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The additive Cox model is flexible and powerful for modelling the dynamic changes of regression coefficients in the survival analysis. This paper is concerned with feature screening for the additive Cox model with ultrahigh-dimensional covariates. The proposed screening procedure can effectively identify active predictors. That is, with probability tending to one, the selected variable set includes the actual active predictors. In order to carry out the proposed procedure, we propose an effective algorithm and establish the ascent property of the proposed algorithm. We further prove that the proposed procedure possesses the sure screening property. Furthermore, we examine the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure via Monte Carlo simulations, and illustrate the proposed procedure by a real data example.  相似文献   

We consider tied survival data based on Cox proportional regression model. The standard approaches are the Breslow and Efron approximations and various so called exact methods. All these methods lead to biased estimates when the true underlying model is in fact a Cox model. In this paper we review the methods and suggest a new method based on the missing-data principle using EM-algorithm that leads to a score equation that can be solved directly. This score has mean zero. We also show that all the considered methods have the same asymptotic properties and that there is no loss of asymptotic efficiency when the tie sizes are bounded or even converge to infinity at a given rate. A simulation study is conducted to compare the finite sample properties of the methods.  相似文献   

Using Cox regression as the main platform, we study the ensemble approach for variable selection. We use a popular real-data example as well as simulated data with various censoring levels to illustrate the usefulness of the ensemble approach, and study the nature of these ensembles in terms of their strength and diversity. By relating these characteristics to the ensemble's selection accuracy, we provide useful insights for how to choose among different ensemble strategies, as well as guidelines for thinking about how to design more effective ensembles.  相似文献   

In many clinical studies, a commonly encountered problem is to compare the survival probabilities of two treatments for a given patient with a certain set of covariates, and there is often a need to make adjustments for other covariates that may affect outcomes. One approach is to plot the difference between the two subject-specific predicted survival estimates with a simultaneous confidence band. Such a band will provide useful information about when these two treatments differ and which treatment has a better survival probability. In this paper, we show how to construct such a band based on the additive risk model and we use the martingale central limit theorem to derive its asymptotic distribution. The proposed method is evaluated from a simulation study and is illustrated with two real examples.  相似文献   

It is of interest that researchers study competing risks in which subjects may fail from any one of k causes. Comparing any two competing risks with covariate effects is very important in medical studies. In this paper, we develop tests for comparing cause-specific hazard rates and cumulative incidence functions at specified covariate levels under the additive risk model by a weighted difference of estimates of cumulative cause-specific hazard rates. Motivated by McKeague et al. (2001), we construct simultaneous confidence bands for the difference of two conditional cumulative incidence functions as a useful graphical tool. In addition, we conduct a simulation study, and the simulation result shows that the proposed procedure has a good finite sample performance. A melanoma data set in clinical trial is used for the purpose of illustration.  相似文献   

Asymptotic theory for the Cox semi-Markov illness-death model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Irreversible illness-death models are used to model disease processes and in cancer studies to model disease recovery. In most applications, a Markov model is assumed for the multistate model. When there are covariates, a Cox (1972, J Roy Stat Soc Ser B 34:187–220) model is used to model the effect of covariates on each transition intensity. Andersen et al. (2000, Stat Med 19:587–599) proposed a Cox semi-Markov model for this problem. In this paper, we study the large sample theory for that model and provide the asymptotic variances of various probabilities of interest. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to investigate the robustness and efficiency of Markov/Semi-Markov estimators. A real data example from the PROVA (1991, Hepatology 14:1016–1024) trial is used to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

The cumulative incidence function plays an important role in assessing its treatment and covariate effects with competing risks data. In this article, we consider an additive hazard model allowing the time-varying covariate effects for the subdistribution and propose the weighted estimating equation under the covariate-dependent censoring by fitting the Cox-type hazard model for the censoring distribution. When there exists some association between the censoring time and the covariates, the proposed coefficients’ estimations are unbiased and the large-sample properties are established. The finite-sample properties of the proposed estimators are examined in the simulation study. The proposed Cox-weighted method is applied to a competing risks dataset from a Hodgkin's disease study.  相似文献   

Regression calibration is a simple method for estimating regression models when covariate data are missing for some study subjects. It consists in replacing an unobserved covariate by an estimator of its conditional expectation given available covariates. Regression calibration has recently been investigated in various regression models such as the linear, generalized linear, and proportional hazards models. The aim of this paper is to investigate the appropriateness of this method for estimating the stratified Cox regression model with missing values of the covariate defining the strata. Despite its practical relevance, this problem has not yet been discussed in the literature. Asymptotic distribution theory is developed for the regression calibration estimator in this setting. A simulation study is also conducted to investigate the properties of this estimator.  相似文献   

In practice, it is not uncommon to encounter the situation that a discrete response is related to both a functional random variable and multiple real-value random variables whose impact on the response is nonlinear. In this paper, we consider the generalized partial functional linear additive models (GPFLAM) and present the estimation procedure. In GPFLAM, the nonparametric functions are approximated by polynomial splines and the infinite slope function is estimated based on the principal component basis function approximations. We obtain the estimator by maximizing the quasi-likelihood function. We investigate the finite sample properties of the estimation procedure via Monte Carlo simulation studies and illustrate our proposed model by a real data analysis.  相似文献   


The gap time between recurrent events is often of primary interest in many fields such as medical studies, and in this article, we discuss regression analysis of the gap times arising from a general class of additive transformation models. For the problem, we propose two estimation procedures, the modified within-cluster resampling (MWCR) method and the weighted risk-set (WRS) method, and the proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically follow the normal distribution. In particular, the estimators have closed forms and can be easily determined, and the methods have the advantage of leaving the correlation among gap times arbitrary. A simulation study is conducted for assessing the finite sample performance of the presented methods and suggests that they work well in practical situations. Also the methods are applied to a set of real data from a chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) clinical trial.  相似文献   

Stratified regression models are commonly employed when study subjects may come from possibly different strata such as different medical centers, and for the situation, one common question of interest is to test the existence of the stratum effect. To address this, there exists some literature on the testing of the stratum effects under the framework of the proportional hazards model when one observes right-censored data or interval-censored data. In this paper, we consider the situation under the additive hazards model when one faces current status data, for which there does not seem to exist an established test procedure. The asymptotic distributions of the proposed test procedure are provided. Also a simulation study is performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method and indicates that it works well for practical situations. The approach is applied to a set of real current status data from a tumorigenicity study.  相似文献   

In this article, an additive rate model is proposed for clustered recurrent event with a terminal event. The subjects are clustered by some property. For the clustered subjects, the recurrent event is precluded by the death. An estimating equation is developed for the model parameter and the baseline rate function. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. In addition, a goodness-of-fit test is presented to assess the adequacy of the model. The finite-sample behavior of the proposed estimators is evaluated through simulation studies, and an application to a bladder cancer data is illustrated.  相似文献   

Median survival times and their associated confidence intervals are often used to summarize the survival outcome of a group of patients in clinical trials with failure-time endpoints. Although there is an extensive literature on this topic for the case in which the patients come from a homogeneous population, few papers have dealt with the case in which covariates are present as in the proportional hazards model. In this paper we propose a new approach to this problem and demonstrate its advantages over existing methods, not only for the proportional hazards model but also for the widely studied cases where covariates are absent and where there is no censoring. As an illustration, we apply it to the Stanford Heart Transplant data. Asymptotic theory and simulation studies show that the proposed method indeed yields confidence intervals and bands with accurate coverage errors.  相似文献   

This paper concerns model selection for autoregressive time series when the observations are contaminated with trend. We propose an adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) type model selection method, in which the trend is estimated by B-splines, the detrended residuals are calculated, and then the residuals are used as if they were observations to optimize an adaptive LASSO type objective function. The oracle properties of such an adaptive LASSO model selection procedure are established; that is, the proposed method can identify the true model with probability approaching one as the sample size increases, and the asymptotic properties of estimators are not affected by the replacement of observations with detrended residuals. The intensive simulation studies of several constrained and unconstrained autoregressive models also confirm the theoretical results. The method is illustrated by two time series data sets, the annual U.S. tobacco production and annual tree ring width measurements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semiparametric shock model for two dependent failure times where the risk indicator of one failure time plays the part of a time-varying covariate for the other one. According to Hougaard [2000. Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data. Springer, New York], the dependence between the two failure times is therefore of event-related type.  相似文献   

We propose an additive–multiplicative intensity model that extends the Cox regression model as well as the additive Aalen model. Instead of having a simple baseline intensity the extended model uses an additive Aalen model as its covariate dependent baseline. Approximate maximum likelihood estimators of the baseline intensity functions and the relative risk parameters of the Cox model are suggested by solving the score equations. The derived estimator is efficient. We establish the large sample properties of the estimator. The model provides a simple pragmatic way of including time-varying covariate effects.  相似文献   

Empirical likelihood inferences for the parameter component in an additive partially linear errors-in-variables model with longitudinal data are investigated in this article. A corrected-attenuation block empirical likelihood procedure is used to estimate the regression coefficients, a corrected-attenuation block empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is suggested and its asymptotic distribution is obtained. Compared with the method based on normal approximations, our proposed method does not require any consistent estimator for the asymptotic variance and bias. Simulation studies indicate that our proposed method performs better than the method based on normal approximations in terms of relatively higher coverage probabilities and smaller confidence regions. Furthermore, an example of an air pollution and health data set is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   


Gandy and Jensen (2005 Gandy, A., Jensen, U. (2005). On goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. Scan. J. Stat. 32:425445.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. In this article, we demonstrate that the approach of Gandy and Jensen (2005 Gandy, A., Jensen, U. (2005). On goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. Scan. J. Stat. 32:425445.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be applied to left-truncated right-censored (LTRC) data and doubly censored data. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed tests. The proposed tests are illustrated using heart transplant data.  相似文献   

The proportional hazards regression model of Cox(1972) is widely used in analyzing survival data. We examine several goodness of fit tests for checking the proportionality of hazards in the Cox model with two-sample censored data, and compare the performance of these tests by a simulation study. The strengths and weaknesses of the tests are pointed out. The effects of the extent of random censoring on the size and power are also examined. Results of a simulation study demonstrate that Gill and Schumacher's test is most powerful against a broad range of monotone departures from the proportional hazards assumption, but it may not perform as well fail for alternatives of nonmonotone hazard ratio. For the latter kind of alternatives, Andersen's test may detect patterns of irregular changes in hazards.  相似文献   

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