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狄金华  周敏 《社会学研究》2016,(4):193-217,246
族裔聚居区是国际移民社会中的一个常见现象,它的发展与治理形态对于国际移民及其移居国都具有重要影响。基于族裔聚居区而展开的个体或群体行为研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,但这些研究更多的是从族裔聚居区内在的结构来分析其对族裔经济、社会发展以及移民社会融入的影响。本文在细致梳理族裔聚居区研究理论发展脉络的基础上,检视族裔聚居区经济理论"从社会看经济"研究路径的内在逻辑,并剖析其分析概念和架构的局限所在,进而提出"从经济看社会"路径在未来族裔聚居区研究中的可能与可为。本文认为,"从经济看社会"有助于将族裔聚居区重新置于研究分析的中心位置,并跳出原有的"隔离—融入"(边缘—主流)的二元对立分析框架,在一个多元的视角中,以族裔聚居区为中心来审视作为不同族裔的国际移民群体之间、移民群体与本土其他族裔群体之间由于冲突、合作与博弈构成的社区结构以及身处其中的个体的行为选择。  相似文献   

本文以对身处欧洲的温州移民的经验研究为基础,提出对“跨国移民”的研究,不能基于单一理论进行阐述,除了考察他们迁移的经济动因外,还要考察“文化小传统”的影响;而在长期移民历史中形成的社会网络,则成为信息传递和移居治业的桥梁  相似文献   

城市新移民社会认同的结构模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文根据亨廷顿关于社会身份的分类模式,运用结构方程模型的统计方法,通过群体认同、文化认同、地域认同、职业认同、地位认同等对城市新移民十分重要的五种社会认同类别,探索移民社会认同的内在关系结构。结果表明,移民的社会认同呈现出一致性认同与差异性认同并存的关系结构,具体表现为:职业认同与群体认同和地位认同,地位认同与地域认同,地域认同与文化认同和群体认同,群体认同与文化认同之间存在着一致性认同的倾向;职业认同与文化认同和地域认同,地位认同与文化认同和群体认同之间存在着差异性认同的倾向。此外,本研究还发现城市新移民的定居打算与其采纳本地节日的状况和他们对子女的期望之间均存在着正相关关系。  相似文献   

"家"对于华人而言有着深刻的含义,这种既是责任又是义务的认同使得海外华人能够抱团生存,不仅形成了特有的"小生境"而且一直以"通道"相连接。孔飞力先生在《他者中的华人》简要地描述了中国近现代的移民史,梳理移民史进程的同时也提出了很多新的视角,使得读者对于近现代不同阶段移民外出的原因和结果有了初步的认知,对移民的生存环境和适应移居地的情况有了充分的理解。文章从文化的角度,以"家"的视角来看早期华人移民的迁出和在迁入地的适应和生存情况,以及这种文化观念对于移民生活的影响。  相似文献   

固原市生态移民对回族地区的生产文化适应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张云帆 《现代妇女》2014,(5):273-273
在国家扶贫资金的支持下,宁夏回族自治区人民政府实施了大规模的生态移民工程,将居住在宁夏南部"西海固"地区的一部分经济发展落后、生态环境恶劣而无法维持正常生活的群众,集中搬迁到黄河灌区能够得到便利灌溉的地方,实现异地扶贫开发,寻求经济发展。人口迁移是生产文化变迁的一个重要原因之一,宁夏生态移民工程的实施,在促进移民经济社会发展的同时,也推动移民群体传统文化发生了巨大变化,在这一文化变迁的过程中,移民对此时此景文化的社会适应状况成为我们观察文化、社会变迁的一个窗口。  相似文献   

文化适应是当不同文化群体的人们进行持续不断的直接接触时,一方或双方的原文化类型所产生的变化。对于移民而言,努力适应迁入地原有居民的文化意义重大。因此,我们以贵州省异地扶贫搬迁移民为例,从移民生产方式的适应、生活方式的适应、宗教信仰的适应、身份适应等方面对其"文化适应"进行分析研究。  相似文献   

华裔美国人的精英群体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引  言华人移居美国最早可追溯到 1 9世纪 40年代。迄今 ,美国的华人社区经历了四个不同的历史发展阶段 :无限制移居阶段 (1 848年至 1 881年 ) ;排华阶段 (1 882年至 1 943年 ) ;限额移民阶段 (1 944年至 1 96 7年 ) ;平等移民阶段 (1 96 8年至今 )。在每个阶段里 ,华人社区和华人移民显著不同的生存发展方式引致了精英群体在内涵和特征上的诸多不同。精英群体是美国华人中最活跃、最优秀、最有成就、最有代表性和感召力、起主导支配作用的群体 ,因而具有极高的研究价值。本文试图依顺历史沿革 ,联系特定的社会、经济、文化背景 ,对华裔…  相似文献   

美国是一个由多族裔移民组成的国家,在关于青少年移民的社会融合政策方面,美国经历了"美国化""自由放任"和"选择性限制"三种政策范式的演变。"美国化"式的青少年移民社会融合政策促成了早期青年移民及其子女的归化,但它缺乏对其族群个性的尊重。"自由放任"式的社会融合政策赋予了青年移民及其子女个体、社区、民间组织等以自主地位,丰富了美国文化的多样性。"选择性限制"式的融合政策避免以单一化原则来应对所有青年移民及其子女的社会融合问题,但它并未真正实现其"反恐"和确保国土安全的政策初衷。这些关于青少年移民的社会融合政策对于当代中国城市的新移民(青年农民工、随迁子女、大学毕业生、外籍青年移民等)的管理与服务政策的完善具有重要启示,主要体现为对多元文化和青少年移民自主性的尊重、保障弱势青少年移民群体的合法权利、重视吸纳高层次的青年劳动力移民以及充分发挥社区和民间组织在青少年移民社会融合过程中的作用等。  相似文献   

由于法国穆斯林第一代移民缺少必要的知识和技术,第二代移民又缺少在法国社会中向上晋升的渠道,使他们在住房、教育、就业等领域实际上处于与主体社会"断裂"的状态。而这种"断裂"状态又为伊斯兰思想在移民社区的传播和移民穆斯林身份认同的固化提供了机会。但在本土法国人看来,移民穆斯林身份认同的固化对法国"共同文化"构成威胁,对威胁的感知也催生出法国社会对穆斯林移民群体的歧视。面对歧视,法国穆斯林群体对自身的边缘处境强烈不满,并使少数人走上恐怖主义的道路。  相似文献   

袁宇 《职业时空》2008,4(8):70-70
移民迁建后的长治久安,始终是困扰世界大中型水利工程建设的一个重大难题。移民迁建后如何保证他们走上可持续发展之路。地方又如何利用国家重点建设工程带动移民地方社会与经济发展,这都是值得思考的问题。结合以上两个方面,我们发现在移民的迁建过程中,移民原有的文化属性、水准及受教育程度,会对移民的迁建速度和社会经济生活重建产生重大的影响。而这些又都与移民教育有很大的关系。  相似文献   

The New Chinese Migration is frequently contrasted to the earlier 19th century mass migrations in terms of its origins (urban vs rural), migrant types (students and professionals vs coolies) and destinations (developed vs developing countries). A significant component of this new migration from the PRC however, continues to originate from the qiaoxiang – the emigrant‐sending areas of the 19th century migrations. Based on an extensive review of the literature on the old and new Chinese migration, as well as several years of fieldwork in the major rural sending areas or qiaoxiang of China, we examine the continuities between the new qiaoxiang migration and the old, and propose a qiaoxiang migration model of the entrepreneurial nature of the migration enterprise to account for the sustained and global character of the mobility generated.  相似文献   

Using data from several Chinese censuses and surveys, we provide a new perspective for the study of international migration. Focusing on the trends of international migration from China and Fujian province between 1982 and 2000, several findings emerge. First, Fujian and Yunnan provinces became the leading immigrant‐sending provinces in China by 2000. Second, changes in socio‐economic selectivity among emigrants from Fujian province from 1990 to 1995 are also clearly revealed in our analysis. The shift from urbanites to rural peasants among the emigrant population is particularly noteworthy. Third, in the context of Fujian province, factors such as age, education, rural/urban status, and occupation (especially the service sector) are the most important predictors of emigration. The paper ends with a discussion of the prospects of assimilation of Fujianese immigrants in destination societies.  相似文献   

I address how the offspring of Portuguese emigrants in France, Luso‐descendants (LDs), interpret their language practices and identities relative to models of language and personhood from their ‘sending’ society. Specifically, I examine how LDs tell each other narratives about having been identified as an emigrant in Portugal, based on French‐influenced speech. In telling each other these stories, LDs position themselves relative to two models of language and personhood. The first diasporic model interprets LDs' French as willful abandonment of an essential Portuguese identity. The second transnational model interprets LDs' French as the legitimate result of extended residence abroad. I examine how participants explicitly and/or implicitly invoke both models, through the relationship between narrating and narrated participants' language use. I conclude by asking about LDs' awareness of their simultaneous adherence to multiple models of language and identity.  相似文献   

The transnationalization of Chinese temples is producing new spatial imaginaries and adding cosmopolitan dimensions to Chinese Indonesian identities in the post-Suharto era. In 1999, the Indonesian state legally-sanctioned Chinese Popular Religion after decades of prohibition, ushering in a period of Chinese religious revival nationally backed by constitutional legitimacy. The recent emergence of transnational temple networks is providing a further form of cultural legitimacy based on symbols and statuses that circulate in a broader cosmopolitan transnational social sphere. Using case studies of three temples in Singkawang, Indonesia, each with a different form of international network, this paper shows how the transnational circulation of religious teachings, people, ideas, donations and deities can provide the raw materials for expressions of cultural identity which are locally rooted and embedded in specific ethnic politics of belonging. Forging transnational religious connections has the potential to develop into long lasting and formal institutional platforms of exchange, however, it often begins with informal, spontaneous and idiosyncratic encounters.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the factors affecting the motivations of immigrant entrepreneurs to generate an entrepreneurial gain (positive impact on home and host countries). We consider that positive reasons for emigrating can increase transnational entrepreneurship and mutual benefits for both societies. To test this hypothesis we present a model using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). This model explains the relations between motivations, cultural similarities, institutions and transnational linkage potentials. We designed an ad hoc search of Argentinean entrepreneurs established in Spain, both as EU citizens and without legal EU status, using online social networks. We applied an online questionnaire to 214 such entrepreneurs. We conclude that institutional rules (formal and informal) greatly influence the location decisions of firms and immigrant entrepreneurs’ motivations for starting transnational business because they provide the frame for the development of profitable opportunities.  相似文献   

Ayahuasca commonly refers to a psychoactive Amazonian indigenous brew traditionally used for spiritual and healing purposes (that is as an entheogen). Since the late twentieth century, ayahuasca has undergone a process of globalization through the uptake of different kinds of socio‐cultural practices, including its sacramental use in some new Brazilian religious movements and its commodified use in cross‐cultural vegetalismo practices, or indigenous‐style rituals conducted primarily for non‐indigenous participants. In this article, I explore the rise of such rituals beyond the Amazon region, and consider some philosophical and political concerns arising from this novel trend in ayahuasca use, including the status of traditional indigenous knowledge, cultural appropriation and intellectual property. I discuss a patent dispute in Unites States and allegations of biopiracy related to ayahuasca. I conclude the article with some reflections on the future of ayahuasca drinking as a transnational sociological phenomenon.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of migrants at both international and internal scales in developing countries, literature on building the links between the two migration processes is still lacking. Using survey data from China's Fujian Province, we elaborate a novel link between international and internal migration processes by examining the response of internal migration to international migration in the migrant origins. Our findings suggest that emigration of one individual initially deterred the internal migration of other family members. Yet, over time individuals from emigrant‐related households had an increasing propensity to migrate internally. During the internal migration process, emigrants’ family members received greater financial returns and had reached farther destinations than other internal migrants. Those emigrant‐related internal migrants with enhanced economic profiles would benefit their domestic destinations in a variety of ways. These benefits support a more optimistic view on the impact of international migration on the development of migrant‐sending countries.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, sending states have greatly increased their interest in maintaining strong connections with their citizens abroad. The worldwide adoption of external voting – understood not only as an electoral procedure that allows some citizens to cast their vote outside the national territory but also as an acknowledgement that an emigrant status is compatible with polity membership – illustrates this phenomenon. Why do states enfranchise citizens abroad? In this article, I seek to answer this question by comparing the evolution of the debates on the extension of voting privileges to citizens residing abroad in Mexico, Italy and Belgium. My central argument is that a combination of variables shapes the development of external voting in different parts of the world, as well as the content of these laws. These include emigrant lobbying, home states' desires to stimulate emigrant loyalty for economic purposes and, most importantly, the evolution of domestic politics. In discussing these variables, I also shed light on how one can shape the adoption of external voting legislation to control the impact of votes cast abroad.  相似文献   

Political transnationalism covers a wide range of phenomena and can be studied using a variety of approaches. In migration research the focus is mostly on migrants' networks and activities that involve them in politics oriented towards their country of origin. The article argues for a wider conception of political transnationalism from a political theory perspective. It proposes a terminological distinction between international, multinational, supranational and transnational relations and phenomena. What is specific about migrant transnationalism is that it creates overlapping memberships between territorially separated and independent polities. In this understanding, political transnationalism is not only about a narrowly conceived set of activities through which migrants become involved in the domestic politics of their home countries; it also affects collective identities and conceptions of citizenship among the native populations in both receiving and sending societies. Within this general framework the article suggests a set of hypotheses for an explanatory and normative analysis of sending country relations to their emigrants, a task that has hitherto been neglected in political theory.  相似文献   

The challenges facing Africans in Chinese cities have been examined from different perspectives, including healthcare-related challenges and barriers. However, how they navigate health problems through circulation and transnational practices has received scant attention. The article explored the importance of circulation and everyday transnationalism in health maintenance using qualitative data from 37 Nigerians in Guangdong Province, China. It revealed that transnational practices involving the flows of people, medicinal commodities and information were crucial in managing their health issues with circulating migrants, family members and healthcare professionals at home playing important roles. Circular migrants import herbal medicines and hard-to-acquire pharmaceutical drugs between Nigeria and China, family members and relatives also send over-the-counter drugs to migrants and health professionals in Nigeria supply medical information through transnational consultation. The article advanced the literature as it responds to the growing call for adopting a transnational lens for interrogating the link between migration and health.  相似文献   

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