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This study is the first to explore the relationship between cohabitation and U.S. adult mortality using a nationally representative sample. Using data from the National Health Interview Survey‐Longitudinal Mortality Follow‐up files 1997–2004 (N = 193,851), the authors found that divorced, widowed, and never‐married White men had higher mortality rates than cohabiting White men, and never‐married Black men had higher mortality rates than cohabiting Black men. In contrast, the mortality rates of nonmarried White and Black women were not different from those of their cohabiting counterparts. The results also revealed that mortality rates of married White men and women were lower than their cohabiting counterparts and that these mortality differences tended to decrease with age. The authors found no significant mortality differences when they compared married Black men or women to their cohabiting counterparts. The identified mortality differences were partially—but not fully—explained by income, psychological, or health behavior differences across groups.  相似文献   


Low socioeconomic status (SES) has been associated with high rates of many chronic diseases. This study was a cluster analysis of data from 9,830 adults in the 1994-96 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by the Individuals (1994-96 CSFII) in order to characterize more fully the biologic and social factors that might be associated with chronic diseases. The study employed cluster analysis to define three SES groups (low, middle, and high) based on income, education, age, gender, and race. A significant increase was found in self-reported diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and stroke across these groups, being highest in the lowest SES group. Results revealed that health disparity in the U.S. may be substantial, with some population groups bearing a disproportionate burden of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to promote marriage among the socioeconomically disadvantaged are based on the assumption that marriage is equally beneficial for persons with varying levels of socioeconomic status. Using 3 waves of data from a sample of married adults (the National Survey of Families and Households; N = 1,849), the authors evaluated whether the health benefits of marital happiness and the health costs of marital conflict might vary by education and income levels. They found that increases in marital happiness were associated with increases in self‐rated health for individuals with more education. In addition, increases in marital conflict were linked to greater increases in functional impairment for persons with lower income. Although the results were not consistent and effect sizes were modest, the evidence nonetheless tentatively suggests that higher levels of marital happiness may be less beneficial for health and that higher levels of marital conflict may be more detrimental to health among persons with lower socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Although the association of being married and a lower mortality rate has been well established, most previous research on marital status and mortality did not consider potential change in this relationship over time. In this study, I adopted a survey cohort perspective to examine both overall and cause‐specific mortality trends by marital status from 1986 to 2000 in the United States. On the basis of data from the National Health Interview Survey‐Longitudinal Mortality Follow‐up (N = 517,314), I found that mortality generally decreased or remained stable for the married from the 1986 to 2000 NHIS cohort, except for diabetes deaths. There is evidence showing divergent mortality trends between the married and unmarried, especially the widowed. Race and gender variations are examined.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between socioeconomic status and having living children and parents among 55‐ to 63‐year‐old women in the United States and Britain. The goals are to quantify the outcomes of slightly different demographic regimes on close kin networks and to assess the potential implications of policies that in both countries increasingly emphasize family responsibility. In the cohorts examined, U.S. respondents are substantially more likely to have living parents and children, but the pattern of socioeconomic effects is similar across countries. Higher socioeconomic status is associated with having fewer children and, less consistently, is associated with a higher probability of having living parents and being childless. However, higher‐status women are more likely to have both living parents and children.  相似文献   

Parenting is a constellation of behaviors, yet investigations of the link between parenting and children's health typically focus on singular behaviors. Thus, patterns of health‐related parenting among U.S. families, associations between patterns and children's physical health, and the prevalence of such patterns among different sociodemographic groups remain unknown. Applying latent class analysis to the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort (2001; N = 8,550) revealed 6 parenting patterns. The pattern characterized by high levels of television watching was associated with the worst overall health; the pattern characterized by the highest consumption of food and amount of outdoor play was linked to the highest odds of obesity. Children of less‐educated mothers and Black mothers were more likely to experience both of these patterns than the patterns associated with the best child health, but these patterns did not differ for Hispanics (vs. Whites). Income differences only appeared for patterns associated with children's general health.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of family socioeconomic status and proactive personality to career decision self‐efficacy in a sample of 336 Taiwanese college students. The results of the partial least squares path modeling analysis showed that both socioeconomic status and proactive personality were positively associated with career decision self‐efficacy. These findings support person input variables as being predictive of career decision self‐efficacy and provide career counselors with insight into how to design career interventions for improving college students’ career decision self‐efficacy. Implications for career counseling and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Despite lower average incomes, greater percentages living in poverty, lower levels of health insurance, less preventive health care, and poorer health status, nonmetropolitan residents have been found to experience lower mortality than their metropolitan counterparts. Several pathways through which residence influences mortality have been proposed. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of income inequality on residential differentials in mortality. Using data from the Compressed Mortality File for counties in the coterminous United States for 1990, we estimate weighted least squares models of total mortality for 3,067 counties, and separately for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties. Mortality is lower in nonmetropolitan counties than in metropolitan counties, once rates are standardized for age, sex, and race. Moreover, income inequality exerts stronger effects in nonmetro counties, an effect that persists when per capita income, median household size, and racial composition are controlled. The percentage of the population that is black exerts an independent effect on mortality in both metro and non‐metro counties.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of the age at first marriage among women using an integrated approach incorporating social, familial, and economic factors. Hazard analysis was applied to an original data set for Hong Kong containing 1,024 observations compiled on the basis of a household survey with respondents selected by random sampling. Our findings support the human capital hypothesis, which predicts that women with higher educational attainment and stronger career commitment tend to marry later. In addition, we find that social and family background characteristics are also important determinants of the age at first marriage, including how strongly traditional values and ties to the natal family are held by the women. This research was funded by grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and the Faculty Research Committee of the Hong Kong Baptist University, respectively. I would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers of this journal for their valuable comments.  相似文献   

To document the socioeconomic situation of street children in Iran and to ascertain the part played by this in becoming a street child, we classified and evaluated studies on this issue from the recent decade according to their strengths and weaknesses. The results will be helpful in policy‐making and planning for this group. The study employed a systematic review methodology, searching Iranian and international databases, and many universities and related organisations in Iran. After the quality of studies had been evaluated by three researchers, the findings of 40 research studies were classified, described and analysed. The research finds that street children in Iran come from crowded, low‐income families; many of them were rural–urban migrants and Afghans with families who immigrated to Iran; most of their parents had a lower than high school education and many of their fathers were unemployed or had low‐income jobs; the majority of these children were unskilled workers who would work many hours of the day for negligible incomes. We conclude that low socioeconomic status was prevalent among the street children's families in Iran and seems to be an important factor in the street‐connectedness of the children.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, marriages in which the husband is older than his wife are more common than same-age and women-older marriages. Yet there is surprisingly little systematic knowledge about within-country variation in spousal age differences. This study used comprehensive Swedish register data to investigate how age differences in newly married couples were associated with spouses' age, gender, education, income, and birthplace. Among both women and men, small age differences were most common among the highly educated, high-income earners, and native Swedes, whereas persons with low education, low income, and non-Swedish origin more often entered marriages with large age differences, particularly men-older marriages. Findings are discussed in relation to theoretical attempts to explain spousal age differences and sociodemographic selection into couples with different age relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which both national and personal socioeconomic status shape national norms and parenting priorities concerning child socialization. Data came from the European Values Survey, the World Values Survey, and the World Bank Data Catalog, resulting in 227,431 parents from 90 nations across fives study waves (1981–2008). Child independence was more popular in nations with greater wealth and more highly educated populations; obedience was more popular in nations with less wealth and lower percentages of educated and urban populations. Personal socioeconomic status predicted individual parents' prioritization of child independence and obedience; higher social class predicted a greater likelihood of endorsing independence and not endorsing obedience. Time‐slope estimation across study waves revealed that parents' prioritization of independence and obedience may rise over time in developing nations. Results provide implications for education, practice, and policy on cultural variations in parenting.  相似文献   

Youth are considered an important segment of a country’s population. This article explores the effect of socioeconomic status on apathy among youth. It also tries to determine the association between apathy and political participation. Data were collected from four universities through a self-structured questionnaire given to students. A field survey was used to collect 882 questionnaires. Data were entered in SPSS, and data analysis was done by using ordinal regression analysis. A medium level of apathy (75.5%) and political participation (46.0%) was prevalent among educated youth. Results revealed a significant effect of number of siblings, age, gender, education, father’s education, and mother’s education on apathy. An association was also found between apathy and political participation.  相似文献   

This study examined socioeconomic status (SES) and perceived social class as predictors of educational and occupational aspirations and expectations in a sample of 100 high school students from 2 midwestern high schools. SES was measured using caregivers' occupation and education, and subjective social status was assessed using the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status–Youth Version (Goodman et al., 2001 SES and perceived social class made independent contributions to educational aspirations, whereas SES made an independent contribution to occupational aspirations and expectations. The authors discuss the importance of SES and social class in career development theory and research and provide practical implications based on the present findings. Overall, this study highlights the importance of measuring SES and social class as distinct constructs and the need for future work to identify the unique impacts of these variables.  相似文献   

Previous research has mainly focused on the persistent direct influence of early life contexts on young adult socioeconomic attainment, and less is known about intraindividual processes that are responsible for this persistent influence. The present study, using genetically informed longitudinal, prospective data from a nationally representative sample (Add Health), attempted to fill this gap by adding three important findings to the literature: (a) Adolescents experiencing adverse family contexts during childhood and early adolescence showed lower socioeconomic attainment in early adulthood than adolescents from less adverse family contexts, (b) adolescent academic and cognitive competencies and psychological vulnerabilities partially mediated these persistent influences, and (c) individual cumulative genetic characteristics additively and interactively influenced adolescent competencies and vulnerabilities as well as young adult socioeconomic attainment. The results demonstrate that although substantial continuity exists in early adversities, individual genetic variability is a factor that influences individuals' response to early socioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

Using data from Brazil, Chile, and the U.S., we estimate country specific models of household income that characterize mothers according to their marital status, living arrangement, and employment status. We assess the predicted economic well-being of each type of mother relative to a benchmark of married mothers in the same country, and at various points in the income distribution. We find dramatic cross-country differences in the distribution of mothers across categories, but few differences in each type's relative economic status. In all three countries and at all points in the income distribution, mothers who are the only adults in their households have the lowest levels of predicted income, while married mothers—followed closely by cohabitors—have the highest levels.  相似文献   

A retirement age postponement policy will not only increase pension income but also reduce pension payments, which will cause an accumulation effect on the size of the pension fund and relieve the intensifying pressure on pension payments. Based on the analysis of historical data in order to predict the population and pension scale in China, this research shows that the working-age population will gradually decrease, the supply of labor will decrease, and the demographic dividend will gradually disappear between 2018 and 2055 if the current retirement policy remains unrevised. According to three different retirement age postponement policy options, we establish that there are significant accumulation effects that can alleviate the pressure on pension funds. Among these policies, the postpone retirement policy option, which is based on the working period, is more conducive to a smoother policy implementation effect in the long term.  相似文献   

The number of uninsured Americans has risen substantially over the last decade. Despite the availability of Medicaid, low‐income women are at particularly elevated risk of having no or inadequate health insurance. How does continuity of work, family, and welfare affect low‐income women’s health insurance status? A multinomial logistic regression analysis of 1,662 low‐income women from the Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three‐City Study provides evidence of the consequences of life changes on access to health insurance from 1999–2005. The results show that compared to those with stable welfare, work, and family attachments, new full‐time employment actually increases low‐income women’s risk of being uninsured as does being underemployed, on welfare, or single for extended periods of time. These findings illustrate how health‐care reform must adequately address the complexity of low‐income women’s lives—including the ways labor market, state, and family factors interact to create barriers to health insurance—in order to improve access to care under the current U.S. health insurance model.  相似文献   

Being undocumented is strongly correlated with low wages, employment in high risk occupations, and poor healthcare access. We know surprisingly little about the social lives of older undocumented adults despite the vast literature about youth and young undocumented migrants. Literature about the immigrant health paradox casts doubts on the argument that unequal social conditions translate to poorer self-reported health and mortality, but few of these studies consider immigration status as the dynamic variable that it is. Reviewing research about older migrants and minorities, I point to the emergence of undocumented older persons as a demographic group that merits attention from researchers and policymakers. This nexus offers important lessons for understanding stratification and inequality. This review offers new research directions that take into account multilevel consequences of growing old undocumented. Rather than arguing that older-aged undocumented migrants are aging into exclusion, I argue that we need careful empirical research to examine how the continuity of exclusion via policies can magnify inequalities on the basis of immigration status and racialization in older age.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the array of sexual health care services provided at US colleges and universities. Participants: During 2014–2015, 885 colleges were surveyed about their provision of sexual health services. Methods: 55% of colleges responded. Data were weighted and stratified by minority-serving institutions (MSIs), 2-year and 4-year institutions. Results: 70.6% of colleges reported having a health center (HC), of which 73.0% offered STI diagnosis/treatment (4 years vs. 2 years; 77.9% vs. 53.1%) and contraceptive services (70.1% vs. 46.4%), all p < .001. HCs less frequently offered LARC (19.7%), express STI testing (24.4%) and self-collection (31.4%). Condoms were available on 66.8% of campuses. HPV vaccination was available at more 4-year colleges (73.7% vs. 48.5%, p < .003) and non-MSIs (74.4% vs. 58.5, p = .019). Regarding MSM-targeted services, 54.6% offered pharyngeal and 51.8% rectal STI testing. Conclusions: 2-year colleges may require additional support with providing sexual health care. Improvements could entail increasing express testing, extra-genital STI testing, and LARC.  相似文献   

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