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The main contribution of this paper is a proof of the asymptotic validity of the application of the bootstrap to AR(∞) processes with unmodelled conditional heteroskedasticity. We first derive the asymptotic properties of the least-squares estimator of the autoregressive sieve parameters when the data are generated by a stationary linear process with martingale difference errors that are possibly subject to conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. These results are then used in establishing that a suitably constructed bootstrap estimator will have the same limit distribution as the least-squares estimator. Our results provide theoretical justification for the use of either the conventional asymptotic approximation based on robust standard errors or the bootstrap approximation of the distribution of autoregressive parameters. A simulation study suggests that the bootstrap approach tends to be more accurate in small samples.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(6):609-641
The main contribution of this paper is a proof of the asymptotic validity of the application of the bootstrap to AR(∞) processes with unmodelled conditional heteroskedasticity. We first derive the asymptotic properties of the least-squares estimator of the autoregressive sieve parameters when the data are generated by a stationary linear process with martingale difference errors that are possibly subject to conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. These results are then used in establishing that a suitably constructed bootstrap estimator will have the same limit distribution as the least-squares estimator. Our results provide theoretical justification for the use of either the conventional asymptotic approximation based on robust standard errors or the bootstrap approximation of the distribution of autoregressive parameters. A simulation study suggests that the bootstrap approach tends to be more accurate in small samples.  相似文献   

Class of life distributions which are new better than used in convex ordering (NBUC) is dealt with. A probabilistic characterization is introduced to measure the degree of NBUC-ness. A nonparametric procedure is also developed to test the exponentiality against the strict NBUC property, therein, the theory of U-statistics and jackknife is utilized to establish the asymptotic normality of the test statistic. Furthermore, Edgeworth expansion and bootstrap are employed to improve the accuracy of the approximation. Some numerical simulations on the power are presented as a demonstration for the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

We consider a first-order autoregressive process when the autoregressive parameter β may vary over the entire real line. The standard bootstrap approximation to the sampling distribution of the least squares estimator of β is shown to converge weakly to a random (i.e., nondegenerate) limit for the usual choice of the bootstrap sample size when β equals 1 or −1. The bootstrap approximation, however, is asymptotically valid in probability, or even almost surely, for suitably selected resample sizes, whatever β may be.  相似文献   

Stochastic processes related to some generalized U-statistics (with especial emphasis on the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (WMW-) statistic), under progressive right censoring, are considered for prediction purposes. Their weak convergence results are incorporated in the study of the asymptotic properties of the predictors. The form of the estimable parameter as a function of the truncation point is studied for the WMW case for some typical distributions and the theoretical results are supplemented by simulated ones.  相似文献   

Traditional resampling methods for estimating sampling distributions sometimes fail, and alternative approaches are then needed. For example, if the classical central limit theorem does not hold and the naïve bootstrap fails, the m/n bootstrap, based on smaller-sized resamples, may be used as an alternative. An alternative to the naïve bootstrap, the sufficient bootstrap, which uses only the distinct observations in a bootstrap sample, is another recently proposed bootstrap approach that has been suggested to reduce the computational burden associated with bootstrapping. It works as long as naïve bootstrap does. However, if the naïve bootstrap fails, so will the sufficient bootstrap. In this paper, we propose combining the sufficient bootstrap with the m/n bootstrap in order to both regain consistent estimation of sampling distributions and to reduce the computational burden of the bootstrap. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic normality of the proposed method, and propose new values for the resample size m. We compare the proposed method with the naïve bootstrap, the sufficient bootstrap, and the m/n bootstrap by simulation.  相似文献   


We introduce some projected integrated empirical processes for testing the equality of two multivariate distributions. The bootstrap is used for determining the approximate critical values. We show that the bootstrap test is consistent. A number-theoretic method is used for efficient computation of the bootstrap critical values. Some simulation results are also given.  相似文献   

For simple random sampling (without replacement) from a finite population, suitable stochastic processes are constructed from the entire sequence of jackknife estimators based on smooth functions of U-statistics and these are approximated (in distributions) by some Brownian bridge processes. Strong convergence of the Tukey estimator of the variance of a jackknife U-statistic has been interpreted suitably and established. Some applications of these results in sequential analysis relating to finite population sampling are also considered.  相似文献   

Eunju Hwang 《Statistics》2017,51(4):844-861
This paper studies the stationary bootstrap applicability for realized covariations of high frequency asynchronous financial data. The stationary bootstrap method, which is characterized by a block-bootstrap with random block length, is applied to estimate the integrated covariations. The bootstrap realized covariance, bootstrap realized regression coefficient and bootstrap realized correlation coefficient are proposed, and the validity of the stationary bootstrapping for them is established both for large sample and for finite sample. Consistencies of bootstrap distributions are established, which provide us valid stationary bootstrap confidence intervals. The bootstrap confidence intervals do not require a consistent estimator of a nuisance parameter arising from nonsynchronous unequally spaced sampling while those based on a normal asymptotic theory require a consistent estimator. A Monte-Carlo comparison reveals that the proposed stationary bootstrap confidence intervals have better coverage probabilities than those based on normal approximation.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a general notion and presents results of bootstrapped empirical estimators of the semi-Markov kernels and of the conditional transition distributions for semi-Markov processes with countable state space, constructed by exchangeably weighting the sample. Our proposal provides a unification of bootstrap methods in the semi-Markov setting including, in particular, Efron's bootstrap. Asymptotic properties of these generalised bootstrapped empirical distributions are obtained, under mild conditions by a martingale approach. We also obtain some new results on the weak convergence of the empirical semi-Markov processes. We apply these general results in several statistical problems such as the construction of confidence bands and the goodness-of-fit tests where the limiting distributions are derived under the null hypothesis. Finally, we introduce the quantile estimators and their bootstrapped versions in the semi-Markov framework and we establish their limiting laws by using the functional delta methods. Our theoretical results and numerical examples by simulations demonstrate the merits of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

We establish the one-term Edgeworth expansion for various statistics related to Cox semipara-metric regression model when the covariate is one-dimensional and the observations are i.i.d. We show that the bootstrap approximation method is second-order correct. The second-order-correct estimates of the sampling distribution can be obtained without Monte Carlo simulation. We pay special attention to the Studentized version of the statistics and show that their distributions are different from those of the original statistics to order n  相似文献   

In the present paper we develop second-order theory using the subsample bootstrap in the context of Pareto index estimation. We show that the bootstrap is not second-order accurate, in the sense that it fails to correct the first term describing departure from the limit distribution. Worse than this, even when the subsample size is chosen optimally, the error between the subsample bootstrap approximation and the true distribution is often an order of magnitude larger than that oi tue asymptotic approximation. To overcome this deficiency, we show that an extrapolation method, based quite literally on a mixture of asymptotic and subsample bootstrap methods, can lead to second-order correct confidence intervals for the Pareto index.  相似文献   

In the context of a competing risks set-up, we discuss different inference procedures for testing equality of two cumulative incidence functions, where the data may be subject to independent right-censoring or left-truncation. To this end, we compare two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov- and Cramér–von Mises-type test statistics. Since, in general, their corresponding asymptotic limit distributions depend on unknown quantities, we utilize wild bootstrap resampling as well as approximation techniques to construct adequate test decisions. Here, the latter procedures are motivated from tests for heteroscedastic factorial designs but have not yet been proposed in the survival context. A simulation study shows the performance of all considered tests under various settings and finally a real data example about bloodstream infection during neutropenia is used to illustrate their application.  相似文献   

Standard algorithms for the construction of iterated bootstrap confidence intervals are computationally very demanding, requiring nested levels of bootstrap resampling. We propose an alternative approach to constructing double bootstrap confidence intervals that involves replacing the inner level of resampling by an analytical approximation. This approximation is based on saddlepoint methods and a tail probability approximation of DiCiccio and Martin (1991). Our technique significantly reduces the computational expense of iterated bootstrap calculations. A formal algorithm for the construction of our approximate iterated bootstrap confidence intervals is presented, and some crucial practical issues arising in its implementation are discussed. Our procedure is illustrated in the case of constructing confidence intervals for ratios of means using both real and simulated data. We repeat an experiment of Schenker (1985) involving the construction of bootstrap confidence intervals for a variance and demonstrate that our technique makes feasible the construction of accurate bootstrap confidence intervals in that context. Finally, we investigate the use of our technique in a more complex setting, that of constructing confidence intervals for a correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

We study the general linear model (GLM) with doubly exchangeable distributed error for m observed random variables. The doubly exchangeable general linear model (DEGLM) arises when the m-dimensional error vectors are “doubly exchangeable,” jointly normally distributed, which is a much weaker assumption than the independent and identically distributed error vectors as in the case of GLM or classical GLM (CGLM). We estimate the parameters in the model and also find their distributions. We show that the tests of intercept and slope are possible in DEGLM as a particular case using parametric bootstrap as well as multivariate Satterthwaite approximation.  相似文献   

Let g(x1,… , xk) be a symmetric function with k arguments. Let U be a U-statistic based on a random sample of size n with kernel function g . In this paper, the problem of estimating var(U) is considered. Several estimators are compared by computer simulations and we conclude that two estimators, one is constructed as a U-statistic and the other is the bootstrap estimator, give good estimates for many U-statistics.  相似文献   

The single bootstrap is implemented by using a saddlepoint approximation to determine estimates for the survival and hazard functions of first-passage times in complicated semi-Markov processes. The double bootstrap is also implemented by resampling saddlepoint inversions and provides BCa confidence bands for these functions. Confidence intervals for the mean and variance of first-passage times are easily computed. A new characterization of the asymptotic hazard rate for survival times is presented and leads to an indirect method for constructing its bootstrap confidence interval.  相似文献   

Block bootstrap methods are applied to kernel-type density estimator and its derivatives for ψ-weakly dependent processes. Nonparametric density estimation is discussed via moving block bootstrap (MBB) and disjoint block bootstrap (DBB). Asymptotic validity is proved for MBB and DBB. A Monte-Carlo experiment compares confidence intervals based on MBB and DBB with an existing method based on normal approximation (NA) in terms of serial correlation, dynamic asymmetry, and conditional heteroscedasticity. The experiment shows that, in cases of substantial serial correlation, MBB and DBB perform better than NA and, in the other cases, MBB and DBB perform as good as NA.  相似文献   

This paper examines the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of tests of equal forecast accuracy and encompassing applied to direct, multistep predictions from nested regression models. We first derive asymptotic distributions; these nonstandard distributions depend on the parameters of the data-generating process. We then use Monte Carlo simulations to examine finite-sample size and power. Our asymptotic approximation yields good size and power properties for some, but not all, of the tests; a bootstrap works reasonably well for all tests. The paper concludes with a reexamination of the predictive content of capacity utilization for inflation.  相似文献   

The rate of convergence in the central limit theorem and in the random central limit theorem for some functions of U-statistics are established. The theorems refer to the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence {g(Un),n≥1}, where g belongs to the class of all differentiable functions g such that g′εL(δ) and Un is a U-statistics.  相似文献   

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