英语教学改革精神,运用建构主义学习理论探讨集成合作学习与自主学习的可行性,对于从实践上构建二者的整合模式,具有重要的指导意义.尽管建构主义学习理论的内涵可以划分为过程学说、体验学说和环境学说,但三者又紧密相连,融会贯通:没有对知识的建构、丰富和创新,体验就无从谈起;没有典型环境的创设与充分利用,体验也难以取得收获.大学英语的知识建构过程,即学习主体在适宜的环境中学习体验不断得到收获并不断积累的过程.实践证明,自主学习能力的培养必须有合作学习的引领,合作学习的旨归在于学习者自主学习能力的提升.基于此,在建构主义视闻下,构建"合作-自主学习模式"应采取的策略为:精心策划合作学习选题,激发学习者的主动探索性;善于创设学习情境,实现学习者主体与客体良性互动;总结交流学习体验,促进学习者群体多样化风格的形成. 相似文献
Anette C. Iversen Hilde Hetland Toril Havik Kjell M. Stormark 《Child & Family Social Work》2010,15(3):307-314
Children who have been in the welfare system tend to have poor social and health outcomes as adults. The aim of this study was to examine learning difficulties, as well as academic competence, among children in contact with child welfare service, and to compare this group to their same‐age peers. The material consisted of 4114 children in fifth to seventh grade, of which 101 were in contact with child welfare services. Information on learning difficulties and academic competence was obtained through questionnaires to teacher and parent/caregivers. As expected, there were significantly more children with learning difficulties in the child welfare group than the peer group; 12% of child welfare clients had general learning difficulties compared to only 0.4% of their peers, and 31% had specific learning difficulties in relation to mathematics and/or reading and writing, compared to 10% of their peers. The majority of child welfare children received assistance from pedagogical–psychological services. While more than every second child welfare client without general learning disability had low academic competence, there were also 15% who had high academic competence. The results show that although many of the children in contact with child welfare service have learning difficulties, there is also heterogeneity and potential for academic achievement. 相似文献
This article shows how time works against parents with learningdifficulties in the child protection system and Children Actproceedings. The prevailing wisdom, embedded in policy and theliterature, is that delay in care cases is bad for the childand may jeopardize his or her future. This paper shows how thepressure to avoid delay might itself be harming some families,especially parents with learning difficulties. Drawing on interviewswith social work practitioners undertaken as part of a largerstudy, the authors describe the various forms of temporal discriminationthat impact on this group of disabled parents. They concludethat procedural time limits make it harder for parents withlearning difficulties to meet the standards and expectationsenforced by Childrens Services and the courts. 相似文献
陆莉君 《广州城市职业学院学报》2016,(1):52-55
社区老年学习社团,是推动社区教育发展的重要主体,也是老年人继续社会化的主要形式。但多数社区老年学习社团的发展,由于缺少专业师资,活动平台有限,管理模式单一等问题存在,制约着社区教育的发展。新形势下,社区老年学习社团的发展,要立足于专业化,从发挥老年人自身主动性出发,优先为老年学习社团建立导师工作室,引导社团成员开展志愿服务,培育社团实践基地,组织社团成果展,为社区老年学习社团搭建“以学促学”的可持续发展路径。 相似文献
Stefanie Plage Stephanie Cook Jenny Povey Emily Rudling Kitty te Riele Lisa McDaid Mark Western 《The Australian journal of social issues》2023,58(1):212-231
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated school closures may have constrained educational participation particularly for students in disadvantaged circumstances. We explore how 30 disadvantaged students in secondary school (14 mainstream/16 Flexible Learning Programme) from Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania experienced home learning during the first wave of COVID-19, teasing out nuances across two educational models. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with these students, our analysis revealed three interconnected themes inflecting their learning: connection, connectivity and choice. Connection captures the desire for belonging and practices that facilitated meeting this desire during system-wide disruptions to school routines and face-to-face learning. Connectivity captures the impact of digitally facilitated learning at home on students' ability to engage with curriculum content and with their learning community. Choice captures the availability of viable options to overcome barriers students encountered in their learning and possibilities to flexibly accommodate student preferences and learning needs. Students from Flexible Learning Programmes appeared generally better supported to exercise agency within the scope of their lived experience of home-based learning. Findings indicate a need for strengthening student-centred policy and practices aimed at leveraging the affordances of information technology, balancing self-directed and structured learning and providing holistic support to enable meaningful student choice. 相似文献
The relations between prosocial risk taking (taking a risk to benefit another person; PSRT) and interpersonal regret (regret that one's choices have caused a poor outcome for another person) were examined in 192 children aged 7–9. PSRT was measured by children's choices within a gambling task in which one choice guaranteed participants a good prize whereas the other involved risking this prize to help a peer also win a good prize. Interpersonal regret was assessed within the same task by examining children's change in emotion when they learned they would have won a better prize for a peer had they chosen differently. Performance on this task was also examined in relation to sympathy and resource sharing. Findings indicated that the operationalizations of PSRT and interpersonal regret were meaningful. Children who took a prosocial risk were more generous in a resource sharing task. In some circumstances, children who took a prosocial risk were also more likely to experience interpersonal regret than those who did not take a prosocial risk, indicating that experiencing interpersonal regret may be related to individual differences in prosociality. However, experiencing interpersonal regret did not have a direct effect on subsequent prosocial behavior, when measured by resource sharing. We consider findings in relation to a possible distinction between outcome and process regret and the generalizability of the behavioral consequences of regret. 相似文献