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城镇化是扩大内需实现经济可持续发展的引擎   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城镇化是扩大内需推动中国经济可持续发展的重大战略。文章分析了后危机时代中国经济的转型机遇及现阶段稳步推进城镇化的战略背景,研究了城镇化在当前及未来中国经济发展中的战略意义,提出未来稳步推进城镇化的关键是要解决好城镇化发展过程中人往哪里去、钱从哪里来和农民工市民化的问题。  相似文献   

东北地区城镇化发展水平分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家实施振兴东北等老工业基地战略以来,东北地区城镇化水平和质量不断提升。但东北地区城镇化仍然面临着诸如大城市总体实力偏弱、小城镇发展落后、资源型城市转型困难以及体制机制障碍等诸多问题。为此,应加大城市群建设力度,加快发展中小城市和小城镇,积极引导资源型城市转型,打破体制机制障碍,发展农村金融,积极推动东北地区城镇化发展。  相似文献   

通过回顾新中国成立60多年来城镇化演进历程,归纳我国城镇化改革与发展的逻辑规律,在此基础上提出未来我国实施新型城镇化战略的政策启示。研究发现,我国城镇化进程经历了起步、失常、稳定和高速四个阶段,对城镇化趋势和波动分解发现我国城镇化进程主要表现为,中央强制性政策推动下的地方政府非公共利益无序驱动。未来,我国新型城镇化战略应该坚持:一是中央政策要协调好发展需求“拉力”和政策制度“推力”的关系,防止新型城镇化脱离客观规律;二是要从积极和消极两个方面扭转地方政府在城镇化推进过程中的非社会利益行为;三是地方政府推进新型城镇化,要从拆迁等强制性推动向诱导性推进转型,诱导性推进要体现公共服务先行;四是要统筹城乡发展并缩小城乡差距,实现城镇化进程的自动均衡。  相似文献   

以“用工荒”为契机推动经济转型升级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在分析当前用工荒现象的特点和发展趋势的基础上,认为农村剩余劳动力总量、结构变化及区域间就业比较利益调整是引致中国劳动力市场供求关系变化的重要因素;用工荒现象是对现有发展模式的挑战,也是推动经济转型的重要契机。文章提出,要充分利用用工荒形成的市场倒逼机制,通过调整区域产业布局、推进农民工市民化、完善劳动力市场、构建和谐劳动关系及实现城乡协调发展等措施,推进中国发展方式转型升级和健康均衡城镇化战略的实施。  相似文献   

本文论述了县(市)级人口与社会经济协调发展的重要性和必要性,指出其协调发展的基本特征,特别强调县(市)要有一个好的协调发展战略,并对协调发展战略的含意、战略思想、战略目标、战略对策作了阐述,最后指出了县(市)领导者在协调发展中的历史责任和作用。  相似文献   

新型城镇化建设作为我国的一项重要发展战略是普惠民生以及促进国民经济健康可持续发展的重要途径。习近平总书记在党的十八届五中全会上明确提出坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,这在新时期赋予了新型城镇化建设更为深刻的内涵。吉林省作为我国重要的商品粮基地和老工业基地,在新时期面临着经济下行的压力,而推进新型城镇化建设对于促进吉林省经济增长、产业结构调整以及城乡统筹发展具有重大意义。然而近年来在推进新型城镇化建设的过程中出现了城乡居民收入差距加大、城镇化率增长速度缓慢、城镇化建设水平较低、就业结构不合理等一系列问题。这些困境主要是由农业现代化发展缓慢、各地级市差异化的区位特征、体制机制的不健全以及产业结构的不合理等因素造成的。本文提出要推进吉林省的新型城镇化建设,必须坚持以人为中心的发展原则,综合运用创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,以刘易斯二元经济理论为指导,因地制宜地推进吉林省中东西部地区城镇化协调发展,积极发展现代农业,推进城乡协调发展,建立健全体制机制,提升城镇化建设水平,调整产业结构,创新产业发展模式等方式,最终提高吉林省以人为中心的新型城镇化建设水平。  相似文献   

关于加快我国城市化进程的对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,城市化滞后已成为制约我国经济与社会发展中的突出矛盾,必须及时推进城市化进程。大小城市要提高自身的质量和层次;中小城市要发挥自身的特点和优势,重点发展中小企业,集聚乡镇企业,同时加快第三产业发展;小城镇要加快基础设施建设,采取优惠政策吸引农民发展二、三产业。  相似文献   

户口迁移与户籍人口城镇化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
户口迁移是真正意义上的迁移,并与城镇化密切相关.文章通过对2013年全年户口迁移业务的数据分析,系统考察中国人口的户口迁移现象以及户籍人口的城镇化.研究结果显示:户籍制度改革无法惠及所有人群,需要利用公共服务的全覆盖来弥补政策的不足;三类大城市城镇户口的准入门槛相对较高并呈现出精英化倾向,大城市户籍人口城镇化的方向应当在严格控制人口数量的前提下,向中低文化程度的劳动者有序、适当开放;中小城市和小城镇户口对于高层次人才的吸引力严重不足,为促进户籍人口城镇化,应该将一批有潜力的中小城市做大、做强;提高户籍人口城镇化率的关键环节在于对农业转移人口的妥善安排,在此过程中要防止“半城镇化”现象的出现.  相似文献   

反思当前城镇化发展中的五种偏向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城镇化是关系中国经济发展转型的重大战略问题。文章认为未来中国城镇化可持续发展须坚持城镇化与工业化、农业现代化及信息化的"四化协调"原则,分析了中国城镇化过程中的五大偏向问题,提出实现中国城镇化可持续发展需要实施均衡城镇化发展模式、解决城市政府对土地财政的过度依赖问题、鼓励农民工家庭式迁移和就近转移、推进农民工与市民的平权、改变各城市在GDP上的恶性竞争局面。  相似文献   

城市是区域的统帅与核心,特别是一些大的中心城市一旦形成,便会产生巨大的经济效益,并对其所处区域产生强大的辐射作用。认识到这一点并因此重视我国人口城市化过程中大城市的作用无疑是十分重要的。但同时也应看到,城市是其所在区域社会经济发展的结果,因此它的发展丝毫不能脱离区域发展的大背景。对于大城市而言,它的发展与包括中小城市在内的区域城镇体系内部的相互作用和历史基础息息相关,其作用也只有在城镇体系协调发展的基础上才能有效地发挥。然而在近年来对我国城镇化道路的讨论中,这一问题还未得到充分的认识,特别是一些主张人口“大城市化”的学者,往往因此对大城市作用产生夸大和片面的认识,因此必须引起人们重视。  相似文献   

Mediation and moderation are two theories for refining and understanding a causal relationship. Empirical investigation of mediators and moderators requires an integrated research design rather than the data analyses driven approach often seen in the literature. This paper described the conceptual foundation, research design, data analysis, as well as inferences involved in a mediation and/or moderation investigation in both experimental and non-experimental (i.e., correlational) contexts. The essential distinctions between the investigation of mediators and moderators were summarized and juxtaposed in an example of a causal relationship between test difficulty and test anxiety. In addition, the more elaborate models, moderated mediation and mediated moderation, the use of structural equation models, and the problems with model misspecification were discussed conceptually.
Bruno D. ZumboEmail:

BackgroundMany pregnant women use complementary and alternative medicine. Although midwives are often supportive, how they communicate with women about the safe use of these therapies has received limited research attention.AimThe aim of this study was to explore how midwives interact with women regarding use of complementary and alternative medicine during pregnancy.MethodsWe utilised grounded theory methodology to collect and analyse data. Twenty-five midwives who worked in metropolitan hospitals situated in Melbourne, Australia, participated in the study. Data were collected from semi structured interviews and non-participant observations, over an 18-month period.FindingsHow midwives communicate about complementary and alternative medicine is closely associated with the meaning they construct around the woman's role in decisionmaking. Most aim to work in a manner consistent with the midwifery partnership model and share the responsibility for decisions regarding complementary and alternative medicine. However, although various therapies were commonly discussed, usually the pregnant woman initiated the dialogue. A number of contextual conditions such as the biomedical discourse, lack of knowledge, language barriers and workplace constraints, limited communication in some situations.ConclusionMidwives often interact with women interested in using CAM. Most value the woman's autonomy and aim to work in partnership. However, various contextual conditions restrain overt CAM communication in clinical practice.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine how female subjectivities are privileged by Canadian human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination discourse and, in turn, how homosexual male subjectivities are displaced. Employing a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, I analyze selected HPV vaccination (HPVV) promotional materials, and depict the discursive strategies which privilege and exclude gendered subjectivities. My critical analysis is influenced by feminist linguistic works that seek to uncover the discursive constructions around sexuality, gender and identity, and the discursive strategies used to communicate ideas about sexual health risks and responsible citizenship. In addition, I adopt feminist theories of knowledge and power to rethink the discursive representations of some bodies and subjectivities as normal, and Others as unintelligible within HPVV discourse in today's neoliberal time.  相似文献   

BackgroundEmerging evidence points to childbirth as a spiritually felt meaningful occasion. Although growing literature and development of guidelines charge the midwife to provide spiritual care felt spiritual experiences are not addressed. There is need to revisit contemporary approaches to spiritual care in midwifery lest something of significance becomes lost in policy rhetoric.AimThe aim of this discussion paper is to bring to the surface what is meant by spiritual care and spiritual experiences, to increase awareness about spirituality in childbirth and midwifery and move beyond the constraints of structured defined protocols.MethodsThe authors’ own studies and other's research that focuses on the complex contextual experiences of childbirth related to spirituality are discussed in relation to the growing interest in spiritual care assessments and guidelines.FindingsThere is a growing presence in the literature about how spirituality is a concern to the wellbeing of human beings. Although spirituality remains on the peripheral of current discourse about childbirth. Spiritual care guidelines are now being developed. However spiritual care guidelines do not appear to acknowledge the lived-experience of childbirth as spiritually meaningful.ConclusionIntroduction of spiritual care guidelines into midwifery practice do not address the spiritual meaningful significance of childbirth. If childbirth spirituality is relegated to a spiritual care tick box culture this would be a travesty. The depth of spirituality that inheres uniquely in the experience of childbirth would remain silenced and hidden. Spiritual experiences are felt and beckon sensitive and tactful practice beyond words and formulaic questions.  相似文献   

Emergent properties are often discussed in arguments concerning relationships among different levels. However, the different definitions of emergent properties sometimes confuse the arguments about macro-level phenomena, since some authors regard emergent properties not only as observable global patterns but as properties that affect and cause change in ecological and evolutionary processes. Thus it is important to distinguish higher-level or larger-scale properties that can influence particular ecological and evolutionary processes from those that cannot. I call the former properties effective properties. I gave examples that show why the distinctions between effective and non-effective properties are important.  相似文献   

The present analysis is based on the 1990 Taiwan Human Resources Survey to study the relationships between family structure, women's complete fertility and birth spacing. Imputed family size, as measured by either the ideal number of children expressed by a married woman or the number of actual surviving children whichever is larger, is used as a proxy of a woman's complete fertility. The results indicate a majority of married couples in Taiwan begin married life living with the husband's parents and later move out to establish a nuclear unit. This limited experience in the extended family exerts an upward pressure on imputed family size even when other relevant variables are statistically controlled. Further, the effect of living with the husband's parents on shorter duration of birth spacing is only limited to the time when the parents provide free child- care for married couples.  相似文献   

人口计生宣传教育为“先导”的重心和支点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宣传教育为先导的战略决策,是国家人口计生委党组书记、主任李斌同志2007年年底在河南召开全国农村人口文化建设工作现场会和在宁波市召开全国婚育新风进万家活动经验交流会上提出的重大战略思想。宣传教育为先导战略决策的提出,是在科学发展观指引下尊重思想政治工作、精神文明建设和人口计生工作客观规律,总结正反两方面工作经验教训的必然产物,是今后做好人口计生工作的元点工程。本文主要论述了为什么要先导,先什么、导什么,如何先导三个重大问题。  相似文献   

The host-parasite or host-pathogen system was analyzed from dynamical and evolutionary viewpoints using simple mathematical models incorporating vertical transmission, immunity and its loss. We first analyzed a model without density regulation of host population. In the analysis on dynamics, the condition for the pathogen to work as a density regulating factor was obtained. In the analysis on evolution, criteria for the evolution of host and pathogen were proposed. These criteria implies that the evolution of hosts should result in an increase in infected host density, whereas the evolution of pathogens a decrease in susceptible host density. The direction of evolution at some parameters of host and that of pathogen were examined when the parameters were independently and freely changeable. Among the parameters, only reduction in additional mortality due to infection was the evolutionary trend common to both host and pathogen. In all the other parameters examined, trend of evolution predicted in host is reversed in pathogen. We then analyzed whether the obtained criteria still hold in models with density regulation of hosts. Using randomly generated parameter sets, we obtained the result that the criteria should hold very likely though they do not always hold. We discussed evolution of virulence when there is a constraint between the traits.  相似文献   

积极老龄化与中国:观点与问题透视   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈社英  刘建义  马箭 《南方人口》2010,25(4):35-44,58
人口老龄化问题日益严重,如何应对其带来的挑战受到国际社会的普遍关注,而积极老龄化的提出则为人们打开了一个新的视角。文章将在回顾积极老龄化国际发展历程的背景下,在理清我国老龄化政策实践与变迁脉络的基础上,从政治、经济、文化等视角分别对我国的年龄化问题进行描述与阐释,展现我国老龄化的现实图景,并以问题为导向,探寻我国的积极老龄化之路。  相似文献   

In the study of risks , different sciences use the same category in different ways, each related to its own ontological assumptions. But many of these fields communicate very little with one another. This article seeks to approximate two of these areas of study that have shown similar concerns and that can mutually strengthen one another, namely, geography and demography. Geography was one of the first disciplines to include risk in its environmental dimension and has had broad experience in simultaneously focusing on social and natural dynamics. Demography, on the other hand, faces greater difficulties because only recently has it incorporated the environmental dimension into its scientific scope. Both have brought the concept of vulnerability into their conceptual framework as complementary to that of risk. Geographers understand vulnerability as a more symbiotic form of the relationship between society and nature, whereas demographers give it a strong socioeconomic component. In this regard, the conceptual discussion on risks and vulnerabilities, in its attempt at approximating these two fields, is a way of conceptually advancing and strengthening the different approaches to empirical work, especially in population–environment studies which is the common ground for the dialogue between the two disciplines.
Daniel Joseph HoganEmail:

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