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随着综合创新型高校人才战略的落实,我国各级政府与高校都在全力开展人才引进方案,海外留学归国的高素质人才不断增加,在此大环境下,河南高校的统战工作顺应时代发展趋势,并随着全国统一战线工作的内容不断完善自身,不断充实工作内容,将为留学归国人员的服务列为日常统战工作的重点服务范围。高校是留学归国人员就业的重要平台,同时还是为社会经济发展输送高素质人才的关键平台。基于此,河南省高校针对留学归国人员统战工作要切实做到针对性强,科学、合理、高效地指导留学归国人员在高校发展以及在社会进步中的能力发挥,使更多留学归国人员能够为社会和国家创造更大的价值和效益。  相似文献   

苏烈翠 《公关世界》2023,(9):108-109
青年教师是民办高校发展的人才保障,是学校持续提升教学质量的关键,因此,加强青年教师培养,成为学校师资队伍建设的重要内容。本文参照休伯曼教师职业生涯周期理论,构建青年教师“4*4阶梯式”培养模式,将青年教师职业发展分为“合格教师”“主讲教师”“骨干教师”和“教学名师”4个阶梯,每阶梯有针对性开展目标明确的培训,该模式可以为民办高校及其他高校进行青年教师培养提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

青年教师的成长与发展是学校事业发展的基础。当前,高校青年教师存在专业知识结构不合理、专业能力发展不平衡、专业情意不浓等问题。只有完善青年教师职前培养与职后培训体系,构建合理的教师评价机制,建立完善青年教师职业导师制,加强青年教师的师德教育,提高青年教师的福利待遇,才能更好地推动高校青年教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

青年教师几乎占据了我国高校教师队伍的"半壁江山",他们的职业精神与高校学生价值观的确立、教育教学质量和科研水平密切相关。因此,对高校青年教师职业精神内涵的界定应从政治素养层面、教学工作层面以及学术研究层面着手。同时,立足新常态,培养高校青年教师的职业精神有其重要的现实意义,这是基于全面提升高校教育教学水平、加强高校教师队伍整体素养、发挥高校思想政治教育功能、构建和谐校园以及实现"中国梦"这五个方面的需要。  相似文献   

青年教师是高校教师队伍中的生力军。本文针对当前高校青年教师师德现状及存在的主要问题进行了分析,并提出了加强高校青年教师师德建设的对策。  相似文献   

作为引导学生学习专业知识、参与科研活动、提升综合素质的学术型社团,在高校学风建设中扮演者重要的角色,对学生专业归属感的增强、创新意识的提升、团队合作意识的培养有着重要的推动作用。本文针对学风现状和在学术型社团发展中存在的问题进行分析,提出进一步完善管理机制、孕育学术氛围、加大宣传力度,发挥好学术型社团在学风建设中的优势作用的建议。  相似文献   

作为高校人才培养、学科建设的主力军,高校青年教师承担着培育大学生的重担,担负着越来越重要的社会责任,他们的发展关乎高校未来的发展和建设。由于步入职场不久,他们面临着人际交往、职业压力等多重困境,其职业幸福感的高低不容忽视,值得我们重点关注。为此,从ERG需要理论当中人的生存需要、相互关系需要和成长发展需要三个方面出发,挖掘影响高校青年教师职业幸福感的深层因素,努力寻求有利于提高高校青年教师职业幸福感的对策和建议。  相似文献   

创先争优活动和学习型党组织建设是党中央加强基层党组织建设的两大举措。培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人是高校党建的根本任务.要完成此任务并解决当前高校党建中存在的困惑与问题必然要求开展创先争优活动和建设学习型党组织。高校基层党组织通过创新学习体系、丰富学习内容.以创先争优活动为载体建设学习型党组织.把高校基层党组织建成“五带头”的学习型党组织:以学习型党组织建设为基础推进创先争优活动的深入开展,形成比学赶帮.“以学促创”的良好氛围。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高等教育国际化的脚步越来越快,出国留学和留学归国人数逐年增长。基于一手访谈数据,探究海外博士教育是否能带给海归博士带来预期的职业发展和社会流动,并分析出海归博士归国工作后的社会流动到底呈现出什么样的特征。深入地研究了海归博士的社会流动的影响因素以及国家留学基金委奖学金在其中的作用。研究发现,海归博士的社会流动性比较小,大部分的海归博士都守住了原有的中产阶级社会地位,并没有取得很明显的向上流动;关于社会流动的影响因素,奖学金和家庭背景在博士海归归国后的社会流动中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

教师是协调教育质量与办学效益的关键要素,因此,如何充分调动教师的积极性和创造性、激发教师教学热情,从而提高办学效益和办学质量是民办本科高校人力资源管理的核心问题。辽宁省民办本科高校要帮助青年教师解决生活和学术发展过程中的困惑与困难,协助并指导他们形成科学的职业发展规划,形成教师之间、教师与学校之间、教师与学生之间的互助发展体系。  相似文献   

Collective remittances, in the framework of migrant transnationalism, have been recently dealt with in some empirical research, especially on the Mexican‐US migration system. Far less studied is their significance in different migration flows, including their real contribution – as desirable as this may be – to local development. The article is concerned with a bottom up analysis of a migration flow where collective remittances – as the only way for emigrants to keep helping their local communities, well beyond their own families – are still in their infancy. It explores, through a translocal ethnography of Ecuadorian migration to Italy, the underlying attitudes, personal meanings and expectations – as well as the structural opportunities and constraints – accounting for helping practices at a distance. Charitable transfers to communities of origin are reconstructed as to their motivations, their main aims and beneficiaries, their embeddedness in mutual networks among immigrant co‐nationals. How is it that some of them decide to help “people in need” in their own communities overseas, or in their home towns, or in both? Is this an expression of communal belonging, or a matter of social status maintenance, or something else? Further reflections on the dilemmas inherent in transnational helping practices are then developed. Concluding remarks emphasize the relatively poor scope for such initiatives, in a recent and first‐generation flow over a long distance. While co‐ethnic solidarity overseas is a precondition for transnational helping practices, the latter are also affected by the developments of public policies in the countries of origin and of destination. Overall, an effective integration overseas is necessary for collective remittances to have some currency and impact.  相似文献   

Based on 45 interviews in the Paris metropolitan area, I focus on the middle-class segment of France’s North African second-generation and use the framework of cultural citizenship to explain why these individuals continue to experience symbolic exclusion despite their attainment of a middle-class status. Even though they are successful in terms of professional and educational accomplishments and are assimilated by traditional measures, they nonetheless feel excluded from mainstream French society. Because of this exclusion, they do not feel they are perceived as full citizens. I also discuss how this segment of France’s second-generation draws boundaries around being French and how they relate to these boundaries. Despite their citizenship and their ties to France, they are often perceived as foreigners and have their ‘Frenchness’ contested by their compatriots. I argue they are denied cultural citizenship, because of their North African ethnic origin, which would allow them to be accepted by others as part of France. Applying cultural citizenship as an analytical framework provides an understanding of the socio-cultural realities of being a minority and reveals how citizenship operates in everyday life.  相似文献   


Violence remains a major health problem in the U. S. While teen males are often studied as the victims and perpetrators of violence, there is significant evidence that adolescent females are perpetrators as well as victims of violence; and that both groups are affected by the broader institutional sources of violence. Adolescent girls growing up in inner city neighborhoods are often victimized by exposure to violence, as well as their perceptions of a lack of sustained support from institutions regarded as protective, and nurturing. Survey data and information from focus groups provide insight into their exposure to violence, their fear of violence and coping strategies in neighborhoods and schools they perceive as unsafe.  相似文献   

This research considers a counseling strategy for men facing the loss of their marital relationship. The researcher has found that such men are the focus of a significant part of the caseloads of counselors in the Family Court of Australia. At the time of separation these men see themselves as having little influence on their relationship continuing and they blame their wives and present as victims in an unfair system. They often are uneasy about participating in counseling. A counseling strategy using 'The Relationship Chart' process was investigated as a possible means of assisting such men to cope with such a major crisis in their lives. Ten men who had partictpated in this counseling process were followed up and their reactions and experiences of counseling are outlined and discussed in detail. Recommendations for further research into counseling men are presented.  相似文献   

The complexity of individual work with parents whose children are in treatment because of their difficulties is explicated. An exploratory study of 15 mothers' experiences with such treatment is reported. The focus of the study was on parents' expectations, their relationships with their own and their child's clinician, the process of treatment and termination. The findings are integrated with relevant literature and clinical experience to provide a tandem treatment model in which emphasis is placed on clarifying parents' expectations, working with parents' individual issues as well as their role as parents, and focusing first on their children's problems, then gradually moving to the parents' concerns about their own problems.Ms. Staver is a retired Chief Psychiatric Social Worker, Judge Baker Guidance Center  相似文献   

This paper argues that current child and childhood research is problematical in as much as there is a discrepancy between theory and research practice. Although in theory, children are conceptualised as active agents in the social world, the type of research that children are typically involved in implies that children are competent, knowledgeable and affective only in terms of their own lives, their own spaces, their own childhoods. The implications of this discrepancy are discussed. The paper concludes that although research that contributes to a greater understanding of childhood experiences is important, it is equally important to involve children in research that goes beyond 'childhood'.  相似文献   

The paper argues that discredit pertains not only to individuals, but also to the implements of aid that discredited persons use to overcome their situation. Focusing on the mobility aids of blind people, the paper demonstrates that as a consequence of the diffusion of discredit, the users of guide-dogs and long-canes mould their usage practices in particular ways. Namely, according to norms which the users conceive to be unobjectionable to sighted people. Thus cane-users considered the sound that their canes emitted to be embarassing, and tried to avoid causing it. Also guide-dog usage was inhibited as a result of traditional Middle-Eastern attitudes towards dogs. In concluding, the ambiguity of blind people toward their mobility aids is juxtaposed with their accepting attitude toward television sets in their homes. The latter are conceived by blind people as a natural element of the material culture of the sighted environment. Consequently, even blind people for whom television sets are manifestly unsuited introduce them into their lives. This leads to the conclusion that material artifacts are conceptualized in society generally, according to practices that are attuned to the dominant social stratum. The data are drawn from observations made in the course of ethnographic field-work in a population of blind people in Israel.  相似文献   

Increasingly, grandparents are being called on to rear their grandchildren when parents are unable or unwilling to fulfill their parenting role. These grandparent caregivers often find themselves in an economic bind. Financially, most are at a stage in life where they are looking toward retirement and reduced family spending and are unprepared for their new economic reality as second-time-around caregivers. Here, we use a framework of family financial well-being to examine the economic consequences of rearing grandchildren. Based on family life interviews with 26 grandfamilies residing in Montana, we explore the challenges grandparents experience generating and shifting income streams in later life, the variability in received income, and the array of expected and unexpected expenses incurred as a result of taking in their grandchildren. As custodial grandparents strive for financial well-being, there are few resources—especially in rural areas—to help them navigate these new financial waters.  相似文献   

Usually, discourses of young people, particularly for the voices of ‘youth-at-disadvantage’, are silenced no matter in the social construction of their experiences or in the social investigation of their behaviour. Without their voices, a discourse of individual deficits is usually constructed to talk about their delinquent behaviour. However, in the discourses of young people, they considered their problem behaviour as a kind of ‘body politics’ to work against adult regulations. Moreover, obvious gender differences were revealed. While female adolescents constructed their problem behaviour as a tool to rebel against the harsh parental control on their leisure time activities, their male counterparts referred it as an escape to avoid heavy conflicts with parents on their school-to-work situations. In the discourses of young people, what they could do in the face of the adult society was only to rebel or escape with their bodies. Thus, in view of young people's discourse construction of their experiences, gender specific and family based interventions are recommended to work with ‘youth-at-disadvantage’ in outreaching social work service in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Academic economists perform an important function in advising politicians and state bureaucrats, lending them epistemological authority. This creates a challenge of institutional design and of professional vocation, of how these experts can combine their commitment to scientific analysis with their commitment towards their governmental patrons. This article examines the case of anti-trust economics, in which government economists are encouraged to remain as academically engaged as possible, so that their advice will be - or appear to be - unpolluted by political or bureaucratic pressures. Yet this ideal is constantly compromised by the fact that the economists are nevertheless government employees, working beneath lawyers. Max Weber's concept of a 'vocation' is adopted to explore this tension, and his two lectures, 'Science as a Vocation' and 'Politics as a Vocation' are read side by side, to consider this core dilemma of academic policy advisors.  相似文献   

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