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本研究在三峡移民后期安抚政策大力实行的背景下,通过定量研究与定性研究相结合的研究方法,研究三峡移民群体的相对剥夺感,并将相对剥夺感操作化为经济剥夺感和社会剥夺感,经济剥夺感下设置了四个指标分别为生活质量、固定资产、就业状况和教育机会,社会剥夺感下也设置了四个指标分别为文化程度、社会地位、政策法规和社会组织。最后得出结论相对剥夺感是存在于就地搬迁移民群体之中的,且经济剥夺感是强于社会剥夺感的,因为在生活质量和固定资产两个方面的剥夺感是最强的。  相似文献   

本文以瓦尔基环球教育基金会《2013年全球教师地位指数》报告中的信息和数据为素材,从整体上展现了全球中小学教师职业地位的洲际、国别差异;从中小学教师职业是否受欢迎和中小学生是否尊重教师两方面描述并分析该职业的社会地位;从估计薪资、合理薪资、实际薪资三个向度考察21国中小学教师的经济地位;从各国中小学教师能否提供优质教育及教师工会的功能发挥的强弱,说明教师及教育相关部门对中小学生成绩高低的影响,体现各国民众对教师的信任程度。最后,本文对《指数》的评分原则和调查样本采集问题给予了一定的思考。  相似文献   

王林生 《城市》2015,(2):75-79
现代化的进程,是一个不断探索的进程.在城市现代化过程中,支撑城市发展的各种要素随着城市社会经济实践的变化,其功能和地位亦相应调整.从1949年至今的60多年中,北京的城市状貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,而基于政治和经济等不同方面的发展需要,文化在城市发展中充当的角色、展示的形式、发挥的作用也发生着相应变化.在北京实现现代化的进程中,文化的命运大致经历了一个由中心向边缘“抛离”的过程,但在当前又呈现出“回归”中心的趋势.  相似文献   

仅承认女性气质有多样性是不够的著名的文化相对主义学者玛格丽特·米德在她的人类学著作(《三个原始部落的性别与气质》中为我们描述了具有不同的两性气质并且与现代文明民族迥然不同的三个原始部落:阿拉佩什人的性格都像西方文化对女性期待的那样是温柔母性的,在性生活上都是被动的;蒙杜古马人的丈夫和妻子都性情暴烈,在性  相似文献   

传统民间文化习俗——年例,是粤西地区所特有的传统节日,其历史源远流长。在粤西岭南一带,年例多集中于农历正月、二月份举办,甚至比春节更为重要。本文从其表现形式入手了解在时代变迁视域下,年例文化于不同地区,对当地村民精神生活、物质生活及情感状态等产生的作用,探究例文化对社会发展的影响,为当代传统文化的保护献上绵薄之力。  相似文献   

South Africa is a country of diverse cultures, languages, beliefs and backgrounds. It is conceivable that these different population groups may have differing perceptions of taxation resulting from their cultural backgrounds or even their political and social histories. These perceptions may, in turn, influence their attitudes towards tax compliance. It is, therefore, argued that in order to change taxpaying behaviour, perceptions must be first be identified, and then influenced in a positive way towards tax compliance.  相似文献   

The role of men has undergone tremendous change over the last decade due to various reasons. The researcher tried to combine two objectives in this study. Firstly the focus was on perceptions and attitudes of aged males towards themselves, significant others and the general process of aging. The second objective was to determine the culturally diverse perceptions and attitudes of aged males towards aging and some concomitant factors. The study was done within the qualitative paradigm. Seeing that research of this nature has seldom been undertaken, an exploratory research design was embarked on. Two culturally different groups, the one consisting of 12 aged black men and the other consisting of 12 aged white men, were established. Members for the two groups were selected by way of the accidental sampling technique. Vast differences were found between the two groups on some aspects, while on other aspects there were little differences.  相似文献   

In urban China, the recipients' experiences living with social assistance are neglected. This article examines social assistance for poor children in urban China, mainly by interviewing parents and children from urban Dibao households in Tianjin and Chengdu. It finds that the recipients' feelings included gratitude, helplessness, shame and exclusion which reflected limited policy effect on material support and social exclusion prevention. It argues that the recipients are under-served and current social assistance policy for poor children which only includes differentiated aid and education aid is inadequate and should be further improved.  相似文献   

Recent studies in political communication have found a generally positive role of social media in democratic engagement. However, most research on youth’s social media use in relation to their political engagement has been conducted in the context of American and European democracies. This study fills a gap in the literature by examining the effects of the uses and structural features of social media on democratic engagement in three different Asian political systems: Taiwan (young liberal democracy); Hong Kong (partial democracy); and China (one-party state). The findings showed that sharing political information and connections with public actors consistently predicted offline participation (i.e., civic and political participation) and online participation (i.e., online political expression and online activism) in the three political systems. Although social media use for news, network size, and network structure did not consistently predict political outcomes, they played significant roles in influencing different engagement in the three political systems. The comparative approach used in this study helped to demonstrate the role of social media in the democratic engagement of youth in three places with similar cultures but different political contexts.  相似文献   

This paper presents two case studies about Italian new communities abroad: one Tunisian and one South African. These case studies were conducted – in a larger international research project on 14 countries – with different types of interview: focus interviews, in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc. The mixed interview modes brought to light how – with a different research strategy (methodological triangulation): quantitative and qualitative data – our complex social experience can be inquired into, in particular migration processes. The authors decided to utilise semi-standardised and non-standardised techniques. This paper discusses how the mixed research logic – utilised in both of these cases – is very productive in terms of knowledge. It seems that focus group interviewing techniques (and others) have been used progressively more and more over the past years as both a self-contained method for conducting qualitative research and in combination with other research methods. In the authors’ opinion, mixed-methods research (or multiple research strategies) represents a smaller corpus of literature that is getting increased attention. The essays in our paper are grouped along four themes: (a) economic development and globalisation; (b) perceptions and discourses; (c) the new migration phenomenon; and (d) fragmentation of identity. The authors believe that rebuilding a morceau de vie of Italian emigration helps to better analyse the role of the communities of immigrants in the construction of national processes. As a result of this, their survey introduces reflections on theoretical—methodological logic and concurs with placing such aspects in a global and social structural dimension. However, the universal and social structural dimension can be extended to the specific case. Its contribution in the first part investigates a variety of linkages of migration with broader processes of social–economic development and social globalisation. That global patterns of migration and the processes of globalisation are linked in various ways has long been recognised. The second part of the paper stresses the meaning of perceptions and discourses linked with the migration phenomenon and underlines the importance of an accurate methodological approach in order to provide new sociological points of view and appropriate research strategies.  相似文献   

The study first examines the media identification logic that the prime evaluating indicator for news media is public trust. Perceptions of trust are not only important from a marketing perspective, but also form a vital component of audiences' aesthetic criticism of news and news sources. Comparing people's attitudes towards media in America and China, this study finds media credibility ratings in China are much higher than those in America. Does this suggest that Chinese media are more credible, or are survey reports of public trust influenced by other factors? This study considers three perspectives for considering differences in reports of public trust – operation dynamics, imaged power, and national identity. We consider to what degree, and under what conditions, could the survey reports of perceived public trust in media be related to media system differences, both among countries and over time. The study also examines the role played by structural dialectics such as profit orientation or propaganda orientation; professionalism orientation or authority orientation; and imagined community or heterogeneity construction. Finally, given the limits of survey methods and wording, the study brings forward an evaluation framework for the availability of transnational comparisons of media credibility, based on five evaluating dimensions of identity mechanism: professionalism identity, antagonism identity, heterogeneity identity, public sphere identity, and the “Other” identity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to identify and compare the crisis communication strategies (CCSs) that organizations used to respond to a congenetic melamine-tainted milk crisis in two Chinese societies (i.e., Mainland China and Taiwan), and (2) to explore the underlying political and media system reasons that led to the differences. Content analysis and discourse analysis of media coverage were used. The most significant finding is that Sanlu (a Mainland China-based organization) and KingCar (a Taiwan-based organization) demonstrated inverse pattern of the CCS adoption. Specifically, according to Coombs’ (1998) defense-accommodation continuum, Sanlu's CCSs moved from defensive to accommodative pole as time went by whereas, in contrast, KingCar started with accommodative strategies and moved towards the defensive pole gradually. Besides, the results showed that both organizations adopted denial, corrective action and apology strategies. However, on the Sanlu part, the most frequently used strategy was denial, while KingCar used justification most often. Moreover, this paper suggests that besides cultural dynamics, political and media systems also play a part in corporate selection of CCSs, and they are among the most important factors that should be taken into account to explain the differences in societies even with an identical traditional culture.  相似文献   

基于对社会服务领域中不同类型的非政府组织与政府的互动关系的比较研究,本文以法团主义和市民社会为理论视角,对四个不同类型的非政府组织与政府的互动关系进行了比较研究,并试图从中建构出一个初步的类型学。与笼统地谈论非政府组织与政府关系的做法不同,本文希望上述类型学的建构能够更加具体地展现两者互动关系的实态。  相似文献   

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