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加强技工学校计算机专业实训 提高教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董宝梅 《职业》2012,(9):88
技工学校计算机专业实训是培养学生实践能力的有效手段,通过实训,可以使学生迅速提高实践动手能力和独立开发具有实际应用价值的作品的能力,笔者结合技工学校计算机专业教学的实践,探讨如何增强计算机专业教学效果。  相似文献   

杨美荣 《职业》2013,(35):123-123
局域网组建技术是职业院校计算机专业的核心技术课程,优化该课程实训模块,可以强化学生的实际动手能力和综合应用知识的能力,将企业的岗前培训内容前移到学校的教学实训中,以此增强职业院校毕业生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   

黄如晖 《职业》2012,(26):152-153
在实践性极强的汽车涂装技术课程中,实训教学是培养学生动手能力、提升技能的主要阵地.在实训教学中要始终强调学生的主动地位,讲究教学的方式和方法.通过引导学生思考和让学生独立动手,来培养学生的动手能力和创新能力.在汽车涂装技术实训教学中,笔者就喷枪使用的实训教学谈谈自己的一些看法.  相似文献   

邹玉清 《职业》2017,(31):89-90
计算机是一门动手能力要求较高并以实训为主的课程,由于职专生的基础理论知识薄弱,过多理论讲解会让学生感到理解困难.为解决这一难题,教师通过有效的教学模式、创新教材模式等手段来丰富教学内容,培养学生学习的兴趣,并开展技能竞赛激发学生学习的自信心.学生的动手能力较强,怎样利用学生的这种优势引导他们对计算机的学习呢?经过多年的教学实践,笔者对计算机实训课有如下几点探究.  相似文献   

刘波 《职业》2014,(3):111-112
提高学生液压系统装配、维修专业知识水平和实践动手能力,是中等职业学校钳工教育的根本任务。本文探讨如何在中等职业学校液压实训教学中采用项目教学法,充分挖掘学生的潜能,扎实训练学生的职业技能,提高学生的综合职业能力。  相似文献   

实验、实训等实践性教学是培养学生职业技能和动手能力,树立正确的职业态度,形成良好的职业道德和综合素养的必备环节。  相似文献   

吴绍军 《职业》2014,(15):42-43
计算机组装与维护是计算机专业学生必修的一门实践性很强的课程,注重的是学生的动手能力和实操能力。本文针对计算机组装与维护课程操作性强的特点和技校学生学习驱动力弱的现状,对如何发挥国外先进的教学手段优势,加强实践动手能力培养,引用行动导向法中的导向教学法,加强教材内容和实训设备的建设,并建立和完善职业技能考核、职业资格考试认证方式等进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

高职法律实训“诊所式”教学方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张百杰 《职业时空》2009,5(1):46-47
与普通高等法律教育相比,高职法律教育在培养目标上更注重培养具有一定动手能力、能够从事基层法律服务工作的实用型人才,在教学内容上侧重于对实用技能、动手能力的培养与训练。在高职法律实训中引进“诊所式”教学方法,通过采用虚拟法律诊所开展教学,搭建以学生为主体的实践教学平台,可以很好地实现高职法律教育的宗旨,并为文科高职教育开展实训课提供了一条新路径。  相似文献   

李晓娟  冯发勇  张丽新 《职业》2011,(30):102-103
毕业设计是培养学生综合运用所学理论知识和技能解决实际问题的一个重要环节,是学生在学习阶段智力和能力的一次总体检验,是学生受到集中培养和综合训练设计能力(包括实际动手能力、查阅文献资料能力与撰写论文能力、特别是创新能力)的一次十分难得的实践机会。毕业设计题目和方式可以多样化,但不管采用哪类题目或安排方式,都必须使每个学生受到较全面的训练、独立地完成一定的任务,并顺利通过答辩。下面就如何做好高级技工学校高技班级的毕业设计,谈谈自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

在计算机学科教学中实施素质教育,就要把培养学生的创新精神和实践能力作为教学的重点.计算机实习课是学生学习过程中的重要环节,而实习实验课是培养学生创新精神和实践能力最为直接的途径.计算机实习课不仅仅是让学生按部就班地动手进行常规操作,取得规定的实验结果,更为重要的是引导学生联系生活实际,综合运用所学知识,解决生活中的实际问题.在此过程中,培养学生的创新精神,可以为学生今后的发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

为了适应计算机技术在各个领域的飞速发展,解决计算机人才短缺的问题,各类学校都开设了计算机专业,如何让中职学校计算机专业的学生在激烈的竞争中有自己的生存空间,文章认为中职学校要根据中职学校的特点,找出中职学校与其他类型学校的不同之处,确定计算机专业技能培养目标,培养出有中职学校特色的毕业生,才能找到出口。  相似文献   

孙强东  李莉 《职业时空》2012,(8):80-81,84
退役士兵职业技能培训,是社会教育的重要组成部分,也是稳定与构建和谐社会的重要举措。在过去几年的培训中,各个承训学校就退役士兵职业技能培训期间的学员管理,开展了一些积极的探索和实践。由于退役士兵职业技能培训不同于全日制学生教育,许多方面还有待进一步完善和提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to teach and evaluate the effectiveness of an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) course through translation to students in Afghanistan. First, an interview was conducted to determine students’ computer skills. It was concluded that the students had almost no computer skills. The course was delivered to two groups of first-year students for 14 weeks during one semester. In group one, students were taught by a Turkish instructor through a translator. The course was delivered to group 2 by a native-language speaking teacher. At the end of the semester, students of both groups were given a final exam and were asked to comment about teaching speed, overall satisfaction, teacher reactions, course materials and future improvements to the course. Statistically, there was no significant difference between the final performances of students in both groups. The students also declared that they wanted to greatly improve their computer skills and use the Internet to make use of digital ICT resources for other courses, too. An additional finding was that there was a 20-min time-delay between the Turkish and native groups due to the translation process throughout each course session.  相似文献   

The requirement of employability in the job market prompted universities to conduct internship training as part of their study plans. There is a need to train students on important academic and professional skills related to the workplace with an IT component. This article describes a statistical study that measures satisfaction levels among students in the faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science in Jordan. The objective of this study is to explore factors that influence student satisfaction with regards to enrolling in an internship training program. The study was conducted to gather student perceptions, opinions, preferences and satisfaction levels related to the program. Data were collected via a mixed method survey (surveys and interviews) from student-respondents. The survey collects demographic and background information from students, including their perception of faculty performance in the training poised to prepare them for the job market. Findings from this study show that students expect internship training to improve their professional and personal skills as well as to increase their workplace-related satisfaction. It is concluded that improving the internship training is crucial among the students as it is expected to enrich their experiences, knowledge and skills in the personal and professional life. It is also expected to increase their level of confidence when it comes to exploring their future job opportunities in the Jordanian market.  相似文献   

The training of soft skills in crisis management teams is a central precondition for efficient and successful communication which is urgently needed in a disaster situation. However, previous trainings and simulations are costly in terms of time and money. By means of serious games in virtual environments, these disadvantages can be reduced insofar as users can participate in the multi-user game by using their workstation computer. The DREAD ED project provides a serious game in a virtual environment which simulates the work of crisis management teams during a disaster situation. The virtual training platform was tested by students and experts on crisis management in two trials. It appears that the virtual environment presented is suitable for an effective training of group dynamic and cooperation in a disaster situation.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的深入发展和价值观念的多样化趋势,大学生价值观教育的传统理念与方法捉襟见肘。价值澄清理论主张教给学生澄清价值观念的技巧与价值选择的能力,这符合大学生价值观念多样化的实际;借鉴价值澄清理论改进大学生价值观教育将成为时代的选择。当代中国大学生价值观教育中要尊重大学生的主体地位,发挥大学生在价值观念形成中的主体作用;注重培养大学生的价值选择能力,提高大学生的价值判断和价值选择水平;建立平等合作的师生关系,营造大学生接受社会主义核心价值体系的良好气氛;关注大学生的日常生活,引导大学生在生活中接收社会主义核心价值体系。  相似文献   

This study recounts the implementation and evaluation of a problem-solving skills training program for adolescents. Sixty-six students from the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of a local junior high school were identified by guidance counselors as needing problem-solving training—48 male and 18 female students between the ages of 11 and 16. The hypothesis that students included in the training sessions would demonstrate better problem-solving skills, a more internal locus of control, and a higher level of self-esteem than control group students was tested via a pretest-posttest Control Group Design. The results of a stepwise discriminant analysis of the data supported the hypothesis. An analysis of grade level differences indicated that the program had less effect on the seventh-grade training group. Implications for program modification and the limitations of the evaluation findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This study analyzed the relationship between the resilience developed by social work students and the professional skills acquired during their university degree program. A longitudinal study was conducted over 4 academic years. Participants were 73 social work students at the University of Malaga (Spain). The results show a gradual increase in the development of resilience and in the acquisition of professional skills among the students during the 4-year period. Panel model analysis shows that the two processes were stable and reciprocal throughout the social work training process. The results suggest that resilience had a stronger effect on professional skills than the latter had on resilience. In conclusion, resilience is a relevant component of university training of future social workers.  相似文献   

"出纳实务"作为高等职业教育会计专业的核心课程,其课程的设置应以企业需求为导向,培养学生务实的职业技能为目标。课程内容上注重职业道德、基本功和业务技能的教学和实训,特别要强调学生实际能力的培养。教学实践中结合专业特点应用形式多样的教学模式,突出技能培养目标,增强教学效果。  相似文献   

This research explores the potential of making social skills training more accessible to schools by the use of computer-aided instruction. An easy-to-use software program called Refusal Challenges, which targets important social skills with effective training methods, was tested. The dependent measure was demonstration of refusal skills strategies. One-hundred-eighty-eight male and female eighth-grade students were stratified according to pre-treatment refusal skill level, gender, and teacher. They were then randomly assigned from the stratified blocks to either the computer-based refusal skills training group or a control group. Repeated measures analyses of variance indicated a significant and meaningful time by treatment interaction for refusal skills scores. The difference between treatment and control groups remained significant and meaningful at both the post-test and follow-up testing.  相似文献   

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