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Bandwidth selection is an important problem of kernel density estimation. Traditional simple and quick bandwidth selectors usually oversmooth the density estimate. Existing sophisticated selectors usually have computational difficulties and occasionally do not exist. Besides, they may not be robust against outliers in the sample data, and some are highly variable, tending to undersmooth the density. In this paper, a highly robust simple and quick bandwidth selector is proposed, which adapts to different types of densities.  相似文献   

A local orthogonal polynomial expansion (LOrPE) of the empirical density function is proposed as a novel method to estimate the underlying density. The estimate is constructed by matching localised expectation values of orthogonal polynomials to the values observed in the sample. LOrPE is related to several existing methods, and generalises straightforwardly to multivariate settings. By manner of construction, it is similar to local likelihood density estimation (LLDE). In the limit of small bandwidths, LOrPE functions as kernel density estimation (KDE) with high-order (effective) kernels inherently free of boundary bias, a natural consequence of kernel reshaping to accommodate endpoints. Consistency and faster asymptotic convergence rates follow. In the limit of large bandwidths LOrPE is equivalent to orthogonal series density estimation (OSDE) with Legendre polynomials, thereby inheriting its consistency. We compare the performance of LOrPE to KDE, LLDE, and OSDE, in a number of simulation studies. In terms of mean integrated squared error, the results suggest that with a proper balance of the two tuning parameters, bandwidth and degree, LOrPE generally outperforms these competitors when estimating densities with sharply truncated supports.  相似文献   

The kernel method of estimation of curves is now popular and widely used in statistical applications. Kernel estimators suffer from boundary effects, however, when the support of the function to be estimated has finite endpoints. Several solutions to this problem have already been proposed. Here the authors develop a new method of boundary correction for kernel density estimation. Their technique is a kind of generalized reflection involving transformed data. It generates a class of boundary corrected estimators having desirable properties such as local smoothness and nonnegativity. Simulations show that the proposed method performs quite well when compared with the existing methods for almost all shapes of densities. The authors present the theory behind this new methodology, and they determine the bias and variance of their estimators.  相似文献   

Let f(x) and g(x) denote two probability density functions and g(x)≠0. There are two ways to estimate the density ratio f(x)/g(x). One is to estimate f(x) and g(x) first and then the ratio, the other is to estimate f(x)/g(x) directly. In this paper, we derive asymptotic mean square errors and central limit theorems for both estimators.  相似文献   

We propose a new nonparametric estimator for the density function of multivariate bounded data. As frequently observed in practice, the variables may be partially bounded (e.g. nonnegative) or completely bounded (e.g. in the unit interval). In addition, the variables may have a point mass. We reduce the conditions on the underlying density to a minimum by proposing a nonparametric approach. By using a gamma, a beta, or a local linear kernel (also called boundary kernels), in a product kernel, the suggested estimator becomes simple in implementation and robust to the well known boundary bias problem. We investigate the mean integrated squared error properties, including the rate of convergence, uniform strong consistency and asymptotic normality. We establish consistency of the least squares cross-validation method to select optimal bandwidth parameters. A detailed simulation study investigates the performance of the estimators. Applications using lottery and corporate finance data are provided.  相似文献   

Davis (1977) proposed the use of a kernel density estimate which is the sample characteristic function integrated over (-A(n) , A(n)), where A(n) is chosen to minimize the mean integrated square error of the estimate. The scalar, A(n), is determined by the sample size and the population characteristic function. This paper investigates, in a Monte Carlo study, the mean integrated square error obtained under a procedure suggested by Davis (1977) for estimating A(n) when the population characteristic function is unknown.  相似文献   

The Amoroso kernel density estimator (Igarashi and Kakizawa 2017 Igarashi, G., and Y. Kakizawa. 2017. Amoroso kernel density estimation for nonnegative data and its bias reduction. Department of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper Series No. 1345, University of Tsukuba. [Google Scholar]) for non-negative data is boundary-bias-free and has the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of order O(n? 4/5), where n is the sample size. In this paper, we construct a linear combination of the Amoroso kernel density estimator and its derivative with respect to the smoothing parameter. Also, we propose a related multiplicative estimator. We show that the MISEs of these bias-reduced estimators achieve the convergence rates n? 8/9, if the underlying density is four times continuously differentiable. We illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators, through the simulations.  相似文献   

We introduce an estimator for the population mean based on maximizing likelihoods formed from a symmetric kernel density estimate. Due to these origins, we have dubbed the estimator the symmetric maximum kernel likelihood estimate (smkle). A speedy computational method to compute the smkle based on binning is implemented in a simulation study which shows that the smkle at an optimal bandwidth is decidedly superior in terms of efficiency to the sample mean and other measures of location for heavy-tailed symmetric distributions. An empirical rule and a computational method to estimate this optimal bandwidth are developed and used to construct bootstrap confidence intervals for the population mean. We show that the intervals have approximately nominal coverage and have significantly smaller average width than the corresponding intervals for other measures of location.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nonparametric deconvolution problem when the true density function is left (or right) truncated. We propose to remove the boundary effect of the conventional deconvolution density estimator by using a special class of kernels: the deconvolution boundary kernels. Methods for constructing such kernels are provided. The mean squared error properties, including the rates of convergence, are investigated for supersmooth and ordinary smooth errors. Numerical simulations show that the deconvolution boundary kernel estimator successfully removes the boundary effects of the conventional deconvolution density estimator.  相似文献   

Nonparametric density estimation in the presence of measurement error is considered. The usual kernel deconvolution estimator seeks to account for the contamination in the data by employing a modified kernel. In this paper a new approach based on a weighted kernel density estimator is proposed. Theoretical motivation is provided by the existence of a weight vector that perfectly counteracts the bias in density estimation without generating an excessive increase in variance. In practice a data driven method of weight selection is required. Our strategy is to minimize the discrepancy between a standard kernel estimate from the contaminated data on the one hand, and the convolution of the weighted deconvolution estimate with the measurement error density on the other hand. We consider a direct implementation of this approach, in which the weights are optimized subject to sum and non-negativity constraints, and a regularized version in which the objective function includes a ridge-type penalty. Numerical tests suggest that the weighted kernel estimation can lead to tangible improvements in performance over the usual kernel deconvolution estimator. Furthermore, weighted kernel estimates are free from the problem of negative estimation in the tails that can occur when using modified kernels. The weighted kernel approach generalizes to the case of multivariate deconvolution density estimation in a very straightforward manner.  相似文献   

A new procedure is proposed for deriving variable bandwidths in univariate kernel density estimation, based upon likelihood cross-validation and an analysis of a Bayesian graphical model. The procedure admits bandwidth selection which is flexible in terms of the amount of smoothing required. In addition, the basic model can be extended to incorporate local smoothing of the density estimate. The method is shown to perform well in both theoretical and practical situations, and we compare our method with those of Abramson (The Annals of Statistics 10: 1217–1223) and Sain and Scott (Journal of the American Statistical Association 91: 1525–1534). In particular, we note that in certain cases, the Sain and Scott method performs poorly even with relatively large sample sizes.We compare various bandwidth selection methods using standard mean integrated square error criteria to assess the quality of the density estimates. We study situations where the underlying density is assumed both known and unknown, and note that in practice, our method performs well when sample sizes are small. In addition, we also apply the methods to real data, and again we believe our methods perform at least as well as existing methods.  相似文献   

A bandwidth selection method that combines the concept of least-squares cross-validation and the plug-in approach is being introduced in connection with kernel density estimation. A simulation study reveals that this hybrid methodology outperforms some commonly used bandwidth selection rules. It is shown that the proposed approach can also be readily employed in the context of variable kernel density estimation. We conclude with two illustrative examples.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on bivariate kernel density estimation that bridges the gap between univariate and multivariate applications. We propose a subsampling-extrapolation bandwidth matrix selector that improves the reliability of the conventional cross-validation method. The proposed procedure combines a U-statistic expression of the mean integrated squared error and asymptotic theory, and can be used in both cases of diagonal bandwidth matrix and unconstrained bandwidth matrix. In the subsampling stage, one takes advantage of the reduced variability of estimating the bandwidth matrix at a smaller subsample size m (m < n); in the extrapolation stage, a simple linear extrapolation is used to remove the incurred bias. Simulation studies reveal that the proposed method reduces the variability of the cross-validation method by about 50% and achieves an expected integrated squared error that is up to 30% smaller than that of the benchmark cross-validation. It shows comparable or improved performance compared to other competitors across six distributions in terms of the expected integrated squared error. We prove that the components of the selected bivariate bandwidth matrix have an asymptotic multivariate normal distribution, and also present the relative rate of convergence of the proposed bandwidth selector.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a nonparametric estimator of the spectral density by smoothing the periodogram using beta kernel density. The estimator is proved to be bounded for short memory data and diverges at the origin for long memory data. The convergence in probability of the relative error and Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed estimator automatically adapts to the long- and the short-range dependency of the process. A cross-validation procedure is studied in order to select the nuisance parameter of the estimator. Illustrations on historical as well as most recent returns and absolute returns of the S&P500 index show the performance of the beta kernel estimator. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 582–595; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Estimators of derivatives of a density function based on polynomial multiples of kernels are compared with those based on differentiated kernels.  相似文献   


The non parametric approach is considered to estimate probability density function (Pdf) which is supported on(0, ∞). This approach is the inverse gamma kernel. We show that it has same properties as gamma, reciprocal inverse Gaussian, and inverse Gaussian kernels such that it is free of the boundary bias, non negative, and it achieves the optimal rate of convergence for the mean integrated squared error. Also some properties of the estimator were established such as bias and variance. Comparison of the bandwidth selection methods for inverse gamma kernel estimation of Pdf is done.  相似文献   

The authors give the exact asymptotic behaviour of the expected average absolute error of a beta kernel density estimator proposed by Chen (1999). They also prove the uniform weak consistency of this estimator for the class of continuous densities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an algorithm for clustering based on univariate kernel density estimation, named ClusterKDE. It consists of an iterative procedure that in each step a new cluster is obtained by minimizing a smooth kernel function. Although in our applications we have used the univariate Gaussian kernel, any smooth kernel function can be used. The proposed algorithm has the advantage of not requiring a priori the number of cluster. Furthermore, the ClusterKDE algorithm is very simple, easy to implement, well-defined and stops in a finite number of steps, namely, it always converges independently of the initial point. We also illustrate our findings by numerical experiments which are obtained when our algorithm is implemented in the software Matlab and applied to practical applications. The results indicate that the ClusterKDE algorithm is competitive and fast when compared with the well-known Clusterdata and K-means algorithms, used by Matlab to clustering data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the study of beta kernel density estimators from an asymptotic minimax point of view. These estimators allows to estimate density functions with support in [0,1]. It is well-known that beta kernel estimators are - on the contrary of classical kernel estimators - “free of boundary effect” and thus are very useful in practice. The goal of this paper is to prove that there is a price to pay: for very regular density functions or for certain losses, these estimators are not minimax. Nevertheless they are minimax for classical regularities such as regularity of order two or less than two, supposed commonly in the practice and for some classical losses.  相似文献   

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