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From supervision to mediation and vice versaMediation in organizations becomes more and more important because of increasing conflicts. The question is, which competencies of the counsellor are necessary, and above all, whether mediation is a particular method. The author explains the method of mediation and illustrates his concept of “patchwork-mediation”. This procedure allows to build a bridge between supervision and mediation.  相似文献   

Adam Smith as a Professor for moral philosophy didn’t intend to enforce immorality on the markets. But after a while he realized, that his concept of empathy wasn’t sufficient. Publishing his “Inquiry” he made the “Interest” to the inner movement of the “sympathy”. In this way he knitted together the personal “Interest” with the “Interest” of the society, not only economically but in morals too. And the “Interest” of society, the public welfare, had to enforce the wealth of the Nation, by being just and fair in the sense of Aristoteles. But to Deism belongs the tendency to relieve from religious beliefs as well as from virtues and values. And thus people began to think later, they had only to rely on “godless” laws of nature in economics too. That made the economic market-concept of Adam Smith drift to Manchester liberalism. At last that enforced the “selfinterest” to an unacceptable immoral “selfishness”, what Smith didn’t aim to and what would destroy the ethical foundation of his thinking. In the meantime it had become evident that markets don’t simple work after quasi laws of nature, but are in the need of a spiritual foundation. To that every market-participant must be invited on and on.  相似文献   

Coaches are currently coming under enhanced competitive pressure. As a result, an increasing number of tools is emerging which are intended to serve as indicators of augmented professional expertise. Facing this development, a contrary assumption is submitted: tools are indicative of, but not necessarily equivalent to quality. Tools therefore need to be involved in a broader frame of reference. The present paper describes and explains this frame of reference and the related classifications. The first step is to consider the question of whether obtaining knowledge of as many tools as possible is sufficient to perform successful coaching. Secondly, guiding principles for the coach are outlined which may serve as a code of conduct while representing the frame of reference at the same time. Thirdly, this approach is directly linked to the model of the four cardinal virtues (prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance) and scrutinized for the results that might be obtained by the coach at work. Finally, supplements to current professional trainings are proposed.  相似文献   

This research explores with the help of pretest-posttest-design with two repeated measures, control group and 19 clients, whether a Life Coaching can change a life dissatisfaction. As a result, dissatisfaction decreased in 81% of the clients or terminate completely. Stressors were reduced by 100% (T(11) = 4; p < 0.005), strains were reduced by 88%. A significant decline of the emotional-cognitive strains by 89% (T(13) = 0; p < 0.005) was noticed. The stress load all over was significantly lower (T(13) = 20; p < 0.05). It exists a within-subjects effect between intervention and one of the subscales, F(1.24) = 5.776, p = 0.024.  相似文献   

Considerations on the design of a professional education of counselorsSome of the recently published articles about supervision-professionalizing are reflecting only sociological or psychological conceptions in order to describe and analyze professionality. In this article the authors discuss some of the mostly neglected points of view out of pedagogic and microsociologic professionalization-research (professional self, researching attitude). The existing requests of competence for supervisors are examined in order to test their teaching ability. Furthermore the content designs and didactic strategies for future counselor’s education are considered.  相似文献   

This article shows how the method of success teams developed in the US is particularly suited to counter the challenges inherent to the PhD process. The team members’ progress in their respective fields of expertise is facilitated by the development and enhancement of key skills through the peer coaching process. The author systematizes the different key skills, describes the method with regards to an academic context and discusses the responsibilities of the accompanying coach. The results were validated by an accompanying study of 21 doctoral success teams (2003–2008) initiated and coached by the author at universities, graduate schools and as part of mentoring programs.  相似文献   

Support of self-support in the workplace of women. Examples of the work of the gender equality unit of the City of Munich The structures of organizations and of co-operation in the workplace are gendered. To plan successfully their career advancement, women should analyze the gendered framework of their workplace and include the facts in their strategic considerations. Women who visit the gender equality unit of the City of Munich with problems in the workplace are oriented in this direction. This paper gives a short introduction in the idea of counselling. The implementation is illustrated by four examples. Case work is complementary to a strategic approach developing employment equality for women.  相似文献   

Development of competence by supervision in automotive industryAs a result of problems with the implementation of teamwork in the production processes a car manufacturing company decided to install training activities for the technical management. The author who participated in this training program, describes in which way a psychodrama oriented supervision was implemented as a specific learning process.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Forschungsschwerpunkte: Investition, Finanzierung, interne und externe Rechnungslegung.  相似文献   

Following a historical and sociological introduction into the special subject of profession the contribution discusses the niveau of the professionalization of coaching. While the development of the expertise and the organisational level has achieved obvious progress the definition of jurisdiction remains still unclear. A look at the development of coaching in the context of the New Capitalisms shows a connection between the de-professionalization in many working areas and a complementary differentiation and professionalization of extra-functional competences. The professionalization of Coaching and other new forms of reflexive counselling are linked to this development. Although the classical model of profession has become weaker the clarifying of jurisdiction and the autonomy are still remaining the decisive challenges of professional work. As to both aspects the contribution provides an outlook.  相似文献   

The kind of interdependencies between decentralized departments determines the objective of coordination as well as the applicability of several coordination instruments. This paper examines two decentralized departments of one company joining a cross-firm value network with existing sales interdependencies. It compares a contribution margin based, a revenue based and a quantity based compensatory payment as coordination instruments for inducing efficient quantity and investment decisions. As a general result, conditions are identified for which ordained coordination instruments dominate other mechanisms with respect to the expected firm wide profit.  相似文献   

A resolution to conflicts between the participators of family businesses can hardly be achieved by implementing the common judicial methods of conflict resolution. The duplicity of the relationships between the persons involved necessitates modifications of the instruments of conflict resolution. This paper gives a review of methods suitable for avoiding and resolving conflicts between the participators of family businesses.  相似文献   

Staff appraisal interviews as a support of coping with a crisis. A case study The implementation of personnel development by launching a pilot project with staff appraisal interviews was part of a change-management process in a non-profit-organisation. This should be a way of supporting employees during this process. Those employees who took part in this project evaluated this management instrument positively. After that this instrument has been introduced for the whole organisation.  相似文献   

Some comments on the professionalization of coaching with regard to the classical concept ?profession“ In the current discussions on the professionalization of coaching the concept ?profession“ often is not clear. Therefore, the author first delineates the classical concept of profession and its main criterions. He then discusses the question whether these criterions are present in coaching and whether coaching may or should be conceived as an independent profession. Considering the tendencies of deprofessionalization in the traditional professions, it seems to be meaningful to understand coaching as a profession, but with a revised theoretical concept of profession: Particularly concerning the necessary scientific orientation it demands an interdisciplinarity instead of a fixed corpus of knowledge. The professionality of the practitioner means an orientation on general values and concepts of understanding and acting and is a central aspect of quality of coaching.  相似文献   

In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues zweistufiges Verfahren zur Flie?bandabstimmung mit praxisrelevanten Nebenbedingungen (GALBP), wie parallelen Stationen, Stationssynergien, Verfahrensalternativen, Zuordnungsrestriktionen und u-f?rmiger Anordnung pr?sentiert. Im Gegensatz zu bekannten Verfahren l?sst sich das hier vorgestellte Vorgehen flexibel an unterschiedliche Nebenbedingungen anpassen. Es werden nicht nur einzelne der genannten Erweiterungen herausgegriffen; vielmehr k?nnen sie in beliebiger Zusammenstellung kombiniert werden.  相似文献   

The author picks up a model of the philosopher Martin Seel on the ?four dimensions of activity“ in human life, and he develops a pragmatic concept of work-life-balance. These dimensions are: (1) Work as purposeful activity, (2) interaction as dealing with a human other, (3) play as activity which has the purpose in itself, (3) contemplation as non-dialogical interaction with an object. After some considerations on the postmodern working culture and on the concept of work-life-balance, these dimensions are delineated in detail and explained in their relatedness. Successful life requires that all dimensions are available. A questionnaire may help a coachee to reconsider and eventually to modify his life style.  相似文献   

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