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从族群与国家认同矛盾看阿拉伯国家的国内冲突 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在阿拉伯世界,族群、国家、民族、宗教多元认同的存在决定了阿拉伯国家的国家认同深受多元认同的困扰。本文主要探讨了种族、语言、宗教、教派等族群认同对阿拉伯国家认同的挑战,分析了阿拉伯国家族群冲突的四种主要形态:权力分割族裔化而引发的国内冲突;权力垄断族裔化而引发的国内冲突;主体民族与少数民族族裔群体的冲突;跨界族群寻求自治与独立引发的冲突。阿拉伯国家的族群冲突反映了阿拉伯民族国家建构存在的问题和遭遇的挫折。 相似文献
自80年代以来,随着阿拉伯各国科学技术的不断发展,利用本国潜力极大的各类资源已成为阿拉伯各国发展国民经济,增加外汇收入的重要途径之一。提起椰枣,人们自然会想到伊拉克。因为伊拉克椰枣质量之佳,种类之多,出口量之大,举世闻名。伊拉克人栽种枣椰已有5000年历史。据 相似文献
族群认同是内部求同与外部求异的综合,旅游的开展为族群认同的增强提供了很好的契机。佤族在历史发展过程中在服饰、饮食、建筑、信仰与节事等方面有了一套族群认同要素,以此开发佤族民族文化旅游,既可带来经济利益,又是实现族群重建、增强族群认同的重要途径。 相似文献
民族国家是现代世界的基本政治单位,而民族国家大多是多族群国家。众多族群在历史发展中总会因某种原因而发生冲突,族群冲突是现代国家面临的挑战,也是学术界研究民族政治的重要议题之一。在以往的研究中,学者经常从定性分析的角度对族群冲突进行分析,这种定性分析具有一定的科学性,但是也需要一些数据分析,而Ethnic Power Relations(种族权力关系数据库)在研究族群政治与冲突之数据分析、族群叛乱、族群排斥政策与内战及武装冲突与战争方面比较完善,为研究族群政治和冲突的学者们提供了大数据和可视化分析。本文将从族群政治和冲突的定性分析入手,引出数据库在数据分析、族群叛乱、族群排斥政策与内战及武装冲突与战争方面的优势分析。 相似文献
2007年世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会已在中国圆满落幕。阿拉伯国家对特奥会表现出空前的热情,来自19个阿拉伯国家的594名运动员和教练员参加了11个项目的比赛,阿拉伯社会正在逐步形成支持、参与特奥,关心、帮助智障人士,促进社会文明、和谐的共识。 相似文献
2007年世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会已在中国圆满落幕.阿拉伯国家对特奥会表现出空前的热情,来自19个阿拉伯国家的594名运动员和教练员参加了11个项目的比赛,阿拉伯社会正在逐步形成支持,参与特奥,关心,帮助智障人士,促进社会文明,和谐的共识. 相似文献
阿拉伯国家现代化历程中的特点 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
始于17世纪的阿拉伯国家现代化历程有若干显著特点,如外源性的现代化道路、鲜明的伊斯兰特色、急剧的跳跃性变革、二元性的结构模式、多渠道的发展模式和连续性的宗教传统变革等几方面.正确分析这些特点,对我们理解阿拉伯国家的现代化发展具有重要意义. 相似文献
基于阿拉伯民族主义共同利益,阿拉伯国家均支持巴勒斯坦人事业,这为巴勒斯坦人的长期斗争提供了可能。然而,在支持巴勒斯坦人的同时,阿拉伯各国又有着不同的利益考量,这对巴勒斯坦问题产生了一些消极影响。阿拉伯国家对巴勒斯坦问题的政策,在深层次上反映了阿拉伯民族主义和地方阿拉伯民族主义之间的关系,即阿拉伯民族主义往往是实现地方阿拉伯民族主义利益的一种工具或手段。 相似文献
阿拉伯国家支持巴勒斯坦事业的双重性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于阿拉伯民族主义共同利益,阿拉伯国家均支持巴勒斯坦人事业,这为巴勒斯坦人的长期斗争提供了可能.然而,在支持巴勒斯坦人的同时,阿拉伯各国又有着不同的利益考量,这对巴勒斯坦问题产生了一些消极影响.阿拉伯国家对巴勒斯坦问题的政策,在深层次上反映了阿拉伯民族主义和地方阿拉伯民族主义之间的关系,即阿拉伯民族主义往往是实现地方阿拉伯民族主义利益的一种工具或手段. 相似文献
当前,经济全球化在阿拉伯国家引起了巨大反响,它们的经济条件与全球化游戏规则的要求之间还存在一定的差距,对少数仍处于经济困境中的国家来说,全球化是一种强大的压力。现在大多数的阿拉伯国家都在进行经济调整和改革,以加快经济发展步伐,把握机遇,积极应对经济全球化的冲击。 相似文献
7世纪后,阿拉伯人逐渐从一盘散沙和蒙昧中走了出来,在伊斯兰教的旗帜下团结了起来,阿拉伯意识渐渐在阿拉伯人中形成;后经数百年与入侵者特别是与西方殖民主义统治的斗争,阿拉伯民族最终觉醒,形成今日的阿拉伯世界. 相似文献
7世纪后,阿拉伯人逐渐从一盘散沙和蒙昧中走了出来,在伊斯兰教的旗帜下团结了起来,阿拉伯意识渐渐在阿拉伯人中形成:后经数百年与入侵者特别是与西方殖民主义统治的斗争,阿拉伯民族最终觉醒,形成今日的阿拉伯世界。 相似文献
One of the most established approaches to explain attitudes toward immigration is group conflict theory. However, even though the theory was articulated in dynamic terms, previous research has almost exclusively tested it through cross‐sectional analyses. The aim of this study is to disentangle the dynamic character of ethnic competition from more permanent determinants of ethnic threat. The findings show that a remarkable variation of concern over immigration, usually attributed to permanent positions of economic vulnerability, disappears when within‐person variation is modeled. In line with a dynamic approach of ethnic competition, becoming unemployed or being laid off increases concern over immigration. This effect is independent of social class. 相似文献
This study investigates the consequences of Asian women's intermarriage—whether it is associated with higher social standing and lower ethnic identity, using data on Asian women (N = 589) from the National Latino and Asian American Survey (NLAAS). The socioeconomic status of partners of women who intermarried and partners of women who married men of the same ethnicity are compared. The potential associations between intermarriage and two subjective measures—ethnic identity and perceived social standing—are explored. The study rejects the hypothesis based on the conventional belief that Asian women in the United States find “better” partners with higher socioeconomic status from other racial or ethnic groups. The findings support the view that marital assimilation leads to identificational assimilation and demonstrate that intermarriage is not associated with higher perceived social standing. The results suggest that educational and occupational endogamy plays a larger role in Asian women's intermarriage than social exchange. 相似文献
《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(3-4):131-167
AbstractTo varying degrees, parents who adopt children from China attempt to bring Chinese people, language, and culture into daily life as a way to help their adopted children feel proud about their ethnic heritage. Do attempts to provide bi-cultural socialization really influence ethnic identity? And, if so, what are the costs and benefits? In this article we draw on a longitudinal study of families with children adopted from China to describe their pre-teen and teenage daughters' orientations toward Chinese identity. The results indicate that Chinese ethnicity is an important component of adolescent identity for many adoptees, and that the odds of its being important are directly related to bi-cultural socialization influences within and outside of the family. Chinese ethnic identity does not appear to compromise the importance of American identity or closeness with family members who are not of Chinese descent. However, it does have the potential to magnify feelings of loss of birth parents and distress associated with pre-adoption histories in China. 相似文献
Jordan Soliz Allison R. Thorson Christine E. Rittenour 《Journal of marriage and the family》2009,71(4):819-832
Guided by the Common Ingroup Identity Model ( S. L. Gaertner & J. F. Dovidio, 2000 ) and Communication Accommodation Theory ( C. Shepard, H. Giles, & B. A. LePoire, 2001 ), we examined the role of identity accommodation, supportive communication, and self‐disclosure in predicting relational satisfaction, shared family identity, and group salience in multiracial/ethnic families. Additionally, we analyzed the association between group salience and relational outcomes as well as the moderating roles of multiracial/ethnic identity and marital status. Individuals who have parents from different racial/ethnic groups were invited to complete questionnaires on their family experiences. Participants (N = 139) answered questions about relationships with mothers, fathers, and grandparents. The results of the multilevel modeling analyses are discussed in terms of implications for understanding multiracial/ethnic families and family functioning. 相似文献