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新型农村合作医疗和特困人口医疗救助相结合的制度建设   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
农村医疗救助制度的覆盖面是占农村5%的特困人口,归属民政部门管理;新型农村合作医疗制度的参合率一般都在85%左右,归属卫生部门管理。这两个制度在运作过程中的结合模式,既要有效地降低制度结合后的运行成本,让特困人口能够享受到更多的住院补偿;还要有利于两个政府部门的工作协调。经过3年试点的探索,已经产生了较好的结合模式。  相似文献   

使用CFPS 2010和CFPS 2014家庭面板数据,以开通公路和公交作为准自然实验,研究了交通基础设施对农户人力资本投资的影响。基于PSM-DID方法的结果表明:通过增收效应和文化冲击等途径,交通基础设施能够显著改善农户的教育观;进而促进农户提高物质和非物质人力资本投资;这有利于端正农村青少年的学习态度,并最终有利于提高农村青少年学业成绩。所以应继续加强城乡间交通基础设施建设,以激发农户和农村青少年对教育的内生追求动力,促进农村人力资本积累。这不仅有利于推动教育公平,也有利于为“三农”注入内生发展动力,具有一定的社会和经济意义。  相似文献   

农村社会保障的若干问题   总被引:83,自引:1,他引:82  
刘书鹤 《人口研究》2001,25(5):35-42
农村社会保障制度发展滞后是社会主义中国的最大缺憾 ;农村社会保障的根本特点不容扭曲 ,其内涵有必要明确 ;现行“农村社会养老保险”和农村合作医疗要改革要改进 ;农村农民的失业风险产生并加剧 ;农村社会保障资金的来源渠道要开拓 ;农村要建立有利于计划生育的社会保障体系  相似文献   

熊正贤 《西北人口》2009,30(2):42-45,49
重庆区域经济呈现以下几个特征:区县差异悬殊、地带性差异显著、直辖以来,绝对差异扩大,但相对差异在波动中缩小。与此同时,重庆劳动力呈现大规模转移,一方面是三峡百万移民;另一方面是农村劳动力的大规模输出.总计规模达千万。劳动力大规模的转移对重庆区域经济产生深远影响,第一,有利于减轻三峡库区生态承栽压力和居民就业压力,提高人均GDP水平;第二,有利于提高库区居民的平均收入水平,缩小重庆区域经济差异;第三,有利于提高农村劳动力整体素质,缩小地区间人力资本差异。  相似文献   

利用重点生态功能区北京市延庆区的1279个农村劳动力的调查数据,借助二元logit模型,基于农村地区自我发展能力的视角,分析了两大类生态补偿项目对农村劳动力转移就业的影响.研究结果表明:岗位类生态补偿项目本身提供的劳动岗位质量不高,而且减弱了参与者进一步拓宽就业渠道的主动性;耕地类和林地类生态补偿项目压缩了农业生产规模,使得参与者的农业生产活动减少,同时其转移就业的可能性没有显著提高.长期来看,目前的生态补偿项目实施方式可能造成劳动力剩余和土地复耕问题.  相似文献   

中国农村人口数量的减少,是中国工业化、城市化的必然结果之一,有利于缓解农村人口过多的压力,有利于“三农”问题的解决,是我国经济发展、社会进步在人口领域的反映,农村人口数量与结构的变化与农村社会经济发展具有一定的互动性。  相似文献   

2008年以来,福建省东山县委、县政府进一步落实计生惠民政策,完善利益导向机制,营造有利于人口计生工作的良好社会氛围:一是落实独生子女和二女结扎户法定奖金;二是落实农村双女户节育奖励金制度;三是落实农村双女户及独女户“安居工程”补助制度;  相似文献   

1村级区划调整的宏观背景村级区划调整是我国农村继乡镇区划调整之后的又一项重大改革。导致这项改革的主要原因是:随着农村市场经济体制的建立、乡镇建制的调整和农村税费改革等步伐的加快,现有建制村格局与不合理的问题日渐明显,特别是乡镇财政缺口问题以及其他行政管理问题等,都迫切需要在现有制度安排下进行制度环境的进一步创新,即在乡镇区划调整之后进一步调整村级区划结构。这项改革将村级制度进一步纳入法制化轨道,是深化农村改革的重大步骤,必将有利于农村经济发展,有利于农民减负,也有利于巩固农村基层政权和促进农村社会的稳定。…  相似文献   

中国农村老年人的社会保障   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文对近期中国农村老年人的养老保障状况进行了分析。认为在现有的收入水平下,传统的家庭养老保障制度给老年人提供了较好的保障。但由于出生率下降,今后家庭养老保障将无法维持,需要建立正规的社会保障制度以满足农村老年人的需要;现行的农村养老保险项目需要进行改革;对农村居民托付的养老基金,政府应明确承诺正的实际回报率,以保证投保人的利益和吸引更多的人参加养老保险项目。本文还提出应对目前的土地制度进行改革,使老年农民能够利用出租或转让土地得到的收入弥补养老金的不足。  相似文献   

青海省大通回族土族自治县成功地实施了联合国人口基金援助的生殖健康/计划生育项目。在经济文化发展滞后的少数民族地区引进外援项目如何同当地实际相结合,如何既遵循项目宗旨、目标,又相互促进,大通县的经验作法给人们以启示以思考。  相似文献   

李忆春  高新才 《南方人口》2006,21(3):46-51,45
本文利用甘肃中部地区10个贫困县的调查资料,重点研究了农村妇女身体素质、文化素质与农村生态环境之间的相互关系。研究结果表明,半干旱地区恶化的水环境和农业环境以及较差的庭院卫生等对农村妇女身体素质都有明显的负面影响,而农村妇女低下的文化素质对农村生态环境的保护也有不同程度的制约。因此,农村妇女素质提高与生态环境的改善是相辅相成的关系。  相似文献   

论建立多层次农村医疗保障体系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着医疗卫生体制的市场化改革和农村合作医疗的解体 ,农民失去了最基本的医疗保健 ,农民健康问题日益突出。合作医疗并不具有普遍适用性 ,不可能再成为新时期农村医疗保障制度的主要形式。应因地制宜 ,根据当地的经济发展水平灵活选择医疗保障模式 ,不能拘泥于千篇一律的模式 ,徒劳地寻求一劳永逸的模式 ,应该建立多层次的农村医疗保障体系。应特别强调国家在解决农民医疗保障问题上的重大责任 ,国家需要在农民医疗保障的制度设计和财政投入方面 ,采取更加积极的态度和措施  相似文献   

The poor quality and meagre supply of data prohibit conclusions as to the relationship of health status to rural-urban residence in underdeveloped countries. Demographic indicators of health, specifically infant mortality and average life expectancy, do not seem to vary systematically according to rural-urban residence in the less developed countries ofAsia, Africa and Latin America. Further differences between rural and urban areas in availability of health services and facilities do not always conform with apparent differences between the areas in health status. However, nutritional standards, housing conditions, and sanitation, water supply and other pertinent environmental circumstances account to some extent for differences observed in health status between rural and urban inhabitants of these countries.  相似文献   

Continued population growth and increasing urbanization have led to the formation of large informal urban settlements in many developing countries in recent decades. The high prevalence of poverty, overcrowding, and poor sanitation observed in these settlements—commonly referred to as “slums”—suggests that slum residence constitutes a major health risk for children. In this article, we use data from 191 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) across 73 developing countries to investigate this concern empirically. Our results indicate that children in slums have better health outcomes than children living in rural areas yet fare worse than children in better-off neighborhoods of the same urban settlements. A large fraction of the observed health differences appears to be explained by pronounced differences in maternal education, household wealth, and access to health services across residential areas. After we control for these characteristics, children growing up in the slums and better-off neighborhoods of towns show levels of morbidity and mortality that are not statistically different from those of children living in rural areas. Compared with rural children, children living in cities (irrespective of slum or formal residence) fare better with respect to mortality and stunting but not with respect to recent illness episodes.  相似文献   

中国的人口素质逆淘汰问题不仅是多学科的研究对象,而且是学术界争论的焦点。本文从城乡不同的生育率是造成人口素质逆淘汰的原因出发,采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,指出静态社会中的确存在人口素质逆淘汰,但城镇化不仅控制了人口数量,而且提高了人口素质,因此,加大高等教育的投入和改善医疗卫生条件等提高我国人口素质的根本途径应和推进城镇化相结合,才能达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

康红梅  杨文健 《西北人口》2012,33(2):68-73,78
农民工属于我国底层社会群体中一个重要组成部分。从事环卫职业的农民工面临多方面的社会排斥,其职业集体身份呈现"污名化"的特点。在这个背景下,这个群体建构个体职业身份主要从以下两个维度进行:即对环卫职业集体身份的认知、评价以及对自身和环卫职业集体身份之间关系的认知、评价。这两个维度之间交错变化使环卫业农民工在建构个体职业身份时表现出三种不同的类型,即积极融入型、矛盾冲突型和消极逃避型。剖析环卫业农民工个体职业身份的建构类型有利于我们培养环卫业农民工对环卫职业的认同感和归属感,有利于环卫业农民工的城市融入和市民化进程,有利于促进城市现代化发展与和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

Lack of access to potable water and good sanitation is still one of the most challenging public health concerns of the twenty-first century despite steady progress over recent decades. Almost a billion people globally lack access to safe water; over two billion live without adequate sanitation facilities. The challenge is even more daunting for Sub-Saharan Africa where coverage levels for both potable water and sanitation remain critically low. The urgent need to address the issue calls for adequate understanding of the socio-economic dimensions. Using the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, we investigated the socio-economic and demographic factors associated with access to potable water and improved sanitation facilities. Our generalized linear models reveal that income, education, household size, and region are significant predictors of improved water and sanitation access. Our discussion and conclusion sections highlight the implications of the study results for water policy formulation and implementation in Ghana, and broadly for other developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyses poverty reduction in Bhutan between two points in time—2003 and 2007—from a multidimensional perspective. The measures estimated include consumption expenditure as well as other indicators which are directly (when possible) or indirectly associated to valuable functionings, namely, health, education, access to electricity, safe water, improved sanitation, enough room per person in dwelling, access to roads and land ownership. Interestingly, most of these indicators have been identified as sources of happiness in the 2007 Gross National Happiness Survey. Twelve different measures are estimated with a variety of values for the different parameters involved for robustness analysis. Also, estimates are bootstrapped creating 95 % confidence intervals. We find that over the study period there was an unambiguous reduction in multidimensional poverty regardless of the indicators’ weights, deprivation cutoffs and identification criterion of the poor. This reduction was mainly led by a reduction in the proportion of the poor which was accompanied by a reduction in the intensity of poverty among those who were less intensively poor, although not among those who were more intensively poor. Rather than accomplishing this poverty reduction by improving achievements in one or two indicators, there were significant reductions in several deprivations, especially in access to roads, electricity, water, sanitation, and education. We also find that when income alone is used to target the poor, inclusion errors are marginal but exclusion errors are sizeable. Despite Bhutan’s significant progress, challenges remain as poverty is still high in rural areas. A multidimensional measure in the lines proposed in this paper can prove useful for monitoring poverty reduction, prioritizing groups and evaluating upon investment.  相似文献   

Studies of rural-urban location decisions traditionally used ana priori definition of rural/urban based on population size. A group of 29 physicians (study group) practising in communities of less than 10 000, that were part of a larger sample, perceived their communities as ‘urban’. A matched group of physicians (control group) in the same communities, who perceived the communities as ‘rural’, was selected. The research question raised was: Are there personal and professional factors that could reliably predict the perception of rural and urban? A logistic regression analysis was done using professional and personal satisfaction items as predictors of the two groups. The analysis gives some evidence that, once the effect of community size is removed, the perception of rural urban can be explained by satisfaction with the following: (i) access to specialist expertise, (ii) quality of education for children, (iii) quality of life for children and (iv) quality of housing; satisfaction with size of community was not a significant predictor of rural/urban perception.  相似文献   

Income and Beyond: Multidimensional Poverty in Six Latin American Countries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies multidimensional poverty for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico and Uruguay for the period 1992–2006. The approach overcomes the limitations of the two traditional methods of poverty analysis in Latin America (income-based and unmet basic needs) by combining income with five other dimensions: school attendance for children, education of the household head, sanitation, water and shelter. The results allow a fuller understanding of the evolution of poverty in the selected countries. Over the study period, El Salvador, Brazil, Mexico and Chile experienced significant reductions in multidimensional poverty. In contrast, in urban Uruguay there was a small reduction in multidimensional poverty, while in urban Argentina the estimates did not change significantly. El Salvador, Brazil and Mexico, and rural areas of Chile display significantly higher and more simultaneous deprivations than urban areas of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In all countries, deprivation in access to proper sanitation and education of the household head are the highest contributors to overall multidimensional poverty.  相似文献   

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