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In modern corporations, the corporate headquarters (CHQ) unit is considered central to the fortunes of the overall firm. In light of ever‐changing environments, changes at the CHQ have become a crucial concern in management research and practice, and scholars have studied a variety of changes at the CHQ. Despite the common focus on the CHQ entity and the potential for cross‐fertilization across several research tracks, a coherent picture of this dispersed body of knowledge is lacking. This paper reviews 25 years of research on changes at the CHQ. In so doing, it advances a common language and an overarching framework that integrates the existing knowledge in the intellectual domains of strategy, organizational design and international business research. On this basis, the authors suggest directions for future research to advance knowledge of: (1) the pressure for and resistance to changes at the CHQ; (2) interrelationships among changes at the CHQ; (3) change processes at the CHQ; (4) agents involved in changes at the CHQ; and (5) adaptive and disruptive effects of changes at the CHQ. Overall, the study provides a conceptual basis for combining the existing knowledge of changes at the CHQ and serves as a guide for future research.  相似文献   

卫武 《管理评论》2012,(4):141-149
随着企业社会责任理论体系逐步的发展与完善,国内外学者开始关注企业社会绩效(CSP)与企业财务绩效(CFP)之间的关系,但是其中大量有关的研究结果却是互相矛盾的。本研究首先提出了一个理论模型以及相关研究假设,以国内外有关的实证研究文献作为研究对象,采用Meta分析方法对各项独立研究结果进行综合统计分析。其研究结果表明:企业社会绩效常常与企业财务绩效是直接地相互作用和相互影响的;企业管理能力和企业声誉作为中介变量对CSP与CFP关系有着正向的影响,其中企业声誉有着高度的影响;大多数CSP测量方法与CFP测量方法之间有着显著的正向关系,其中CSP声誉排名测量方法与CFP测量方法之间显示出相当高的正向关系,而以市场基础和会计基础CFP测量方法与CSP测量方法之间的关系要低于感知(调查)CFP测量方法的。最后,将其研究结果与相关文献的研究结果进行了比较,并提出了研究结论和相关启示。  相似文献   

公司企业家精神越来越多地被认为是企业在动荡不确定环境下取得竞争优势的重要因素.虽然很多学者认为高管团队对公司企业家精神有重要影响,但很少有实证研究针对高管团队哪些具体特征及这些特征如何影响公司企业家精神给出结果,在转型经济中类似研.究更是缺乏.本文基于Hambrick高管团队五要素的框架,以长三角七个国家级高新技术开发区220家民营中小高科技企业为被试对象,对高管团队各要素以及要素组合对公司企业家精神的作用机制进行实证研究.结果表明,高管团队首席执行官变革型领导行为、高管团队冒险倾向、行为整合、长期激励报酬以及责任分散都对公司企业家精神有显著的促进作用;而且高管团队长期激励报酬还与冒险倾向和行为整合有交互作用.  相似文献   

2018年,面对多年少有的国内外复杂严峻形势,我国政府坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,切实加大民生投入,深化民生领域改革,各项民生工作取得新进展,人民群众的民生满意度继续保持在较高水平,但与上年相比出现小幅下降。调查结果还显示,城乡居民在家庭生活方面的主要关切点仍集中在医疗和收入,在社会环境方面的主要关切点是食品安全和交通出行。对于有孩子的受访者来说,教育则排在第一位。另外,受访者对养老的担心程度明显提高。在食品安全、住房保障、养老服务等方面,人民群众的民生关切也出现了一些新特点。下一步,要对标全面建成小康社会的目标要求,顺应人民群众改善民生的诉求,围绕就业、收入、医疗、食品安全、环境保护等重点领域,加快补齐民生短板,保障全面建成小康社会的成色和质量。  相似文献   

万倩雯  卫田  刘杰 《管理世界》2019,35(5):179-196
企业社会创业能够有效解决金字塔底层的贫困问题。基于社会资本理论,本研究探索了在兼顾经济收益与社会价值的前提下,企业社会创业家是如何辨识、交互并最终与BoP个体建立合作关系的。通过深入了解中国某大型企业农村电商项目,本研究解锁了企业社会创业家与当地个体合作者之间合作关系的构建及演化过程。我们首先发现了个体合作者的两种特性(社交优势和专业知识)以及两种动员方式(个人收入和关系价值)。随后,我们开发了根植于BoP的企业社会创业整合模型,重点关注合作关系从建立、发展到最后制度化的变化过程。整个模型共有选择个体合作者、提升个体合作者水平以及制度化合作关系这3个阶段。本研究深化了对BoP能力培养的理解,并在BoP合作关系、基于社会资本理论的企业社会创业以及以社群为中心的BoP战略等相关领域做出了理论贡献。  相似文献   

Shiftwork may constitute an additional risk factor in high-hazard industries where system failure could exact heavy human, environmental and economic costs. This exploratory survey study examined the impact of shiftwork upon nuclear power plant workers' perceived health, sleep, and social problem, as well as levels of alertness. Overall, the night shik proved to be the most problematic in ternis of decreases in alertness, sleep duration and quality, and disruptions to health, social and family life. The permanent shift preferences of the shiftworkers were also explored to establish the practicability of introducing a theoretically safer permanent mght shdt at such a facility. Importantly, the small proportion of the sample who showed a preference for a pemianent night shift was insufficient to provide operational cover. Although these shtftworkers reported experiencing less disruption on the night shift than those who would choose to work a permanent day shift, their preference appeared to be based upon a greater esprit de corps on this shift rather than on any predisposing individual characteristics. These results have practical implications for work scheduling in high-hazard industries.

The present study investigates the dimensional structure of the psychosocial work environment as assessed by Karasek's job characteristics scales and a set of factorial scales derived from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) observers' ratings of occupational characteristics for census occupations. Scale scores on the Karasek and DOT were linked to information on occupation from the Epidemiologc Catchment Area (ECA) study sample. Scale intercorreladons and factor analysis were performed on those ECA subjects who reported ever having a full-time job (n=11,789). DOT'sS Substantive Complexity scale was positively correlated with Karasek's Skill Discretion and Decision Authority scales, and DOT's Physical Demands and Hazards scale was positively correlated with Karasek's Physical Demands scale. In addition, the DOT system compared to the Karasek system seems to assess psychosocial work domains less characteristic of traditional industrial jobs (interpersonal stress, expressive work). The content validity of the Karasek scales might be increased with the assessment of these domains. Giving support to Karasek's Demand/Control Model, the factor structure of the psychosocial work enviromnent in the probability sample of five US metropolitan populations yielded two major dimensions: Control, and Physical Demands.  相似文献   

The effects of wireless ring scanners, which provided immediate auditory and visual feedback, were evaluated to increase the performance and accuracy of order selectors at a meat distribution center. The scanners not only increased performance and accuracy compared to paper pick sheets, but were also instrumental in immediate and accurate data capture and tracking in compliance with the Public Health Security Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (BTA) of 2002. The intervention, which required minimal training, successfully accelerated key operational processes and compliance with food safety mandates. The implications for Organizational Behavior Management practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以405家国有企业为研究对象,采用结构方程模型研究了我国经济制度变迁对国有企业融资动机的影响.结果表明:第一,就总体趋势而言,我国经济政策变革与经济环境变化均强化了国有企业的融资动机,只是前者对国有企业融资动机的影响要明显强于后者所产生的影响;第二,各项经济政策的变更对国有企业融资动机的影响较为均衡;第三,"加入wTo"成为推动国有企业开展融资活动的最重要的环境因素;第四,我国经济制度变迁对国有企业融资动机的影响,主要体现在"调整资本成本"等目的上,而"补充营运资金"所受影响不显著.  相似文献   

The rapid industrialization occurring in developing regions of the world brings not only economic benefits, but changes in the types and severity of health and environmental problems that each region experiences. As the industrialized world moves toward the use of risk assessment methodologies to aid in problem evaluation and regulatory and policy decision analysis, it seems inevitable that these methodologies will be applied globally. The changes brought about by rapid industrialization, however, must be viewed within the context of societies that are still struggling with the more traditional and basic environmental problems associated with urban and rural poverty. The urgency of development and the lack of adequate resources for characterizing health and environmental changes, often present under these circumstances, offer special challenges to the application of risk assessment methodologies.  相似文献   

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