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MATTERS is a program of Berry Street, and has been in existence since 1990. The service is funded to address parent/adolescent conflict and the service delivery model has developed over time in a direction which incorporates family therapy and conflict resolution techniques. Many families come to the service seeking assistance for problems regarding violence, and increasingly around a young person's violence to parents and other family members. In some instances, violence has been present over a long period and has become normalised within the family's experience. When working with families who present with problems of adolescent violence, the service aims to find a pathway for the young person/family to confront violent behaviour and move to a different position about the meaning of violence in their lives. This paper describes the team's approach to working with adolescent violence, utilising ideas from narrative family therapy and psychodynamic theory, and incorporating issues of power in society, culture and gender. Outcomes, dilemmas and future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine depressive symptoms and relationship satisfaction as problems related to relational ethics in one's family of origin and current partner relationships in a sample of 68 other‐sex couples seeking therapy at a large university clinic. We used the Actor Partner Interdependence Model to analyze dyadic data collected prior to beginning therapy. Specifically, we found significant actor effects between relational ethics in one's family of origin and depressive symptoms, as well as between depressive symptoms and low relationship satisfaction for both male and female partners. We also found significant partner effects for relational ethics in current partner relationship, depressive symptoms, and low relationship satisfaction. Clinical application of contextual therapy theory is discussed.  相似文献   

The family environment is considered an important influence on a young person's well‐being. The ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ is a model of care that considers and incorporates the importance of family environment when assessing and managing distressed young people. This pilot study explores the influence of the ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ on the family environment of young people referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. A pre‐ and post‐design was used, with families completing the Family Survey before and after their assessment/intervention. The Family Survey was correlated with a validated measure of family function, the APGAR, and pre‐intervention. Significant changes in multiple dimensions of family environment, including reduced level of distress for the adult, increased level of distress for the young person, improved sense of how the family felt the adult was managing currently, and improved confidence in family communication were found. There was no significant change in how the adult understood their role in helping the young person manage their distress. A thematic analysis showed trends in the current concerns for young people and adults as well as the difficulty young people in distress have in identifying their strengths. This pilot study demonstrates that the ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ can influence the family environment in a positive way and highlights the importance of using a family‐based approach for distressed young people.  相似文献   

The multi‐agency, multiple intervention Promoting Prevention initiative to prevent youth offending in Swansea was evaluated with a computer‐based interactive questionnaire with 580 young people (aged 11–18). Results indicate that multiple exposure to risk factors within the main domains of the young person's life (for example, family, school) significantly increases the likelihood that a young person will become involved in problem behaviours. In contrast, exposure to multiple protective factors decreases the likelihood of these behaviours. Evaluation indicates that Promoting Prevention's consultative methodology is an empowering and engaging way of targeting interventions to promote positive behaviours and prevent anti‐social behaviour in young people.  相似文献   

Children and young people's (CYP) space to play can be constrained in families affected by domestic violence and abuse (DVA), potentially impacting their development. Play also has the potential to strengthen CYP's capacity to resist controlling and abusive dynamics in the family. Interviews were conducted with 107 CYP aged 8–18, and were analysed using interpretive interactionism. Three themes relevant to children's experiences of play were identified: Play and Coercive Control; Play Re‐makes the World and Play and Relationality. This article highlights the potential for play to enable children to retain a sense of relational connectedness and agency, despite violence and control; we argue for more opportunities for children to play away from the gaze of adults and advocate for more dedicated services for families who experience DVA.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):217-239
Attitudes toward sexuality differ within the diverse ethnic and racial communities that exist in the U.S., and the cultural values and beliefs surrounding sexuality play a major role in determining how individuals behave within their sociological context. The family unit is the domain where such values and beliefs are nurtured and developed. An individual's value system is shaped and reinforced within the family context which usually reflects the broader community norms. Disclosure of a gay or lesbian sexual preference and lifestyle by a family member presents challenges to ethnic minority families who tend not to discuss sexuality issues and presume a heterosexual orientation. For ethnic minority gays and lesbians the "coming out" process presents challenges in their identity formation processes and in their loyalties to one community over another. Ethnic gay men and lesbians need to live within three rigidly defined and strongly independent communities: the gay and lesbian community, the ethnic minority community, and the society at large. While each community provides fundamental needs, serious consequences emerge if such communities were to be visibly integrated and merged. It requires a constant effort to maintain oneself in three different worlds, each of which fails to support significant aspects of a person's life. The complications that arise may inhibit one's ability to adapt and to maximize personal potentials. The purpose of this paper is to examine the interaction and processes between ethnic minority communities and their gay and lesbian family members. A framework for understanding the process of change, that occurs for the gay or lesbian person as they attempt to resolve conflicts of dual minority membership, is presented. Implications for the practitioner is also discussed.  相似文献   

Most practitioners trained in family therapy are employed in host agencies which are not family therapy services. In these environments an ongoing challenge is to find constructive ways to manage the contraints of the employing agency. Central to meeting this challenge is the practitioner's ability to make sense of the host agency's local conditions. This paper offers a framework for developing an explicit awareness of these local conditions. It is the authors' view that an advanced level of ‘local knowledge’ allows for more creativity in managing the inevitably challenging experience of practice in human service agencies.  相似文献   

This paper asks the question: How can child and adolescent mental health clinicians constructively engage parents as a resource in the young person's treatment? It draws from qualitative research data that explore parents' experience of their involvement in their adolescent's mental health treatment program. The paper especially focuses on challenges for clinicians in engaging with parents as part of the treatment program for young people. Clinicians' input about their perceptions of interacting with parents is utilised alongside parents' experiences of their involvement in clinical processes. The clinician data revealed key challenges were managing their reactions to parent defensiveness; broadening the focus from just alleviating symptoms in the young person; not taking sides with the young person; and resisting becoming an expert instructor. The paper discusses Murray Bowen's original family research about engaging parents in treatment with the symptom bearer and addresses how clinicians can build a positive alliance with parents that avoids blame while constructively opening exploration of the family relationship process as part of a collaborative approach.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) does not only affect the child alone, but the family unit as well. This qualitative study explored the impacts of ASD on the relationship between parents and their neuro-typical children and how the neuro-typical children cope with the impacts of having an autistic sibling in the family. Utilising principles of the social relations theory, five Singaporean families (n = 10) consisting of five mothers and five neuro-typical children were interviewed. Both the mothers and the neuro-typical children were seen to be equal agents in influencing the interactions with each other, and contributed in maintaining the close relationship through various strategies. Findings revealed that having an autistic child in the family imposed certain constraints and additional responsibilities for the family members. Despite so, the neuro-typical children coped well with such constraints. The in-depth data highlight the value of considering both the agency of mothers and the neuro-typical children and how they bidirectionally influence each other while sharing the caregiving roles for the autistic child in the family. It is strongly recommended for practitioners to incorporate elements of child's agency when expanding their scope of psychosocial intervention work with the neuro-typical children.  相似文献   

The pyramidal shape of most organizations dictates that virtually all careers will level out before an employee reaches the top of the institution, agency, or corporation. How to maintain or enhance worker productivity and job satisfaction when an employee remains at a career level that discourages one's aspirations are concerns for career counselors, their clients, and organizational executives. This article defines career plateauing, explains types and sources of plateauing, and suggests counseling interventions that can help individuals to recognize and adjust to plateauing. In addition, we recommend proactive measures that will perpetuate the work motivation of effectively-performing plateaued workers as well as remediate the work behavior of the ineffective, plateaued worker. One of life's maxims is that all careers reach a level after which no higher achievement can be expected. From night watchguard to chief executive officer, each person's career has its apex. Thus, career plateauing is inevitable for all who strive and struggle in the work world (Bardwick, 1986). The point in time when an individual will experience, if not recognize, career plateauing is difficult to predict as is the extent to which that person can influence the timing or impact of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This article examines the construction and maintenance of fictive kinships within a street-level sex work community. The analysis is supported by interviews of 14 street-level sex workers regarding everyday language use within their community. Utilizing community of practice theory to demonstrate how peripheral participants of the sex work community are socialized to understand and participate in fictive kinships, a primary finding is that language use within this community operates as a discursive framework which creates a metaphorical family where kin terms are used as an identity-making strategy. The implications of this research suggest that familial structures impact sex workers' sense of agency in relation to other members of the community. Finally, this article discusses the implications for understanding the discourse of a street-level sex worker community in the context of relationship formation and maintenance.  相似文献   

Research on the divorcee's relationships with family and friends has suggested their helpfulness in the divorced person's adjustment to a single life. Little research has compared the impact of family and friends on the divorcee in Canada with Uie impacl of family and friends of the divorcee in he U.S..The resent study was 4 designed to compare the effects of friends and amily on the di- vorced person in a Canadian and a U.S. spple. Differences were noted in the intensity of family approval for the divorce and in family help offered to the divorcee In Ule two samples. Friends of separated persons in the U.S. sample were less disapproving of di- vorce and gave more emotional support. The influence of friends were thought to account for the more favorable attitude by the U.S. sample toward remarriage.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theory of self psychology to the understanding and treatment of families. The healthy family is viewed as a reliable source of selfobject experience for its members, while problems in or between family members are seen as due to a lack of adequate selfobject experience for one or more members. Causes of selfobject failures or misattunements in the family are examined, with an emphasis on the influence of previous relational experiences on current needs, capacities, and experiences of others. Curative factors in this form of family therapy are then outlined, and a treatment approach designed to help family members become better able to provide empathically attuned responses to each other is described, with a case example used to illustrate key points.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relational view of the person in Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue. Shifts toward the relational are considered in the context of human development, gender studies, psychotherapy, and family therapy. A dialogical cpproach to couples therapy is presented, in which partners are encouraged to move toward a more collaborative, empathic relationship–a relationship of "I and Thou."  相似文献   

Caregiving is a process of transformed identities and reconstructed relations. The disruption of Alzheimer's disease affects both the individual with dementia and the person providing care. One becomes enselfed in dementia, the other transformed into a caregiver. Using data from twenty qualitative interviews with family caregivers, this article traces the transformative process by which the previous relational selves of both participants become casualties of the disease. Findings suggest that the ill person in this dyad is silenced through dementia, leaving the caregiver narratives to become the morality tales of transformation from disorder to order, from havoc to meaningful interaction. By becoming caregivers, family members construct value in their struggles to negotiate the disorder of illness and recreate meaningful and affirming selves and relationships.  相似文献   

Although the notion of identity has received substantial attention from sociologists and psychologists, it has not been well developed in the gang literature. Identity accounts for a person's sense of self, which is based on meaningful social interactions and group participation, and becomes a source for publicly performing social roles. Gang membership is one such role that merits significant attention, and existing theories about identity and role performance can help explain variations in criminal behavior among members. This article applies multiple perspectives on social, personal, and collective identity to gangs and gang members. It offers principles to explain how gang identities fuel social performances that mimic, induce, or involve criminal behavior.  相似文献   


Storytelling exerts an extraordinarily high degree of agency in establishing and maintaining lesbian-headed families with children, in part because these families do not have access to the social forms that organize and legitimize non-gay families. This article and, to a greater degree, the book project from which it is drawn examine the relationship of storytelling to lesbian mothers' subject constitution and community formation practices and the strategies that they employ to negotiate their marginalized social status. Stories told by members of lesbian families vary widely in content and form but clear patterns emerge in terms of their function-how they participate in shaping lesbian family cultures and lesbian mothers' sense of identity. One of the most widely circulated story types is the confirmation narrative. In general, confirmation narratives verify and announce family membership. They define the place and roles of individual members in relation to others in the family. An important sub-category of the confirmation narrative addresses the position of the so-called other mother, the lesbian co-parent whose relationship with her children is not considered legitimate by heterosexual standards because she lacks legal custody of them and/or because she is not their biological mother. This variant of the confirmation narrative legitimizes the maternal identity, agency, and authority of the “other” mother. The following provides an in-depth, interdisciplinary analysis of one such confirmation narrative which recounts the birth of the storytellers' adopted daughter.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to extend previous studies examining the influence of a person's sexual behavior on others' perceptions of his/ her relationship desirability. Over 750 students from three universities judged the friendship, dating, and marriage desirability of a person based on information ostensibly provided by him/her about current sexual activity. Overall, the results indicated that a target person portrayed as engaging in low sexual activity in a current relationship was perceived to be more desirable as a friend and marriage partner than a person engaging in moderate or high sexual activity, whereas moderate or high sexual activity was preferred more in a dating partner. Whether the sexual activity occurred in a casual or steady dating relationship, however, also affected desirability perceptions. Finally, evidence was found for a reverse double standard in ratings of dating desirability: males were perceived as most desirable as a date when they engaged in moderate sexual activity, whereas females were perceived as most desirable as a date when they engaged in high sexual activity.  相似文献   

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