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中国经济最发达的两个三角洲是粤港澳和苏浙沪,从2001年两地的经济业绩看,长三角洲增速较快,优势在于其产业结构较具长期竞争力,而珠三角的优势在于其金融资本的实力远超过其现有的经济实力,因此,广东经济工作的重点 应放在加速粤港澳联合以及加大对生态、基础设施、科教的投入等方面。  相似文献   

甘肃民族地区调整产业结构的工作起步早,进展快,收效大。这对促进民族地区经济全面、稳定、协调地发展,具有重要意义。调整产业结构的直接结果是:一、生产门路扩大;二、资源利用程度提高;三、劳动力的转移、物流、信息流速度加快;四、经济效益有所好转。但是,对于调整产业结构的重要性及其重大意义的认识并没有完全解决,所以,优化产业结构的任务还十分艰巨。本文就目前调整民族地区产业结构的几个问题,谈点浅见,供研究参考。  相似文献   

上海到本世纪末,要建成为开放型的和多功能的现代化经济中心,要实现国民生产总值翻两番的新战略目标,就必须相应地调整上海的产业结构。本文从上海的实际情况出发,根据新战略目标的要求,就上海产业结构调整的方向、途径以及调整的具体方案进行了分析和论证:(一)在工业内部结构的调整方面,要求提高电子等新兴工业的比重。调整方案提出新兴工业的比重要从1980年的4.6%上升到2000年的13.3%;并要大规模地改造传统工业,使上海的传统工业逐步转移到现代化技术基础之上。(二)在全部产业结构的调整方面,要大力发展第三产业,使上海不仅成为全国最大的工业基地,而且成为全国最繁荣的贸易中心、金融中心、科技中心和信息中心,使上海经济向多功能的方向转变。第三产业在国民生产总值中的比重应由目前的22%上升到2000午的35%左右。  相似文献   

刘静  罗佐宪 《唐都学刊》2004,20(6):95-98
西部地区作为一个重要区域,其产业结构的优化,不仅是西部地区各方面(经济、社会、资源与环境)协调发展的前提条件,更是全国产业结构优化的有机组成部分,是促进整个国民经济协调发展、各民族共同繁荣进步的重要保证。解放后,在不同的历史时期,由于国际国内诸多方面因素的影响,西部地区在全国产业结构总体布局中充当的角色也在不断地发生着变化,但其发展变化的轨迹并不是按照比较优势、规模经济和区域分工原则来运行的。  相似文献   

北京市产业结构与就业结构变动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对改革开放以来北京市产业结构和就业结构变动趋势的考察及对二者的关联性分析表明:北京市产业结构正向着有利于促进就业的方向发展,第三产业的快速发展极大的促进了就业扩张。但是,就业结构滞后于产业结构是影响北京市扩大就业的重要方面。因此,在继续调整产业结构促进就业的同时调整优化就业结构,合理配置劳动力资源,使之与经济结构的演进相协调,对于有效缓解北京市的就业压力,进而实现经济增长、结构优化、就业扩张的目标有着重要意义。  相似文献   

高等教育对经济增长贡献的定性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吕颖 《学术交流》2004,(5):88-90
教育与经济的相互关系,最初是从马克思的社会再生产理论中引申出来的,其在高等教育与经济发展的关系中表现得尤为充分。高等教育若适应经济发展的需要,就能很好地促进经济的发展,反之,就会起到消极作用。高等教育通过对GDP增长的直接贡献,在推动科技进步、培养高素质的劳动者、促进产业结构优化等方面对经济增长做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

本文认为,上海和香港的经济合作,在我国对外开放中有着重要的意义。上海在同香港合作的过程中要借鉴香港的经验,而要借鉴,就得比较。作者从产业结构入手,着重在经济功能上将上海与香港进行比较,寻找其问的比较优势,从中找出上海的差距。作者在借鉴香港成功经验的同时,还探索在改革与开放条件下,恢复上海作为中国和亚太地区重要贸易中心和金融中心的途径,並寻求上海与香港两大经济中心在“一国两制”下进一步进行跨体制、多层次经济合作的有效途径。  相似文献   

对我国城市转型的思路探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国的城市发展中存在资源短缺、环境污染、交通拥堵、垃圾围城、房价暴涨等问题;片面追求经济量的增长而忽视质的提升。我国城市发展正面临着全面转型,转型成为城市发展的重要问题。当前我国城市转型有六种思路:三个北京、后世博上海、创意城市、总部经济、浐灞范式和资源型城市。在城市转型过程中要注意复古与创新、转型与遗留、城市化与人口膨胀的三个关系。城市转型实施路径有:城镇化;分流需求;健康城市;调整产业结构,实施战略性新兴产业等。  相似文献   

王可达 《探求》2006,(2):56-60,41
加快产业结构调整,促进产业结构优化升级,是经济结构战略性调整的核心。文章根据广州经济社会发展进入新阶段的新形势,在分析产业结构优化重要意义和广州产业结构优化制约因素的基础上,着重对促进广州产业结构优化的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

80年代我国虽然没有明确提出市场经济体制的概念,但整个经济活动中的市场化程度已相当高,消费结构的转换已对产业结构调整起着决定性拉动作用。随着90年代我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,这种趋势将会愈益明显。本文从这一基本观点出发,在回顾分析80年代上海产业结构调整与消费结构转换的相关性的基础上,进一步探讨90年代我国消费结构的演进趋势,并据此探讨上海产业结构调整的思路和方向。  相似文献   

The current study seeks to understand the nature of gender relations within a post‐Soviet welfare model in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia. On the basis of the analysis of key labour market indicators, parental leave, and childcare policies, it finds that the welfare models in the three countries are hybrid, and neither authoritarianism in Kazakhstan and Russia nor democracy in Mongolia lead to substantive gender equality outcomes. Persistent gender inequality in these countries is underpinned by the neo‐liberal approach to welfare provision, conservative social norms, and limited agency of civil society to influence the policy agenda. Nonetheless, these states have distributed to the population with an emphasis on working mothers, and this policy choice has been driven by economic, demographic, and political considerations, which ultimately serve to support, rather than transform, the patriarchal power structure in these societies.  相似文献   

This article explored the concepts of resilience, equal opportunity, and coping within a person-process-context model among urban Black adolescents in the US. Data were obtained from narrative accounts and interviews among 20 pregnant and 16 nonpregnant Black female adolescents aged 17 and 19 years. Respondents were recruited from prenatal and family planning clinics of a large metropolitan hospital and were representative of a low-income community with many female household heads and at-risk behaviors. The instruments included a 24-item structured interview of demographic data, and the 56 item semi-structured Pregnancy Adulthood Negotiation of Status Interview (PANSI). The interview elicited responses based on concrete experience, dialogue for assessing knowledge, and an ethic of caring and personal accountability. Contextual analysis revealed seven themes: adulthood preparation, role model formulation, decision-making, protective sensibility, sex and gender role commitment, opportunity mobility, and mate selection. All females shared similar demographics. Most resided in female-headed households and were high school graduates. The subsample differed in behaviors and attitudes on church affiliation, college attendance, registered voter status, sense of care and protection of self and others, self expectancies of social mobility, dating, and mate selection. Nonpregnant females were more likely to have part-time work experience and have mothers with post-high school achievement. Low-income nonpregnant adolescents were effective contraceptors and had social mobility aspirations. Narratives suggest that nonpregnant adolescents had an inner strength and belief, and commitment to advancement of career and vocational goals. The affiliations acted as social supports. These women used skillful coping mechanisms. Clinical social workers should reinforce resilience and work values.  相似文献   


This study examined cultural and religious beliefs, death anxiety, denial, and medical treatment preferences in end-of-life care in a sample of social work students, community residents, and medical students in a mid-western city of 49,000. Results indicated that most social work students, community residents, and medical students preferred palliative as opposed to life-prolonging care during terminal illness. The three groups differed in cultural and religious beliefs and all three reported a moderate amount of death anxiety. Students reported less denial of terminality than community residents. Implications for personal and professional preparation to provide end-of-life care are discussed.  相似文献   

This article, using data on 2,083 counties in 1995, tests the environmental racism/classism hypotheses and concludes that both have merit, however, specific findings demonstrate that the relationships are more complex than heretofore reported. Class and race relationships are conditional: while high social class reduces the level of toxic releases, it does so by moderating the relationship between fiscal capacity, pollution potential and this environmental harm. Further, while toxic releases increase as a function of the Black population, this relationship is stronger in the Sunbelt.  相似文献   

Conflict situations were studied as indicators of children's socio-cognitive knowledge and the transmission of values in relation to negotiation. Concepts and paradigms from studies of requests were combined with those from studies of refusals. Puppets were used to create situations that varied (a) as to whether the child makes a request and encounters opposition (requests) or receives a request and offers opposition (refusals), (b) whether the adult offers or does not offer a reason. Children aged 3–5 years (Sample 1, N = 24; Sample 2, N = 24) were encouraged to make a series of attempts at resolving the conflict. Their responses were scored for the level of politeness or strategic skill shown. Request situations elicited higher levels of politeness and strategic skill than did refusal situations. In contrast to disputes in which the other party did not use reasons, the use of a reason by the other party elicited higher level strategies and, when the children were refusing, greater politeness. Some children were able to improve on their first attempt. The improvement was most marked when children were requesting and the adult gave a reason.  相似文献   

美学是一门感性学.从这种学科的独特规定看,所谓的审美即是审形象,美的历史就是世界为人呈现形象的历史.那么,形象是如何产生的?自康德以来的西方美学,以及当代中国的主体论美学,对这一问题的认识基本上是围绕事物的表象与主体建构的关系展开的,即:人是万物的赋形者.形象的主观性就是它的审美性.但是在中国古典美学中,这种看法却值得商榷.比如对于中周道家而言,物不是僵死的客体,而是内蕴生命的有机体.这种包蕴牛命动能的物具有向形象开显的内部潜能.同时,除人之外,自然本身也存在着为物赋形的力量.如风与光.这种"物自显象"的观点,搁置了美学研究中无所不在的主体因素,将美置于自然物"本已的坚固性中".于此,"人化"不再成为自然向美生成的唯一因素,对象自身的审美价值得到了肯定.  相似文献   

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