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文化遗产具有社会价值与旅游经济价值,合理开发会促进遗产资源管理的良性循环。但是,实践中利益主体往往从维护自己利益最大化诉求的角度出发,会出现一系列破坏遗产资源的“公地悲剧”现象。文章以龙门古镇为例,分析龙门古镇旅游资源开发与保护的利益主体诉求及利益关系现状,构建文化遗产旅游资源保护利益协调机制,从而对文化遗产旅游资源进行合理的保护与利用。  相似文献   

贺红茹 《现代妇女》2014,(11):86-87
非物质文化遗产和旅游之间有着密切关系,完全可以通过合理开发,实现遗产保护与传承、旅游体验与收益的双赢。本文分析了非物质文化遗产和现代旅游活动的关系,分析了六种非物质文化遗产旅游产品化转型模式的优劣,最后提出了非物质文化遗产旅游产品化转型中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

宋鑫  崔卫华 《城市》2016,(9):31-34
伴随我国产业升级改造的推进,人们加大了对工业遗产地的关注,从工业考古、遗产保护而发展起来的遗产旅游促使人们去深入挖掘工业文明,探索并开发其特殊的休闲、观光及娱乐等功能,但目前对工业遗产价值认识存在模糊,工业遗产保护研究不够深入,利用开发意识不强。笔者针对辽宁省工业遗产的特殊性,对其价值进行系统解析,提出保护工业遗产的原真性,要尊重遗产历史和演进中的真实。  相似文献   

肖佑兴 《城市观察》2010,(2):174-182
古村落的旅游开发受到普遍关注,本文以广州唯一的国家历史文化名村——大岭村为例,讨论了广州古村落的旅游开发问题。本文分析了大岭村的旅游开发条件,讨论了旅游开发原则,提出了大岭村在遗产保护、形象策划、空间布局、产品开发、市场营销与发展模式等方面的建议。本文认为,广州古村落的旅游开发,不仅需要充分发挥市场优势、经济优势与资源优势,同时也要认识到古村落的产业结构、人口结构、土地结构等方面的特点,把古村落旅游发展与新农村建设结合起来。  相似文献   

建筑遗产的活化利用是城市历史街区更新的重要手段,而旅游利用则是建筑遗产活化利用的关键支持。本文在综述建筑遗产利用相关文献的基础上,总结了建筑遗产保护的思潮演变,并分析了旅游在其中的角色与功能。结论认为,建筑遗产保护正逐渐从单一的"原状保护"向多元化的"活化利用"转变。在这种活化利用中,旅游起着重要作用,它承担着建筑遗产空间关联、业态支撑的角色,而这种以旅游为目的的活化利用也提升了游客体验,增加了建筑遗产的吸引力,活化了城市空间结构,增加了城市竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来,对民族地区民俗资源进行旅游开发的现象,引发了人类学家和民俗学者对于旅游开发与民族地区民俗文化保护的深刻反思。文章中将四川大坝苗族乡为例,通过对大坝民俗旅游资源的描述和分析,探讨旅游开发与民族地区民俗文化两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产是重要的旅游资源。将非物质文化遗产融入高职旅游专业教学对非物质文化遗产保护和深化旅游专业教学改革都有良好的促进作用。文章分析了高职旅游专业在保护和传承非物质文化遗产方面的重要性,探讨了将非物质遗产引入高职旅游专业教学的重要意义,并针对性地提出了推动非物质文化遗产保护,深化高职旅游专业教学改革的对策。  相似文献   

滇越铁路滇段是云南近代发展的见证者,具有车站旅游资源、工程技术资源、红色旅游资源、自然景观资源,同时途经云南许多著名的自然景点和工业遗产景点,是一条具有很大旅游价值的铁路。作为一种历史文化遗存,它的文化涵量与价值无可估量,有着巨大的开发潜力和发展前景。  相似文献   

正一、当前历史文化遗迹所在地开发中存在的问题随着历史文化遗迹所在地区旅游经济的高速发展,不合理的土地流转使遗产地的农业用地剧减,传统农耕的原生态经济遭到破坏:大兴现代旅游设施,过量生活垃圾的排放造成空气、土壤、水质的污染,严重破坏了遗产地的环境风貌,影响了遗产地生物的生存环境。历史文化遗迹所在地区环境治理中一个突出的问题就是对遗产地环境敏感控制地带(包括核心区、保护区、缓冲区和边缘区)的空间进行土地使用的管制。遗产地过度的商业、旅游开发,不仅会破坏周边地区的自然生态环境,还会对遗产的保护造成  相似文献   

走过60年风雨的贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州(以下简称"黔东南"),一直是民族文化旅游资源的富矿,旅游开发潜力大,也涌现出以西江千户苗寨等为代表的民族文化景区.然而随着国内民族文化旅游开发力度的加大,其间始终伴随着开发与保护如何并行、旅游产品如何升级、旅游品牌如何打造等难题.众多民族文化旅游目的地逐渐出现原生态特色有被商业化冲淡的隐患.在"旅游+"的时代背景下,这些传统的民族文化村寨正在着力转型,焕发新的活力,等待着市场的检验.  相似文献   

This article examines a grassroots movement for public education that has recently emerged to challenge corporate-style education reformers. These reformers became well-established in the early 21st century promoting the business strategies of capitalism such as school choice, competition, privatization, and closure. To understand how and why local communities are fighting for public education while embracing a much older, traditional notion of the common good, this article takes Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study, situating the struggle for public education in historical and political contexts. It also places the corporate-reform and grassroots movements in a social and economic framework, and it pays special attention to the urban youth who stand at the center of much of the policy debate on public education, considering the ways in which young people themselves express political agency through activism.  相似文献   

The growth of the public sector that has continued nearly unabated since the end of World War II is coming to an end. This apparently will set the stage for a classic confrontation between public sector unions, vote-maximizing politicians, and the general public. Using an employment multiplier approach, we show that the conflict is largely illusionary. Because of a fortunate coincidence, retrenchment in the public sector is likely to be carried out so that no one group will be grievously offended.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, public relations scholarship has added significant richness to its understanding of dialogue. Such research has followed a theoretical trajectory centered on the “I and Thou” philosophy of Martin Buber. Drawing from Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogic Imagination, this essay puts public relations dialogic scholarship into conversation with the concept of dialogue in a broader societal context. Bakhtin’s work provides additional understanding of public relations’ roles in dialogue, particularly in regards to facilitating public conversations. Bakhtin’s emphasis on contextual and individually generated meanings illuminates the nature and structure of public conversations and the potential for public relations practitioners to play a more active and positive role in the enactment of open dialogue.  相似文献   

We examine the modes of intervention of global public intellectuals at times of crisis. In critical situations, public intellectuals take positions on matters that affect the societies they inhabit and, eventually, all humanity. To this end, they take advantage of the opportunities afforded by new communications technologies, establishing an important distinction between the “analog” intellectual (who relies on the slow time of books, opinion columns, and bookstores) and the “digital” intellectual who uses modern information and communications technologies. To study the activities of global public intellectuals and their political influence, we propose to leave aside the notion of “transnational intellectual field” in favor of an understanding of a transnational intellectual stage peopled by a certain type of intellectual agent whose symbolic and cultural production is disseminated through a digital global public circuit. To illustrate the functioning of a circuit of this type, we take the example of the Project Syndicate platform.  相似文献   

This discussion foregrounds four key issues engaged by the articles presented in this special issue: the unique challenges and opportunities of environmental education evaluation, how to think well about the evaluation approaches and purposes that best match this domain, evaluation capacity building in environmental education and action, and accountability and activist pressures on contemporary evaluation. Environmental education evaluators are encouraged to consider positioning their work in service of the public good.  相似文献   

This study investigates the linkages between presidential public relations activities—speeches and press conferences—and public opinion towards the presidency from 1961 to 1997. The results show that there is a positive linkage between presidential news conferences and foreign policy job approval, and between presidential speeches and general as well as foreign policy job approval. Overall, the findings reveal stronger linkages between presidential news conferences and job approval than between presidential speeches and job approval, but also that the topic of the information subsidies and the specific type of job approval matters.  相似文献   

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