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王西 《现代交际》2014,(10):1-3
农民工返乡创业是农民工外出务工时资金、技术、经验、管理、信息、理念等创业要素积累到一定程度时的一种理性行为,返乡创业不仅可以解决其自身的就业问题,还可以吸收农村剩余劳动力。本文在分析吉林省城镇化背景下青年农民工返乡创业现状的基础上,重点阐述了返乡创业农民工在创业中遇到的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴和城乡融合的背景下,返乡青年创业成为新的热潮。调研发现,与“80后”农民工的返乡创业实践不同,以“90后”为主的新一代农民工返乡创业具有以县城为创业空间、以成家期为创业时间、以小微创业为偏好、失败率高的特征,表明其非市场理性的创业行为背后,隐伏着县域返乡青年创业的生活逻辑。实际上,被父代托举进入县城的农村青年,实现家庭生活的完整亲密和追求阶层生活的跃升构成其返乡创业的内在逻辑,这种生活取向的创业以父代资源的持续输入和家庭发展的合法性作为实践基础。然而,这种创业的盲目性和非理性会引发父代被迫卷入、子代婚姻不稳定等家庭危机。这启示:政府在创业政策设计上既要积极与返乡青年的需求相结合,又要引导他们理性创业、控制风险。  相似文献   

乡村振兴,人才是关键.随着消费时代的到来,农民采取"代际分工"家庭经营模式来应对经济压力,大量农村青年外出务工,农村出现了"空心化""老年化"现象.青年的缺场造成乡村振兴内生性动力不足,如何吸引青年参与乡村振兴成为时代课题.当前,农村青年分为知识型、返乡型和在地型三种类型,他们参与乡村振兴的价值取向和作用存在差异.在乡村振兴中,知识型青年注重政治性价值追求,他们发挥政治引领作用,返乡型青年更加追求地方性和国家性创业支持,他们带动农村就业;在地型青年是国家惠农政策下乡的重要抓手,他们在维系村庄社会秩序中起到"中坚"作用.  相似文献   

城乡一体化是我国现代化和城市化发展的一个新阶段,农村发展离不开城市的辐射和带动,城市发展也需要农村的促进和支持。统筹城乡发展旨在建立一种城乡依托、互利互惠、相互促进、协调发展、共同繁荣的新型城乡关系。统筹城乡发展是经济社会发展到一定程度的趋势。党的十六大首次提出统筹城乡经济社会发展,并明确指出统筹城乡经济社会发展,建设现代农业,发展农村经济,增加农民收入,是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。统筹城乡经济社会发展从此提上了日程,在历次重要会议中也被摆在了重要的位置。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略背景下,务工人员返乡创业是促进乡村振兴事业发展的重要动力。目前我国对外出务工人员返乡创业实现乡村经济振兴方面高度关注,但是专门针对跨国务工返乡创业人员的研究较少,对于吸引跨国务工人员返乡创业这一问题关注较少。基于吉林省舒兰市的实地调查,针对他们返乡创业过程中存在的问题,建议政府出台针对性的政策,开办创业培训活动;合作社应积极招商引资,吸引专业人才;完善交通网络,提高接待能力;提升创业者社会责任意识和知识水平。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴战略背景下,积极引导人民返乡创业是减少东北地区人口流失、复苏东北经济发展的重要手段,青年应是返乡创业的中坚力量.基于对东北T镇青年返乡创业的研究发现,其创业的路径选择有整合本地优势资源革新生产方式和依托市场外部形势所需创新生产方式两种,其所创产业具有内生与"嵌入"共存、应时性和一体性并重及互助共富的特征;同时,运用"推拉理论"分析致使T镇青年返乡创业的归因机制.在对T镇青年返乡创业进行系统研究的基础上,旨在为复苏东北经济提供经验性借鉴.  相似文献   

农村社会保障制度的建立和完善.要坚持统筹城乡发展、实现城乡一体化的目标。但实现城乡一体化是中国经济社会发展长远目标,不可能一蹴而就.这就决定了农村社会保障体制的建立和完善也将是一个长期的艰巨任务。  相似文献   

随着新农村建设大力推进,城市就业压力不断加大,农民工返乡创业成为农村劳动力转移中出现的一个新趋势。充分挖掘农村优势,文章阐述了农民工返乡创业的意义,并给出了引导农民工返乡创业的建议。  相似文献   

随着改革开放进程加快,从小康社会建设到全面小康再到乡村振兴等一系列战略相继实施,我国基层面貌发生了巨大变化,吸引了一大批大学生选择返乡创业。本文结合延安市大学生返乡创业实践,分析大学生返乡创业面临的问题:返乡创业动力偏弱、返乡创业能力欠缺、返乡创业跨界支持不够。从健全信息联动共享机制,激发大学生返乡创业动力、健全乡村人才培养机制,塑造大学生返乡创业能力、健全部门协同合作机制,提高大学生返乡创业质量方面提出了改善对策,以期对乡村振兴下大学生返乡创业工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

近几年,大学生在返乡创业为地方经济建设服务过程中遇到了创业知识不足、创业资金不足、规避风险能力较弱、营销策略匮乏等问题。为更好地促进地方经济发展,提高返乡大学生创业成功率,建议返乡大学生培养创业意识,掌握相关知识,把专业技能和创业项目有机结合起来;政府要为返乡大学生在提供前期理论服务、资金和空间,以及成立创业服务中心方面给予帮扶。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the consequences of migration for European countries of origin with a view to suggesting policies to resolve the difficulties of achieving equilibrium in balance of payments, regional development, increasing employment, reducing unemployment and inflation, raising productivity, and increasing the gross national product. Migratory flows are generally organized to meet immediate needs and solve latent socioeconomic tensions. Initially, the benefits for the 2 sets of countries (origin and destination) are considerable. Countries of origin manage to solve major problems in the areas of employment, undertake social and political efforts, and achieve equilibrium in the balance of payments through receiving remittances, which also contribute to the economic development of the regions of departure. For their part, receiving countries have reduced the shortage of cheap labor, a fact which, especially during the post-war recovery period, was instrumental in the recovery of their economies and the increased creation of wealth. From the demographic standpoint, many people have been deserting rural areas and there has been an increase in the aging of the population, with the resulting socioeconomic consequences. Emigration has also spread to women (family reunification), which in turn has led to a steeper decline in birth rates and made economic and social projections more difficult to assess. Social consequences have become obvious, emigration flows have led to a change of values and thus created a veritable cultural breach and disruption of rural societies. From the standpoint of employment, expectations have also been thwarted; despite their enormous experience, returning workers do not possess a high level of vocational training. For countries of origin, migratory trends may have some beneficial demographic, social, and economic effects if returns are carefully planned, prepared, conducted, and supported. There should be a considerable strengthening of relations between countries, effective cooperation and solidarity, and a shouldering of joint responsibility so as to define the correct policies for harmonious and more balanced world economic development.  相似文献   

王春兰 《城市观察》2010,(6):130-141
改革开放以来,中国社会矛盾与冲突日益凸显,政治社会环境变化对城市规划的影响不容忽视。在城市规划建设过程中,作为利益冲突与博弈的三方,政府、商业利益群体、居民的行为都在利己与利他之间徘徊并寻找平衡点。围绕城市更新利益而形成的三角冲突与博弈表现为,政府与商业利益群体之间冲突与合作并存,政府与民众之间冲突与依赖并存,开发商与居民之间冲突与不信任并存。在"柔性机制"的作用下,城市更新中的冲突与博弈没有引发彻底的结构性变动,但其仍然对社会变革与发展具有推动。面临全球化时代激烈的竞争环境,地方政府在城市规划建设中更要做到"形式民主"。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the coordinated development between urban and rural areas can not only narrow gaps in infrastructure between urban and rural areas, promote balanced development in rural areas in terms of society, economy and environment, but is also an effective way to address issues facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In line with this, development of infrastructure projects has been an important means for promoting coordinated urban-rural development in developing countries (such as China). However, there is a lack of indicators that can be used to assess the contribution of infrastructure projects to coordinated urban-rural development. This paper thus attempts to present a set of critical indicators for evaluating the contribution of infrastructure projects to coordinated urban-rural development in the particular context of Chongqing, Western China.First, a list of optional indicators that are with potential for assessing the contribution of infrastructure projects to coordinated urban-rural development is presented based on examination on related project feasibility reports, official reports and literature. Then 42 indicators are identified from the optional list through a questionnaire survey. By using the data collected, the relative level of significance of each indicator is derived. Finally, an indicator system consisting of 19 critical indicators is established based on results of principle component analysis. The applicability and significance of the identified indicators for assessing the contribution of infrastructure projects to coordinated urban-rural development are discussed as well.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2004,20(3):331-344
Endemic problems in EU ‘lagging rural regions’ (LRRs) are well documented and various support mechanisms have long been in place to help overcome structural difficulties. Nevertheless, new rural development architectures are now being sought and some scholars have posited that LRRs may benefit from the ‘quality (re)turn’ in food and a relative shift from long to short food supply chains. The ways in which this ‘new agriculture’ relates to rural development in lagging regions sound fine in theory. However, in practice it is far from clear what will actually happen, where and how. This paper attempts to answer some of these questions and, using a Delphi technique, to forecast those factors likely to influence supply chain development and performance in two LRRs in the UK: West Wales and the Scottish–English Borders. The findings suggest that while most experts willingly accept the socio-economic values that can be gained by localising, shortening and synergising the food chain in LRRs, there are also important barriers that question the emergence of such an agrarian based rural development dynamic. These include the small number and size of ‘alternative’ producers in both locales, with most still locked into industrial forms of production; the restrictive influence of bureaucracy; the shortfall of key intermediaries in both regions’ food chains; and the poor provision of key physical infrastructures (e.g. roads, railway and telecommunications). The Delphi method also reveals how expert opinions about rural development in LRRs are contingent and contested, with contradictions emerging within, as well as between, rounds.  相似文献   

刘景章 《城市观察》2013,23(1):105-112
当前改革已进入深水区,城乡统筹问题显得尤为错综纷繁,提出富有建设性和有针对性的政策建议,需要达成基本的战略性共识,通过辨析和廓清,文章认为人本主义、生态本位、城乡一体化、重视制度安排、尊重自然演化和公平优先,是今后处理城乡关系所应遵循的战略导向和基本原则。  相似文献   

傅晨  刘梦琴 《城市观察》2013,23(1):16-24
本文阐释统筹城乡发展的基本思想。统筹城乡发展的基本含义是城乡平等、协调、共同发展。统筹城乡发展必须坚持政府是统筹主体、发展是第一要义、城乡统筹兼顾、以人为本、可持续发展的基本原则。统筹城乡发展的主要内容是统筹城乡资源配置、统筹城乡产业发展、统筹城乡国民待遇。  相似文献   

Abstract Research has thoroughly documented how out‐migration of the educated and skilled from rural areas leaves behind a poorer population and creates pockets of rural poverty. Recently, studies have recognized that the poor are also geographically mobile and that poverty migration patterns can reinforce rural poverty concentrations. In this process, certain impoverished rural communities in economically depressed regions receive a disproportionate share of poverty migrants, concentrating poverty in certain locations. This paper examines the conditions and processes through which poor rural communities become likely destinations for a highly mobile segment of the rural poor and near‐poor. Utilizing case studies of depressed rural Illinois communities, it investigates how the interplay of community factors and the behavior of migrants transforms rural communities from residentially stable to highly mobile, impoverished places.  相似文献   

Ecosystem processes along an urban-to-rural gradient   总被引:34,自引:9,他引:25  
In order to understand the effect of urban development on the functioning of forest ecosystems, during the past decade we have been studying red oak stands located on similar soil along an urban-rural gradient running from New York City ro rural Litchfield County, Connecticut. This paper summarizes the results of this work. Field measurements, controlled laboratory experiments, and reciprocal transplants documented soil pollution, soil hydrophobicity, litter decomposition rates, total soil carbon, potential nitrogen mineralization, nitrification, fungal biomass, and earthworm populations in forests along the 140 × 20 km study transect. The results revealed a complex urban-rural environmental gradient. The urban forests exhibit unique ecosystem structure and function in relation to the suburban and rural forest stands these are likely linked to stresses of the urban environment such as air pollution, which has also resulted in elevated levels of heavy metals in the soil, the positive effects of the heat island phenomenon, and the presence of earthworms. The data suggest a working model to guide mechanistic work on the ecology of forests along urban-to-rural gradients, and for comparison of different metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

武汉市统筹城乡一体化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统筹城乡一体化发展是当前推动城乡经济社会发展的迫切任务。本文通过建立指标评估,发现武汉城乡一体化水平略高于城镇化水平;城乡人口、经济、生活和文化一体化进程中,城乡经济发展的差别最为明显,融合程度最低,而城乡居民生活方面则融合程度较高,人口与文化融合度持平。而城乡二元户籍制度、土地的合理开发利用及农民权益保障、农村公共服务投入不足、农村社会保障体系不完善是当前制约城乡一体化发展的重要瓶颈。文章从法律制度层面、财政层面及组织体制层面分析了破解城乡一体化发展瓶颈的重要举措。  相似文献   

张燕玲 《城市观察》2014,(2):161-167
村庄规划是协调城乡发展矛盾改变农村面貌的重要手段。从党的十七大提出建设社会主义新农村,到十八大提出建设"美丽中国",推进城乡一体化,直至全国掀起建设美丽乡村热潮,无一不凸显了在大力发展新型城镇化的今天,村庄规划的重要性。然而,在村庄规划基本已覆盖的今天,农村问题依然年复一年地存在着。本文结合南沙新区村庄规划工作,着重探讨村庄规划无法落地的原因,并从"三规合一"、农村土地制度研究等角度来解析村庄规划落地问题。  相似文献   

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