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乡-城移民社会融入的实践策略研究:社区融入的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘建娥 《社会》2010,30(1):127-151
本研究基于社区融入的视角,探讨中国乡城移民的社会融入的实践策略与理论模式。作者梳理出移民的社区融入的组织化、专业化、政策行动和文化融入这四项实践策略,以使各社区能及时回应移民普遍性需求,提供制度支持,改善政策环境,营造融入文化。作者还提出了在社区实务研究的基础上,发展移民的社会全面融入的理论模式的重要性,即从跨社区融入的广度视角与决策融入的深度视角,推动乡城移民的社会资本由农村向城市的转移与发展,实现全面的社会融入。  相似文献   

Concern over the reliability of conventional poverty studies has focused attention on the need to demonstrate that those identified as poor are actually experiencing hardship. This paper takes a step in this direction by examining poverty using a living standards approach derived from the literature on deprivation and social exclusion. Deprivation – defined as an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities – has emerged as a way of identifying who is missing out on what the community regards as the necessities (or essentials) of life. Social exclusion – which exists when individuals do not participate in key activities in society – has opened up new areas of inquiry relating to a lack of connectedness between individuals, the communities in which they live, and key economic and social processes. The findings indicate that many Australians face deprivation and exclusion in numerous aspects of their lives, and that those defined as poor in income terms are different from those who are deprived or excluded. The low overlap between the three indicators implies that they all have a role to play in documenting the extent of social disadvantage and helping to identify the factors that contribute to its various manifestations.  相似文献   

Current policy often focuses on ‘Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage’ by simultaneously addressing multiple deficits that many Indigenous people experience relative to other Australians. International literature often frames such issues in terms of the contested concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion. This paper attempts to analyse what Indigenous social inclusion might look like in a plural society such as Australia. In addition to contextualising Australian policy in broader debates, this paper also briefly introduces several relevant theories of justice, diversity and Indigenous rights to provide a theoretical framework for conceptualising social inclusion. The article concludes with some reflections on some practical suggestions to move the debate forward. In principle, enhancing Indigenous social and political participation in policy design should both increase inclusion and reduce disadvantage by enhancing the effectiveness of programs that have a substantial Indigenous client base.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly stated that the topic of network effectiveness has often been neglected. This has led to a situation ofnetwork euphoriaamongst practitioners and policymakers with regard to the creation of networks as a means to (re‐)organize welfare provision. Starting from a case study of networks for welfare provision in two Belgian cities, this article focuses on the effectiveness of service delivering networks at the client level, which is understood as the contribution of the network in improving the conditions of life of those being served or targeted by the network. Therefore, we focused on the collective efforts via these networks (e.g. by creating a night shelter or by conducting case consultations) to look after a population of homeless people who face multiple problems and are not able yet to benefit from welfare provision. Our findings revealed that these networks were able to realize acollaborative advantageby filling in service gaps and by overcoming fragmentation of care. Nevertheless, these networks equally maintained criteria that restricted the accessibility or usefulness of welfare services provided to homeless people. In the concluding section, we highlight some of the factors that could help us to explain our findings and highlight the tension between the effectiveness of networks at the client level and the effectiveness at the organizational level.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic perspective in which the psychological contract is treated as a structured set of beliefs that are held by individual employees about the mutual obligations of the organization as employer and themselves as employees. This set of beliefs is assumed to produce a state of commitment to the organization in which the employee is willing to accept work roles and tasks offered by the organization, and to carry them out in accordance with certain standards. The dynamic model that is presented can help to explain why the commitment of employees remains relatively stable over time, and why it may suddenly decrease or increase under circumstances that are perceived as critical by the employee. The model assumes that the employee's evaluation of the organization's behavior changes over time, but that the structure of the psychological contract and the associated commitment change only when certain limits are overstepped. This perspective on changes in the psychological contract transforms the concept into a powerful construct that may lead to fruitful research on the dynamics of organization‐employee relationships. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

张改珍  李东升 《创新》2010,4(2):68-72
斯诺先生于1959年提出了"两种文化"问题。沟通科学与人文,有两种可能的视角,即站在一方的角度看另一方;站在第三方的角度看两方。结果是找出科学与人文的共同属性、差异和相互补充点。与两种视角、四种研究进路相匹配,有三种潜在的行动者:人文学家和人文工作者;科学家及科学工作者;兼通文理者,科学技术研究学家(者)与政府官员。同时,普通民众也是沟通科学与人文的潜在行动者。行动者们充分互动,从理论和实践两方面积极努力,是沟通科学与人文的有力尝试。  相似文献   

董金秋  王平 《社会》2002,8(9):39-41
企业是现代社会经济活动中普遍的组织形式 ,而企业家则是企业运作的核心。一个社会如果没有一支德才兼备、开拓创新的企业家队伍 ,那么它就很难具有生机活力 ,也不会有迅速的发展。国外理论界关于企业家角色的理论很多 ,如萨伊的企业家“协调者”角色 ,熊彼特的企业家“创新者角色” ,卡森的企业家“判断性决策者”角色以及企业家的“不确定性承担者”角色等。特别是经济学家熊彼特更为强调企业家的重要作用 ,认为企业家才是社会发展的主角、中坚力量 ,而且他正是在企业家理论的基础这上 ,构建了别人无法比拟的经济学理论体系。在我国 ,学术…  相似文献   

Intersubjectivity: Towards a Dialogical Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intersubjectivity refers to the variety of possible relations between perspectives. It is indispensable for understanding human social behaviour. While theoretical work on intersubjectivity is relatively sophisticated, methodological approaches to studying intersubjectivity lag behind. Most methodologies assume that individuals are the unit of analysis. In order to research intersubjectivity, however, methodologies are needed that take relationships as the unit of analysis. The first aim of this article is to review existing methodologies for studying intersubjectivity. Four methodological approaches are reviewed: comparative self-report, observing behaviour, analysing talk and ethnographic engagement. The second aim of the article is to introduce and contribute to the development of a dialogical method of analysis. The dialogical approach enables the study of intersubjectivity at different levels, as both implicit and explicit, and both within and between individuals and groups. The article concludes with suggestions for using the proposed method for researching intersubjectivity both within individuals and between individuals and groups.  相似文献   

义务性关系:情感性关系与工具性关系之外   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈毅 《社会》2003,(9):21-25
将人际关系划分为工具性关系与情感性关系通常是以个体具备交往的选择性为前提的,因此这两种关系实质属于可以进展、又可退化的交往必关系。而在中国社会,大量关系可能蕴涵着难以摆脱的伦理义务,从而形成了缺乏选择的义务性关系,其中包括先赋性的亲情型与获致性的恩情型两种类型。相对于交往性关系而言,义务性关系往往处于优先性的地位,义务集中体现在重要资源的“无私”给予中。  相似文献   

Splitting Difference: Psychoanalysis, Hatred and Exclusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I will argue that the inclusion of certain aspects of psychoanalytic theory into sociological analysis can be particularly enlightening in specific areas of social research where traditional theory and practice have failed to explain phenomena satisfactorily. This is arguably the case in the explanation of hatred and exclusion, where powerful affective forces fuel racist discourse and support structures of discimination. This is not presented as an antithesis or critique of contemporary sociological methodologies, rather as an addition, a tool through which another dimension of exploration is added to give a greater understanding of conflict arising in social life. This paper seeks to reveal the affective forces that shape motivation in everyday life, influencing social structure and leading to the maltreatment of people because of their 'otherness'.  相似文献   

Globalization has played a major role in redefining the nature of the welfare state and the ways in which social work practice is being undertaken in a number of different countries. Moreover, its impact has been to exacerbate gendered and racialized social relations. In this article, I explore the changes that globalization has wrought on the social work profession. These have resulted in neo-liberialist policies that have contributed to the realization of a purchaser-provider split in service delivery, the commodification of inter-personal relationships embodied in caring work and the creation of a technicist cadre to deal with vulnerable people in need. I conclude by arguing that social workers need to engage in a public debate which challenges this state of affairs and form alliances with clients, professional associations, trade unions, politicians and other professional groupings in order to set a new welfare agenda which replaces profit-making with social justice to ensure that needs-led assessments and people are at the heart of their professional remit.  相似文献   

This article is based on my study of rationality and language games in social work. The study focuses on the actors of social welfare and health care. Included are the heads and social workers of public welfare and health care agencies and institutions, officials of voluntary organizations, and activists in social change-oriented action groups. The objects of this study also differ with respect of their official status, area of responsibility, and position at work. The study tries to increase the understanding of the basic rationalities which are guiding social work as part of the daily routines, and of how the actors articulate and legitimate themselves, one another and the others, i.e. clients etc. The empirical data were collected using questionnaries. The study shows that organizational affiliation and area of concern do not bring about a systematic variation in the views of the respondents. The results then indicate the existence of a specific culture, a code of social work. The actors legitimate themselves according to system rationality. The system is considered to be outside the immediate scene of social work practice, which is articulated according to life-world premises. In client-centered social work, the external controlling and administrating system rationality threatens life-world aspects by neglecting social work as a process based on involvement, dialogue and change.  相似文献   

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