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We present a Bayesian analysis of a piecewise linear model constructed by using basis functions which generalizes the univariate linear spline to higher dimensions. Prior distributions are adopted on both the number and the locations of the splines, which leads to a model averaging approach to prediction with predictive distributions that take into account model uncertainty. Conditioning on the data produces a Bayes local linear model with distributions on both predictions and local linear parameters. The method is spatially adaptive and covariate selection is achieved by using splines of lower dimension than the data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for assessing the sensitivity of predictions in Bayesian regression analyses. In parametric Bayesian analyses there is a family s0 of regression functions, parametrized by a finite-dimensional vector B. The family s0 is a subset of R, the set of all possible regression functions. A prior π0 on B induces a prior on R. This paper assesses sensitivity by computing bounds on the predictive probability of a fixed set K over a class of priors, Γ, induced by a class of families of regression functions, Γs, and a class of priors, Γπ. This paper is divided into three parts which (1) define Γ, (2) describe an algorithm for finding accurate bounds on predictive probabilities over Γ and (3) illustrate the method with two examples. It is found that sensitivity to the family of regression functions can be much more important than sensitivity to π0.  相似文献   

Regularization methods for simultaneous variable selection and coefficient estimation have been shown to be effective in quantile regression in improving the prediction accuracy. In this article, we propose the Bayesian bridge for variable selection and coefficient estimation in quantile regression. A simple and efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm was developed for posterior inference using a scale mixture of uniform representation of the Bayesian bridge prior. This is the first work to discuss regularized quantile regression with the bridge penalty. Both simulated and real data examples show that the proposed method often outperforms quantile regression without regularization, lasso quantile regression, and Bayesian lasso quantile regression.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering work by Koenker and Bassett [27], quantile regression models and its applications have become increasingly popular and important for research in many areas. In this paper, a random effects ordinal quantile regression model is proposed for analysis of longitudinal data with ordinal outcome of interest. An efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm was derived for fitting the model to the data based on a location-scale mixture representation of the skewed double-exponential distribution. The proposed approach is illustrated using simulated data and a real data example. This is the first work to discuss quantile regression for analysis of longitudinal data with ordinal outcome.  相似文献   

Classical bridge regression is known to possess many desirable statistical properties such as oracle, sparsity, and unbiasedness. One outstanding disadvantage of bridge regularization, however, is that it lacks a systematic approach to inference, reducing its flexibility in practical applications. In this study, we propose bridge regression from a Bayesian perspective. Unlike classical bridge regression that summarizes inference using a single point estimate, the proposed Bayesian method provides uncertainty estimates of the regression parameters, allowing coherent inference through the posterior distribution. Under a sparsity assumption on the high-dimensional parameter, we provide sufficient conditions for strong posterior consistency of the Bayesian bridge prior. On simulated datasets, we show that the proposed method performs well compared to several competing methods across a wide range of scenarios. Application to two real datasets further revealed that the proposed method performs as well as or better than published methods while offering the advantage of posterior inference.  相似文献   

A number of nonstationary models have been developed to estimate extreme events as function of covariates. A quantile regression (QR) model is a statistical approach intended to estimate and conduct inference about the conditional quantile functions. In this article, we focus on the simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation through penalized quantile regression. We conducted a comparison of regularized Quantile Regression model with B-Splines in Bayesian framework. Regularization is based on penalty and aims to favor parsimonious model, especially in the case of large dimension space. The prior distributions related to the penalties are detailed. Five penalties (Lasso, Ridge, SCAD0, SCAD1 and SCAD2) are considered with their equivalent expressions in Bayesian framework. The regularized quantile estimates are then compared to the maximum likelihood estimates with respect to the sample size. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are developed for each hierarchical model to simulate the conditional posterior distribution of the quantiles. Results indicate that the SCAD0 and Lasso have the best performance for quantile estimation according to Relative Mean Biais (RMB) and the Relative Mean-Error (RME) criteria, especially in the case of heavy distributed errors. A case study of the annual maximum precipitation at Charlo, Eastern Canada, with the Pacific North Atlantic climate index as covariate is presented.  相似文献   

Frequentist and Bayesian methods differ in many aspects but share some basic optimal properties. In real-life prediction problems, situations exist in which a model based on one of the above paradigms is preferable depending on some subjective criteria. Nonparametric classification and regression techniques, such as decision trees and neural networks, have both frequentist (classification and regression trees (CARTs) and artificial neural networks) as well as Bayesian counterparts (Bayesian CART and Bayesian neural networks) to learning from data. In this paper, we present two hybrid models combining the Bayesian and frequentist versions of CART and neural networks, which we call the Bayesian neural tree (BNT) models. BNT models can simultaneously perform feature selection and prediction, are highly flexible, and generalise well in settings with limited training observations. We study the statistical consistency of the proposed approaches and derive the optimal value of a vital model parameter. The excellent performance of the newly proposed BNT models is shown using simulation studies. We also provide some illustrative examples using a wide variety of standard regression datasets from a public available machine learning repository to show the superiority of the proposed models in comparison to popularly used Bayesian CART and Bayesian neural network models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for Bayesian inference for the regression parameters in a linear model with independent and identically distributed errors that does not require the specification of a parametric family of densities for the error distribution. This method first selects a nonparametric kernel density estimate of the error distribution which is unimodal and based on the least-squares residuals. Once the error distribution is selected, the Metropolis algorithm is used to obtain the marginal posterior distribution of the regression parameters. The methodology is illustrated with data sets, and its performance relative to standard Bayesian techniques is evaluated using simulation results.  相似文献   

A Bayesian method for regression under several types of constraints is proposed. The constraints can be range-restricted and include shape restrictions, constraints on the value of the regression function, smoothness conditions and combinations of these types of constraints. The support of the prior distribution is included in the set of piecewise linear functions. It is shown that the proposed prior can be arbitrarily close to the distribution induced by the addition of a polynomial plus an (m−1)-fold integrated Brownian motion. Hence, despite its piecewise linearity, the regression function behaves (approximately) like an m−1 times continuously differentiable random function. Furthermore, thanks to the piecewise linear property, many combinations of constraints can easily be considered. The regression function is estimated by the posterior mode computed by a simulated annealing algorithm. The constraints on the shape and the values of the regression function are taken into account thanks to the proposal distribution, while the smoothness condition is handled by the acceptation step. Simulations from the posterior distribution are obtained by a Gibbs sampling algorithm.  相似文献   


In statistical practice, inferences on standardized regression coefficients are often required, but complicated by the fact that they are nonlinear functions of the parameters, and thus standard textbook results are simply wrong. Within the frequentist domain, asymptotic delta methods can be used to construct confidence intervals of the standardized coefficients with proper coverage probabilities. Alternatively, Bayesian methods solve similar and other inferential problems by simulating data from the posterior distribution of the coefficients. In this paper, we present Bayesian procedures that provide comprehensive solutions for inferences on the standardized coefficients. Simple computing algorithms are developed to generate posterior samples with no autocorrelation and based on both noninformative improper and informative proper prior distributions. Simulation studies show that Bayesian credible intervals constructed by our approaches have comparable and even better statistical properties than their frequentist counterparts, particularly in the presence of collinearity. In addition, our approaches solve some meaningful inferential problems that are difficult if not impossible from the frequentist standpoint, including identifying joint rankings of multiple standardized coefficients and making optimal decisions concerning their sizes and comparisons. We illustrate applications of our approaches through examples and make sample R functions available for implementing our proposed methods.  相似文献   

The regression function R(?) to be estimated is assumed to have an expansion in terms of specified functions, orthogonalized vich respect to values of the explanatory variable. Relative precisions of OBSERVATION are assumed known. The estimate is the posterior linear mean of R(?) given the data. The investigator plots graphs of appropriate functions as an aid in eliciting his prior means and precisions for the coefficients in the expansion. The method is illustrated by an example using simulated data, an example in which effects of various dosages of Vitamin D are estimated, and an example in which a utility function is estimated.  相似文献   

Measurement error is a commonly addressed problem in psychometrics and the behavioral sciences, particularly where gold standard data either does not exist or are too expensive. The Bayesian approach can be utilized to adjust for the bias that results from measurement error in tests. Bayesian methods offer other practical advantages for the analysis of epidemiological data including the possibility of incorporating relevant prior scientific information and the ability to make inferences that do not rely on large sample assumptions. In this paper we consider a logistic regression model where both the response and a binary covariate are subject to misclassification. We assume both a continuous measure and a binary diagnostic test are available for the response variable but no gold standard test is assumed available. We consider a fully Bayesian analysis that affords such adjustments, accounting for the sources of error and correcting estimates of the regression parameters. Based on the results from our example and simulations, the models that account for misclassification produce more statistically significant results, than the models that ignore misclassification. A real data example on math disorders is considered.  相似文献   

The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method generates samples from the posterior distribution and uses these samples to approximate expectations of quantities of interest. For the process, researchers have to decide whether the Markov chain has reached the desired posterior distribution. Using convergence diagnostic tests are very important to decide whether the Markov chain has reached the target distribution. Our interest in this study was to compare the performances of convergence diagnostic tests for all parameters of Bayesian Cox regression model with different number of iterations by using a simulation and a real lung cancer dataset.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt the Bayesian approach to expectile regression employing a likelihood function that is based on an asymmetric normal distribution. We demonstrate that improper uniform priors for the unknown model parameters yield a proper joint posterior. Three simulated data sets were generated to evaluate the proposed method which show that Bayesian expectile regression performs well and has different characteristics comparing with Bayesian quantile regression. We also apply this approach into two real data analysis.  相似文献   

This paper considers quantile regression models using an asymmetric Laplace distribution from a Bayesian point of view. We develop a simple and efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm for fitting the quantile regression model based on a location-scale mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution. It is shown that the resulting Gibbs sampler can be accomplished by sampling from either normal or generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. We also discuss some possible extensions of our approach, including the incorporation of a scale parameter, the use of double exponential prior, and a Bayesian analysis of Tobit quantile regression. The proposed methods are illustrated by both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

We propose alternative approaches to analyze residuals in binary regression models based on random effect components. Our preferred model does not depend upon any tuning parameter, being completely automatic. Although the focus is mainly on accommodation of outliers, the proposed methodology is also able to detect them. Our approach consists of evaluating the posterior distribution of random effects included in the linear predictor. The evaluation of the posterior distributions of interest involves cumbersome integration, which is easily dealt with through stochastic simulation methods. We also discuss different specifications of prior distributions for the random effects. The potential of these strategies is compared in a real data set. The main finding is that the inclusion of extra variability accommodates the outliers, improving the adjustment of the model substantially, besides correctly indicating the possible outliers.  相似文献   

Single index model conditional quantile regression is proposed in order to overcome the dimensionality problem in nonparametric quantile regression. In the proposed method, the Bayesian elastic net is suggested for single index quantile regression for estimation and variables selection. The Gaussian process prior is considered for unknown link function and a Gibbs sampler algorithm is adopted for posterior inference. The results of the simulation studies and numerical example indicate that our propose method, BENSIQReg, offers substantial improvements over two existing methods, SIQReg and BSIQReg. The BENSIQReg has consistently show a good convergent property, has the least value of median of mean absolute deviations and smallest standard deviations, compared to the other two methods.  相似文献   

Data with censored initiating and terminating times arises quite frequently in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemiologic studies. Analysis of such data involves a complicated bivariate likelihood, which is difficult to deal with computationally. Bayesian analysis, op the other hand, presents added complexities that have yet to be resolved. By exploiting the simple form of a complete data likelihood and utilizing the power of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, this paper presents a methodology for fitting Bayesian regression models to such data. The proposed methods extend the work of Sinha (1997), who considered non-parametric Bayesian analysis of this type of data. The methodology is illustiated with an application to a cohort of HIV infected hemophiliac patients.  相似文献   

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