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In longitudinal observational studies, repeated measures are often correlated with observation times as well as censoring time. This article proposes joint modeling and analysis of longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates in the presence of informative observation and censoring times via a latent variable. Estimating equation approaches are developed for parameter estimation and asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. In addition, a generalization of the semiparametric model with time-varying coefficients for the longitudinal response is considered. Furthermore, a lack-of-fit test is provided for assessing the adequacy of the model, and some tests are presented for investigating whether or not covariate effects vary with time. The finite-sample behavior of the proposed methods is examined in simulation studies, and an application to a bladder cancer study is illustrated.  相似文献   

In many prospective clinical and biomedical studies, longitudinal biomarkers are repeatedly measured as health indicators to evaluate disease progression when patients are followed up over a period of time. Patient visiting times can be referred to as informative observation times if they are assumed to carry information in addition to that of the longitudinal biomarker measures alone. Irregular visiting times may reflect compliance with physician instruction, disease progression and symptom severity. When the follow-up time may be stopped by competing terminal events, it is possible that patient observation times may correlate with the competing terminal events themselves, thus making the observation times difficult to assess. To explicitly account for the impact of competing terminal events and dependent observation times on the longitudinal data analysis in the context of such complex data, we propose a joint model using latent random effects to describe the association among them. A likelihood-based approach is derived for statistical inference. Extensive simulation studies reveal that the proposed approach performs well for practical situations, and an analysis of patients with chronic kidney disease in a cohort study is presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

We consider a regression analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of outcome‐dependent observation times and informative censoring. Existing approaches commonly require a correct specification of the joint distribution of longitudinal measurements, the observation time process, and informative censoring time under the joint modeling framework and can be computationally cumbersome due to the complex form of the likelihood function. In view of these issues, we propose a semiparametric joint regression model and construct a composite likelihood function based on a conditional order statistics argument. As a major feature of our proposed methods, the aforementioned joint distribution is not required to be specified, and the random effect in the proposed joint model is treated as a nuisance parameter. Consequently, the derived composite likelihood bypasses the need to integrate over the random effect and offers the advantage of easy computation. We show that the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. We use simulation studies to evaluate the finite‐sample performance of the proposed method and apply it to a study of weight loss data that motivated our investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Longitudinal data frequently occur in many studies, and longitudinal responses may be correlated with observation times. In this paper, we propose a new joint modelling for the analysis of longitudinal data with time‐dependent covariates and possibly informative observation times via two latent variables. For inference about regression parameters, estimating equation approaches are developed and asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. In addition, a lack‐of‐fit test is presented for assessing the adequacy of the model. The proposed method performs well in finite‐sample simulation studies, and an application to a bladder tumour study is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the joint modelling of survival and longitudinal data with informative observation time points. The survival model and the longitudinal model are linked via random effects, for which no distribution assumption is required under our estimation approach. The estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The proposed estimator and its estimated covariance matrix can be easily calculated. Simulation studies and an application to a primary biliary cirrhosis study are also provided.  相似文献   


In many longitudinal studies, there may exist informative observation times and a dependent terminal event that stops the follow-up. In this paper, we propose a joint model for analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and a dependent terminal event via two latent variables. Estimation procedures are developed for parameter estimation, and asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are derived. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed method performs well for practical settings. An application to a bladder cancer study is illustrated.  相似文献   

Panel count data often occur in a long-term study where the primary end point is the time to a specific event and each subject may experience multiple recurrences of this event. Furthermore, suppose that it is not feasible to keep subjects under observation continuously and the numbers of recurrences for each subject are only recorded at several distinct time points over the study period. Moreover, the set of observation times may vary from subject to subject. In this paper, regression methods, which are derived under simple semiparametric models, are proposed for the analysis of such longitudinal count data. Especially, we consider the situation when both observation and censoring times may depend on covariates. The new procedures are illustrated with data from a well-known cancer study.  相似文献   

In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have experienced an initiate event but have not experienced a subsequent event at the calendar time of recruitment. During the follow-up periods, subjects may undergo a series of successive events. Since the second/third duration process becomes observable only if the first/second event has occurred, the data are subject to left-truncation and dependent censoring. In this article, using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach, we propose nonparametric estimators for the estimation of the joint survival function of three successive duration times. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. The simple bootstrap methods are used to estimate standard deviations and construct interval estimators. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of panel count data that often arise in longitudinal studies concerning occurrence rates of certain recurrent events. Panel count data mean that each study subject is observed only at discrete time points rather than under continuous observation. Furthermore, both observation and follow-up times can vary from subject to subject and may be correlated with the recurrent events. For inference, we propose some shared frailty models and estimating equations are developed for estimation of regression parameters. The proposed estimates are consistent and have asymptotically a normal distribution. The finite sample properties of the proposed estimates are investigated through simulation and an illustrative example from a cancer study is provided.  相似文献   


Longitudinal data often arise in longitudinal follow-up studies, and there may exist a dependent terminal event such as death that stops the follow-up. In this article, we propose a new joint modeling for the analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times via a dependent terminal event and two latent variables. Estimating equations are developed for parameter estimation, and asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. In addition, a generalization of the joint model with time-varying coefficients for the longitudinal response variable is considered, and goodness-of-fit methods for assessing the adequacy of the model are also provided. The proposed method works well in our simulation studies, and is applied to a data set from a bladder cancer study.  相似文献   

A proper log-rank test for comparing two waiting (i.e. sojourn, gap) times under right censored data has been absent in the survival literature. The classical log-rank test provides a biased comparison even under independent right censoring since the censoring induced on the time since state entry depends on the entry time unless the hazards are semi-Markov. We develop test statistics for comparing K waiting time distributions from a multi-stage model in which censoring and waiting times may be dependent upon the transition history in the multi-stage model. To account for such dependent censoring, the proposed test statistics utilize an inverse probability of censoring weighted (IPCW) approach previously employed to define estimators for the cumulative hazard and survival function for waiting times in multi-stage models. We develop the test statistics as analogues to K-sample log-rank statistics for failure time data, and weak convergence to a Gaussian limit is demonstrated. A simulation study demonstrates the appropriateness of the test statistics in designs that violate typical independence assumptions for multi-stage models, under which naive test statistics for failure time data perform poorly, and illustrates the superiority of the test under proportional hazards alternatives to a Mann–Whitney type test. We apply the test statistics to an existing data set of burn patients.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies, an individual may potentially undergo a series of repeated recurrence events. The gap times, which are referred to as the times between successive recurrent events, are typically the outcome variables of interest. Various regression models have been developed in order to evaluate covariate effects on gap times based on recurrence event data. The proportional hazards model, additive hazards model, and the accelerated failure time model are all notable examples. Quantile regression is a useful alternative to the aforementioned models for survival analysis since it can provide great flexibility to assess covariate effects on the entire distribution of the gap time. In order to analyze recurrence gap time data, we must overcome the problem of the last gap time subjected to induced dependent censoring, when numbers of recurrent events exceed one time. In this paper, we adopt the Buckley–James-type estimation method in order to construct a weighted estimation equation for regression coefficients under the quantile model, and develop an iterative procedure to obtain the estimates. We use extensive simulation studies to evaluate the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator. Finally, analysis of bladder cancer data is presented as an illustration of our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In a joint analysis of longitudinal quality of life (QoL) scores and relapse-free survival (RFS) times from a clinical trial on early breast cancer conducted by the Canadian Cancer Trials Group, we observed a complicated trajectory of QoL scores and existence of long-term survivors. Motivated by this observation, we proposed in this paper a flexible joint model for the longitudinal measurements and survival times. A partly linear mixed effect model is used to capture the complicated but smooth trajectory of longitudinal measurements and approximated by B-splines and a semiparametric mixture cure model with the B-spline baseline hazard to model survival times with a cure fraction. These two models are linked by shared random effects to explore the dependence between longitudinal measurements and survival times. A semiparametric inference procedure with an EM algorithm is proposed to estimate the parameters in the joint model. The performance of proposed procedures are evaluated by simulation studies and through the application to the analysis of data from the clinical trial which motivated this research.  相似文献   

In incident cohort studies, it is common to include subjects who have experienced a certain event within a calendar time window. For all the included individuals, the time of the previous events is retrospectively confirmed and the occurrence of subsequent events is observed during the follow-up periods. During the follow-up periods, subjects may undergo three successive events. Since the second/third duration process becomes observable only if the first/second event has occurred, the data is subject to double truncation and right censoring. We consider two cases: the case when the first event time is subject to double truncation and the case when the second event time is subject to double truncation. Using the inverse-probability-weighted approach, we propose nonparametric and semiparametric estimators for the estimation of the joint survival function of three successive duration times. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and conduct a simulation study to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This article presents a general Bayesian analysis of incomplete categorical data considered as generated by a statistical model involving the categorical sampling process and the observable censoring process. The novelty is that we allow dependence of the censoring process paramenters on the sampling categories; i.e., an informative censoring process. In this way, we relax the assumptions under which both classical and Bayesian solutions have been de-veloped. The proposed solution is outlined for the relevant case of the censoring pattern based on partitions. It is completely developed for a simple but typical examples. Several possible extensions of our procedure are discussed in the final remarks.  相似文献   

Many methods have been developed in the literature for regression analysis of current status data with noninformative censoring and also some approaches have been proposed for semiparametric regression analysis of current status data with informative censoring. However, the existing approaches for the latter situation are mainly on specific models such as the proportional hazards model and the additive hazard model. Corresponding to this, in this paper, we consider a general class of semiparametric linear transformation models and develop a sieve maximum likelihood estimation approach for the inference. In the method, the copula model is employed to describe the informative censoring or relationship between the failure time of interest and the censoring time, and Bernstein polynomials are used to approximate the nonparametric functions involved. The asymptotic consistency and normality of the proposed estimators are established, and an extensive simulation study is conducted and indicates that the proposed approach works well for practical situations. In addition, an illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   


Motivated by a breast cancer research program, this paper is concerned with the joint survivor function of multiple event times when their observations are subject to informative censoring caused by a terminating event. We formulate the correlation of the multiple event times together with the time to the terminating event by an Archimedean copula to account for the informative censoring. Adapting the widely used two-stage procedure under a copula model, we propose an easy-to-implement pseudo-likelihood based procedure for estimating the model parameters. The approach yields a new estimator for the marginal distribution of a single event time with semicompeting-risks data. We conduct both asymptotics and simulation studies to examine the proposed approach in consistency, efficiency, and robustness. Data from the breast cancer program are employed to illustrate this research.


The recurrent-event setting, where the subjects experience multiple occurrences of the event of interest, are encountered in many biomedical applications. In analyzing recurrent event data, non informative censoring is often assumed for the implementation of statistical methods. However, when a terminating event such as death serves as part of the censoring mechanism, validity of the censoring assumption may be violated because recurrence can be a powerful risk factor for death. We consider joint modeling of recurrent event process and terminating event under a Bayesian framework in which a shared frailty is used to model the association between the intensity of the recurrent event process and the hazard of the terminating event. Our proposed model is implemented on data from a well-known cancer study.  相似文献   

The case-cohort study design is widely used to reduce cost when collecting expensive covariates in large cohort studies with survival or competing risks outcomes. A case-cohort study dataset consists of two parts: (a) a random sample and (b) all cases or failures from a specific cause of interest. Clinicians often assess covariate effects on competing risks outcomes. The proportional subdistribution hazards model directly evaluates the effect of a covariate on the cumulative incidence function under the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption for the full cohort study. However, the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption is often violated in many biomedical studies. In this article, we propose a proportional subdistribution hazards model for case-cohort studies with stratified data with covariate-adjusted censoring weight. We further propose an efficient estimator when extra information from the other causes is available under case-cohort studies. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Simulation studies show (a) the proposed estimator is unbiased when the censoring distribution depends on covariates and (b) the proposed efficient estimator gains estimation efficiency when using extra information from the other causes. We analyze a bone marrow transplant dataset and a coronary heart disease dataset using the proposed method.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Epidemiology research often entails the analysis of failure times subject to grouping. In large cohorts interval grouping also offers a feasible choice of data reduction to actually facilitate an analysis of the data. Based on an underlying Cox proportional hazards model for the exact failure times one may deduce a grouped data version of this model which may then be used to analyse the data. The model bears a lot of resemblance to a generalized linear model, yet due to the nature of data one also needs to incorporate censoring. In the case of non-trivial censoring this precludes model checking procedures based on ordinary residuals as calculation of these requires knowledge of the censoring distribution. In this paper, we represent interval grouped data in a dynamical way using a counting process approach. This enables us to identify martingale residuals which can be computed without knowledge of the censoring distribution. We use these residuals to construct graphical as well as numerical model checking procedures. An example from epidemiology is provided.  相似文献   

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