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中国各地区人口结构与储蓄率关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国各省级行政区1989~2005年的人口统计数据和经济统计数据,文章研究了各地区人口转变对各地区储蓄率的影响。分析表明,储蓄率和少儿抚养比间存在负相关关系,和老年抚养比间存在正相关关系;基于2000年各地区人口预期寿命和储蓄率的分析,证实了生命周期假说预言的储蓄率和人口预期寿命间的正相关关系。  相似文献   

本文基于CGSS2013年9600位居民的调查数据,实证分析了医疗卫生、住房保障与居民生活满意度之间的逻辑关系.研究发现,医疗卫生和住房保障对居民生活满意度有显著正向影响;两者通过个体状况、社会态度和政府服务中间变量间接影响居民生活满意度的程度几乎都要大于直接影响程度;医疗卫生和住房保障服务供给的充足性、均衡性以及民众获取的便利性是影响居民生活满意度的主要因素;医疗卫生、住房保障逐步地走向市场化并逐渐被民众所接受.研究进一步表明,医疗卫生和住房保障对不同群体的居民生活满意度均有显著影响.  相似文献   

This paper investigates ten Asian nations to consider how socio-economic values affect happiness and satisfaction. Moreover, it considers whether economic factors can strongly affect wellbeing under certain conditions. Males in Asia are said they have more opportunities to obtain higher happiness and satisfaction but it does not happen in the current study. Unemployment has negative and significant impact with regard to happiness and satisfaction in developing countries yet it does not have the same effect in developed nations. It is believed cultural value positively affects happiness and satisfaction in East Asia but the result in the models is different with no clear relationship between this variable and wellbeing. Furthermore, some people declare that a relative increase of income compared to the lowest group will lead them to lower life satisfaction.  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市流动人口中未成年人迅速增多,流动未成年人的越轨问题亦日趋严重。论文基于在东莞为期两年的实证调研资料。分析影响流动未成年人越轨行为的主要因素;提炼具有新意的流动未成年人越轨行为解释的理论模型:最后提出干预和控制流动未成年人越轨行为的对策建议。  相似文献   

西方现代新家庭经济学以经济人假说为理论前提 ,进行家庭生育行为的经济分析。文章对家庭生育行为所具有自利性、理性和追求效用最大化特征进行理性剖析  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(7):921-958
Empirical gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) research has passed through three stages. Transitions between stages have been caused by an interaction of empirical research and institutional policies. The first period is from the late 1800s up to 1972, when research focused on categorizing homosexuality as a disease, treatments for homosexuality, and then research refuting the disease model. The second period ran from 1972 to approximately 1990, when researchers began to apply the disease model not to GLBT persons, but rather to those having negative attitudes toward homosexuality (homophobia), and researchers began to look at what it was like to be a GLBT person from GLBT persons' perspectives. The third period began in the early 1990s and continues today, when researchers focus on institutions, particularly action research aimed at changing institutions.  相似文献   

家务分配及其公平性--上海市的经验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章利用第二期上海妇女社会地位调查的1921个已婚男女样本资料,将个人的绝对和相对资源、生活经历、夫妻互动、性别文化规范和工作时间限制作为初始变量,将男女各自认同的自己承担家务的相对量作为中间变量,通过路径分析方法发现,家务分担的相对量与妻子的公平感认同呈最大负相关,并成为其他因素影响其公平感的中介,但与丈夫的公平感无显著相关。  相似文献   

We examine the perception of social exclusion and quality of life and their interactions among a group of Turkish citizens. For this purpose we used the social exclusion scale developed by Jehoel-Gijsbers and Vrooman and the WHOQOL-BREF scale. The study group consists of 2,493 participants who are residents of a city in Turkey. Our study was based on self reporting and voluntary participation. We used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) for the analysis. We observed significant paths among several dimensions of quality of life and social exclusion. We found that the material deprivation dimension of social exclusion has a direct and negative impact on the environment and social relationships domains of quality of life. The material deprivation dimension explains 36% of the variation in the environment and 16% of the variation in social relationship domains of quality of life. This finding indicates that the material deprivation and social participation play an important role in the perception of environmental and psychological life quality. Physical health, social relationships, and environmental domains of life quality are important in the social participation dimension of perceived social exclusion.  相似文献   

我国人口迁移过程中的空间效应实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在引力方程的框架下,基于O?D模型,针对现有研究忽视空间效应的现状,利用空间计量方法对我国人口迁移中的空间效应进行了实证研究。分析结果表明,引入空间效应后,不仅能够较好地解释我国人口在省际间的迁移,而且可以更深入地了解我国现阶段各省区间人口迁移的机制和方式。这不但是对人口迁移理论的有益扩展,对我国东西部地区人口合理流动,协调区域经济发展更是具有深刻的意义。  相似文献   

重庆市产业结构与就业结构变动关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘耀森 《西北人口》2012,33(2):53-56,62
在经济发展过程中,就业结构与产业结构之间存在着极为密切的互动关系。本文在分析改革开放以来重庆市产业结构与就业结构演变趋势的基础上,运用协整检验和广义最小二乘法测算了产业结构对就业结构的影响程度,计算了产业结构与就业结构的偏离度。研究发现,重庆市第一产业产值与其就业人数之间不存在长期的协整关系,其产值增长的同时并未带动就业人数的增加,反而对本已存在的剩余劳动力具有一定的挤出效应。第二和三产业对促进就业量的增长均具有积极作用,但第三产业吸纳劳动力就业的能力明显大于第二产业。  相似文献   

我国人口素质与经济协调发展关系的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用因子综合得分对人口素质和经济系统进行协调分析,得出结论2000年与1990年相比,经济系统对人口素质的协调程度下降,人口素质对经济系统的协调程度稍有改善,人口素质开始在经济发展中发挥出重要的作用,但是人口素质提高的速度慢于经济发展的速度,人口素质有落后于经济发展的要求的趋势。  相似文献   

张韵  陆杰华 《南方人口》2022,37(3):1-12
基于CLHLS生化数据,本文以客观条件与主观感知二种维度考察了社会隔离与老年人代谢综合征(MetS)、日常生活活动能力(ADL)与工具性日常生活活动能力(IADL)的相互影响关系。通过交叉滞后模型的分析,本文的主要研究结果表明:其一,客观条件社会隔离与老年人生理健康之间的相互影响关系,实际上可能是由年龄、性别等人口学特征因素造成的。其二,主观感知社会隔离对老年人生理健康有显著影响,其影响机制包括对生理代谢功能(MetS)和生活自理能力(IADL)的改变,且不受人口学特征因素影响。其三,日常生活能力(ADL)反过来对于老年人的主观感知社会隔离有显著加强。因此,我们认为主观社会隔离是解释社会隔离与老年人生理健康之间的相互影响关系的关键。对于老年人主观感知的社会隔离应当通过多种途径进行干预加以缓解,并且,对于有日常生活活动能力障碍老人,尤其应当注重为其提供有效的生活服务以及心理慰藉以缓解其孤独和无助感。  相似文献   

Family systems theory points to the interconnected nature of dyadic relationships within the family unit, arguing for attention to how the parental relationship shapes their ties to and interactions with their children. Grounded in family systems theory, we consider how relationship churning—defined as being in an on-again/off-again relationship with the same partner—is associated with father involvement. We use data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to examine how father involvement among relationship churners compares with father involvement among those in three other relationship types (measured during the first five years of the focal child’s life): stably together relationships, stably broken-up relationships, and repartnered relationships. First, we find that churning fathers remain more involved with their 9-year-old children than do parents who stably break up or repartner, but they are less involved than those who are stably together. Second, lower relationship quality among churners—and, to a lesser extent, repartnering and childbearing with a new partner—explains some of the differences in father involvement between churners and the stably together. Third, these differences are most apparent among parents not living together when father involvement is measured. Taken together, the focus on relationship churning extends prior research on the association between relationship transitions and father involvement by separating relationship instability from partner change.  相似文献   

魏莉莉  孙抱弘 《西北人口》2009,30(4):48-52,57
本文通过对18名在沪香港人的个案访谈实证研究。探讨了香港人在上海的社会融合情况,主要从经济、生活、心理和文化几方面展开,同时对香港人在上海发展面临的机遇和挑战以及上海存在的优点和不足等进行了分析和思考。研究中。许多香港人表达了对上海生活的满意,但同时认为上海在政府管理体制、工作理念和个人素养等方面与香港存在一定差距.需要上海在未来的建设中加以关注和改进。  相似文献   

本文采用现代计量经济学方法研究1986至2010年我国建设占用耕地数量与我国城镇化水平之间的双向作用机制.研究结果表明:从长期来看,我国建设占用耕地数量序列与城镇化水平序列具有协整关系,即两者之间存在长期均衡关系;从短期来看,尽管二者受随机干扰的影响可能会偏离长期均衡关系,但偏离是暂时的,建设占用耕地数量的短期波动向长期均衡趋近的调整幅度大于城镇化水平;建设占用耕地数量与城镇化水平之间相互作用的效果存在明显差异.城镇化水平的冲击对建设占用耕地数量的影响强烈,建设占用耕地数量的变化对城镇化水平的影响微弱.因此,为了协调与缓解城镇化发展与耕地保护之间的矛盾,我国在加强耕地保护的同时,应提高城镇用地的集约利用水平,维护土地市场的正常供需秩序,做到耕地保护与城镇化发展并行不悖.  相似文献   

The new forms of atypical contracts increasingly diffused beside standard permanent full-time employment has been argued being detrimental for workers’ mental health. Despite a growing body of studies is now appearing on the topic, they generally fail to recognize that atypical workers represent a heterogeneous group. This study addresses such oversight for Italy by scrutinizing the association between four major domains of mental health—vitality, social functioning, role emotional, and general mental health—and six types of atypical contract—temporary, casual, part-time by choice permanent, part-time by choice temporary, not chosen part-time permanent, and not chosen part-time temporary. First, we find that mental health is compromised by atypical working arrangements depending on the specific atypical contract considered. Second, we verify that the choice of the atypical experience is relevant in shaping the relationship with mental health (a novelty for Italy). Third, we prove that, regardless the type of contract, variations across mental health outcomes exist. We conclude that more reflection is needed when designing studies on atypical works and their consequences on workers’ well-being.  相似文献   

徐媛媛  孙浩  燕彬 《西北人口》2016,(5):112-118
计划生育政策实施以来,我国人口年龄结构发生了剧烈变动,农村居民消费严重不足,扩大内需成为新常态下我国经济发展的战略方向。基于2001~2013年省际面板数据,运用一步系统广义矩估计法,实证研究了西北五省农村地区人口年龄结构变动对农村居民消费的影响,结果显示:西北五省农村少儿抚养比和农村老年抚养比均与居民消费呈同向变动关系,有效地支持了生命周期假说;城镇化水平与农村居民消费则呈负向关系。  相似文献   

大城市人口郊区化与住宅空间分布的效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着城市化的发展 ,人口郊区化已经成为一些大城市 ,尤其成为像上海、北京这样的大城市发展的主要特征之一。人口郊区化与城市住宅空间分布呈现出新的关系 ,本文以上海市为例分析了人口郊区化与大城市住宅空间分布的效应关系。  相似文献   

新疆人力资本与区域经济增长动态关系实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取新疆1980—2010年数据,在把人力资本分为一般人才和高层次人才的基础上,建立向量自回归模型对新疆高层次人才、一般人才和区域经济增长之间的动态关系进行了研究,对高层次人才、一般人才、区域经济增长的动态影响中各变量的贡献率进行了方差分解分析。实证结果表明:高层次人才、一般人才与新疆区域经济增长之间是相互促进的;一般人才比高层次人才对新疆区域经济增长的贡献更大;一般人才和高层次人才之间也是相互促进的,短期内大力培养一般人才对促进新疆区域经济增长意义更大。  相似文献   

本研究从不同层面、不同角度调查流动人口性与生殖健康的知识、态度和行为的现状.分析影响该人群性和生殖健康水平以及他们在获取生殖健康服务方面所遇到的障碍。研究提示流动人口婚前性行为相当活跃,婚外性行为相对自由,性满意度较高,性行为的影响因素多,存在一定程度的强迫性行和性压抑。  相似文献   

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