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In medical studies we are often confronted with complex longitudinal data. During the follow-up period, which can be ended prematurely by a terminal event (e.g. death), a subject can experience recurrent events of multiple types. In addition, we collect repeated measurements from multiple markers. An adverse health status, represented by ‘bad’ marker values and an abnormal number of recurrent events, is often associated with the risk of experiencing the terminal event. In this situation, the missingness of the data is not at random and, to avoid bias, it is necessary to model all data simultaneously using a joint model. The correlations between the repeated observations of a marker or an event type within an individual are captured by normally distributed random effects. Because the joint likelihood contains an analytically intractable integral, Bayesian approaches or quadrature approximation techniques are necessary to evaluate the likelihood. However, when the number of recurrent event types and markers is large, the dimensionality of the integral is high and these methods are too computationally expensive. As an alternative, we propose a simulated maximum-likelihood approach based on quasi-Monte Carlo integration to evaluate the likelihood of joint models with multiple recurrent event types and markers.  相似文献   

During their follow-up, patients with cancer can experience several types of recurrent events and can also die. Over the last decades, several joint models have been proposed to deal with recurrent events with dependent terminal event. Most of them require the proportional hazard assumption. In the case of long follow-up, this assumption could be violated. We propose a joint frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a dependent terminal event to account for potential dependencies between events with potentially time-varying coefficients. For that, regression splines are used to model the time-varying coefficients. Baseline hazard functions (BHF) are estimated with piecewise constant functions or with cubic M-Splines functions. The maximum likelihood estimation method provides parameter estimates. Likelihood ratio tests are performed to test the time dependency and the statistical association of the covariates. This model was driven by breast cancer data where the maximum follow-up was close to 20 years.  相似文献   

Data on the timing of events such as births, residential moves and changes in employment status are collected in many longitudinal surveys. These data often have a highly complex structure, with events of several types occurring repeatedly over time to an individual and interdependences between different event processes (e.g. births and employment transitions). The aim of this paper is to review a general class of multilevel discrete‐time event history models for handling recurrent events and transitions between multiple states. It is also shown how standard methods can be extended to allow for time‐varying covariates that are outcomes of an event process that is jointly determined with the process of interest. The considerable potential of these methods for studying transitions through the life course is illustrated in analyses of the effect of the presence and age of children on women's employment transitions, using data from the British Household Panel Survey.  相似文献   

Multivariate event time data are common in medical studies and have received much attention recently. In such data, each study subject may potentially experience several types of events or recurrences of the same type of event, or event times may be clustered. Marginal distributions are specified for the multivariate event times in multiple events and clustered events data, and for the gap times in recurrent events data, using the semiparametric linear transformation models while leaving the dependence structures for related events unspecified. We propose several estimating equations for simultaneous estimation of the regression parameters and the transformation function. It is shown that the resulting regression estimators are asymptotically normal, with variance–covariance matrix that has a closed form and can be consistently estimated by the usual plug-in method. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. An application to the well-known bladder cancer tumor recurrences data is also given to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Most clinical studies, which investigate the impact of therapy simultaneously, record the frequency of adverse events in order to monitor safety of the intervention. Study reports typically summarise adverse event data by tabulating the frequencies of the worst grade experienced but provide no details of the temporal profiles of specific types of adverse events. Such 'toxicity profiles' are potentially important tools in disease management and in the assessment of newer therapies including targeted treatments and immunotherapy where different types of toxicity may be more common at various times during long-term drug exposure. Toxicity profiles of commonly experienced adverse events occurring due to exposure to long-term treatment could assist in evaluating the costs of the health care benefits of therapy. We show how to generate toxicity profiles using an adaptation of the ordinal time-to-event model comprising of a two-step process, involving estimation of the multinomial response probabilities using multinomial logistic regression and combining these with recurrent time to event hazard estimates to produce cumulative event probabilities for each of the multinomial adverse event response categories. Such a model permits the simultaneous assessment of the risk of events over time and provides cumulative risk probabilities for each type of adverse event response. The method can be applied more generally by using different models to estimate outcome/response probabilities. The method is illustrated by developing toxicity profiles for three distinct types of adverse events associated with two treatment regimens for patients with advanced breast cancer.  相似文献   

Frequently in clinical and epidemiologic studies, the event of interest is recurrent (i.e., can occur more than once per subject). When the events are not of the same type, an analysis which accounts for the fact that events fall into different categories will often be more informative. Often, however, although event times may always be known, information through which events are categorized may potentially be missing. Complete‐case methods (whose application may require, for example, that events be censored when their category cannot be determined) are valid only when event categories are missing completely at random. This assumption is rather restrictive. The authors propose two multiple imputation methods for analyzing multiple‐category recurrent event data under the proportional means/rates model. The use of a proper or improper imputation technique distinguishes the two approaches. Both methods lead to consistent estimation of regression parameters even when the missingness of event categories depends on covariates. The authors derive the asymptotic properties of the estimators and examine their behaviour in finite samples through simulation. They illustrate their approach using data from an international study on dialysis.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data often arise in longitudinal studies. In many applications, subjects may experience two different types of events alternatively over time or a pair of subjects may experience recurrent events of the same type. Medical advances have made it possible for some patients to be cured such that the disease of interest does not recur. In this article, we consider non parametric analysis of bivariate recurrent event data with cure fraction. Using the inverse-probability weighted (IPW) approach, we propose non parametric estimators for the proportion of cured patients and for the joint distribution functions of bivariate recurrence times of the uncured ones. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation study indicates that the proposed estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

Clinical trials in severely diseased populations often suffer from a high dropout rate that is related to the investigated target morbidity. These dropouts can bias estimates and treatment comparisons, particularly in the event of an imbalance. Methods to describe such selective dropout are presented that use the time in study distribution to generate so‐called population evolution charts. These charts show the development of a distribution of a covariate or the target morbidity measure as it changes as a result of the dropout process during the follow‐up time. The selectiveness of the dropout process with respect to a variable can be inferred from the change in its distribution. Different types of selective dropout are described with real data from several studies in metastatic bone disease, where marked effects can be seen. A general strategy to cope with selective dropout seems to be the inclusion of dropout events into the endpoint. Within a time‐to‐event analysis framework this simple approach can lead to valid conclusions and still retains conservative elements. Morbidity measures that are based on (recurrent) event counts react differently in the presence of selective dropout. They differ mainly in the way dropout is included. One simple measure achieves good performance under selective dropout by introducing a non‐specific penalty for premature study termination. The use of a prespecified scoring system to assign a weight for each works well. This simple and transparent approach performs well even in the presence of unbalanced selective dropout. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non-parametric Tests for Recurrent Events under Competing Risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  We consider a data set on nosocomial infections of patients hospitalized in a French intensive care facility. Patients may suffer from recurrent infections of different types and they also have a high risk of death. To deal with such situations, a model of recurrent events with competing risks and a terminal event is introduced. Our aim was to compare the occurrence rates of two types of events. For this purpose, we propose two tests: one to detect if the occurrence rate of a given type of event increases with time; a second to detect if the instantaneous probability of experiencing an event of a given type is always greater than the one of another type. The asymptotic properties of the test statistics are derived and Monte Carlo methods are used to study the power of the tests. Finally, the procedures developed are applied to the French nosocomial infections data set.  相似文献   

Bivariate recurrent event data are observed when subjects are at risk of experiencing two different type of recurrent events. In this paper, our interest is to suggest statistical model when there is a substantial portion of subjects not experiencing recurrent events but having a terminal event. In a context of recurrent event data, zero events can be related with either the risk free group or a terminal event. For simultaneously reflecting both a zero inflation and a terminal event in a context of bivariate recurrent event data, a joint model is implemented with bivariate frailty effects. Simulation studies are performed to evaluate the suggested models. Infection data from AML (acute myeloid leukemia) patients are analyzed as an application.  相似文献   

In clinical trials with a time-to-event endpoint, subjects are often at risk for events other than the one of interest. When the occurrence of one type of event precludes observation of any later events or alters the probably of subsequent events, the situation is one of competing risks. During the planning stage of a clinical trial with competing risks, it is important to take all possible events into account. This paper gives expressions for the power and sample size for competing risks based on a flexible parametric Weibull model. Nonuniform accrual to the study is considered and an allocation ratio other than one may be used. Results are also provided for the case where two or more of the competing risks are of primary interest.  相似文献   

Searches for faint signals in counting experiments are often encountered in particle physics and astrophysics, as well as in other fields. Many problems can be reduced to the case of a model with independent and Poisson-distributed signal and background. Often several background contributions are present at the same time, possibly correlated. We provide the analytic solution of the statistical inference problem of estimating the signal in the presence of multiple backgrounds, in the framework of objective Bayes statistics. The model can be written in the form of a product of a single Poisson distribution with a multinomial distribution. The first is related to the total number of events, whereas the latter describes the fraction of events coming from each individual source. Correlations among different backgrounds can be included in the inference problem by a suitable choice of the priors.  相似文献   

Recurrent events involve the occurrences of the same type of event repeatedly over time and are commonly encountered in longitudinal studies. Examples include seizures in epileptic studies or occurrence of cancer tumors. In such studies, interest lies in the number of events that occur over a fixed period of time. One considerable challenge in analyzing such data arises when a large proportion of patients discontinues before the end of the study, for example, because of adverse events, leading to partially observed data. In this situation, data are often modeled using a negative binomial distribution with time‐in‐study as offset. Such an analysis assumes that data are missing at random (MAR). As we cannot test the adequacy of MAR, sensitivity analyses that assess the robustness of conclusions across a range of different assumptions need to be performed. Sophisticated sensitivity analyses for continuous data are being frequently performed. However, this is less the case for recurrent event or count data. We will present a flexible approach to perform clinically interpretable sensitivity analyses for recurrent event data. Our approach fits into the framework of reference‐based imputations, where information from reference arms can be borrowed to impute post‐discontinuation data. Different assumptions about the future behavior of dropouts dependent on reasons for dropout and received treatment can be made. The imputation model is based on a flexible model that allows for time‐varying baseline intensities. We assess the performance in a simulation study and provide an illustration with a clinical trial in patients who suffer from bladder cancer. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The data are n independent random binomial events, each resulting in success or failure. The event outcomes are believed to be trials from a binomial distribution with success probability p, and tests of p=1/2 are desired. However, there is the possibility that some unidentified event has a success probability different from the common value p for the other n?1 events. Then, tests of whether this common p equals 1/2 are desired. Fortunately, two-sided tests can be obtained that simultaneously are applicable for both situations. That is, the significance level for a test is same when one event has a different probability as when all events have the same probability. These tests are the usual equal-tail tests for p=1/2 (based on n independent trials from a binomial distribution).  相似文献   

Abstract.  Multiple events data are commonly seen in medical applications. There are two types of events, namely terminal and non-terminal. Statistical analysis for non-terminal events is complicated due to dependent censoring. Consequently, joint modelling and inference are often needed to avoid the problem of non-identifiability. This article considers regression analysis for multiple events data with major interest in a non-terminal event such as disease progression. We generalize the technique of artificial censoring, which is a popular way to handle dependent censoring, under flexible model assumptions on the two types of events. The proposed method is applied to analyse a data set of bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

In many clinical studies, subjects are at risk of experiencing more than one type of potentially recurrent event. In some situations, however, the occurrence of an event is observed, but the specific type is not determined. We consider the analysis of this type of incomplete data when the objectives are to summarize features of conditional intensity functions and associated treatment effects, and to study the association between different types of event. Here we describe a likelihood approach based on joint models for the multi-type recurrent events where parameter estimation is obtained from a Monte-Carlo EM algorithm. Simulation studies show that the proposed method gives unbiased estimators for regression coefficients and variance–covariance parameters, and the coverage probabilities of confidence intervals for regression coefficients are close to the nominal level. When the distribution of the frailty variable is misspecified, the method still provides estimators of the regression coefficients with good properties. The proposed method is applied to a motivating data set from an asthma study in which exacerbations were to be sub-typed by cellular analysis of sputum samples as eosinophilic or non-eosinophilic.  相似文献   

Joint modelling of event counts and survival times   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  In studies of recurrent events, such as epileptic seizures, there can be a large amount of information about a cohort over a period of time, but current methods for these data are often unable to utilize all of the available information. The paper considers data which include post-treatment survival times for individuals experiencing recurring events, as well as a measure of the base-line event rate, in the form of a pre-randomization event count. Standard survival analysis may treat this pre-randomization count as a covariate, but the paper proposes a parametric joint model based on an underlying Poisson process, which will give a more precise estimate of the treatment effect.  相似文献   

Many time series are measured monthly, either as averages or totals, and such data often exhibit seasonal variability – the values of the series are consistently larger for some months of the year than for others. A typical series of this type is the number of deaths each month attributed to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Seasonality can be modelled in a number of ways. This paper describes and discusses various methods for modelling seasonality in SIDS data, though much of the discussion is relevant to other seasonally varying data. There are two main approaches, either fitting a circular probability distribution to the data, or using regression-based techniques to model the mean seasonal behaviour. Both are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Many diseases, especially cancer, are not static, but rather can be summarized by a series of events or stages (e.g. diagnosis, remission, recurrence, metastasis, death). Most available methods to analyze multi-stage data ignore intermediate events and focus on the terminal event or consider (time to) multiple events as independent. Competing-risk or semi-competing-risk models are often deficient in describing the complex relationship between disease progression events which are driven by a shared progression stochastic process. A multi-stage model can only examine two stages at a time and thus fails to capture the effect of one stage on the time spent between other stages. Moreover, most models do not account for latent stages. We propose a semi-parametric joint model of diagnosis, latent metastasis, and cancer death and use nonparametric maximum likelihood to estimate covariate effects on the risks of intermediate events and death and the dependence between them. We illustrate the model with Monte Carlo simulations and analysis of real data on prostate cancer from the SEER database.  相似文献   

Competing risks are common in clinical cancer research, as patients are subject to multiple potential failure outcomes, such as death from the cancer itself or from complications arising from the disease. In the analysis of competing risks, several regression methods are available for the evaluation of the relationship between covariates and cause-specific failures, many of which are based on Cox’s proportional hazards model. Although a great deal of research has been conducted on estimating competing risks, less attention has been devoted to linear regression modeling, which is often referred to as the accelerated failure time (AFT) model in survival literature. In this article, we address the use and interpretation of linear regression analysis with regard to the competing risks problem. We introduce two types of AFT modeling framework, where the influence of a covariate can be evaluated in relation to either a cause-specific hazard function, referred to as cause-specific AFT (CS-AFT) modeling in this study, or the cumulative incidence function of a particular failure type, referred to as crude-risk AFT (CR-AFT) modeling. Simulation studies illustrate that, as in hazard-based competing risks analysis, these two models can produce substantially different effects, depending on the relationship between the covariates and both the failure type of principal interest and competing failure types. We apply the AFT methods to data from non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients, where the dataset is characterized by two competing events, disease relapse and death without relapse, and non-proportionality. We demonstrate how the data can be analyzed and interpreted, using linear competing risks regression models.  相似文献   

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