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体育文化是整个社会文化的重要组成部分,它与德育、智育和美育融为一体,以强身健体、娱乐身心、终身体育锻炼为目的,是校园体育活动中学生参与体育活动过程中文化素养的反映。因此,构建浓厚的校园体育文化对校园体育发展具有重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   

广西高职学生课外体育活动现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁源  沈桂萍  欧健华  黄剑 《职业时空》2008,4(6):132-132
课外体育活动是指学生在体育课以外从事体育锻炼的总和,它以发展身体、增强体质、丰富业余文化生活为目的,是学生学习生活中的重要组成部分,也是保证学生体育任务完成的重要手段。大学生课外体育活动作为体育教学的延伸是高校体育的重要组成部分,对于进一步增强学生体质、提高健康水平、培养大学生终身体育意识和习惯具有重要作用。  相似文献   

体育作为一门运动型教学课程,其教学内容为通过跑步、跳远和体操等一系列的体育活动来保证学生拥有一个健康的身体,保证学生德智体全面发展。在体育锻炼过程中以学生为主,其通过身体来完成各项活动。对于长期呆在教室的学生而言确实是一项不小的挑战,为此在体育的授课过程中,体育教师起着非常关键的作用,教师在授课过程中要把学生的安全放在首位,在保证学生不受伤的前提下完成教学内容。  相似文献   

曲贵田 《现代交际》2014,(4):142-142
体育教育是教育的组成部分,是通过身体活动和其他一些辅助性手段进行的有目的、有计划、有组织的教育过程。体育教育本身是一个完整的体系,分为普通体育教育和专门体育教育两大类。其基本特征是突出的教育性和教学性。体育教育以教学为主要途径,以课堂教学或专门性辅导为主要形式,以身体练习和卫生保健为主要手段。体育教育渗透着认知教育、情感教育和人格教育。作为一名体育教师,要对学生的一生负责,这就要求体育教师要成为一名有知识、有感情、有人格魅力的教师。在这里,我从以下几点出发,谈谈为师者在教学中应该怎样为师。  相似文献   

黄龑 《现代交际》2010,(6):196-196
大学体育课程是大学生以身体练习为主要手段,通过合理的体育教育和科学的体育锻炼过程,达到增强体质、增进健康和提高体育素养为主要目标的公共必修课程。健身排舞作为一种流行的健身元素完全符合大学体育课程的教育目标,此课程的开设积极地推动了校园体育文化建设,为促进高校体育课程改革增添了新的光彩。  相似文献   

刘凤勇  池强  白雪 《职业时空》2008,4(1):98-98
教师参与为主体,以体育活动为基本表现形式的一种独特的区域性、群体性文化,是人们在实践过程中创造的体育精神财富和物质财富的总和。它主要由高校体育的意识文化、行为文化和物质文化构成。高校体育文化作为校园文化和社会文化的亚文化,是一种有着深刻内涵和丰富外延的独特文化现象。作为文化现象的体育,  相似文献   

程显玲 《现代交际》2013,(9):156-156
体育是教育的一种,是指以身体活动为手段的教育,而体育课是体育教学的一种组织形式,目的在于培养学生基本技能,掌握体育和保健知识,同时实现思想品德的教育。在我国,体育课是中小学的必修课之一,在学生成长过程中占有重要地位。本文主要论述了如何培养学生对体育课的兴趣。  相似文献   

体育游戏是一种以身体练习为内容,以游戏活动为形式,以发展身心为目的的体育锻炼方法。体育游戏具有锻炼身体、富于娱乐、发展智力和陶冶情操等特点。本研究通过文献资料法、逻辑演绎法、问卷法、访谈法、数据统计法等对腾冲县第三中学体育游戏的开展进行研究,得出腾冲县中小学体育游戏的开展不容乐观,人们的体育游戏意识薄弱,体育观念落后,体育教师专业素养不够,体育设施严重不足。  相似文献   

赵钢 《职业》2017,(9):122-123
拓展训练起源于西方国家,是以身体活动为主要手段的一种新兴体育教育模式.在新课程标准的实施过程中,中职学校的体育锻炼逐渐向游戏活动的体验式学习转化,通过课余拓展训练,中职学生能够提高身体素质,培养体育意识,完善人格,促进学生各方面素质的全面发展.本文将分析课余拓展训练在中职学校体育教学中存在的问题,以及采取的针对性策略.  相似文献   

在幼儿园教育中,体育活动已成为重要组成部分,它是锻炼幼儿身体与培养幼儿心智的重要方式。但在体育活动过程中,存在着目的性和计划性强、教学内容单一和组织不合理等问题。结合幼儿体育的实际,简要论述幼儿园游戏化体育活动,在促进幼儿体能发展、团队协作意识、培养意志等方面的重要性,并提出相应的组织管理措施。  相似文献   

城市体育产业发展的根基与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代体育是随着工业化和城市化而产生的,在整个工业化和城市化的进程中,体育始终在竞技、娱乐、健身、休闲等价值取向中得到普及。城市体育产业发展的最重要根基是城市体育文化。体育文化深入人心,体育产业才能持续发展。城市体育产业的发展还需要考虑与城市主题的契合,要注意构建体育文化和产业体系,要注意结合城市体育传统和经济实力来引进和推广体育项目。  相似文献   

The article explores the process of "sportification"--i.e., processing physical activity in a sport regulated by a set of rules and standards, legitimized by supervisory institutions--from two originals practices, parkour and urban golf. To study these practices, we crossed the contributions of urban sociology and of the contemporary sociology of sport while respecting the methodological principles of qualitative sociology. A first point concerns the process of"sport" itself, its definition, its various stages, and the role played by communication of stakeholders on public space. The cultural mediation shows us how to institutionalize the movement that represents the "sports" resulted in the same time reconfiguration of physical practices themselves. Recent events illustrate the ongoing reconfiguration, we will detail them. Finally, we show the effects produced by the process on the definition of urban culture and sports: setting sight of activities, enhanced cooperation with the media-cultural, polarization between different types of practical in the case of parkour, around a confrontation between two of the founders.  相似文献   

通过对中职校园体育文化的概念以及现状的阐述,提出四条中职校园体育文化建设策略,旨在为贯彻与实施《全民健身计划纲要》、实施素质教育和培养学生终身体育意识和完成学校体育教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Athletics is the most prominent extracurricular activity in U.S. secondary schools in terms of student participation and school budgets. The latter is often justified on the grounds that healthy bodies produce healthy minds, that school sports boost school spirit, and that participation in school-based sports increases students' self-esteem. In this article we examine the interrelationships among participation in a school-based sport and the benefits assumed to be associated with it. Specifically, we test a model that postulates that school spirit, operationalized as attachment to school, and healthy bodies, operationalized as a sense of physical well-being, mediate the relationship between school sports and self-esteem. Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health on Caucasian and African American girls and boys were employed to test the model. School attachment and physical well-being absorbed the statistical effect of participating in a sport for all four gender-by-race groups. Among Caucasian girls a negative residual effect of sports participation was observed, which suggests that sports participation encapsulates multiple effects with contradictory influences. For African American girls school attachment by itself was not a significant mediator of the effect of sports participation on self-esteem. For all groups a sense of physical well-being was the more powerful mediator.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to discuss physical activity and sports participation in a life-course framework, long-term tracking, determinants, and correlates of physical activity from childhood to old age, and present possible causal links and pathways for the continuity of physical activity. It seems that intensive participation in general in physical activity and sports, as well as participation at school age, are important predictors of adulthood participation. Especially, inactivity rather than activity tends to track from youth to adulthood. Socioeconomic status, place of residence, and personal upward social mobility are related to participation. If physical activity is at a low level in early adulthood, it does not easily become a part of life later on, particularly among blue-collar workers, women, and people with initially poor perceived health. Furthermore, in old age, earlier physical activity seems to be the key determinant along with gender. Repeated social reinforcement in the form of support for autonomy, competence, and relatedness is important especially in transition periods and life events such as secondary schooling, change in employment, and change in family structure. In contrast, retirement presented itself as a good chance of starting new leisure time activities. A life-course approach provides understanding on long-ranging developmental trajectories. According to these results in particular, the polarization of exercise to the active and inactive portions of the population is accumulated over time, and gender and social background features require special attention.  相似文献   

Many intervention programs, including physical activity programs, have been developed to deal with youth involvement in delinquency. The current study explored whether youth participation in sport and physical activity programs reduces their involvement in delinquent behaviors. It examined the interaction effects of the features of the sports program with participation in the sports program. The sample consisted of 126 Israeli adolescents aged 13–18 (M?=?15.68, SD?=?1.32) who completed questionnaires about involvement in delinquency at the beginning of their sports program and again 6 months later. We found significant reductions in adolescents’ involvement in all the delinquent acts explored: crimes against a person; crimes against property, and public disorder crimes. However, no interaction effects were found between program features (sport type; program intensity; training and supervision in the program; and interaction with community services) and participation in the sports program. The findings highlight the importance of including sports programs in the interventions provided for at-risk youth and call for further investigation of the factors that may increase the benefits provided by participation in physical activity programs.  相似文献   

The health benefits of engaging in regular physical activity are widely known: enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness, increased muscular strength and endurance, and favorable cholesterol and other profiles. Nevertheless, particularly in youth sports programs run by volunteer, and perhaps inadequately trained, coaches, many youth may not realize the health benefits of sports participation due to a number of factors, among them, inappropriate coach-child ratios, limited space, or mismatched expectations between coaches and those of children and their parents. There are specific strategies that can be implemented to ensure that youth receive the maximize benefits from participation in sports. These strategies are presented in the following areas: frequency, intensity, and duration; cross-training or complementary exercise; access points; utilization of space and time; nutrition; and rest. For instance, with regard to the frequency of physical activity, some sports, including soccer, basketball, and singles tennis, require extensive physical effort over an extended period of time, while others, such as baseball and football, have a lot of downtime. Thus, in order for children and youth to meet the recommendation of participating in moderate or vigorous physical activity at least four times per week, sports programs need to have opportunities for all athletes to practice hard. Finally, the author discusses the point at which participation in sports might be too much, leading to significant injuries, frustration, and resentment.  相似文献   

This study aims to create awareness, both within the scientific community and among providers of sports facilities, for individuals with impaired or reduced mobility, promoting the development of technical solutions that allow greater autonomy and social integration of people with disabilities. The purpose of this work is, on the one hand, to evaluate the accessibility of sports facilities for people with reduced mobility and, on the other hand, to investigate why this user group has such low rates of participation in sporting activities. Firstly, using the Portuguese norms and legislation transcribed from European Community directives, a check list was created comprising all the items that sports facilities should abide by in order to provide accessibility and safety to people with reduced mobility. Another questionnaire was designed aimed at this user group, with questions pertaining to their desire and ability to use sports facilities. This questionnaire was distributed in Portugal, in the greater metropolitan area of Porto, to users of Rehabilitation Centres and Physiotherapy Clinics. The results obtained from the check-list showed the compliances and non-compliances of the respective sports facilities, proving that many barriers preventing the participation of people with reduced mobility still exist. Twenty-four people with permanent impairment of the lower extremities (paraplegia) answered the questionnaire pertaining to the desire and ability to perform physical activity. Two individuals (8%) had sporting activities available to them in their area of residence and only five (21%) performed any physical activity. The main reason given for not taking part in any activity was the lack of adapted sports facilities. All the participants felt that taking part in sports is beneficial. The benefits stated were: general well-being and development of the psychomotor component (e.g. coordination, balance, body posture), of physical condition (e.g. strength, resistance, flexibility) and social integration and quality of life. Besides wellbeing, they also mentioned social interaction, a way of occupying their time and an escape from the routine as the main motives for which they would like to take up physical exercise.  相似文献   

Due to the demographic situation in nowadays societies, physical activity, and sport expenditure have to be analysed from a demographic as well as socio-economical perspective. This means that determinants such as age, gender, nationality/ethnicity, income, time, educational level, profession, and social status have to be taken into account. However, when comparing the various studies, the different methods of analysis and different operationalisation of variables have to be considered. This is in particular vital investigating age. Whilst cross-sectional studies point out that physical activity generally decreases with increasing age, longitudinal analyses come to different results. Previous studies indicate that pertaining to gender more men take part in sports than women. However, considering period and cohort effects, recent longitudinal studies showed that women participate more in sport than in the past. Besides, it was found out that men generally tend to spend more money on sports than women do. A further finding is that the educational level influences physical activity positively. Research revealed that income had a positive impact on both, physical activity and sport expenditure.  相似文献   

在我国迈向体育强国背景下,大众媒介与现代体育的紧密结合产生了一种新的文化形态——媒介体育。分析了媒介体育全球化发展的必然选择,认为媒介体育市场是体育强国发展战略的重要内容,媒介体育市场是促进体育产业发展的重要途径。提出了积极推进媒介体育全球化、培养和造就媒介体育专门人才、遏制媒介体育畸变的市场对策。  相似文献   

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